HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-08-20, Page 104.2
Rev. L Van Staalduinen
Services at
10 a.m: and 8 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
Message of Today
CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m.
Radio dial 1070
CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m.
Radio, dial 560
Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Worship Service.
7:30 p.m. Evening Service
Midweek Prayer Service
Wednesday at 8 o'clock
C.A. (Young People)
Friday at 7:30 p.m.
4, •
St. Helens U.C.W.
The St. Helens United Church
Women met at, the home of Mrs.
Angus MacDonald on August 12
with ten ladies in attendance:
Hymn 356 was followed by the
Lord's--prayer: Mrs.-B.,F Green_
read the scripture and meditation.
Isabel. Miller •read a poem;
"Thank God for Books". Janet
MacPherson read an /article On
books, and Helen Todd a poem, "A
World of Love". Helen MacDonald
read, "Give. Heed to. Reading" and
this was followed by hymn 498 and
sprayer by Janet MacPherson.
Helen Todd read the third
chapter, from the study book. Mrs.
Cook and Mrs. Green discussed
Africa and India. -
Janet MacPherson conducted the
business part ,of the meeting. A
discussion regarding the 113th
anniversary of St. Helens Church
took place. It was decided to have a
luncheon to -follow the service on
September 14th, 1975. This would
be our way of celebrating the 50th
anniversary of the United Church
in Canada as well 'as our own
anniversary: Committees were Set
up to 'take care of decorating,
lunch, etc. It was deCided to order
Kittle anniversary spoons as well.
The offering was received and
hymn 376 sung. Grace was sung
and the mizpah benediction repeat-
Helen Todd and Helen MacDon-
ald served a lovely lunch and Isabel
Miller gave the , courtesy remarks.
Orris, Gingrich, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Reunigli visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan Thorburn were Mrs.
ssie Sittow of Cleveland, Ohio,
Miss Sheri Sauow of Grafton, Ohio;
Mr. 'and Mrs. David Thompson and'
Alison of Guelph.
Mr: and Mrs. Allan Stewart of
Eganville, Ontario .called on Mr.
and Mrs. Wni., Pace Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ratteau and
girls have moved up to the former
Andy Barkwell's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy and
Pat Courtney are on a trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey
have returned home from a trip to
the East Coast.
Gertrude Lee Walden spent the
week end with Mr: and Mrs.;
Murray Malden and family.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emrnerton of
VV,alkerton spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Funston.
Little Mareta MacDougall has
been visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Stneltzer and family while
her parents are on a trip to the East
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy of
Ingersoll spent• the week end with
Robert Courtney's.
Mr. . and. Mrs. Ray Chowden
spent the •week end with Mr.' and
Mrs. Murray Walden. .,„„
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ernmetton
spent the week end 'with Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Funston.
Joan Courtney was chosen as
Queen' of Ripley Saturday. Mary
Jane Courtney and Miss MacLean
of Ripley were runners-up.
Congratulations girls.. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Rattean -and
girls spent the week end with. Mr.
and Mrs: Wm. Kempton.
Rcids Corners Women's itisti
tuts, got first prize for the float in
the parade in Ripley on Saturday..
Worshiping with Lucknow and
South Kinloss Presbyterian
11 a.m. Morning Worship
June 29 - July 13
n South Kinloss Presbyterian
July 20 - August 3
In Lucknow Presbyterian
August 10 - September 6
In .Lucknow •United Church
Luckrocow •
Presbyterian Church,
Rev. Glenn Noble, D.A., B.D
Phone 528-2740
(No Sunday School in August)
10 a.m. Sunday. School
*11 a.m. Morning Worship
Joint services with Lucknow
United and South Kinloss
• Presbyterian Churches
June .29 - July 13
Iii South Kinloss Presbyterial
July 20 - August 3
In Lucknow Presbyterian
August 10 - September 6
Iii Lucknow United Church
M. A. Miltenburg
Was Guest Speaker
The August meeting of the St.
Augustine Catholic Women's
-League--Was-cipen-ed- by -the presid-
ent Mrs. Joe Hickey.. Mrs. Wm.
