The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-09, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1975 (4 LUCAS - Mike and Marg of Clinton wish to announce the safe arrival of their son, Timothy Lee on. July 2, 1975 in St. Joseph's HoSpital, London, a brother for Bert. .1.M5••• HALDENBY - Tanya Lynn Haldenby announces the birth of a - little sister- ott Saturday,...fuly-5tb,- 1975 in Wingham and District Hospital. Proud parents are Barry and Sandra (Humphrey) . Haiden- by of R. R. I Holyrood. 1•11111. MacDONALD - to Mr. and MrS. Kenneth MacDonald of it R. 2 Holyrood on Wednesday, July 2, 1975 at Wingham and District Hospital, a daughter. GAMMIE - to. Mr. and Mrs., Bryan Ganunie of R. R. .1 Lucknow on Wednesday, July 2, 1975, at Wingham arid District Hospital, a son. WHITECHURCH Intended for last week. • Miss Christine Scott of Hanover spent the week end at her home . herewith Mr. and Mrs. Caesar. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich- tenberg, Lori and Kerry of7P-o-rt Elgin and Albert Coultes spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes and family of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Beecroft, Angela and Jennifer of Exeter were Sunday visitors with his parents ' Mr. and Mrs., E. W. Beecroft. Miss Doreen Wilson of Toronto on Sunday called on Charles Leaver TRACTOR PULL LUCKNOW PARK SUNDAY, JULY 13th , AT 1 P.M. • •• 01.0111•1001:111•1111110.1.iili r u PAGE ELEVEN * ********************** * Two door hardtop, ' 1/13, automatic, * power steering, power brakes, radio, *miles. Lic. FKC 692 $ 1 0 6 4 * vinyl top, rear defogger, 33,000 actual lif' '70 PONTIAC TEMPEST it Two door hardtop, six cylinder, e 1145 4.- * automatic, radio, good economy. Lic. aw * DHF 063 1 * ,Two door automatic, y8, • autoatic, ' C 'illr 9.9* power steering, power brakes, radio, ,a'r / . ' * • * '69 BEAUMONT CUSTOM • — * Two door. hardtop, V8, 'automatic, * radio, vinyl top, tinted windshield, 7 v9* sr radio, silver. *,a_ '69 BUICK WILDCAT CUSTOM * Pr Two door hardtop, Omer windows, * * , vinyl top, tinted windshield, radio, rear 0, * speaker, rear defogger. Away above 40 1397* Sedan, power steering; power brakes, It radio, low. mileage. Lic. DHD 752 * '69 PONTIAC PARISIENNE * Four door hardtop, V8, automatic, * power steering, power , brakes, radio. * '69 GMC 112 TON PICKUP Six stick, heavy duty suspension. Lic. Or C71 529 *" '68 OLDS. 98 TOWN SEDAN * Power steering,, power brakes, radio, * tinted windshield. A real good car. Lic. DNA 683 '68 DODGE MONACO * Four door hardtop, V8, automatic,' * radio, power steering, vinyl top. Lic. ,* FHH 108 * '68 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF -.L. Sedan, V8, automatic, radio, rear sr speaker, rear defogger. Lk. DHJ 096 *' '70 CHEV. BELAIR, ..a Two door coach, six cylinder, *• automatic, radio, interior like new. * '69 FORD .LTD * Two door hardtop, V8, automatic, ,ag, power steering, power brakes, radio, sr vinyl top. '67 DODGE CORONET 440 _, Two door hardtop, V8; automatic, it power steering, radio. Lk. CVS 345 * '67 CHEV BISCAYNE * Sedan, V8, automatic, power steering, * radio. DHC 649 * '67 PONTIAC PARISIENNE * Four door hardtop; V8, automatic, power steering, power braket, radio, sr, power windows, rear defOgger. Lk. FKG 933 • — * '66 VOLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON * Four speed, ANI=FM radio, decent * condition. Lic. DHH 492 * '65 PONTIAC PARISIENNE id. Four door :hardtop, V8, automatic, ( power steering, power brakes, radio, 71" vinyl top. Lic. DHM 883. Really clean. * '65 VALIANT V200 PONTIAC IVIcGEE BUICK * CADILLAC * HAMILTON ST., GODERICH *********************** * B. R. * *. (BEFORE RECONDITIONING) • These units are being offerer' on an as is" ' basis, plates • removed. At greatley reduced prices. * '72 FORD 1350 3/4 TON PICKUP * 390 V8, four speed transmission, custom radib, nearly new Michelin truck tires, orevii:r bumper, runs real well, 'Lic. CZO $1246: 1‘, * '70 METEOR RIDEAU 500 * vinyl top, lime, green. Lic. DHC 278 * Sedan, V8, automatic, radio. Lic. HEY 467 * THESE PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL WEDNESDAY, I * JULY 16 ONLY * • average condiltion. Lic. JSC 234 Nr '69 OLDS. RITA 88 $865: $799* $688t $991* $165 :* $295:1 $594: $595* $98: $98: $188: $156* $199: $69: air And always have something to do. A game of shoot they like to play And they go right at it, night or day. Both Mary and Art are going strong Enjoying life as they go along. So whatever the future has in store Of more years together we hope you have LOTS MORE. Yours truly, : • The Country Boy. • Guests were present from St. Clair, Michigan, St. Thomas, Mississauga, North Bay, Lambeth, .Wingham and surrounding area. TL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL," LUCKNOW; ONTARIO BENEFIT DANCE FOR MR. AND MRS. HOWARD HARRISON RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL SATURDAY, JULY 