HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-23, Page 13Shuttle Flo and Belt-Line Feeders swim you time and money ;every day" CoMbine capacity, durability. and a low horsepower re- quirement and, you have- two feeders•that give you the most for your dollar. Both feeders distribute feed quickly and evenly along a bunk. One is certain to be just right for your dairy or cattle feeding operation. ' ' ' ' ''' ' ' • ' „. • '' ' '' „ • r 1. 1' 1ti _ R.R. 1 KINCARDINE PHONE 395-5286 111 1111111_1•111111 MEN SIM co 0 O N a ' c--. co . it-- . Co V C0 , • eo CO C ...I E W t9 C E. -o 0 0 rr, C C Ca C a) 44, Ca C 0. 4.1 ro -c z cs rn ti) in ad *s5 .41 :5 C g X CO 44 (4 5. bA O L. 0, O 7 4; 0 .0 4-1 0 4a' 0 a n d Eq u ip m en t .5 ... V .5 a) 124 .5 g .,, V '') 40 .0 It 5) 0 C O cc C 0 ''t/1 c. vt. C) tin C 1.• s. O su rn sw co co .0 .0 O Kay Mr. Ion. mis or 6 , 0) coco so co ill cs) 8 co.. Cl) CO .4f) S 6. 80 9.18 6 a Os. 0 h 4 r. CD 0 0 0 CD in t. •{10 A. co S 2 , 82 8 . 0 1 1 co a) `ck:5 .0 C "eC fn -co C a. C) C cca C. o • 0) Co 0) O c6 N CO T.14 Cv0 00 ir3 CO .0 s•-.4 O v.41 CO ce) O Co Sn C') CO to cvo co; Sn o) a •- o 44 CO CV a ga' •••••, ^ 1.1] ° 0 0 .0 O 4./ c ty. - T) C 0 C10 0 C.) r4.1 00 CO c0 11) cY) INn r- COD Cp VI; "41 5) C]. O C) Ey IS WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE THIRTEEN p....44.0.00+44•.••11.410414,10.*******040.01101 .0,,4 10 YEARS AGO. JULY 1965 W. W. Hill, a long time resident of Lucknow, observed ' his 89th birthday on July 6th. Rev. Bensom Cox of Kinlough observed his 91st birthday. Tentative approval was received from the Departinent of Education for the construction of a 4-room addition plus auditorium to the Kinloss Central Public School. The addition would absorb the pupils from 4 one-room ' schools in the township that would be closed. Kinloss Township School Area Board later decided to leave the matter of the construction of the addition in abeyance for that year. ,109 children registered for swimming instruction, which was held at the Teeswater Swimming Pool. They *ere taken by bus every Tuesday and Friday morn- ings; sponsored by the, Lucknow and District Lions Club. 30 YEARS AGO JULY 1945 Commencing July 14, the Luck- now Branch of the Bank of Montreal observed their weekly half holiday on Saturday instead. of ,Thursday. High School entrance results were announced for Lucknow Public School naming the following successful students: Mary Ander- son, Mary Chin, Viola Cook,' Helen Durnin, Eileen Elliott,- Betty Eng- land, Raymond Laidlaw, Doris Lyons, Allan Machityre, Ronald MacLeod, Clifford MacMillan,' Donalda MacQuiaig, Floyd 'Milne, Mary Murdoch, Marion Nicholson, Harvey Ross, 'Ray Stanley, Helen Webster. Fanciers of good horses were admiring the team of hackneys acquired by Ewart Taylor. The registered pair were full sisters, age 4 and 5 years. 