HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-09-14, Page 8Page eight rxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxi FALL ANNOUNCEMENT N ■A Exclusive Ladies' Mantles The Roger's Garments Dress Materials All wool Dress Goods in fast colors, Silk, Georgette Crepes, Plaids and Checks. Fancy Neckwear In White Crepe Collars, Collar and Cuff Setts in plain and fancy Organdies and Voiles. Men's Tailoring Our Fall Samples for "Art Clothes" has quality in their $25 and $27.50 Suits. Wet Weather Goods True Fit Raincoats for Ladies and Men i:n the mew Tweeds and Paramatta, in. the loose belted styles $5.00 to $12.00 each HANNA & CO. Phone 7o. THE WI ARAM ADV.A.NCE Myth Mr,and lairs, Scott of °healey, visit- ed Rev.D. Turner and Mre. Turner at the manse over Sunday, Mrs. A. Carr spent a few days in Toronto during the week, Division Court was held on Friday, a number of cases were disposed of, owing to the illness of Judge, Holt, Lawyer Brydone of Clinton, was a sub. etitute. Mr. Herb Wightman of Fort William, called on friends in this vicinity during the week, Rev. D. W. Turner hae received a call ' from the congregation of Galvin Presbyterian Church, Montreal, A successful field day was held on Friday, races and a ball game between. the Harlock girls and the girls of the public school the latter winning out. The band rendered several selections, In the evening a concert was held in Industry Hall and the proceeds of the day amount to over $100 which will he donated to the Red Orose Fund, Morris 'Bert 'Watson has gone on. a trip to the West. Miss Maude Bell has returned from an extended visit at Wingham. Wm. and Mrs. Michie and daughter, Roberta of Galt, were holiday visitors with Morris relatives, Mrs. Pinch and children, Stratford. were visiting the Shurrie and Bradshaw families, 4th line, Alex. and Mrs. Hood, of Pontiac,Mich. are holidaying with relatives and friends in this township and Blyth. Last week Miss Dora Watson left for Hepworth, Ont., where she has taken a school. We expect she will do well. Eddie Mattelle and Miss Annie Rozell, Clinton, were renewing old friendships with relatives and friends in this locality. Peter McDonald, Kitchener, Ont., was renewing old friendships in this locality during the past week. He is a brother of Dougal McDonald, 7th line, and a ormer resident of Morris. S. T. and Mrs. Bobier and children of Guelph, were holiday visitors at Harry Johnson's. Mr. B. was formerly G. T. R. agent at Belgrave. M. M. and Mrs. Cardiff, who have' been visiting here for the past year at their old homestead. 6th line, have returned to the West. We wish them well. Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg attended the Exhibition at Toronto last week. While there they enjoyed very much the play, "The Birth of a Nation". Arthur Shaw, jr , son of Treasurer and Mrs. Shaw, will commence his medical course this fall in Toronto. He is a clever young man and should do well in the profession of his choice. Many friends wish him splendid progress. Mrs. Wm. Brown, Carsonville, Mich , and her sons, George and James and their wives were here on a visit to Mrs. Hugh Hanna, 6th line, the former's sister and Mt's. W. H. Armstsong, 5th line, a neice. The party came by motor and had an enjoyable tour. Belgrave We are sorry to report that Mr, D. Sproat was taken back to the hospital Last week for a slight operation but at the last report was doing nicely, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Scott of Milton, are visiting friends around this vicin- ity. Private Willie Burney of Exeter, was calling at the hcme of his uncle, Robt. Stonehouse: East Wawanosh. Mie. John Couites does not Improve very rapidly. Mre, Stewart was the guest of Mre. D. Dunbar over Sunday, Mr, and Mre, Peter D, Scott, Milton are visiting friends here this week, P. W. Scott and Melville Brpdwin left on Monday morning for Tor onto Ex- hibition, Mee Ina Gibson of Auburn spent the past week at the home of her cousin Mrs. O. E, Taylor. 