HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-09-14, Page 1Wil 1.1kA▪ t
Maki. D.L. et W. • p
Every advantage ie with "F.].
the consumer in buying his
coal early, batter service, less
cost, none of the disagreeable wir..
features of winter delivery leu
and the added satisfaction of
having your coal in your own tit''
bins. Place your order by I>or
20th inst. for delivery at June *
prices, Dressed and undreoaed "0,
Lumber, Lath Shin Tee and
and Wood. 14Shingsick
in Lumber, Coal and
'f'l'ood, Office Phone 61.t.
111ilt Phone 01, l t' .klctwe Gil, .e,O
Single Copies a Three Cents
Subscriptions: $1,50 per year,
WINGHAM FALL FAIR, Thursday and Friday, September 28th and 29th. Horse Races and Big List of Special Attractions. Get Prize List at The Advance
New Leader of 16Ist Band
Sergi. Obapman has been appointed
to lead the 101st Military Band instead
of Sergt. Grant, Sergt. Chapman bad
charge of the band at Toronto Eshib•.
Rion, he ie a brother of Mre. A. J.
Walker of Wingbam, another brother
is serving in the trenches with a ma-
chine gun section,
Feather in Chief Alien's Cap
At the last meeting of the Kincard•
dine town council the Mayor in critici
zing the work of town conetabie and
eanitary inspector eaid be thought
they were doing well if they divided
their time between drawing their
breath and their Salary, Chief Allen
of Wingham, then fell heir to the fol•
lowing comment from Councillor
Armitage "We had better bring 'the
Wingham chief here for a few days
and there would be some police court
Cows tight to a Finish.
A peculiar accident happened on Mon -
clay night when Mr. John Stewart's cow.
and one of Dr. J. P. Kennedy's had been
fighting, and Stewart's cow got her horns
locked around the other cows neck in
such a manner that she could not release
them, and evidently strangled the Dr.'s
cow which was dead when found Tuesday
Morning. A rescue party had to saw one
horn off Stewart's cow to get them se
parated. Stewart's cow was a little
dizzy when released but not much the
worse. This is a serious loss as cows arc
valuable now -a -days.
Dance to Honor Soldiers
A very enjoyable ball was given on
Friday night in honor of the soldiers
who were all home on furlough for a
few days. The music was supplied by
the Lucknow Orchestra, while Prof.
Anthony, of Windsor, master of as•
eembliee, was present and delighted
the guests with his artistic step danc-
ing and many availed themselves of
the opportunity of having a lesson
in dancing from this very capable
teacher. A large crowd were present
to do honor to the boys in khaki, as it
is rumored that this will be their last
leave home before they go overseas.
and all report a pleasant time. A
tasty luncheon was served at midnight,
after which they continued to chase
the glowing hours with flying feet.
Saturday, Sept. 16tir
4 Cows and 30 Head
of Young Cattle
Ono and Two Years Old
Lott & McDonald, John Purvis,
Proprietor Auctioneer 4.
gttT HunoN self feeding heater will be eo]d at
a bargain. Used only a short time. Apply
• Mns. BINBLEY, John St.
POOLSANvTE -Hi hest Prices. — W. J,
pXPERIENCEO—Stenographer desires posi-
ti Lion. Box 12, Wingham. 2t
FOR SALE—The famous Singer Sowing Ma
chine on easy terms. A. 3. WALIcsn.
stoves, carpets, etc., oLe., will be sold priv-
ately. except
lay and Thuday to E. Weach ounius Victoria St
1' 1•'RYATT MOUNTS/RD, L. Mus. L. C. M.
organist of Knox Presbyterian Church,
Kincardine, author of Cantata, Tho Ayatn
of St. Patrick" is now forming
gweekly classes
in Ripley,
andwTheor , Wingham
7 pupils exxarn.
hu• ccesses at London, ling., College of Music. --
Address b:rx 11, Kincardine, Ont.
llONEY--Thanks to all wy old customers that
bought honey' _from mo iu the past. And -to
Dame who want Iiouoy, call at, J. A. Mills dors
and get what you want, I will leave it there.
