The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-27, Page 17'LAR 15 'BOXY r, 1975 dio t the 1, 0. arnily. d her c!r for Iinnie Mrs. fOr a know. rela- gfield rty at lends. 1015 UO IN THE To: The Members of Council, and Ritepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield I have examined the 1974 financial statements of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield. My , examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circum- stances In my opinion these financial statements present fairly the finan- cial position of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfield as at Dec- ember 31st, 1974 and the results of its operations for the year then• ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The temporary borrowings are in excess of the• amount permitted under section 332 of the Municipal Act. Signed A. M. Harper City: .Goderich, Ontario Date: June 18, 1975 Licence Number 195 $ 85,000 19,180 2,784 $106,964 $215,392 57,226 ( 3,743) $375,839 $401,445 $375,839 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Temporary loans $110,000 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 16,586 Other current liabilities ' $126,586 Net long term liabilities $246,632 Reserves and reserve, funds 60,835 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts ( 32,608) $401,445 d Notes to Financial Statement L CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were as • follows: Principal payments $ 35,759 Interest " 8,801 $ 44,560 The total charges shown above, were paid from the revenue of the municipality and are included in expenditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings. 2. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION Tlie Consolidated Balance Sheet' reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the mun- icipality. 3. Net long term liabilities Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to $606,632 Of the long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been assumed by the Huron County Board of Education for a principal amount of (360,00) Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $246,632 4. Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in future years from other sources: Special charges on benefiting landowners -- Tile Drain Loans $244,698 $244,698 Mrs. Jim Needham Was W.I. Speaker The August meeting of the Kairshea" Women's Institute 'was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Needham. The meeting opened with the. Ode and. Mary Stewart Collect. The president, Mrs. Cliff Roulston, welcomed 4 visitors as well -as members present. Mrs. _ Farish -Moffat read the scripture, Mark 4. The roll call, "display an old button or piece of jewellery", was most interesting. ' Minutes and busineSs were discussed. A committee to plan for a future program in .the fall /were appointed - 'this is a singing group the "Sweet Adelines". Mrs. Harvey Houston reported on the booth at the Craft Festival, which netted a nice sum to the treasury. The Garden Club Achievement Day is being held September 6, at Kincardine: 'Standing committee reports were given by Mrs. Steer, Mrs. Houston and Mrs. Dickie. The Curator, Mrs. Leonard Macln- nes, displayed the scrapbook. Mrs. Wm. Maclntyre reported , on the interesting day members had at the Museum. Miss Helen Maclntyre delighted all with a piano solo, "The Goblins March", followed by community singing, "I'd like to build the world a home". Mrs. 'Jack Needham introduced the speaker, Mrs. Jim Needham, a cousin .of the Needhams whose !thine is in' U.S.A. but originally Canadian born. Mrs:- Needhatnis a collector of many things. But this evening brought along her "Button Collection" - to name a few, thOe were horn, celluloid, glass, china, minies, overall, hand painted, • bone, leather, whistle, wood, pap- er, white pearl, dark pearl and a Wonderful , collection Jack and Blanche had collected on their world tour - and there were many, many more.• Each kind mounted On cardboard. This was most interest- ing. MrS. Farish Moffat thanked the speaker and presented her with' a gift. Very appropriate for the meeting Mrs. Don Bell and' Mrs. Philip Steer sang, "Buttons and Bows" in their usual pleasing manner. Mrs. Allan MacIntyre accompanied by Mrs. Jack Needham had a song title contest. • The courtesy remarks were by Mrs. Allister Hughes, and the meeting closed with singing, 0 Canada and the Grace. Lunch was served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Allan Maclntyre and Mrs. Allister Hughes. Note: The September meeting will be held at the institute Hall September 25 at 8 p.m. This is a week later than' usual. CHANCE TAKERS The fable Uf the tortoise gtnd the hare has encouraged many people to bet on long shots. rtising make jobs. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVE!t SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 8814234 ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOV/, •ONTARIO Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31. 1974- 1974 1973. Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the . beginning of the, year (3,743) 6,918 Expenditure General government - 18,779 13,838 Protection to persons and property 7,16t 4',554 Transportation services 255,897 198,219 Environmental services 5,161 7,119 Conservation •of health 735 Recreation and community services 8,389 7,129 Financial expenses 13,076 8,503 Region or county - share of expenditure 91,199 77,165 Education :164,568 141,314 Other • 143 t. ($564,237) ($458,719) Revenue Taxation $351,263 $301,436 Contributions from other governments 129,247 96,625 Other 54,862 49,997 $535,372 $448,058 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year - (32,608) ( 3,743) Analysed as follows: General revenue ( 32,641) '( 3,746) Special areas 33 3 (32,608) ( 3,743) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER'. 31st, 1974 Auditor's Report. Township Of Ashfield Auditor's Report and Financial Statements 1974 Cash 2,728 Accounts 'receivable 85,443' Taxes receivable 66 386 Other current assets '256 $154,813 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years $246,632 Consolidated Balance Sheet as 'at December 31, 1974 ASSETS Current Aisets 1973 6,683 96,303 57,461 • $160,447 $215,392 Statement of 6-Oita! Fund Operations for the year ended December 31, 1974 1974 1973 Capital Outlay Transportation services 29,851 • 40,170 Transfers to others 67,000 48,000 $ 96,851 $ 88,170 Capital financing Long term liabilities incurred $ 67,000 $ 48,000 Contributions from the revenue fund 29,851 40,170 ( 96,851) ,170)