Redmond gave a spiritual reading.
Mrs: Cyril Boyle read the minutes
of the last meeting, reporting there
are twenty-seven members.
Father Dentinger thanked the
ladies for the donation which
purchased the large crucifix that is
hung • in the newly renovated
church of St. Augustine. Thank
you notes from. Joe Finleon who
was hospitalized and from Pat
Boyle for his graduation gift, were
read by Mrs. Raymond BoAe.
Fourteen Members and three
visitors were present.
Mrs. Wm. Redmond. sent get
well cards to Mrs. Jim Finleon and
Joe Finleon. A baby medal was
purchased for baby Fuller, daught-
er of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fuller, by
her aunt, Mrs. Raymond Boyle.
Mrs. Raymond Boyle read • a
letter of appreciation from Father
Spencer. He was pleased so many
members attended the Provincial
Conference in London:. A letter
was read from John Foran asking
for a donation of money for
research of the parish history.
Discussion followed relating to the
book that will be ,compiled later.
Mrs. Raymond Boyle moved that a
donation be given for research for
the book. Mrs. Wm. Kinahan •was
elected to ask the amount needed,
for, the project. Hostesses for
September meeting will be Mrs.
Neil Stapleton and Mrs. Mike
The guest speaker for the
meeting was, Miss Mary Anne
Miltenburg of Ashfield, who is
Dairy Princess for Huron County.
She gave a very interesting and
informative report of her activities
in her office. She showed slides on
the value of milk and dairy
products in our every day diet.
Lunch was served by the
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, Mrs.
Miller Hartwick and Mrs. Ben Scott
visited on Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Currie at Waterloo.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Nicholson and Lois were Mr. and
Mrs. George Peter, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Peter and Greg and Mrs.
Frances Keil of. Romeo, Michigan.
Mrs. Marretta Hodgins returned
to' London after spending a week at
her home here. Guests with her
were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar of
London, Misses Eileen and Bever-
ley Gelman of Detroit and relatives
from here.
The • H. W.I. served the noon
meal on Saturday at the Lucknow
Craft Festival and also ran the
booth during the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Newhard
(the former Florence Tweedy) and
daughter Nancy of Warren, Ohio
called on friends here on Friday.
Miss Marjorie Murray was
honoured with a bridal shower on
'Friday evening, August 8th in
Holyrood Ball which was most
attractive with floral arrangementS,
streamers and pompoms. Mrs. P.
A. Murray was chairlady and
.welcomed everyone. The program
began with a sing song conducted
by Mrs. Raynard Ackert and Miss
Joanne Thompson, daughter of
Mrs. L. C. Thompson of Lucknow,
is home for the month of August
following her first year of training
as a nurse at ,Victoria Hospital,
James °Culbert, Lucknow has
been hospitalized- --in- -University_
Hospital, London, -for ,,the past
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Alton and
family of London entertained at
their-summer cottage near Bayfield
on Sunday. Guests present were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walden and
family,, all of Lucknow; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Alton and boys of
Ashfield; My. and Mrs. Russel
Alton and Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon
Finnigan, all of Goderich.
Summer visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. MacMillan, Lucknow
were Mrs. John R. O'Reilly and
Judy of Montreal; Mr. and 'Mrs.
Cliff MacMillan and children
Andrew, Danny, Paula and Abigail
of St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs.,
Jos. Bielusick and , children Kath-
leen and Doreen of Flint, Michi-
gan; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Griffin of
Detroit and Mrs. Myles MacMillan
and girls of Port Huron, Michigan.
South Kinloss
Mrs. Ted C011yer was hostess for
the ' August meeting of South
Kinloss W.M.S. The vicerpresid-
ent, Mrs. Lorne Sparks', opened the
meeting with a poem, "What do
You Owe", followed by singing of
hymn, "Joyful, joyful we adore,
Thee" and prayer by Mrs. SparkS.
Members, visitors and girls were
Mrs. John • Needham read the
meditation, Hebrews 11, and also
gave a very interesting comment-
ary on the chapter. Mrs. Ira Dickie
at this point took over the •
remainder' of the , meeting.