You get it at my price. Good clover honey,
3t J,tarlso H,
LOST—Lpocket took containing a sun
of money and a couple of receipts with the
owner's name on them. Finder will be liberal-
ly rewarded by leaving same at
- ...-.Y.,... _ ., TrIE ADVANag Office
T Tyre l"OU'LTItY WANTED, Highest Prions
paid. Apply to W..1. AltatoLR.
1.1°5T --
A dark green pocket, diary, valuable to
owner. Somewhere belweet, Lopard's cor-
ner, Winghum, and Percy Scandrett's, Bel.
grave. Finder will please leave at 11. Moon-
o 's hardware or the Boll Telephone ofilcc,
W lughatn.
JliN WANTED— To work on Lower Town
dam, blood wages), Apply to .1. BrtooKs
or Itoflr. Vrtwr,
lltA1;TON FO11 SALE—Cheap. A phaeton
Ilrat•ela's condition. Apply ,t for particu-
lars to Tiof Alwaisu .
WAND --I will Open a piano elms in Wingham,
• on Tuesday, September Mb. 1910. (Mass
room at the residence of Mre, Wm. BapLi:,L,
Centre St. Pupils prepared for oxaminationa.
For further particulars apply to
31, 7;ptl. Maas I1. M. Uorinor', 'Teeswatcr.
tfOOMM TO LET--Tn the MoDonald Block.
1► Apply. to Brawn,, & Cost:Ns
!Local 'Items
otl'a d
Mr. Thee, Groves st t re a severe
attack of cholera lase week.
Mr. W, 1)'. Vanetone bas purchased
the west half of Postmaster Griffin's
lot on John St,
We underatand Mr. Thomas Bowers
took 32 birds to the Toronto Fair poul-
try exhibit and lauded 27 prizes
for them.
Work is now being pushed ahead
at the new dam in Lower Wingham.
Mr. Vint the contractor is a good
wotknow. •
Those who have not yet paid for
their ads. in the Wingham Fall Fair
Pr•iz Lest will kindly pay the secretary.
A. G. Smith, without delay,
The Business Men of Ontario pro -
pee to cooperate with the hotelmen
in providing good accomodation to the
travelling public after the llith fust.
Although early in September, the
municipal pot is already beginning to
boil, and many candidates are being
talked of as would-be town "fathere."
Major N. T. Sinclair and Lieut. S. F.
Ferguscn have passed examinations
held at the close of their course of
instructions at the echool of Musketry
at Camp Borden.
Mr. Ed. 'Tomkins, while sawing a
board at the Western Foundry about
a week ago was struck on the ear by a
flying knot, A small scale formed
and ltater has turned into blood-poieou-
Mr, and Mre, William 9, King,
Tnrnberry, announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter. Estella, to
Mr. William R. Davidson of Mornigton.
The wedding will take place late in
Miss Lillian McLean who has been
engaged ae saleslady at Geo. Mason &
Son's store for sometime, has accepted
a similar position in W. J. Greer's
boot and oboe store and commenced
duties there on Monday.
Mr. W. J. Greer has purchased
a horse from Mr. Miles Moir of
Turnberry, for use on the express
wagon. The faithful bay which has
met the trains for the past few years
was shipped to Montreal.
Trp\VO:;UPCIca of rooms to let, over AnvA.res
ol-L'rta--Apply to
11. V.tNri`rONt;.
ti(fAVTED—Clapable gates Girl. Alan smart
u Boy to learn the .Dry Goods Business.
Apply to It. E Iu.il,rr & Co. tf
'flto 1lfutil&pal Connell of the Pownnhlp of
Morrie aro awing for tendert, for the eon
rrtruetion of the McNeil drain. Plans and
trpecilleationn at the Clerk's matinee. Ten-
(lrr.1 opened at the Town:1111p Ball, Monday,
"+•pt.1 th '0,3 p.m. 1ncleoo a f110 good faith,
Markctt che {uo, A. ltleellwea , Cie*.
illilevale, Sept, it, 1910, • Were not Injured.
Reduce Size of Paper.
To meet the greatly increased cost
of publlehed in these times, the Mount
]forest Confederate has reduced the
size of its paper, from- eight to four
Auto Turned Turtle,
An auto load from Gleam's went
through here un Tuesday morning
ing, heading for London, when about
half a mile south of lielgrave, the
driver lost control of the car and the
five paesengers landed in the ditch and
the ear upside down Fortunately no
one was badly hurt but the car was
badly damaged. .
