HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-16, Page 8 el-c.44471a5..E.E'T SCHMID'S HAS' JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF RADNOR FLORALS ALL SIZES scinvnlys ALSO HAS RADNOR CHINA ROSES, BLACK-EYED SUSNS -AND DAISIES 40P 411. IP 4P AP 4/11. AO' 4/P 4P. IP IP AP IP IP 40P 41P I dr ,dep I dr do. For your shopping convenience we are now and-, will continue to be throughout the summer months 0, OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK — MONDAY TO SATURDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. 41. I .01, dor I op IP 4IP 4 I 41IP AP` 410. 4P. ,dp SCHMID'S jEWEItHEIVA AND OWNERS — W. JOS AND DEAN E. AGNEW .010NE 528-3532 LUCKNOW' TWO Clay Liquid Manure Systems: Honey Wagon ! Slurry Surrey! •r: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 PAGE EIGHT LES-...PETTER SHOES .. Lucknow Native Died At North Bay MRS. P. H. TORRANCE A resident of North Bay since, 1917, who has been active in community and church activities, Mrs. P. H. Torrance died Friday, lune 27 at home after a lengthy illness. - Mrs. Torrance, the former Eun- ice McIntosh, was an, honorary life member of the Samuel de Champ- lain Chapter, IODE, and had been a member of Fidelis Chapter No. 99, Order of the Eastern Star, since 1925. A native of Bruce County, Mrs. Torrance was born April 3', 1891, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIntosh, former residents of 'Lucknow. She was married at Toronto September 18, 1917 to P: H. (Harry) Torrance and moved to North Bay in the same year. Mrs. Torrance attended St. " Andrew's United Church and was a life member of the church women's association. As well, she .Was a member of the Civic Hospital Auxiliary and a provincial life member of the Ontario HOspital Auxiliary Association. Predeceased by her husband, Mrs. Torrance is survived by a son, Peter. of Kingston, a daughter, Mrs.. C. E. Brooks (June) of Kitchener, and six grandchildren. The funeral service was conduct- ed at Martyn Funeral Home, North Bay by Dr. F. L. H. Stymiest with burial at South Kinloss. Cemetery, Lucknow. 'LUCKNOW KINSMEN INTERMEDIATE BALL TOURNAMENT AND DANCE Saturday and Sunday, July 26 and 27 40th Harrison Reunion Held At Seaforth Park The. 'fortieth annual Harrison Reunion Was held on. June 14th at Seaforth with 'a very good attend, ance. The afternoon was spent in races, ,contests and a ball game: A smorgasbord supper was. served 'the pavilion, which included a special cake, decorated , for the fortieth anniversary. A ,minute's silence was observed for those who. had 'passed. away the previous year. The picnic is to be held .at the Seaforth Lions Park on the second Saturday in .June 1976. The following people will be in charge.: pres., Jim Harrison; secre- tary treasurer, 'Marlene Harrison; directors, Bill and 'Helen Burdge, Charlie and Bev Orr; sports . committee, Jim and Donna Collins.; *Wart and .0live Broadfoot. The following are the results of the sports: under 5 years,' .Ist Scott Hackett, 2nd Stanley Airdrie; girls 6 to 8 years, Brelida Hackett; boys 6 , to '8 years, Lorne Pennington; girls 9 : to 12 Years, '1st Teresa, Forster; 2nd Lois' Penn,ington ; boys 9. to 12 year's,. 1st Ian Hackett, 2nd Brian Hackett; girls 15 and under, 1st Teresa Foster, • 2nd Brenda Hackett; bOys 15 and under, 1st Jamie Hackett, 2nd George Collins; girls sack race, lst. Teresa Foster,' 2nd, Lois. Pennington; boyS sack. race, 1st Jamie Hackett,. 2nd • Ian Hackett; candy hunt, 1St Brenda Hackett, 2nd' Brian Hunt; men's. race, .1st 'Roy Taylor, 2nd Brian Hodgert; women's'. race, 1st Barb . Oesch, 2nd Marion ,Taylor; men's. ball throw, 1st Brian Hodgert, 2nd Roy Oesch. , .In the potato . race winners were, 1st team, captained by Brian Hodgert,' 2nd team, captained by Barb. Oesch, 3rd team, captained by Roy Oesch. Luck-now LORNE REID WHITECHURCH Miss Joyee Tiffin-of Toronto. and parry Tiffin of Kitchener spent the •week end . with /their parents Mr: and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and attended the reception of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden at the Hall Friday evening. The Falconer-Mclinnes picnic waS held Sunday afternoon, July 13, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes at 2 p.m, The afternoon was spent renewing acquaintances for the seniors while the younger fry enjoyed games and contests nnder the supervision of Kathleen FerSter and Marian Simpson. There was an attendance 'Of 60: Michael Tiffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tiffin was. the youngest present. President for next year is Joe Tiffin and Elnora Towle is secretary treasurer. The meal was served smorgasbord. Miss Lorie Hiebien of Listowel is holidaying with her friend Glenna Wilkens. • • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Russel Gaunt on the week end were Mrs. Donald Gaunt of Chatham and Mrs. HarOld Gaunt; Brenda, Richard and Sandra of Louisiana. They returned With MrS. Donald Gaunt to relatives at Oil • Springs. Mr. and MrS. Roddy Inglis of Earlton spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Tom Inglis, Tom and Betty and visited other folks of the community. Chalmers W.M.S. will meet Wednesday, July 23 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Johnston Conn, Wingham. Leaders are Mrs. John de Boer and Mrs. Archie Purdon. Roll call to be answered by naming a child o'f the Bible. Note the meeting iS being held one week later than usual due to a funeral in the community. At the Martin-Gillespie picnic at Harbor Park, Goderich on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bustel were presented