The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-09, Page 13lit Me
watch your feeler
protitsl CR
There's a valuable profit tip for you''-in the experiences of the many
farmers and ranchers who have joined the Synovex weight watchers.
Many of these people who haVe implanted their cattle with Synovex
growth promoting hormones say they're able to average daily gains as
high as 12.2%, and feed conversion as -high as 9.3% over, untreated
controls. Sound interesting? Let us give you all the facts about Synovex
• .. the cattle implants for top weight gains and feed efficiency.
Lloyd Phillips of • West Wawa-
nosh was admitted on Tuesday to
Wingham Hospital.
Gordon Rintoul and Bill Willis
received their discharge from
Wingham Hospital on Tuesday.
Mrs. Bill Evans was admitted to
Wingham Hospital on Tuesday.
Mrs. Dalton Schultz, who was
admitted to Wingham Hospital on
nonday, was moved to St. •
Joseph'S Hospital, London on
Friday. Her many friends here
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly and
Angela of Streetsville visited on
Tuesday last with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace .Milligan. Her
sister Clara returned home with
them for a holiday.
Glenna Wilkins visited last, week
with her brother Bill Wilkins, Mrs.
Wilkins and family of Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMillan of
St. Catharines spent the week end
with her father Dalton Schultz. Her
mother was hoSpitalized in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson,
Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of St.
Catharines spent the week end With
Mr. and Mrs.' Victor Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Farrish of
Listowel were callers on friends in
the village on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Robertson of
Wingham were Sunday. 'evening
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer King of,
Brussels were Sunday evening
visitors with Dalton Schultz.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schultz arid
his father Dalton Schultz were
Sunday callers on Mrs. Schultz, a
patient at 'St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, and fdund a little improve-
Carolyn Willis of Newry is
visiting with her cousin Lyle Willis, •
and her grandmother Mrs. Doris
Whitechurch and Langside
Young People on Sunday evening
at held a meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim de Boer to
arrange plans for the service they
will conduct in August.
The Kirk Session , of LangSide
and Whitechurch will hold a joint
meeting July 13th at 8.30 in
Mrs. Graham of Brampton spent
the week, end with Mr. and Mrs.
Bev Kay and family.
Barry Elliott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Elliott, is one of Huron
County 4-H club members who
visited Blackford and 'Jay Counties
in Indiana, returning on Tuesday
July .3. The Indiana clubs will be
here July 17 to July 22.
Attending the- Barclay-Ritchie
wedding on Saturday, June 28th at
7 p.m. at Lucknow United Church
and the' reception, at the Lucknow
High School from here were, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Paul and
Ruth, Paul and Jane Laidlaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Quipp, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George.
Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Vincent of London visited with. Mr.
NM health service
WHITECHURtft and DISTRICT and Mrs. Terry Rutledge and
Shawn of Clinton. Don Vincent left
Sunday for New Brunswick and
Mrs. Vincent will leave later in the
week. 'They have been moved from
London to New BrunswiCk.
Colleen Adams is visiting with
her brother John Adams and Mrs.
Adams of VVifidsor.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Adams were Mr. and
Mrs. Jiro, Smith and Robbie of
Mr. and Mrs. Gr F. McGowan of
London spent a few days with their
daughter, Mrs. Ronald Jamieson,
Mr. Jamieson and family.
Mr., and Mrs. Walter Moore,
Linda, Richard and Cindy were
Sunday visitors with his mother
Mrs.' Dorothy Moore Of Brussels
and with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Bates and family of: Brussels
On Saturday, Dane, Phillip and
Margaret Mary Johnson of Mild-
may visited with Mr. and Mrs..
Walter Moore and family, while
their parents were at Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan
spent the, week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Donnelly and Angela of
Streetsville and Clara Milligan,
who visited there last week
returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rutledge
and Shawn of Clinton .were
Saturday visitors • with Mr. and
Mrs. George Webster.
On Thursday evening Rev. Miss
W. Brown was inducted at Bluevale
United Church into the White-
Church-Bluevale charges.
