HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-30, Page 9WEDNESPAY, JULY 30, 1975 Lucknow's Fifth Annual Craft Festival SPONSORED BY THE LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY in the Lucknow Arena Friday, August 1st 1 p.m. til 10 p.m. AND Saturday, August 2nd 10 a.m. til 6 p.m. • • CRAFTS OF ALL TYPES, BAKING, FRESH PRODUCE o MEALS FOR SALE. FREE PARKING FREE GIFT TO THE FIRST 500 LADIES EACH DAY PAGE NINE OPEN EVERY NIGHT TUBS. WED THURS JULY 79 30 .1 file MOM magnificent pircittre ever! •• MWD 01. CABLE AA 1EN 1.1 ICH 11:S1,11:11(111:11i1) I 01,11110(11.1A 'HAND "GONE WITH THE WIND" DINO Dt.!..REN TI1S •-•." 1•••• 1.• KY1 00%707 I tit DRIVE-IN °MEAN CHILDREN ADMITTED • FREE . . FOR FEATURE TIMES 'PHONE 3644240 Wed., Thurs., Fri.,, Sat., July 30, 31 Aug. 1, 2 vitEL "mows fiefi DLEs ziNit t sliD SIDNEY POITIER • BILL A.C.,9Stigv • HARRY BEIAFHAITE As Geochle Dan • UPTOWN pro,A SATURDAY wir '74 NIGHT le ' fee= law people WOO fly. YOU "VIM anus Iliagjar" GIANT HOLIDAY SHOW - Sunday, August 3rd •AtIrtilt10,000015 A ON mar 'Faux. 'NOM( P616E-' BNF 01 riff SYNDICATE BEST OWE FANS SAW .1 . art j,r0f GOOTAIIIIR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 8R /T THE nom is DEAR • CoibktaerY4 Reid ioutitiniumilion! • CHILIMPfl SifotICOtil !tin" WITH DOD THINGS! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • 3001COILIT• C. I )AA'N A blIA MS TOM 'BAKER MI: I I AT I. t 'RAk ELLInT r • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT HORRO WILT O R F Mon., Tues., Wed., Aug.4, 5, 6 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RonnieCorbett• NOSEX- WE'RE BRiret ONE G/ IN. NISI MAN S1001E411 11/MS S1NC1 IN! 000141010 DON IS DEAD %AI ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Sun., Mon., Tues., Aug.10, 11, 12 II> 'NO S MERCY MAN Wed., Thurs., Fri., Aug. 13, 14, 15 They came to molest his sister ...attack his mother ...kill his father ...Then one day he bicame SM;,0,7.7F: • - and all Hell broke A ash! I A MAW • 1,,,f U11,• You never had a trip like this before. r-/ 1511 L21111 z ISHING POINT COLOR "Delightfully_ outrageous." PHANTOM PAItADISE Saturday, August 16 Only ant ENTERTAINMENT JOHN WAYNE STEWART GRANGER ERNIE KOYACS FABIAN Ad Sew •••••v. NORTH TO .ALASKA te a ., 1IN IVA 0011r gaff ehea 17 • 11 ti GEORCE HAMILTON SUSAN r O R pvN RED BUTTONS ARTHUR O'CONNELL THE STORY OF THE, IMMORTAL HANK • IMILLIAMS 1 ' s I Sun., Mon., Tues., August 17, 18; 19 WHEN THE MOON IS FULL THE DEBBI' MUST DIE! ADULT ENTERTAI !{ENT 4>ijlonnie's Kids yha' • 'sh • eirrit ti had HIM Ra61AS. 014 Ag11° 4.111 • A (....1.1,1110 Corp Ct9i!!.FiEkikt AN ELECTRIFYING MOTION PICTURE Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 7, 8, 9 WANTED HOLIDAY 5 SHOW SPECIAL SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 Mandingo Death Wish PARK G0DERICH 30 nil 80UARI PHONE 074 7811 AIR (OHOIDOHED WED THURS , FRI.; SAT.• JULY 30,31 AUG, 1,2 1:01=10060t• 0.60 "A Goon* SPORT-AcutAR" 'WALT DISNEY 60' s tt -..; r, 1,1 0N SUN. MON.. TUES.—AUG 3,43 L envy WED TO TUES., AUG. 6,7,8,9,10.11,12 11114 06. ADULT EN TERTAINMENT WED TO TOES AUG 13,14,15,16,17,18,19 hee Not 6 „ Ili sls.11.4 kirk biletlas Akio Seib Ilintid.lhasure Grow &Nikon Main *rend Kroadaliorrano Iletoorik toilk.hoome, Program Subject 'To Chong. Without Hotiie '1111C N10- N4110•1110- ‘4.- MA NTWEWORLD • • • • • •• • Wed. 30, Thurs. 31, Pd., Aug. Land Sot. 2nd • • ONE COMPLETE SHOWING DAILY AT 7i3O P.M. • ' • I „„,„,1.16,°. • • I, 0 • • is • L '-'"'"'"' liv1/411"A GooPfw: SPORFACOLAR1 ''''' A --Id a; pcgrr oCARZligi F EST • • 11C+ iNICOI OR c 040 00ccv i, 00110 . ^` 0 Ak• ••••••••••••••••• it w SUN. 3, MON. 4, TUES. 5th Imo • ONE SHOWING DAILY AT 7:30 P.M. . • • 'DETECTIVE LT.BRANNIGAN Li •• • 'IS IN LONDON... SAVE • • _ - iviE 010'. • •, GOD ,,gEte • Tamp. i'-11"D 11 autINWAINE—€04,0* I --, .., , ..4iBuligiiiiGal g a k..‘‘, • • • • REPORT TO THE _ jerml EADULT _I ▪ COMMISSIONER • STARTS WED., P.M. HIERTAINMEN i • AUG. 6th • 8 . 111110 d'vioil •••••••••• •••iiii HEAD START Foresight is the inborn 'ability to utiliziethe preSent in making a past for future use. LYCEUM WiNGHAM ONIAPIO PHONE 17 1 .