with a set of TV tables to celebrate the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary: On Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier were at - Mrs. Barbour's of Hillsburg to celebrate the first birthday of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier's daughter AmY. Also• present for the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier and Miss Winnifred Farrier. of Toronto and Mrs. Norman Lyster and girls of Burlington. RECEPTION On Friday evening a reception was held for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden (nee Shirley-IV-fin) newly weds. The evening' was spent dancing to music by the "Alley Cats". At lunch time Mr. and Mrs. Snowden were called to the platform, given seats of honour, while Lori Jamieson read an address and Ronald Jamieson and R. Jefferson presented each with an envelope of money from the large audience with all their good wishes. Shirley and Bill both replied thanking the sponsors of the reception, the audience for coming, the gifts and good wishes, and the orchestra for their music•• All then sang For They are Jolly Good Fellows an-d dancing was resumed till the closing hour. Lori and Lee Fisher of Ayton were week end holiday visitors with their cousins Rhonda, Bill ahd Gregory Gibson, Visitors on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Toronto. To celebrate Jeffery Oberholtz- er's seCond . hirthday with him in Wingham were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Toronto, Mr. \ Phone 528-201E tHOE REPAIR and WS. Neil Rintoul, Steven and Scott of West Wawanosh, Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Robinson Of Belgrave and her friend Miss Denise Hallam Of -i-Ondon, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Oberholtzer and /Lorne Ober- holtzer of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer. ViSitors on the week end with Mrs. Bessie Mullis was her sister Mrs. Jim Ward and Mr. Ward of Strathroy. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Struthers of Teeswater were invit- ed to the home of their daughter Mrs. DOn Caesar and Mr. Caesar to celebrate Struthers' seventy- fifth birthday. Owing to the rain they had to go to Whitechnrch Community Memorial Hall. The community offer their congratula- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin spent the week ;end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan and family of Watford. Miss Floris Leaver is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mow- bray and with Charles Leaver at the Nursing Home at Showalter farm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and . family attended an Elliott family picnic Sunday afternoon at Camer- on McTavish's at Lurgart Beach with an attendance of 35. Little Bobby Craig of Wingham spent a few days on the week end with his grandparents s Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenag- han of St. Thomas visited on the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McClenaghan of Kitchener spent the week end with Miss Mildred McClenagfian. Mrs. Des Rodhes and boys spent the week end with friends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibb of Kitchener Were week end visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibb. On July 21 ' at 8.30 p.m. Whitechurch Institute will hold their .meeting in the Whitechurch CoMmunity Memorial Hall. The motto is "Farmers" by Mrs. Russell McGuire. Roll call - a press clipping of agricultural interest. Speaker - Miss Brenda Trask, Ontario Dairy Princess. This meeting, will honour first year and charter member's. Each 'Member is to bring a guest. "I know Cancer can be beaten" Mrs. Florence Kendall Burlington. Ont: -Cancer can be beaten. Your -dollars are needed • now to continue the battle. Give hope a boost. When a volunteer calls, be. generous. . • CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY CRAFT FESTIVAL -LUCKNOW ARENA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST 1 AND 2 Sponsored by Locknow Agricultural Soci St. Helens W.I Mrs. Peter Chandler presid the July -meeting of St:::H Women's Institute. The me opened with the Ode followe the Mary Stewart Collect. Th call "Our duty to a new Cana was answered by eleven mem Mrs. Ross Gammie gave treasurer's report. Corres ence was read and business with. Group 3 is in charge of cat to the "Foran Family" gath on August 23 in the hall: Gordon Struthers gave a rep the bus trip plans for Septetn Kleinburg to visit the Art Gal and to Black Creek Pioneer Vi Mrs. Jina Curran was cha for the program, the theine "Citizenship and World Affa 'Mrs. Fred McQuillin accomp the singing of "Little Church in the Vale". Mrs. Snowden gaye a reading "Se Kindness". The motto " born into freedom' do not_kn value" was prepared :and giv Mrs. Harold Cooper. A re "Second Thought" was giv Mrs. James Aitchison. Mrs. Gordon LyOns prepare gaVe a topic On "Citizenship" program .was most interestin made us think how lucky w and how much we just ta granted. The meeting closed Canada and 'the ,Grace after the hostess Served a dainty lu cake and ice cream. Hos were Mks. James Curran and Fred McQuillin. SMALL CRAF SAFETY LOWRY 1111 tiAY FARM SYSTEMS i •LR.R. 1 KINCARDINE PHONE 395-5286 II NM al MI Mil IIIII NIP Either of these Clay Liquid Manure Handling Systems can move a month's manure in a single day. Either inject manure into fields or spread in controlled 25 to 35 foot svirathes. lpney Wagon has inside the tank, liquid cooled vacuum *pump. Slurry Surrey is impeller type system. Available i 800, 1500 & 2250 gal- ion sues; with- manY optiOns. Write for Mae information.