Attending Stratford Normal
Following are the names of a few of
the Huron County etudente who are at-
tending Stratford Normal this season;
Miss Myrtle Evelyn Allin, Miss Lillian
E. Pentland, Dungannon; Miss Laura
Gertrude Ament, Mies Winnie 11. Den-
man, Miss Martha L McLauchiin and
Mies Gertrude B. Speiran, Brussels;
Miss Annie Archibald, Mise Ethel
Irene Harts, Miss Elva M, Little, Miss
Margaret E, Wales, Seaforth; Miss
Eleanor F. Dougherty, Sheppardton
Mies Annie Maud Harding, Uorric;
Mies Mabel G. Isard, Miss Mary E.
Kennedy, Mise Ada Luella McGill,
Mies May Robertson, Wingham; Mies
Edna M. Jamieson, Clinton; Mise Vera
A. Johnson, Gerrie; Mies Annie
Louise King, Bayfield, Mies Maria S.
Long, Miss Margaret II. McNairn, Mise
Helen Frances Scott, Harry W. Alton,
Eldon 11, Twamley, Lucknow; Mies
esillian 0. Longman, Whitechurcb;
Miss Annie H. Noble, East Wawanosb;
Mies Elizabeth C. Sanderson, Blytb;
Mise Hattie B. Shaw, Bluevale; Miss
Addison V. Tiernan, Dashwood.
Mr. George Durnin of Holyrood,
has taken a position in the Western
Foundry. He will move his family
to town• in the near future and they
will take up residence in J. A. Mc-
Lean's brick house near the G. T. R.
One of the most humorous and
refined concerts ever appearing it
Wingham will be put on in the Town
Hall on Friday night, Sept. 29.h.
The Forest City Male quartette are
very highly recommended by those
who have had the pleasure of listen-
ing to them.
A meeting of the Directors of the
Wingham FaIl.Fair will be held in the
Secretary's office on Monday evening,
September 18.b, All directors are re•
guested to attend as important busi-
ness will he transacted. All donations
are to be handed into the Secretary on
or before that date.
The central span of the Quebec
bridge, which was being raised 150
feet from the river St. Lawrence on
Monday morning, collapsed when it
was about 15 feet in the air and dashed
into the river. The span weighs
5,000 tons. The Iose of life according
to the first estimate given by the St.
Lawrence Bridge Co. was 25,
Some of the boys and girls who have
made a success in life, were atone time
country correspondents for newspap-
better ways in
There are feww
ars. y
which a person can help his or her
education than by corresponding to a
live home'paper like Tint ADVANCE.
If your district is not already repres-
ented call at our office and we will
give you stationers, and postage.
A parcel addressed to Pte, A. J.
Boyer, who left with the 1st contin-
gent and was sent to Bermuda to do
guard duty, was sent from Wingham
to Bermuda about New Years of this
year and has since travelled over a
good part of the world but finally
landed back in Wingham. 7t is now
in the town clerk's office awaiting
further instructions as to the address
of Pte. Boyer,
The schools re -opened Tuesday, of
last week, and we take this opportun-
ity to warn all parents against keeping
their children, between the ages of 8
and 11 years, out of school. The
School Act now states that each child
between those agesmust attend sehool
every day during the year unless ex-
cused by illness or other reasons stated
in the Act. Tho government intend
to stamp out truancy and negligence
on the part of parents. All inspect -
ore now insist on a strict observance
of the Act.
What thigh t easily have proved a
serious accident took place Wednesday
morning last about 11 o'clock, Mr.
Robert Hastings, bis wife and a young
child were driving into town and just
nes became
In front o4 the hall the lines
entangled, The horse bolted down
Joeephino street, and stopping eom.
meneed to kick furioualy over the dash-
board. By -standees rushed to resoue
the wife and child from their perilous
pooltion, Considerable damage was
done to the haruese, but the people
Mr, Hugh McBurney has been ap-
pointed caretaker of the High School.
Mise Lina Barber returned to Lon-
don this week for the millinery season.
A new telephone has been placed in
Lepard's chopping mill. Its number
is 19-3.
Entriee for the Wingham Fall Fair
are now coming in to the office of the
secretary. Bring youre in early.