• Mr. ". and Mrs: Jim Toth of
Kitchener on' Saturday brought
Robbie and Billie up to Wingham to
spend holidays 'with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Currie.
Clayton Scholtz of Goderich was
a Sunday visitor. with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Dunin and Mr. and Mrs.
Elroy Laidlaw. •
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan
on their way home, from Val Caron
came by Manitoulin Island and
called on Mr. and, Mrs. Tom
Morrison at Little Current.
Mack Inglis of Highgate spent
the week end with his mother Mrs.
Tom Inglis, Tom and Betty and
with his wife a patient in Wingham
Lisa Inglis of Earlton and Bonnie
Inglis of Toronto are visiting their
grandmother•Mrs. Tom Inglis, Tom
and Betty.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
family visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Henderson and family of
• Lucknow. •
Mrs. Agnes Elliott of Wingham
is visiting with her son, Walter
Elliott, Mrs. Elliott and family.
The Y.P. Society, held *a social
evening on Frid,ay evening at
Amberley Beach.
Lloyd Whytock 'is busy cleaning
up the lot where the old store, was
situated across from E. S. Watt's
Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Hunter and
Trevor of London visited last week
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Conn. On Thursday' Mr.
and Mrs. Hunter and Trevor and
Mrs. , Conn attended an Open
House birthday party for Mrs. W.
0. Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs., Carl McClenaghan
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim McIntyre and family of
Val Caron, Northern Ontario.
Mrs. Eileen Parker of . Exeter
spent the week end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Mrs. Bill Evans returned home
from Wingham Hospital on the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinnatrion
and family of Monkton were Sun-
day visitors with Hugh Sinna-
mon and Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Beecroft and Karen.
Carol Rintoul of Tottenham is
visiting this week with 'her grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Rintoul, Garry and Brian and
Kimberley and Debbie are visiting
with their grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Black and other Black
relatives 'of Belgrave.
Whitechurch Women's Institute
meeting usually held on the 2nd'
Monday of the month will not be
held until July. 21st.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Mack. Ross, who we're married on
Saturday at Chalmer's Presbyter-
ian Church, by Rev. Graydon Cox
of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich-
tenberg, Lori and Kerry of Port
Elgin spent the week end with -
Albert Coult'es and Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Craig and family. On Sunday
all attended the Cemetery Decora-
tion Day at Brandon Cemetery,
Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Coulees and family of Blyth were
also present.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Craig and family were at Dungan-
non, where they visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Irvine Storey and family
and assisted them in getting
established" in their home there
after having moved from Goderich.
We are sorry to report that Bob
Stewart of Langside was admitted
to Wingham Hospital on' Sunday
With a heart condition and on
Monday, Mrs. George Currie, East
Wawanosh, was admitted. The
community wish all a 'speedy
Gordon Rintoul was admitted to
Wingham Hospital on Wednesday
and Bill Willis on Saturday. Jim
Moffat was released from Hospital
_last Friday and Bev Kay expectS to
be home ,this week.
The Farrier Reunion was held at '
Wingham Park on Sunday, June 29
with an attendance of around 25.
Many of the young folks could not
be present due' to places Of
employment. In honour of her
birthday they presented Mrs.
Grace Campbell with tokens of
remembrance and a birthday cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Farrier •
and Miss Winnifred Farrier of Long
Branch spent the week end with
Mrs. Farrier's mother, Mrs. Nel-
son Higgins of Belgrave.
PHONE 395-5038 '
— must live in Ripley or Huron Township
— must be 16 - 20 years of age .
— must have a sponsor
— entries must be in by July 25
Amberley -Huron
Snowmobile Club
On July 2nd the Amberley-Huron
Snowmobile 'Club had •a baseball
game at Point Clark followed by a
bonfire at the lake.
It. proved so successful plans are
for more throughout the summer.
The winner of the 50-50 draw in
June was George Messecar of
Walkerton. The proceeds of the
draw went to Ripley Minor Sports.