11 Ir. and Mrs. MacGregor have got comfortably settled on W. E. Scott's farm 8th line, Mr. Gordon Walsh attended the Auburn anniversary Sunday evening. Quite number from around sere intend taking in London Exhibition next week, The Fall wheat is nearly all sown although there was considerable diffi- culty in cultivating the land on account of lack of rain. Several of this vicinity have pur- chased some of the Crushed Stone Fertilizer manufactured by Dames and Cardiff of Brussels and if it proves a success it will be sown instead of the more expensive fertilizer. Mr. John Anderson of the States' is visiting hie parents Lith line, There is a new mail man on R, IL No, 1 but the old one will be much missed as he was so courteous to everyone. Mr. 0. Anderson motored to Centralia Monday evening and returned with his mother who was visiting at her daughter's there. Mise Dalley Rose of Montana, 'was visiting Mrs. W. 3, Geddes. Mr. and Mrs, T. Soandrett and daughter, Edna, are spending the week with friends in London. Rev. Johnston of Ethel, and Rev. Parnaby of Belgrave, exchanged pul• pits on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Grey, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Scand- rett. Rev. and Mrs. Parnaby, Rev. and Mrs, Boyle and Mrs. 3.. A. Brandon motored to London to attend the Fair this week, The Patriotic Society held a success- ful Field Day on Saturday of last week on the field of Mr. Jordan ad- joining the village. The day was all that could be wished for and a splen- did crowd turned out to enjoy the af- ternoon's sports. There were two baseball matches played, thhe moat interesting being the oue between the 6th Iine girls and the McGowan girls, which resulted in favor of the latter, There were other amusements on the grounds, one in particular being the Fishing Pond, Mr. Dingwell enliven. ed the crowd by playing several pieces on the bag -pipes. Supper was served and everyone left feeling they had openta most enjoyable time. To•al proceeds 8160. Rev, A. M, Boyle preached to the soldiers in Knox church last Sunday. Messrs. Murray Johnson, Mell Bradburn, Peter W. Scott and Alex Cloakey were among those who took in Toronto Ex. last week. Wm. Cook has sold his 100 acre farm on the 5 line of Morris to Newton McAuley the price paid is said to be $6,000, Possession will be given this fall. Mrs. Will Proctor hae been 111 for some days at her sister's at Blyth. No service in the Presbyterian church next Sunday on account of anniversary services of Calvin, Mrs. John McCarter and Mrs. James Clark took in Loadon Fair on Tues. day. Messrs. Reid and Stapleton of Turn - berry, are threshing around this vic- inity and doing good work. WAR LOAN DOMINION OF CANADA YIELDING PRACTICALLY 5.35 As with the previous Loan, we predict a great success for this issue. During this period of stress our Government needs our help and counts upon our patriotism. But a chance is given investors of placing their money in securities of the highest grade, upon terms the liberality of which will, perhaps, not be fully realized until the return of normal times. If this Loan were issued to yield 4i%, instead of about 5.35 %, the price would be 105.41, instead of 97.50. A 4% yield (the basis on which Dominion Government bonds sold so recently as 1914) would mean a price of 111 for the present issue. We will forward your application, procure your allotment and render other services free of charge to you. To ensure allotment application should be made at once I'nvestmen't Bankers A. Er AMES & CON 63 KING STREET WEST Toronto* Canada Established 11389 (2' *raid detay we suggest using form below, (f regular form fa not on hold.) Dominion of Canada Loan Due 1931 SIESSRS A. la AMES & CO., Date • 1914' 8. King St. West, Toronto, Canada. ')ear Sirs: thereby authorize you to enter ,ny subscription for $ Dominion of Canada loan in accordance