Minutes and thank-you notes
were read followed by the roll call
answered with a scripture verse
including the word "stranger". A
trio of Bonnie Clark, Bev Bell and
Edna Boyle`. Readings were given
by Mrs. Ed Thompson "and Mrs.
Leorne Eadie. Mrs. P. A. Murray
conducted a contest and Miss Mary
Eadie favoured with a piano' solo.
As 'the wedding march was being
played the bride and her attend-
ants, Anne Ackert and Cheryl
Hackett took their places. Also
assisting with . the gifts were
Marlene Murray, Sandra Smith
with Mrs. Ernest Ackert reading
the attached verses._ Mrs. Ed
Thompson placed the gifts:
Mrs. P. A. Murray read an
address to the bride and made a
most attractive tree from the gift
.'bows. Marjorie thanked everyone
and invited the ladies to a
trousseau tea at her home. All
joined in singing For She's a Jolly
Good Fellow and lunch was served.
- Mrs. Cliff_gobb who has been a
patient in the Kincardine and
District Hospital returned home
during the week. Het many friends
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Donald Murray of Holyrood
entertained at a trousseau tea on
Saturday, August 9th in honour of
her daughter Marjorie.
Mr. and Mrs. George Graham
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Kerry Hogan, Todd and Chad
at Glencoe.
Mr. and Mrs; Karl Boyle, of
London visited on Thursday with
relatives here.
Mr. • and Mrs. Jack Hodgil
returned home from a trip. to tl
West Coast, visiting with Mr. at
Mrs. Douglas Teixeira and fami
and 'other relatives at Sou
Burnaby, B.C.
Mrs. Audrey Borthyvick of
Catharines visited with relativ
Members from the Holyro
Women's InStitute went 'to Str
ford On Wednesday to see theT1
"Twelfth Night" in place of
August meeting.
The Rev. A. F: 'Cowan will.be
the PentecoStal Church on Mond
evening, August 25th when he v
show a film on the work of the Bil
Society. This district includes the
Kinlough churches and the Kink
United Church.
Mrs; ,Bob Brooks (Sharon H(
ginS) and boys of Listowel
were vacationing at the, King Car
at Kinloss entertained relatil
from here on Thursday afterno(
.Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B
Nieholson and Lois were Mr..
-Mrs. Alex Stewart of Millart
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hodgkin!
of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. I
Waugh of 'Woodstock.
Mr.' and Mrs. Don Thomps
Susan, Nancy and. Donalda
Lucknow spent a few days
Snache Island at Lake Simcoe v
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacLenn
Norman, Mary Su, Dorie Anne ;
Charles at their cottage there.
Lois Hanna sang "It only take
spark" and -"He's everything
me" and 'was much enjoyed.' '
study book was given 'by Mrs. I
Bell, "Strangers in the Camp
This, was most interesting. A so
"Who is' My Neighbour"
sung, followed with the Pra
Circle with Mrs.' Frank MacKen
Mrs. Allan MacDougall and N
Leonard Clarke taking part.
offertory prayer was by NI
Maclntyre. Mrs. Philip Steer
Mrs. Evan Keith favoured wit
readings, "Heads Bent Low"
"Smile". Bev Bell and Lois Ha
favoured with an instrumental
Mrs. Don Bell gave court
remarks and the meeting closed
singing "The day Thou gavestl
is ended" and prayer by N
Needham. Grace was sung.
The September meeting will
at the home of Mrs. 1
Needham, September 3, at 8'p
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldei
visited during the week in Toro
and attended the Canadian Nati
al Exhibition.
Mrs. Tom MacDonald sp
Wednesday with her parents 1
and MrS., Joseph Guest at Ts,
water. •
Relatives from here attendee
bridal shower for Miss War
Hunter at the home of Mr. a
Mrs. Jack Aitchison, Huron To\
Funerals Get Well
Weddings Anniversaries
Gary Gurbn2 ueuvery to
McKenzie Mineral Home
, 524.7885
Ready to serve you
7 days a week