HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-27, Page 1Bill Walden Gets
Nomination In
Huron-Bruce Riding
William Walden of Wingham
will represent the Progressive
Conservative party in Huron-Bruce
riding in the. September 18
provincial .election. The retired
transport company owner was
nominated in Kincardine on Thurs-
day night of last week.
Dr. Ga0 Gurbin,' a Kincardine
physician, was also nominated, but
declined. • .
It will be Mr. Walden's first bid
for provincial office. At dissolution
the seat was held by Liberal
Murray Gaunt, also of Wingharn. ,
Mr. Walden, 'S1, was born in.
Kincardine and, after service in the
RCAF 'during the Second World
War, moved to Ripley and then to
Wingham following the establish-
ment 'of Walden Transport Ltd.
- Eric Winkler, cabinet minister
and candidate for the neighbouring
Grey riding told the meeting that
people should not be surprised at
the 32 years of Conservative
supremacy in Ontario. He' said'
successive successful terms for the
province and successful leaders are
reasons they have been repeatedly
Mr. VVinkler charged Liberal
leader Robert Nixon with making
irresponsible and unfillable fiscal
"If;, in this riding,, you want the
service the riding deserves, get BHT '
Walden in; and we'll bring that
service to you," he said.
Bob and Campbell Streets in
Lucknow -was washed out early
Sunday Morning by the fast
running, high waters in the stream
whichi runs past the front of the
public school and the.Fesidence of
Gordon Maize. 51/2 ' of rain fell
overnight. The small bridge at the corner of
$8.00 A Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1975 '
Single Copy 2k 24 Pages
Lucknow Designated For
Assistance In
Establishing Dentist Here
Gaunt. Named As
Huron-Bruce Liberals on Mon-
day night nominated Murray Gaunt
as their candidate in' the forthcom-
ing provincial election.
The nomination • meeting was
held at tht Wingham Town Hall.
The 40-year-old Mr. Gaunt is a
native of West Wawanosh and now
a Wingham resident.
Mr. Gaunt first won the riding
for the Liberals in 1962 in a
by-election. He ha since won
three consecutive general elec-
tions, last time, by a large majority
of 8618 votes over, his nearest'
Mr. Gaunt, the Liberal party's
agriculture critic in the legislature,
rapped the Davis government's
failure, to bring inflationary, spend-
ing under control and said the
government is "fueling inflation,
not fighting it."
He said the Liberals would cut
spending , drastically and trim the
fat in government bureaucracy..
"This province cannot afford Bill
Davis any longer," he said.
Speaker at Monday's nomination
meeting. was Jack Riddell, Liberal
member for Huron Riding.
The Conservatives last week
nominated Bill Walden of Wing:
ham as their candidate in. Huron-
The .NDP has yet to announce
whether or not they.will contest the
New Operators
M. and R. Mayfair Restaurant in
Lucknow, operated for the. past 1%
years by ,Mrs. Mabel -Whitby and
Mrs:-Noreen Pritchard of Lucknow,
will have new proprietors effective
ext week. •
The new operators will 'be Mrs.
at Grazier and her daughter Vicki
f Holyrood. The restaurant
continues to be leased from 'the
ormer operators, Al and Gladys.
Mabel Whitby and Noreen
ritchard will leave for Hawaii for a
two week trip on the 12th of
Joan Ferguson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Ferguson, R. R. 4
Ripley, graduated from Stratford
Nursing Division on July 26.
Convocation was held at Kitch-
ener-Waterloo Auditorium, follow-
ed by a graduation party at the
home of her parents.
,Joan has accepted a position
Red Deer, Alberta.
Jack AilthiSon.
Lotet Large Huron
BOO By ffri •
A large- barn oir-the farm of Mr..
and Mrs. Jack Aitchison 'of Huron
Township was completely destroy-
ed by fire about 1 p.m. on Tuesday
of last week.
Jack had gone to the barn to
unload some baled straw when fire
was noticed in the upper portion of
the structure. In a matter of
minutes the roof was on fire and
the blaze was beyond control.
Lost in the blaze Was the
season's crop 'of hay, all their grain
as well as 38 head of cattle. Lost
also was machinery ,including a hay
••elevator, grain auger, tractor and
cooling unit for milk. The bulk milk
tank was saved..