with the ter fts of the Official Prospectus. lir.. game in MMur Street address (or O. Box).. Pi'tteit Province,..._ Al4444.44„444444tgott.Nal"1 Bluevale Miss Viola McLeod entertained a num- ber of her girl friends on Labor Day. Corporal D. O. Toole of Barriefield Camp, Kingston, spent a few days last week at the home 01 Mr. Jos, Robb. Mr. Robt. Warwick, Mrs. Campbell' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Forrest and niece, Miss Christie Forrest, motored to Sea - forth last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Forrest. Mrs, Robt. Musgrove is at present visiting friends at Toronto. Mrs, Rolph and Mrs. McLeod spent a few days this week with relatives at Lon• don. Mr. and Mrs. David Jewitt visited with relatives at Dungannon on Sunday. Mrs, Hugh Allison is at Woodstock with her brother who is seriously ill in the hospital there. Rev, D. D..Thompson and sons mot- ored to London and spent a few days at the Western Fair. • WINQnAM, MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon,) Wheat, new,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 20 to •1 25 Flour, per owt., patent, . 4 40 to 4 00 Flour, per cwt., family, , 3 80 to 4 00 Bran, per ton 27 00 to 27 00 Shorts, per ton 20 00 to 20 00 Oats, .... 0 50 to 0 02 Barley 0 00 to 0 05 Hay, new . 00 to 10 00 Butter, per lb --Dairy , , 0 26 to 0 32 Eggs, per dozen '1 27 to 0 30 Cattle, medium butchers 7 25 to 7 75 Cattle, butchere choice. , 8 00 to 8 75 Hogs, live weight .. , 11 75 to 12 00 Lamb (owt) 0 00 to It, 01) Hams, per ib 0 28 to 0 20 Bacon long clear.., ... , . 0 25 to 0 25 Sheep Skins 1 00 to 1 15 Hides 11. 00 to 11 00 Mrs. Bailey of Ottawa, is at present visiting relatives here. Mr. Harold Procter spent a few days, this week with Jas. Masters. Mrs. R. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Art Shaw motored to Mitchell to attend the funeral of their cousin last Saturday. Pte. Herb Powell visited friends at Gorrie last Sunday. Mr. John Wilburn; ex=soldier has se cured employment will the Toronto Street Railway as motorman, and will move his family to the city next month. Quite a number from here are taking in the London Fair this week. Mr A. Holmes, section foreman is in Toronto this week attending an Arbitrat- ion meeting between G. T. R, and its maintainace of way men. Several from here took in the FIeld Day at Belgrave last Saturday. Pte, Win. Hall visited friends at Wroxeter on Saturday. Mr. Wm, Garniss received a telegram Monday, stating the death of his brother, John, at Thessalon. This is the second brother to pass away in the family inside of one month. Mr. J. W. Masters was at Palmerston last Thursday attending a meeting of the 0, T. R. Patriotic Society. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Mrs Thomas Stewart motored to Bowling Green on Sunday and spent the day with the fdrmer's brother, Mr, Wm. Thornton is having his house painted this weelc which adds greatly to its appearance. Pte, Arthur Wilbur of Delhi, spent the week &pd with his sister, Mrs. Bert Mc- Call. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. Charles Garnces. We would like to see a number present. Mrs. Robert Davidson and daughter of the Bayfield Road, are visitors on the First line of Morris. Johnston's Church congregation will hold their anniversary services next Stun day, Sept. 17th. Rev, Mr. Grainger of Whitechurch, will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7. Quite a number of our soldier boys are home for a holiday. All look as though they have a good time at Camp Borden. Miss Ruth Breckenridge is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Frank Nichol, 6th Line of Morris. The many friends of Mrs. Deo. Haney will be pleased to hear of an improvement in her health, she being seriously 111 at present. Mr. Grey acid Miss Jessie were visitors to the Toronto Exhibition last week. A number of people from the boundry and the 1st Linc of Morris, are