Mr, John Little disposed of his 100
acre farm on the Turnberry boundary
to his neighbor, Mr. David Holmes.
Something unique,at the National
Cafeteria in the Methodist Church
on Sept. 21st. Everybody welcome.
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Brucefield on Tuesday. R. D. 0r mor-
on e meeting,
on of Luck. ow address d the me , g
Mr. Harry Calvert has leased the
King Edward Hotel and purposes
opening it up in the course of a week
or so.
Mr. Nixon Needham, a resident of
Kincardine township, and well-known
in Wingham, died at his home on
Tuesday morning.
The family of the late Mrs, J Green
wishes to thank their many friends for
the kindness shown them during their
recent bereadment.
As TRU ADVANCE has the addressee
of several soldiere, anyone who cares
to send parcels or mail are welcome to
call and get any address we may have.
Little Edyth Adair, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Adair, had the misfor-
tune to break her arm while playing
at school during the noon hour on
Wednesday last. She ,is a pulpit of S.
S. No. 5, Turnberry.
TUE ADVANCE has placed a letter box
directly below the glass in the office
door and should you have an item of
news to give us for publication after
our office closes just put it in the Ietter
box, All news banded to us in this
manner will be appreciated.
Signaller Arthur Newman writing
from "Somewhere in France" grate-
fully acknowledges the parcel contain-
ing socks sent him by the Women's
Institute, He says "nothing could bo
more appreciated especially when a
fellow only has the pair on his feet."
Mr. Robt. Jarvis has secured a sit-
uation in Chatham and we are eorry
to learn will move his family there
in the near future. Mr. Jarvis and
family have been for years respected
residents of Wingham and Mr. Jarvie
and son, Leonard, were valued mem•
here of the Citizen's Band.
Tho regular monthly meeting, of the
W. C. T. U. will bo hold at the home
of Mre. I3uchaunan'e Minnie St. on
Thursday, 1lth. tet 3 o'clock eharp.
A full attendance of the members is
eolicited as theta is important business
to be brought before the meeting,
Come and bring a friend with .you.
Visitors are welcome.
While Mites Annie b'innen, daughter
ilne I'mnen working
Cheop , tvas w g
near one of their coeva en Saturday it
suddenly became enraged and attack.
ed her and before help could arrive had
thrown her a egnsiderable distance on
ite horns. Medical aid was at Once
summoned, Beyond a bad shalring up
no serious injury was done.
The '2$0ch Ovora$ae Railway Con-
struction Cerise with headquarters at
Valcartter, P. Q. is asking torreoruit3.
They are under urgent ordere to re.
emit all over Canada to full strength
and proceed overdoes without delay,
Copt, T. E. Pooley le the officer in
charge of recruiting and his address is
180 sum 5t, W.t T4>;ofto,
f et 3on1ar Mention
Mr. Milton Graham epent the week-
end in Kincardine.
11ir, Art. Williams is away on a bus.
inose trip to Toronto.
Mr, Norman McLeod was up from
Clinton for the weekend,
Mr. Roy MuOreight spent the week-
end with friends in town.
Mr. William Gannett returned
from visiting in Toronto.
Councillor TIpling motored to Lon -
Mr, John Mouk is in London.
Mr, Geo, T. Robertson is in London.
Alta, Will Turner is visiting in
Mr, Jas, Baird is visiting his Baugh•
ter in Loudon.
Mies Annie I;tiiott is visiting with
friends in Sarnia.
Mre. Wen, Holmes is
Hamilton and Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Newman are
attending London Pair.
don on Tuesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Lewis are exhib-
. Mr,llarvoy Anderson spent Sunday l ition visitors in London.
with friends in Palmerston. Mrs. ltueh of Toronto, is the guest
Mr. Robert Arbuckle of Saskatoon, of Mre. J. W. Dodds, Catherine fit•,
is visiting friends in Town. Mr. and Mre. Harry 11'ixter and
Mies Lodge of Windeor, ie visiting 'family are visiting with frlends in
Mr. and Alra. W. 3, Boyce and
fOhamily inotored to London on Wed.
Mr. Allan Carter of Clifford was a
visitor at the home of -Mayor Mc-
Mrs. John' Amebury returned home
on Friday from visiting with relatives
in Toronto.