50 YEARS AGO JULY 1925 A school report of promotion examinations for U.S.S. No. 13 Ashfield and Wawanosh named the following students, Tom Henry, Elsie Vint, George Henry, Nellie Cranston, Pearl Thompson, Fran- ces Phillips, Glen Cameron, Mary Nicholson, Willie Lazenby, Rae Nicholson, Cora Thompson, James Phillips, George Alton, Jerry Cranston, Ralph Cameron, Jean' Cameron, Anna Irvin, Hugh -Mac- Crostie, Beth Phillips, Blake. Alton, Frank Sherwood, Harvey Lazenby, Robert Irvin, Ila Saunders, Angus Nicholson, Violet Saunders. Teacher, Marion Hodgins. Consistency in all things is a man's most precious asset. BRUCELEA HAVEN NEWS By Annetta Schilroth Our ministers for the month were: Rev. D. Kemble, Presbyter- ian, Walkerton;. Rev. M. Minke,' Lutheran, Mildmay;' Rev. Ed Mart- in, PentecoStal, Hanover; Rev. P. D. Mellegers; Presbyterian, Pais- ley. We also have Mass celebrated in our chapel every second Thursday at 10.30, by Rev. Father Hawe. Each Monday of the month we have Fun and Fitness at 1.45 p.m. and have games and singing; On Tuesday, June 3rd we hid a euchre at 2 p,m.; and on Wednesday, June 4th we conduct- ed our monthly birthday party. The Brucelea Haven auxiliary were in charge of the program. They had a sing-song and Mrs. Ruth Hein'i- becker, one of our staff members played some lovely old, selections on the piano. There were, thirteen residents with birthdays, ten ladies and three men. After the program, our birthday residents were pres- ented with a suitable gift, then cake and ice-cream were served to everyone to round out a- most enjoyable afternoon. We held a bingo on June 5 with grapefruit and oranges' as prizes. On June 10th at 10.30 we held our monthly Resident Council in the Tuck Shop area with a very good attendance. The Catholic Women's League, with' Mrs. 'Leander Weiss as convener, held a 'most' successful euchre in our, auditorium on June 12th. • During Senior Citizen's Week, the Kinette Cub took our residents on a, bus trip tos,the Bruce Nuclear Power Development. On the way home' the Underwood Women's Institute served us a bountiful lunch which was enjoyed by all. On June 19th, the Senior Citizens of Hanover' invited our residents to the show at the theatre in Hanover and Rene Weiler of Wide World Travel of Walkerton provided the bus. The crescent at the front of our home is very beautiful with the purple and yellow plants and also. the roses in the south bed are appreciated by all the residents.. Thanks, Jack, Gerry and Harry! On behalf of the residents of Brucelea Raven, I would, like to express my sincerest, thanks to the members of the Walkerton Rotary Club for their unselfish generosity.. in presenting us with . a "talking book" tape player for our listening pleasure. The residents of the home will be able' to order novels and stories on tape through the local branch of the BruCe County Library. This presentation was made to Mr. Moore, our Assistant Administrator on June 20, 1975 during Senior Citizens Week. Gentlemen, please accept our thanks!!!! wo••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES ,WITH MARGARET THOMPSQ vt t". '44' • cD . 2 co co .t to r- co co 0 N Co ,t4 co 4.4 v-.1 0) r...1 ••••4 CO CN1 .14 CI IN in C0 r..1 0)) 00 00 C:1?, ri di all Cel cc5' CO CM T-4 c4 c\I Sn 0 4 "ir CC fQ v; 45) 0 .0 z a1 0)4J W '15 •15 C ,.• to 0 40 Z>- a, 14- D 0 Z LL W In s tr u c t io n E du c a t io na l S e r v ic e s O c.) '5 a) Crl C 0 • 44,4 CV 444, 0 (19)i s '. in is -e c .50 00 (4 4 4 74 sac • E 4.) l) C F"'G cr) '› > 8 6 tti O CO Ca CO try -4 • 0 0 "8 0 0 8 u-s• Nr N Ee C O 0 rw C. -0 0 fr: 1DC. fn. C C.) 0. ca c 0. C.) "C 0 4-1 0 0 O CO 0 0 0)(f., >c, 0 fn O ctS ic„ c.) 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