The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-09, Page 141 ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND AND MASONRY IN STOCK JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW BURNING Cl. and stacks manure until you're ready to 'spread it! Special features make . Clay barn cleaners one of the most rugged available. Extra heaVy chain and 'gear drive add yeari of service. No open seams in elevator to reduce manure Corro- sion. Elevator extends up to 40 feet, and swings, to allow stacking of big piles for later spreading. tools, etc., 10.89; Haugh Tire Supply, tires, tubes, 567.00; Pol- lard Bros. Ltd., liquid. 'chloride, 2,280..98; Joan Armstrong, 'accoun, ting, 26.00; Murray Wilson, brush kill, 102.50; BP Oil Ltd., diesel file!, 295.31; Ideal Supply, supplies 'for shed, 13.73; Glen Olson, cutting tree, brushing, 40,.00; Wilfred Collinson, .snow . removal, b etc. (Auburn), 113.00; Jen Construction, crushing, 15,28 Bert Moss, gravel, 2,452.00. On motion of Councillor ston, Council ajourned to A 5th, at 8.00 'JOAN ARMSTRONG, C Lucknow Phone 528.3112 Amprimmammommiimereentaiwoomoommeemmemes For People or The Go .*.... Simplicity Super Twins roll easily, work anywhere, withou special plumbing or electrical servicing. Compact size (32" x x 19"). Washes one six' pound load, while spin drying anothe (twelve pounds combined). Team your Super Twin with a COra pact dryer and laundry' days can become leisure days. Greet TV ,and . Electric THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3362. 1975 CHRYSLER CORNOVA, demo 1973 DODGE, .1-a ton 19.73' ASTRA STATIONWAGON, automatic with • 1972 TOYOTA, 4 door with radio 1972 DUSTER 1972 DATSUN," 2 door 1969 METEOR, 2 door hardtop 1968 CHEV, 4 door hardtop' LANGSIDE Joanne Katerburg of Moorefield spent last week holidaying with Joanne de Boer. Joanne de Boer had spent the week previous with Joanne Katerburg at her, home in Moorefield. Karen' and Liane Young spent a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Young. Sandra and Greg Gardner spent the week end with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young. Mr. and Mrs. George YoUng, Heather, Bradley and Cheryl visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lovatt iii,London. Timmy and Sherry Lovatt; whO had been holidaying at George Young's, returned to London with them. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin and Danny of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and family on Saturday. . William Pinnell of Colborne has been visiting friends and relatives in this district the past week He is a cousin of Wesley and Clifford Young. Mrs. Mary Miller of Lucknow, formerly of Langside, is still a patient in Wingham Hospital. We hope she will soon be able to return home. The Langside-Whitechurch Young Peoples held, a beach party at Ashfield Park on Friday evening. With ' a good attendance and fine weather, they spent an enjoyable evening. The Young People held a short meeting at the.ome of Jim de Boer. Sunday evening which was the final meeting for this season. Bev Kay, who has been a patient in Wingham Hospital for nearly two weeks, was allowed to come home Sunday to take the services at • the Whitechurch and Langside -Presbyterian Churches. He has to return for a, few more treatments but hopes to be home again soon. Miss Lynda McQuillin of Bloor- view Children's Hospital, Toronto spent last week' at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin. Dawn McLeod of Clinton, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. McQuillin, also spent a few days with them. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SENTINEL offers a complete selection of wedding announcements, styled for the discrim- • Mating. . ask for , W. WAWANOSH APPROVE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 months during the winter. Council approved the idea and directed the 'Clerk to draW up an agreement for its use to be signed by both, parties.. Messrs. Murray Wilson and Cecil Cranston were in attendance to seek information regarding the Smyth Drain, which is in need of repair and/or improvement. Four tenders for hauling pit-run ' gravel were received in answer to aditertisements, and were opened at this point. Motion by Councillors Cranston and Hickey "That the tender of Mac Wylie Construction, Wroxeter, 'for loading and hauling approximately 13,000" cu. yds. of pit-run gravel at 51c per cu. yd. be accepted, subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.'' The Road Superintendent was directed to obtain information from the' Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the construction of a, new road in the village of Dungannon. The seven applications received , in answer to advertisements for a township employee and grader operator were opened and read by the Clerk. The Clerk requested the Treasurer to assume her duties for the consideration of the applica- tions. The Reeve expressed a conflict of interest and requested Councillor Foran to assume • the chair for the consideration of the applications. Both Reeve and Clerk withdrew from the room. Motion by Councillors Foran and Cranston: "That West Wawanosh Township hire Gordon Smyth Junior as township employee and grader operator:" An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor Hickey "That West Wawanosh Township hire Tom Armstrong as' employee and 'oper- ator." There being no seconder for the amendment, the motion car- ried. Motion by Councillors Foran and Cranston "That since the six month probationary pericid had expired, George Humphrey be recommend- ed as permanent road superintend- ent for West Wawanosh Town- ship". The road accounts were passed for payment on motion of Council- lors Stothers and Cranston. The following general accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Hickey and Slothers: James Devereaux, salary, 192.07; Receiver General of Canada, CPP; UI; IT, 12.32; J. A. McDonagh Agency, W.W. share tanker prem- ium. 147.00; Bruce,Grey County R.C.S.S. Board, 1st instalment 1975 requisition, 115.00; West Wawanosh Mutual Fire° Insurance Co., administration equipment, hall ins., 15.00; Corporation Village of Lucknow, 1974-75 figure skating program, 165.00; Receiver General of Canada, postage stamps, 8.00; J. D. Durnin, repairs to Durnin Drain, 39.00.; Township of West Wawanosh, culvert for Durnin Drain, 76.20. ROAD ACCOUNTS G. Humphrey, salary. 812.97; M., Wylds, labour, 72.50; Receiver General of Canada, CPP; IT; Ul, 300.04; Siecicer's General Store,' CRAWFORD MOTORS ONE COAT EXTERIOR WHITE PAINT $12.30 per actilon THE.. TACKABLES