HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-23, Page 10thd • a' Maitland Valley Conservation Authority's Annual -Scrapbook Competition has been completed for 1975. Approximately 355 Grade 7 and 8 students from Brookside Public School, in, Ashfield Township, and Drayton Senior School, in Drayton, took part. On June 25, at Brookside Public School, John Elliott, the Author- ity's Public Relations Co-ordinator and Blake Ferguson, the Senior Technical Adiiisor for Prograin 26; presented the awards to the winners, whose topic was Recrea- tion. The first prize winner was 355 Students In Competition For Scrapbook Award must have a sponsor must be 16 - 20, years of age THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO — entries must be in by July' 25 Gordon Alton, who 'received a cheque for. $15. Michele. Cook received $10 for second prize -and Lynne Miller received $5 for third prize. • • Lorne Murray, the Maryborough Township 'representative for the Conservation Authority presented the prizes.at Drayton Senior School June 24.- With help. from John Elliott and Blake Ferguson, Mr. . Murray presented .awards to the winners in. , four categories of competition. All the students who participated received a Maitland Valley Conser- vation . Authority button. The students not only researched their own information but; put in their own illustrations to clarify the topics. The pUrpose of the competition was to allOw the students to learn more about conservation in their own area. Gordon Johnstone Is New President Descendants of Matthew Blake and Elizabeth (Pierce) Blake gath- ered in, Stratford Park on Sunday, July 13, for their annual picnic. Cousins were in attendance from Dunnville, Toronto, Napanee, Wat- ford, Atwood, Lucknow and sur- rounding areas: Following a noon lunch and ball game, -sports events for the children were conducted by the boys of the Howard Blake family.. Race results, . under .4, Susan Moffat, Kevin Webster; under 7, Deidie Angle, Mary Moffat; 9-12, Kay Morrison, Karl Morrison, SteVe Alton, Darilyn Angle; junior 3-legged race, Deidre and Darilyn Angle, Kay MorriSon and Kevin Webster, Mary and Susan Moffat; senior 3-legged race, Ralph and Roger Morrison, Susan Hogeboom and Elizabeth Ritchie, Douglas and Paul Blake; junior wheel barrow race, Karl Morrison, and Steve Afton, Deidre and Darilyn Angle; senior wheel barrow race, Barry and Lloyd MorriSon, Ralph and Roger Morrison, Steve Alton and Karl MOrrison.. Three team,s competed in the relay races with a win going to each one. Later the younger children had a peanut scamble, The balloon artist contest was won by Susan Hogeboom and . Joanne Ritchie. A , short business . meeting was condticted by vice president Allan Webster. After the reading of the minutes and a greeting from, Kay Blake who was unable to attend, the group obseryed a minute's silence for members departed in the last year. The new slate of officers is: president. Gordon Johnstone; vice preSident, Howard Blake; secretary treasurer, Helen Blake; sports, Blake ' Alton family. At the conclusion of a full and happy day the cousins agreed to meet in Stratford Park the second Sunday in July 1976 to again enjoy fellowship' together. •n• Kinlough W.M.S. Mrs.' Ruth Wilson presided for the meeting of the Kinlough Women's Missionary Society on Wednesday, July 16th, and opened with a paragraph entitled "Consist- ent Witness" and II Corinthians 6: 17 and 18. This was :followed by the "hymn 0, for a heart to praise my Lord", and the' purpose, The roll call, a flower 'or plant of the Bible, was answered by nine members and 'there were four visitors. Mrs. Jack Barr ga'Ve the Ce• nten- nial report, telling about they Baker, who was the first woman Missionary to the Indians in Western Canada, in the Prince Albert area, where she taught from 1878 to 1885 when she was sent home because of the rebellion. She died in 1905 in Montreal. , The conveners for the program were Mrs. .Donald McEwan and Mrs. Jack Barr. The. hymn, "Lord of life whose name outshineth" was sung and scripture, Hebrews 11: 1-16 was read by MrS. Tom McDonald. A prayer-hymn follow- edlly Mrs. Jack Barr. The Film, Mission to a Minority, was shown, and this depicted the life of the-Koreans in :Japan, 'which led to a study of minority groups in Canada such as Koreans, Canadian Indians and, various ethnic groups. A reading "Life Could Be Rich" and a discussion on the topic closed the program. Courtesies to the hostess, Mrs. Frank Maulden, were extended by Mrs. Donald McEwan, and Mrs. Wilson, expressed thanks to the program conveners. Grace was sung and refreshment's served. MacKenzie Clan Hold 13th Reunion Under