Mre. Jacob Bruder of Enniekillen, is
visiting at the home of Mrs. John
Mr, i1. ii. Wightman of Fort Will-
iam, was a visitor with friendo in
town this week.
Rev. J, Carlton McOrac to and sou,
Master Frederick, are visiting Mrs.
visiting in
her sister, Mrs. E. G. Dymond.
Airs. John F. Groves and eon, Fred,
are spending a week in London,
Miss Florence Barber is visiting for
a few days with friends in Leudon.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval E. Taylor are
attending the Western Fttir in London,
Mrs. Edgar of Teeswater, was a visi-
tor at George Wraith's over the week-
Mr, 11. T. Thompson and son,
(Ieorge, are attending the London
Mt', and Mrs, Errold Drummond re•
turned on Saturday from visiting in
Toronto. -
Mise RebaBoyd is spending a few
days in London with her sister, Mrs. John MoOrackin,
Manning, M'ea N. Wade of Detroit, Mich„ is
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Wellwood are spending a few weeks with Mrs, 3.111,
Swarte at the Queens.
Mr. and Mrs, R. J. -Green of 13 bbeay-
geon Ont, were home attending the
funeral of his mother.
Mr. and Mre. John McKenzie and
child of 2u0 of Cuirass, are spending
a few days in London.
Judge Dickson passed through town
on Monday on his way from Gerrie,
where he held Division Court.
Mrs. (Dr.) Grey and children of St.
Pauls have returned home after visit-
ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mulvey.
Mr.and Mrs. George Walker of
Gerrie, attended the ,funeral of Mrs,
J. Green which took place on Monday.
Miss Annie Simpson, Phm, B. left
on Monday to resume her duties as
chemist in the Calgary General Hospi-
Mr. Reg. S. Williams of the Bank of
Commerce, and family are spending a
few holidays in London and other
Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove returned
on Monday to Edmonton, to resume
her duties as teacher in the Strathcona
Mr. B. D. Griffin of Vancouver, is
spending a few days at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Griffin,
John St.
spending a few days'with relatives in
Mise Lizzie Murchison has returned
from visiting her cousin, Bliss Rebecca
Shurrie, Brussels.
Mre. Robert Mowbray returned on
Tuesday after spending a week with
friends in Toronto,
Judge and Mrs. Elwood of Regina,
spent Sunday with the former's sister,
Mrs. Dudley Holmes, ,
Mr, Hatchings of London, spent the
week•ond with his friend, Mr. Harry
Carson at the Queens,
Mrs, Geo. Shrigley of Lower Wing -
ham is seriously ill and a patient in
the Wingham Hospital.
Mrs. Henry Mundy returned home
from Toronto where she visited, rel-
atives for the past month.
Corp, W. Cornwall of the 101st and
wife and son of Wroxeter, visited at
Dave Lougheed's on Saturday.
Mies Pearl Gidley of Blyth, is spend.
ing a few days at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Somers, Minnie St.
Miss Eleie Gillespie has gone to
St. Thomas where she will take a
course in Alma Ladle's College.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meech and in-
fant son of Windsor, are visiting Mrs.
Meech's sister, Mrs, E. G. Dymond,
Miss Ada Haines who is teaching at
S. S. No. 4, Howick, near Gerrie,
spent over Sunday at her parental
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett motor
ed to London on Tuesday, to attend
the Western Fair, returning on Wed-
Mrs, (Rev.) J. 1n. Dingman will re-
ceive at her home—Minnie St. on
Thursday, Sept. 21st from three till
six p. m,
Mr. A. yi, Wilford is taking charge
of Oman's display at the London ti n ex -
hibi 'o g
Mr. Edgar Harrison n
Miss Annie Case and little nephew,
Ralph. of W ingtiatu, are visiting at
the home of her brother, W. H. Case,
at Dungannon. •
Mr, and Mre. 3, 0. Fyfe attended the
exhibition in Toronto. Jim is always
to be found where the high-grade cattle
are on exhibition.
Rev, Canon Davis and wife motored
up frotu Windsor on Friday and spent
a few daye at the home of his brother,
Customs Officer Davie.