tatting in the London Exhibition this week. Miss Aggte Robertson is visiting at the home of Silas Johnston, Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Owens and son, Jimmy, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Peacock, Mr. Robert Messer 110 his 35 ft, silo completed. Mr. arid Mrs, CO. Ludwig and two children of Winghatr), were Sunday visit,. WI at the hots of Mr, 41n4 tire, skinner, SWEETEN YOUR VISIT with a box of our high grade cho- colates or bon bone. They are simply perfect, as every up-to-date girl knows, and a box of them ie always more than welcome. Cost no more than common candy, worth more. W. A. MILLER The Popular Restaurant PEARS WITH RICE Peal and half three or foiir large pears of a good cooking kind, and elm - mer in water till three -parts cooked. Drain o”' half the water; add 2 table- spoonfuls of sugar and cook far 5 minutes longer. Boil for 6 minutes half a cupfull of rice, draw off water, and finish cooking with milk and sug- ar till firm and etnooth; add a little cream, a small piece of butter, some powdered sugar and the juice of half an orange. Mix all well together and serve on a dish with the peas. BAKED PEARS WiPe, quarter and core pears. Put in baking dish, sprinkle with sugar, or add a small quantity of molasses, then add enough water that pears will not burn, Cover, and cook 2 or 3 hours in a very slow oven. Serve with cream, FRUIT BULLETIN Niagara District Crawford Peaches are now in, and the beet varieties of pears and plums are realyfor pre- serving or tab- le purposes. Houseke e p e r s should not delay f VAGHAG EE telling their gro- G R owetts no, 2"= 4 cers wbat fruits to order for them, and should in. slat on the label with the map, re- produced here. It is a guarantee of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruit. PENIINSULA SWEET PICKLED PEARS Pears, 7 lbs.; sugar 4 Ibe.; vinegar 1 quart; whole cloves, 1 tablespoon; whole wheat t tablespoon. Peel fruit and boil with other ingredients until soft, but not broken. Strain juice and put in jars, GINGER PEAR Candied ginger root 1:} lbs.; pears 8 lbs.; granulated sugar 8 lbs.; lemons 4. Pare fruit and slice into small pieces. Slice ginger, place pear, ging- er and sugar on fire, and boil slowly for 1 houc. Do not put water with it unless pears are very dry, Put lemons in cold water and boil until tender; then cut them up Line taking out the seeds. After peare have boiled 1 hour add them to the lemons, and boil together for another hour, PEAR SAUTE Pare 4 Bartlett pears, cut in fourths, lengthwise, and saute in butter until browned, 111.1111111111MMINIMIS liseIMIIME11111119.0 SOO CHRISTIE'S GROCERY • PHONE 59 Store Closes at 7 p. ill. Seasonable Dainties 11101111.111111.11111111111111110111111011651 5c Per Tin Potted Beef, Potted Veal, Potted Tongue, Potted Beef Dam. 2Oc Per Tin Corned Beef, Roast Beef, Boneless Pigs Feet, Stewed 1 Steak and Onions. 1 Peanut Butter 1 eiesiSsuosslessisSedossakiisiiresstssi 20c Per Lbs This is first quality Peanut Butter. It is pure and whole. some. Can be used on all oc- e elons, St. 1 lens. Miss. Mary Little returned on Saturday after a week's visit with friends in 'Pct. - onto, Mr, and Mrs, Martin of Lueknow, spent Sunday with Rev, and Mrs, Little, Mt, and Mrs. \ingest Wellwood of \Vinghani, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Webb. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Miller, Mrs. John Rutherford and Mr. Donald McDonald motored to Wingham on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Guest of Kin - lough, are visiting friends in and around St. Ilelens. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Webb of Luek- now, spent Sunday at Reeve Murray's, Corp C. Cameras spent the week- end at his home here, Mrs, Ed. Purvis and little son of Luck - now, are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, Ramage, A number from this burg intend, taking in Loudon fait' this week, Miss Nora Iinowls of Luckuuw, :,pent a few clays last week with Mrs, W. j. Todd. Mrs. Thomas Todd left on Monday to visit friends in Milton. Mrs. John Miller was a Toronto visitor last week. Mrs Thos Jobb of Wingham, is ,.pend • ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. I1. D. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheriff and little daughter of Lucicnow, visited with Mrs, R. McCroslie on Sunday. M 0101111110011116 WNW OM* Gerrie Mr. and Mrs. Ashton and little son, are taking a motor trip to London, and other places this week. II, V. and Mrs. Holmes, Miss Perkins Sr. and Eleanor Perkins motored to Clinton on Saturday returning Sunday evening. Mies Perkins remained in Clinton for a two weeks vieit with friends. J. Garnet and Mrs. Armetroug and family and Mr. R. Joyy and Mise Mc Moran of Lueknow motored over on Monday and spent the day with the former's parents Dr. and Mrs, Arm• strong. Miss McMoran remaining in town as teacher of the Junior depart- ment of the Public School. School opened on Tuesday with Miss Isard of Wingham as principal, We hope she and Mise McMoran may have a very successful year. Mrs. Darling and Lulu Darling of Port Elgin, are visiting with the form- er's daughter Mrs, L. Shirk, Miss Shaw of Palmerston le visiting with her uncle Postmaster and Mrs. Irwin. Miss Lulu Darling of Port Elgin who has been visiting with her sister in town spent the week -end with her friend Miss Gee of Listowel. Mrs. Jno. Gowdie received a mes- sage on Tuesday evening that her brother, Mr. Henry Wogan bad�died y at his home in Woodstook, ' 1r. and Mrs. Gowdie left on Wednesday morning to attend the funeral. The many friends of Harry Z'm• merman will be glad to hear that he is somewhat improved although in a very critical condition yet. Harry has had a long serious illness. Jas, and Mrs. Beswitheric is at Lon- don attending the exhibition. Miss Pearl and Mr. Wm, Stineon visited friendo in Wingham over Suuday. Miss Pearl King spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Wingam. The night train on tiie 0. P. R running from Toronto to Teeswater was several hours late on Saturday owing to the train being off the track near Tuglewood caused by a loose rail. It was four thirty A. M. S unday morning when it reached Gorrie. Mies McMoran spent the week- end with her parents in Lucknow. The Lawn Social held on the Pres• bytezian church grounds on Friday eeening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid was a success, Supper was served until after nine on the grounds and afterward all repaired to the Town Hall whore an excellent program was rendered, the musical part by Miee Ferns Eckmire, Mies Perinilda Steinmillar and the Misses Met,zies. The excellent addresses were given by Rev, Mr. Roberts and Rev. Mr, Kerr; Rev. A. B. Dobsin occupied the chair, Miss Ferns Eck. titre held the lucky number for the Autograph guilt and was kited enough to offer it for Auction, it being finally knocked down to the members of the Ladle's Aid of the Presbyterian church who purpose sending it to a Red Cross Hospital. The proceeds from Social, quilt, etc., are for the Red Oroes Fund and are expected to he when all has been realized not leas than $100, The many friends of Mist, Dicken- son, milliner in R, II. Stophene and Co. Store will be grieved to hear of her serious illness. When she arrived at her home near Mildmay it was found necessary to operate for appen. dicitis and she was removed to the hospital at Walkerton where the operation was performed. Latest reports are that Mies Dickenson is progressing favourably. Mise Lsermilda Steinmillar, who has been in Toronto for some time taking a course in music returned home on Thursday evening. Among the visitor;? in Toronto, go- ing on Wednesday morning were, Dr. Armstrong, Ii,obt, and Mrs, Ashton, 11, V. and Mrs, Holmes. Miss Perkins, Miss Ashton, Miss hazel Hamilton and Mrs, Loehie Ashton. Mr. Boyd, an aged cousin