The Honourable ,Eric Winter,
chairman of the Ontario. Manage-
ment Board, assisted Mr. Joynt in
his efforts to have Lucknow
designated under the provincial
plan. '
In a letter received on Monday,
It. E. Feasby, Senior Dental
Consultant, Health Promotion
Branch, advised Reeve Joynt and
the village that Lucknow had been
designated and that this informa-
tion would be made known to final
year dental students interested in
finding practice locations.
on Sunday morning.
A number of culverts, roadways ,
and small bridges were washed out
by the totreptial rain.
One of the most serious was the
Bob Street bridge at the corner of
Bob and Campbell in the village,
Two serious fire losses in this
area were the result of the severe
electrical and rain storm which hit
the community on Saturday night
and. early Sunday morning.
The storm started early Saturday
night and about 10.30 p.m., during
a torrential rain storm; lightning
struck the barn of Derk Logtenberg
on the 6th concession of Ashfield
Mr.' and Mrs. Logtenberg were
Amberley Beach
Hit By Vandals,
Thieves, Prowler
Cottagers' at Amberley Beach
have experienced a series of thefts,
vandalism and one incident of a
prowler being surprised in an
occupied cottage in the middle of
the night.
Earlier in the season an arson
attempt was investigated at a
cottage at Amberley.
The latest episode is the
tampering with several automobil-
es in the early hours of Saturday
morning. Unlocked cars were
searched and in at least one, there
was an attempt to steal it. -A pair of,
water skiis was stolen from another
Earlier in the year gas was stolen
from several boat house supply
Cottagers in the Amberley area,
to this point at ease at their
summer retreats are taking more
precautions with this recent crim-
inal activity.
Police have been investigating
the incidents.
out for the evening and it was their
sons Jerry 16 and Siinon 12 who
noticed smoke coming from the
barn. They turned off the hydro to
the barn and summoned the
Lucknow Fire Department and
notified their parents who were at
the Saltford Hall at the time.
•The fire was beyond control
when the Fire Department arrived.
It was raining so , hard at the time
that firemen experienced difficulty
in just seeing to drive to the fire.
The fire truck and new tanker truck
were used to protect 'adjacent
The Logtenbergs lost about 28
calVes in the fire as well as their
season's hay crop, straw and all, the
milking equipment.
Compile 33,725
Voters In Riding
Of Huron-Bruce
George McCutcheon of Brussels
is the returning officer for the
riding of Huron-Bruce in the
forthcoming provincial election.
300 enumerators completed the
listing of voters in the riding
working from Wednesday to Satur-
day of last week. Mr. McCutcheon
held, schools of instruction ,for the
enumerator's and 299' of the 300
33,725 names, were compiled for
the voters lists which are this week
in the hands of the printers.
Mr. McCutcheon has his return-
ing office set up in his home at
Graduate Nurse Reeve Joynt LAnnouncel Monday
of rain fell on this
community from mid. day SatUrday
until Sunday morning creating mid
summer flood conditions unheard
of in recent years.
Rivers ran high from the
torrential rain, which fell through
the night, accompanied b severe
,electrical storms*.
Baseinents in low areas near the
river, and in other areas in parts of
town which are considered high
and dry, were flooded by the
overnight• downpour and surface
run-off. Many village and area
residents were up all night
pumping and baling water from
cellars and baSements. Some
people, with valuables stored on
basement, floors, experienced
ancial losses.
The Lucknow Fire Department,
up all night fighting two fires in, the
adjacent rural area, received many
calls for assistance froin 'those
needing their basements pumped
George W. 'Joynt, Reeve of the
village of Lucknow, announced to
the Sentinel 'Monday that the
village of Lucknow has been
designated •as an, underserviced
area for dentistry by the Ontario
Ministry of Health.
As such, the village becomes
eligible for 'financial assistance
from. the Ministry which would go
towards the salary and equipment
of establishing a dentist in Luck-
now in h newly established
Health Centre.
511/2" Of Rain Fell Overnight Saturday
Creating Flood Conditions In The Area,
Basements Flooded, Roads Washed Out
Lightning Cause Of Two
Serious Fires On Weekend