Mr, Dewitt Holmes and two children
of Wingham,wero calling on old friends
one day recently. Mr, Holmeo is an old
Brusselito, —Brussels Post.
Mr. Mason, Mr. Gregory, 11Ire. Greg-
ory and Mre. Batton of Wingham,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, C. iiay
last week, --Listowel dtandard.
Mre, S. Piper and two daughters,
Margaret and Dorothy, returned last
week after ependingtwo weeks iC
friends at Glanford station, Stratford
and Toronto.
Mies Ruby Clegg returned to her
b n sda
home in Peterboro on Wed e y
morning after spending the peat
couple of months at the home of her
uncle, Mr, R. Clegg,
Mr. Andrew Glenn of Ohio, is a visit-
or in town, the guest of his sister, Mrs.
ltobt, Bnrgest. They have not seen
each other for nineteen yearn, and
were naturally delighted to meet again
after such a long separation.
Me. and Mre. Il[. Iiineeliffe left for
London last week where they intend-
ed to reside but on arrival Mrs, Mins.
Citffe was taken seriously 111 with nery-
Ou(r prostration and on the advice of
the doctor, came back to town vvhete
they Will continue tolapake their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams aro
visiting their son, Bugler Bert, Mat at
Camp Borden, also with friends in
Messers J, H. Smith, R. (Atkinson
and A. Hastings of the 9th of Turn -
berry, are taking in the Western Pair
at London.
Mrs. John Ritchie will receive for
the first time since her marriage at
her residence, Centre St. on Thursday
afternoon from 4 till 0 o'clock.
Mies Fannie Green of Woodstock,
was called home on Wednesday owing
to the severe illness of her mother who
passed away, on Friday morning.
Mr. Wm. Gould has disposed of his
residence on Centre Street to Mr. Jos.
Wellwood of Lower Wingham, Mr.
Gould left on Monday morning for
Preston where he and three of his
sons have secured good positions,
Mre. Gould and Allen will follow in a
few weeks. Many friends will regret
their departure from town as Mr. and
Mre, Gould were estimable citizens.
At the meeting of the Public School
Board held in the town hall on Tues-
day evening, the principal's report
showed the following registration of
scholars at the beginning of the term:
Kindergarten 12, Primary 51, Miss
Bather'o room 19, Mies Ansley's 41.
Miss ratquharson's 11, Mies lReynold's
47, Mite McDonald's 40, Miss I3rock'e
5O, --Total 370.
The he Iuar instructed the principal,
Mies Brock, to collect new•resideut
The attendance has reached the 110
mark with some etudente still to re.
port, Tho Upper Scboel classed num-
ber 21.
Word has been received from the
I)epattment of Education regarding
the students taking highest standing
on the several examinations, On
Lower School, Mies May McBurney,
on Normal Entrance Mathematics,
Miss Louisa Devereaux, on Part 1,
Faculty Entrance Mist Edna James,
en Part II. Vacuity Eatrance Mise
Elleda Mathere, stand first respective.
ly. We Heartily congratulate these
C. P. R. Tool Shed Burned.
On Monday afternoon shortly after
the train had passed fire was noticed
coming from the 0, P. It, Tool shed
and jigger house, which was a small
frame building, and was beyond env.
ing in a short time, The section men
had the jigger and a few tools out and
the door was locked, therefore it was
itupoesible to save the remainder of
the tools. Mr, Beemer and the other
mon present kept the lire from olds-
ing on to the tics.
Chief Recruiting Officer
Otto, D. MacKay., of Walkerton, who
ie credited with much of the succese
in connection with the recruiting of
the Bruce Battalion, has accepted the
position of chief recruiting officer for
Military District No. 1. It appears
that this district is still about 7000
men to make up its quota of the half
million promised by the Dominion to
the Imperial Army, According to
population this diviaion should pro-
duce 80,500 men, up to the present
only about 23,300 have enlisted, Dis-
trict No. 1 consists of following eleven
counties: Bruce, Huron, Lambton, Es-
sex, Kent, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford,
Perth, Waterloo and Wellington.
Mr. MoKay's headquarters will be at
Tho Society wishes to thank Mrs.
ltobt, Tyndall, for a donation of 1 pr,
feather pillows.
A Xmas parcel tient to Private A. J.