of Mr, Hugh Edgers, who with his wife, bad been living at Mr. R,igar's for eotne years, died there on Thursday evening, The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to the l+brdwich cemetery, Ito\. A, 13, Dobson oinciating, Thursday, Sept. 14, 19 t 6 OUR MONEY RAISITh ....SHOE S LE... Will continue all this week just as advertised, butwill positively close SATURDAY NEXT (inclusive of Saturday.) All Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises at Exceedingly Low Prices, P, S, ---Will all those who aro indebted to us kindly note that we are exceedingly hard up and must raise a lot Of cash during the next two weeks. Kindly help' us out by paying your account. W. H. WILLIS Solo Agent For The ze742;ys. FOR s/fOR LADIES OTiMilffITIM Ril1IiiMMI IMPIiiilPHIVll(Mifhiltiil PM The woman with a smile is the woman worth while The sense of being well dressed at about one- third the usual cost maintains a happy disposition. What Will be Worn This Fall? The answer is in our window this week, Hat Shapes for Fall and Winter Just Arrived moo of the very latest up -to the minute New York styles for ladies, young and old and children, all at the remarkably low price , 16c each Flowers, Feathers, Quills, Stick -us, etc. I000 of the very latest, including a large range of Velvet Roses in the most beautiful natural colors. Sold in many places at 5oc to 75c, all at the un- heard of prices 15c and ' 26c This is undoubtedly the biggest offer ever pre- sented to the Ladies of Wingham and Vicinity. Come Early and get First Choice a Wingha3 m azaar ��AilRllt�ll�AilAi55�illiAOA�tfdfEBi1ll13it���iAis�i��lfllfilA�Alll11� Bel more Mise Madeline Taylor, Teeswater, spent a few days last week with Mrs, Wm. Ferguson, Misses Myrtle Galioway,Lily 0. (mart and Annie Darling atte nded the Exhib- ition at Toronto last week, Miss Lillian Irwin epent Sunday with Mrs. 1, Walker East \Vawanosh, Private Jona Lawrence! 101.h l3ett- alien, London, spent Sunday with his moth•'r here, Mr. Ralph Metcalfe wears a broad smile these days- its a boy. Mr.ated Mre Win Elliott motored to Toronto last week, Tho Women's Institute held their monthly meeting in thrt hall Saturday Sept.2od Mrs, John Mulvey gave a paper on "hospitality and Sociability" also a paper by Mre. John huffy on Pickling which were both enjoyed by all also a reading by James Ballagh on The (Home, iiiittses Helen Mulvey, Pearl Douglas, Annie Douglas, Jean and Annie Hall sang a chorus entitled Sweet Little Daisy, On Saturday, Sept. 0.h the ladies aro holding a bazaar and sale of home made baking in the Hall at ,2 o'clock, All Ladies of the community are invited to at- tend. Air. and Mrs, D. J, Weir, spent Sun. day With friends here. Mooers W. 01 aline a and Jewars of Milverton motored up Lo Mr, James L+'leming's on Sunday, ltlist, L Ilil;l;iu!d, Brussels, is visiting at A, 1?ilt,hes for a few date, Mr, and Mfrs. Jacob Willits, Mrs. Juo, Abraham, and son, Thomas, motored to Huntsville last week, Miss Annie Baker, \Vinghatn, spent Sunday with friends here; 1't it ales Sterling I lasLiu ., 1 t auk ben. %tick and George Inglis of iltc 101s1, aL Camp Borden spent the week end at their • home: here. hlr„ N. 11, Lowry accompanied by her son, Lieut. W. C. Lowry of the 22(1 Batt. and her daughter, Mrs. \V, Nichol and children has returned from her visit to Toronto on Sept, Silt, The Women's Institute held a bazaar in Forester'.- hall last Saturday evening and netted$ 14 for Putt lobe purposes. Mr, and Mrs, Murray, Lucan, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs, John Mu'vey, Master James McNeil who has been seriously ill for the past fourteen weeks, is now able to sit up. The Sacrament will be adnttttistercd in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning by the Rev, A, R. Gibson, Lieut. N, 0, Lowry left on Malloy^ morning for Camp Ilugltes near Brandon Man, His many friends wish him a safe return. EGGSWANTEDW1J1 Armour,Wingham