sunny skies the descend- ants of Neil Ban MacKenzie and Mary MacRae gathered at' Ashfield. Park for their 13th reunion on Saturday, July 19th. After registering and reminis- cing all members enjoyed particip- ating in sport activities prepared by Jack, Bertha and family ending with the treasure hunt for the younger children and the nail hammering for the young folks: At the dinner hour Karen Martyn led in singing, grace and the clan enjoyed the smorgasbord dinner: After dinner a short business meeting was held by president and secretary Jack and Bertha Mac- Kenzie, who , welcomed everyone. A moment's silence was observed in memory of Donald B. Blue. Among the honoured guests were Mrs. Rhoda CoMpton, Mrs. Isabel MacKenzie, Mrs., Violet MacKenzie. The youngest mem ber present was Sherry Lynn MacKenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' David MacKenzie. Bertha MacKenzie read the minutes of last year's reunion. Heather MacKenzie drew the lucky ticket for the Scotch Plaid Tea Cosy, which was Won by Isobel Martyn., Sitting on the hidden map of Scotland was won by Don Kemler, the prize was a lovely linen towel of the map. of Scotland. Those coming from distant points were Mrs. Rhoda Compton, Mr. and Mrs.. Lew LaBonte, Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kember, Rochester, Michi- gan,. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Myers, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew LaBonte, Detroit, Michigan. An invitation was extended from Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Collinson and family to visit the following day at their summer home, Hemlock Haven, on the shores of Lake Huron. • The meeting closed with the singing of the MacKenzie Ode, good wishes and prayer that all would meet next year same time and place. With handshakes and kisses all parted, with the setting of the sun on the shOres of Lake Huron. 41r AP' 40P I .41P I IP, 41, LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH. SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER WORSHIP Norshiping with Lucknow and South Kinloss Presbyterian Churches 11 a.m. Morning Worship June 29 - July 13 in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church July 20 - August 3 In Lucknow Presbyterian Church August 10 - September 6 In Lucknow United Church IP 411. +OP IP 411V apIP „ap WEDNESDAY, JULY 2; .AMBERLEY Miss Margaret Anne Cot has gone to Calgary. Miss Getirtide Lee Wald, London spent the week end Mr, and Mrs. Murray Wald Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrell the week end with Mr. and Ernie Thompson. Mr.. and Mrs. Paul Farr Toronto spent the week en . Mr. and Mrs. Murray Farre Mr. and Mrs. Mike:,MuiT Ingersoll spent the week en Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtne3 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ernine Walkerton spent the week en Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Funs Mrs. Art 'Smeltzer re home from Wingham Hospi Friday, where she had b patient for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Eliner Srr haye returned home from a the W,est. Mrs.' Jim Mills and fan Toronto spent last week wt Smeltzer. • KINLOUGH PENTECOSTA CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligienho 10 am. Sunday Scho ' 11 a.m. Worship Servii 7:30 p.m. Evening Sery Midweek. Prayer Servi Wednesday at 8 o'cloc C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 p.m. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN- . REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 27 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. services conducted b Rev. P. Millegers of P Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today "Trouble On The Tow CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.' Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 Radio dial 560 Lucknow s Presbyterian Chi 1 Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., 1 Minister Phone 528-2740 No Sunday School in. Aug 5 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worshi 1 Joint services with Lucid United and South Kinloo - - -Prisbyterian Churches June 29 - July 13 In South Kinloss Presbyte Church July 20 - August 3 In Lucknow P.resbyteria Church August 10 - September , In Lucknow United Churi 3...c%,-e2,27.-0"-e2'•0%.‘3"e?'° MISS RIPLEY, HURON REUNIOi ENTRY FORM MAIL TO: MRS. BILL SCOTT, R.R. 1 RIPLEY, ONTARIO PHONE 395-5038 NAME: ADDRESS AGE TELEPHONE Qualifications - must live in Ripley or Huron Township TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SUBSCRIPTION • DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Ord. Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME 1 1 1 1 1 1