Boyer has been returned to the Society
from the dead Ietter office, If there
are any relatives of Pte. Boyer in
town, they may have the parcel by
calling for it at the Town Clerk's
Sewing Circle to be held at the home
of Mre, W. 3, McKibben on Friday
afternoon, Sept. 15th. Will ae many
as can, be' present as shirts and
pyjamas are greatly needed. Those
who prefer to sew at their homes can
procure cub out garments from any
of the following ladies, Mrs. Wm.
Gray, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. Rost. Tyn-
Mies Peasant will be pleased to give
yarn to any one wishing to knit,
All old soft cotton,'pillows etc. to be
left with Mrs. W. H. Willie Shuter St.
L. L McFaul of Seaforth, died at his
residence on Sunday night at the age
of 79 years. For 28 years ho had been
principal of the Public School there.
Mr. McFaul was a member of the
Presbyterian church and served for
many years as clerk of the session.
He is survived by his widow, his son,
Dr. John McFaul, of Toronto, hie
daughter, Mrs. J. G. Mullen of British
Columbia; and his brother, Edward
McFaul, a retired merchant. The fun-
eral took place on' Wednesday from
the First Presbyterian Church,
JOHN A. SxarrsoN
An Alberta Pioneer dead, Calgary,
Sept. 12, John A. Simpson for many
years a member of the Territorial
Legislature and a member of the first
and second Legislature of Alberta,
died suddenly at hie home in Innis -
fail, on Sunday. Mr, Simpson, a
pioneer of the province was bern in
1801 in Peel County, Ontario, and
came to Alberta shortly after the first
railway came through. He was elect-
ed to the Territorial Legislature in
' 8 and Ion t forma.
18 1 1S9 a 1JU1. U he
tion of the Province of Alberta he was
elected in 1905, and in 1910,
The Mr. Simpson, mentioned was
a son of the Iate William Simpson,
Culross, where he lived for many
years. Deceased went West in 1880,
and had proepered in hie new 'home.
A telegram received by Mr. Simpeun'e
friends Here gives as the cause of
death, the bursting of a blood vessel in
the brain. •
Deceased was a brother of Messrs
Alex and Arthur Simpson, Culross,
and Mre, h', Henry, Whitechurch, and
Mre. A, 11. Musgrove, Wingham.
I' IL•ANCI•;te ANN Him.,
On Friday, Sept. lith the death sum -
mous cause to Mra. John Green, Ar•
thur St., and called her to her Etern.
el Home, Deceased whose maiden
name was Jfz'anoes Aun 13111, had re-
sided in Wingham for the pact fifty
years and was esteemed by her many
friends. ' d, Sheo
a livedlotions Christ-
ian life and was a devout member of
the Methodist Church. She came from
_Kitty Townsbip, County of Leede, Ont,
where she was born in the year 1338.
Deceased evae In her 80th year and was
predeceased by her husband fourteen
years ago. She is survived by four
daughtere and three sone, viz., Mrs,
Darling (Sarah), Oyprue River, Man;
Fanny of Woodstock; 1Pazte and
Florence at home; W. H. of Mar-
quette, Mich.; It, 3,, Bobcaygeon and
Albert 11 in Wingham,
The funeral was held to the Wing,
ham cemetery on Monday aftervoott'
Rev, J. W. Ribbert conducted the
services at the house and grave. The
palt.bearers were Messrs T. C. Gra-
ham, 14. Lurbrlgg, Alf, Carl'. Al.
bort Lloyd, John Ierlt null Wceloy
,nelo i
Chute) 'Hews
Holy Communion next Sunday at
8 30 a.m, in St. Paul's church.
Rev, 11.. Marshall of Atwood, will
preach in the Baptist Church next
Tho confirmation class meets every
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in St.
Paul's church,
Rev, 1+. G, Dymond will preach at
the Harvest Thanksgiving Servieee in
Atwood nee t Sunday.
Rev, J. Shaw, Incumbent of At-
wood, will preach in St. Paul's chureb
at both services next Sunday.
Mre. (Rev,)J, lt', Dingman of Wing -
ham, was the soloist at the Anniversary
Services in the Baptist Church Atwood.
on Sunday and Monday.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services will
will be held on Sunday, Oct, let, in St.
