HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-23, Page 1e LUCKNOW SENTINEL
$8.00 A Year In. Advance — $2.00 Extra To U,S.A. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1975 Single Copy 20c '24 Pages
One Of Three Men
With Longest Service in Canada
Peter Johnston 57 Year*
In RuraIMall. Setitice'
Peter M. Johnston of Lucknow
was one of three pioneer rural route
Couriers recently 'honoured, by the
Canada. Post Office. for lengthy
service with the post office
Mr. Johnston took over mail
deliyery on R.. R. 4. Lucknow in•
January, 19.18, and was •a courier
for 57 years before. retiring: R. R,
LuCknow later became R. R. 3
The Other. two Couriers honoured
were Melvin Sheehey of Fenelon
Falls, Ontario, 'who joinbd the Post
Office as a contract carrier on
October 1, 1917 . and has rarely
missed a day's work', and Joseph
Ritchie of Grand 'Valley, Ontario.,
Wh.oSe, first , contract was in 1919.
• , "These three gentleman ,have,
among them, served the public' fOr
more than 170 Years," said
Postmaster General Bryce Mackas-
ey. ,"As rural mail couriers, they
have been involved in much more
Let Village,
Paving Tender
For $13,879
Lucknow Village Council has let
the tender for the paving of
Havelock Street from the main
street 1Campbell) north to Silver-
woods Corner and for the ap-
proaches to the Canning Street
bridge at the Flax Mill.
Contract price is $13,879 and the
Warren Paving Co. 'is the success-
ful firm. There were two tenders
on the job. the second coming in at
The Warren firm will also be
paving Highway 86, west of
now is shown receiving a stamp
album from Member .of Parliament
Ashfield Township Council met
on July 1st with all members
Applications for Tile Drainage
Loans were approved for Robert
McIntosh, Antone Van Osch and
Elmer Culbert,.
Stock claims presented by Cyril
Austin, $100.00 and Terry Dalton,
$240.00 were approved for pay-
ment, •
Council approved applicationS
forseverance for Lorne. McDonald,
Died At Age 75
Robert Arthur Stewart of Kinloss
passed away in Wingham and
District Hospital on Saturday, July
19 in his 76th year.
Funeral service was held from
MacPherson Funeral Chapel, Tees-
water on Monday a 2 'p.m, with
burial in Teeswater Cemetery.
Paving Contract
For. $266,949.50
Far Lucknow To
Amberley Stretch
Warren Paving Co. of Downs-
view has been awarded a contract
to repave Highway 86 from
Lucknow to Amberley, Murray
Gaunt, M.P.P. for. Huron-Bruce
advised the Sentinel this week.
Contract price is $266,949.50.
Work is expected to commence
at once and the contract calls for
completion within 45 working days.
Cravvford Douglas (Bruce-Grey).
Mr. Johnston was a rural route
courier for the Canada Post Office
John Pentland and Gordon Ander-
Road accounts of $43,864.74 and
general accounts. of $18,846.84
were ordered, paid,. 'The meeting
Michael Dahmer
Killed In Quebec
Auto Accident
Michael Dahmer, 24; of Douglas
Point, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dahmer of Elmira, lost his life in a
motor accident in Quebec province
on the week end.
Michael, who is unmarried, was
travelling with another couple and
their two small children. The four
family members were seriously
injured. Michael had been on, a
holiday in' the Maritimes' and was
returning with his friends and their
family at the time of the single car
accident about „60 miles east of
Quebec City.
Michael was a plumber by trade
and was employed at Douglas
Point. His parents were both
raised in Lucknow, his mother
being the former Doreen Miller.
He has a younger brother Shawn,
age 16, and a married sister Mrs.
Bert (Patricia) Golding, both of
Elmira. He is also survived by his
grandparents, Mrs. Herb Miller of
Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Milne of Kitchener.
DetailS of the accident were not
known at time of writing. The
funeral will be held in Lucknow
from the MacKenzie Memorial
for 57 years and was recently
honoured at Ottawa by the .postal
department. '
Vacation Time
At The Sentinel
A reminder about holidays at
The Lucknow Sentinel..
There will be no papers publish=
ed on August 6 and 13.
Next week's issue of The
Sentinel, July 30, will be the last.
paper before the vacation period.
If you have an event to advertise
during the newspaper's holiday
period, next week's issue is the one
you must use.
Local Lions Club members and
their families are, hosting a number
of young people on a youth
exchange visit to the , area.
Three Male Members Of Cranston
Family Have Appendix Surgery
Within Three Week Time Period
• Luke Cranston, 2 1/2 -year-old son
of Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Cranston of
Lucknow is home now after having
been in Sick Children's Hospital,
London, where he, underwent
'surgery for a ruptured appendix on
Sunday, July 13th. He is
progressing quite well. • It seems quite a coincidence to
His father, Ray Cranston, was have three male members in the
taken to Wingham Hospital •on same` family all have 'appendix
Thursday of last, week. He had operations. Within. a 3 week time
acute appendicitis and underwent period.
Pictured, left to right are Grant Mexico with her host Al Hamilton
Chisholm of Lucknow, wearing his of Lucknow; Deb Modeen, 16, of
Japanese Lions Kimona, a gift from Minneapolis, Minnesota with host.
their guest, Noriko Kojirna, 22 of Barry McDonagh of Lucknow;
Gojo, Japan, who is pictured in her Eloyes Castillo, 18, of Olton, Texas
native dress beside Grant; Lorraine with hOstess Mrs. Dan (Sheila)
Gonzales, 18, of Albuquerque, New .MacDonald of Ripley Lions Club.
Tax Rates Set In Ashfieid
Farm and Residential Rates
Up About 15 Mills,
Business Rates About 23 Mills
surgery that night.
Wayne Cranston, son of Mt. and
Mrs. George Cranston, brother of
Ray, is recuperating at 'home after
having his appendix removed just 3
weeks ago.