• • • • • COMING AUGUST 8 TO 16 WHITE LINE 1 PLUS ADULT • DARKER THAN AMBER ENTERTAINMENT WHILE AT THE CRAFT , FESTIVAL CHECK THE TERRIFIC 'BUYS' AT SEPOY DAYS SIDEWALK SALE Died Suddenly At Age 47 LANGSIDE Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller on the birth of their baby boy on Saturday, July 19th. Karen and Liane Young spent a few days last week with their cousins Sharon and Cindy Struth- ers of Lucknow. Bob Orr had' the misfortune to cut a deep gash in his arm with a sheet of steel while roofing a barn -on—Thursday. It Was treated- of Kincardine Hospital. Ken Young and 'nephew Marty Young took a week's ,motor trip up north last week. Mr. and Mrs. Farley Nunn of Bristol, England are spending a few days with Mr. and. Mrs: Philip Steer: They expect to spend some time in Canada. They are' cousins of Philip Steer. Jamie Young is taking a A motor trip as far as Vancouver. He is , travelling with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Don. Martin and Danny of 'VVingham. They expect to be away about three weeks: Kevin. McLeod of Gtielph is spending a week with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat:, Mr. and, Mrs. Don Bell, Wayne and Beverley returned hothe after spending a week at a cottage in Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young, Kevin and Brian of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Mr.. and Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Marty, Karen and Liane and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young visited On Sunday at the same home. Russell ,Young returned to Toronto with them for a week.. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 975 >.< 71, IMMO 111 IA /..111 CHARLES BRONSON MRS. JIM YAECK The passing Tuesday morning, July 22, of a 'Walkerton lady at a relatively early age, in the person of Mrs. Jim Yaeck of 191 Victoria Street, Was learned with regret by the residents of the community in general. Mrs. Yaeck, who was 47 years of age, died suddenly at- her resid- ence, Tuesday ,about six . a.m.., the result of a heart seizure. The deceased had enjoyed ap- parent good health during her lifetime, and her unexpected death came as a .particular shock to her husband and family, who are extended sincere condolences in the kiss of a loving wife and mother. The late Mrs. Yaeck -who 'was the former Irene Schumacher, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schumacher of the Tees- water area, where she spent her early girlhood and received her schooling. On November Sth, 1949, she was married to Jim Yaeck, son of Mr. Andrew Yaeck and the late Mrs. Yaeck of Walkerton and the couple took up residence in the Bruce Capital. The deceased was a member of Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Walker- ton, and the Catholic Women's League. Besides her husband, the late Mrs. Yaeck is survived by one son, Kenneth of Durham, and one daughter, Brenda, at home, and one granddaughter. She was predeceased by one daughter, Sharon, Mrs. John Keip, who passed away February 17, 1974. Remaining also are one sister, Mary, Mrs. Melvin Zettel of R. R. 4 Walkerton, and four brothers, Ray of Windsor, George of Calgary, Edward of Walkerton and Frank of Holyrood. Two brothers prede- ceased. " • The remains rested at the Tanner and Pearson Funeral Home. Walk- erton, thence on Friday to ,Sacred Heart' Church, where requiem mass was celebrated at 10 a.m., by Rev. John Newstead. Interment took place in Calvary Cemetery. AUGUST Is TO 17 'ADULT Return to Macon ENTERTAINMENT Ctithg4.4 'THE AUDIENCES DON'TJUST SEE !T- hey cheer it? They love it! Expect all that the matron pttture screen has never dared to show before Expect the truth FEAR IS THE INV FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, AUGUST 1,2,3.4,5.6.7 Vigilante, city style- judge, jury, and executioner. Program Subject to Chong. Without Notict ALESTAIR Met LEANS MOST BIZARRE ADVENTURE ......1.0t00,04.0101-PATMet AC MEAT A RUDDY 011001/CTION IiIIIITREYNOLDS, "THE LONGEST YARD" AM 11414 0,100..n "DEATH WISH" Vift1101111011111. /101 .11114 M 01/011/0 MP, 1.010.1 • *NIL. An orgyol fie ciarro*dT Tales that Witness Madness