Paul's church, Preacher Rev. Canon
Gunn, of Christ Church, London.
Itev, Canon Davis, Rector of St.
George's Church, Sarnia, assisted at
the morning service in St, Paul's
church, and preached a thoughtful and
impressive sermon at Evensong, on
"The Still Small Voice".
The District meeting of the Wing -
ham District of the Methodist church"
will be held in Belgrave on Monday.
Sept. 18sh at 9 a, rpt. lateresting
addresses will bo given by itev. J. U.
Arnup of Toronto, and ltev, A, Lloyd.
Smith of Victoria.
The anuivereary services which were
advertised to be held in Calvin
Church, Wawanosb, on Sept. 10th,
have been postponed until the follow-
ing Sunday, Sept. 1711. Services will
be held at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m, Rev.
J. S. Duncan, B. D. will preach.
Regular services will be held in the
Methodist church next Lord's Day at
11 a, m, and 7 p, M. The pastor, Rev,
J. W. Hibbert will preach at both
services. Morning subject, "The
Lord's Portion", evening subject "The
Day of Victory". All are welcome.
Mr. It, W, Simpson was a visitor at
Toronto Exhibition last week end.
Pte. Cecil Middleton of London, was
home for the week -end.
Pte,.'1'om Penrose, Ross Taylor, Harry
Champion, also Sergt. Windsor of Camp
Borden, spent Sunday with friends here.
Air. John Webb has bought a car.
Mr. and 11Irs. D, II, 5fartin attended
Toronto Exhibition last work.
Very successful anniversary services
were held in the Methodist church here en
Sunday. Rev. 1. A. McI civic of Dun-
gannon preached to large congregations
al both services. On Monday evening
supper was served and a splendid musical
and literary program given by local
talent assisted by Wingham friends
The financial result of the services was
Horse and Rig Stolen
A horse and buggy belonging to Mr.
Geo, Fortune of the 9th of Turnberry,
disappeared from the Baptist church
sheds on Tuesday afternoon. The
horse was driven to town by Miss
Aggie Hastings and Miss Clara For.
tune and was tied in the shed while
the young ladies did some shopping,
when they returned for the horse ]c 1
it was gone, A horse answering the
description of the missing one was
seen in Ethel on Wednesday morning,
but at time of going to press we are
unable to learn whether it is the one
or not.
Jn+.le5(ON—In Howick, on Sept. let,
David Jackson, aged CS Veers.
t,3-'trr—In Howick, on Wednesday,
, teas ^' set l'.101te, Elizabeth Hayden,
belorea rvlie vt Finlay Lynn, second
con., aged 35 years and 11 menthe.
IlAmoT.ocIe—•In Howick, on Saturday,
Sept. Dad, 1916, to Mr, and Mrs.
Walter Hainstock, twin sone --one
E'irxiaoxlt--In Howick, on Saturday,
Sept, dud, 1910, to Me. and Mrs.
Wm. Ettinger, fourth con„ a
r1NrrlcfA.a—At 51. Augustine, ou Aug,
29th, to Mr, and Mre, Richard
Finnigan, a eon.
11AEilri—At Toronto Hoopital. on
Sept, •ltb, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Barris, of Ripley, a daughter.
cavi+;—In Lucknow,Sept.Ii , on S let,
1016, to Mr. and Mrs, .'.oroy Horns,
a daughter.
1SL.+ly din --1n Lucknow, on Saturday,
Sept, 2ed., 1910, to Mr. and Mre.
Witt. Kearney, a son.
Bori'r—In Turnberry, on Friday, Sept.
8th to Mr. and Mre. Frank Bolt, a
Liii'AItu •—In Wingham, on Saturday,
Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mre. Will Lep.
ard, a son.
Slil,IN —In the township of East
Wawanosh on Friday, Sept, let, to
Mr. attd Mre. Geo, Skeinn, a Baugh.
Urrcltlr.—Ill Wingham on Sunday,
Sept. 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. Tindall
R,tohte, a son.
tRatAN—In Lower Wingham, on
Sunday, Sept. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Leman, a daughter.
JotiNs'rorr—In Morrie townchip, on
Monday, Sept, Ilth, to Mr. Mid
Mre, IJayid Johnston, twin bort.
r ?4e 246:1 QR:.f'ta res
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