12th Honoured On 45th Anniversary A' very enjoyable get-together was held at. Brookside School when relatives and close friends met 'to celebrate the 45th wedding anni- versary of 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart (nee 'Mary Park), the party having been arranged by their family. The oldest guest was Arthur's aunt Eliza, Mrs.,. Will Stewart of Auburn, his only remaining aunt. Who will be 90 years . old in November. The youngest guest was Kelly Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart of North Bay, at Wingham, Hospital and on Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft. Lyle Willis is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Garry Willis and family of Newry. Diane Leddy of Auburn is visiting this week with her cousin Donna Thomson. On Monday both visited with Mrs. Kevin. Tiffin and family. Spending the week end with Mr. and. Mrs.. Elroy Laidlaw were Paid of Windsor, Jane of London, Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Ducharme of . Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons of London. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin. Mrs. Maime Caslick visited on the week end with Mrs. McAllister of 'Teeswater and attended the Teeswater Reunion. mownominiiiw who will be 2 years old in August. Cards and dancing were enjoyed through the evening and a delicious smorgasbord was later enjoyed. Wayne 'Stewart read the ad-dress which was written by Mrs. Stanley Doherty. Dear Art and Mary: We hope you will enjoy "looking back" for a moment to June 28, 1930. STEWART -'PARK A pretty summer wedding of much local interest was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park, the bride's parents, Saturday, June 28, when their daughter, Mary Edwina, became the bride of Mr. Arthur Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart. The ceremony was performed out-of-doors; the bride, given in marriage by her father; followed a carpet of orange blossoms to an arch of evergreens, to the strains of the bridal chorus from, Lohengrin, played by the bride's sister, Edna. Rev. Charles H. 'MacDonald, pastor of Erskine 'Presbyterian Church, Dungannon, performed the ceremony. The winsome bride -looked very charming in a gown of pink sheer. crepe trimmed with lace. During 'the signing of the register MisS Beth Park, sister of the ' bride, sang very sweetly, "Honeymoon time". ' Following congratulations the Company, which numbered about twenty, retired to the dining room where a wedding dinner ' was served. In the evening the happy couple left by motor amid showers of confetti and good wishes for a honeymoon trip." This was a Very special 'day for a' very special couple, who have faithfully honoured those marriage vows they took 45 years ago. Congratulations from all who have gathered here in honour of this, your anniversary, and we would. like you to accept these gifts. Mrs. Stewart was presented with a beautiful bouquet of Sweetheart Roses. Some of the younger guests assisted in carrying in the gifts. The family gifts were a, sterling silver charm bracelet for Mrs. Stewart and a sapphire ring for Mr. Stewart, who made 'a fitting reply. Mrs. Ken Hodges, sister of the bride, was presented with a bouquet of roses in honour of her birthday which fell . on the same day. Congratulations to 'the anniver- sary couple were expressed -by-Jim Reid as follows: Now here is a couple, that we all know Got married some 45 years ago. Art's choice, it seems was very • wise Got Mary and a farm, a country Paradise. Along the road and over the ridge Down the hill, then turn at the • bridge; With the rippling river right at the door Lots of cedars and shelter, who could ask for more? So that is where they went to live Each willing to share and their love to give; Hard workers they've been all thro' their' days A fine family 'of four they enjoyed to raise. For a good education the children they sent And to church. every Sunday is where they went. Now the kids are all gone out on their own And Grandma and Grandpa live all alone. , Of grandchildren they have quite 'a ,few 'US tETTEIt .SHOES . Lucknow Phone 528-20l1 LORNE REID - SHOE REPAIR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE STUART REAVIE 528-3010 ART HELM 529-7671 Admission: Adults $3 — Children Under 12 Free 41•110•01•11MilommommolliW RESIDENTIAL FARM --.--.INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PLETCH ELECTRIC WOTPA SANCTIONED TRACTOR PULL LUCKNOW PARK . Sunday, July 13th at 1 p.m. r CLASSES 1 — of Field — 6,000 lb. Purse $200.00 2 — Out of Field — 8,000 lb. Purse,S200.00 3 —: Out of Field — 1e,000 lb. Purse $200.00 4 — Out of Field — 12,000 lb. Purse $200.00 5 — Out of Field -- 16,000 lb. Purse $200.00 6 — Out of Field -- 20,000 lb. Purse $200.00 7 — Open Class 7,000 lb. Ours* $300.00 8 — Open Class 9,000 lb. Purse $300.00 WEIGH•IN AT 10 A.M. Phone Collect 357.1583 • W INGHAM