The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-07-09, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1975 11/2 mile North, 1/2 mile East of Carlow and 7 miles North East • of Goderich, Ontario, Canada. Consignments Welcome Telephone Lakeview Sales & Service 524-6451 Terms Cash Pick up can be arranged Lunch Booth on Grounds . • R G., Gethke Gerdon H. Brit.XlieY Richard Lobb Auctioneers . Not respOnsible for accidents day of sale 411111.1"mill,memer —lim aisteamomoieveromilmook BALL AUCTIONS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE OF BRUSSELS IS HAVING A one day retail sale Of all new chesterfield suites, kitchen suites, bedroom suites, stereos, component Sets, coffee and end. table sets, table lamps and pole lamps, continental beds in all sizes, recliners, matching stoves and refrigerators and many small giftvirare items. On Saturday, July 12th FROM 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. All. appliances appliances are still under manufacturers' warranty. Use our handy budget plan as well as cash or cheques Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to save money. AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, Household Effects and Machinery/ .will be held for MR. ALEX CHATREAU • Lot 32, South Durham Rd., Highway 9,. East of Riversdale On MONDAY, JULY 14 starting at 12:30 p.m. Machinery . Hammermill and 75' belt; 4 sec- tion harrow with stretcher;' man- ure spreader'; clump rake; buggy pole; grain cradle; wooden wheels; steel wheels; scrap iron; approx. 400 cedar rails; many other small items. Antiques and Household Effects Some ironstone china; large quantity antique dishes; partial set %%hie willow" ware; 3 Beaver jars; salt and pepper shakers; brass pail; Wm. Adams "Wild Rose" and "Thistle" dishes; "Myrtle" pattern dishes; Carni- val glass; depression glais plat- ter; stone ink bottle; large quan- tity. Canadian pressed glass in- cluding several pieces in "Stip- pled, Swirl' and Star" patterns-2 Cherry drop leaf tables, one with drawer; Nippon china; moustache cup; odd cups and saucers;„ trays; brass candle sticks; jar of but- tons; Old bottles; books; old school books; old hymn books; ' coal, oil lamps; lanterns; electric lamps; antique tea cainiisters;_l several crockery jugs, and crocks; Berlin' pump organ in mint con- dition; organ stool; pictures and frames; partial toilet sets; 2 weight-driVen New Haven docks; Gingerbread dock; antique bed spreads and other bedding; .Cap- tain's chair; squire living room table; antique high chair; 5 beds; oak wash stand and dresser; box stove; butter 'ladles and pound print; wash tubs and stand; bat- tery radioS; new hand. made oak coffee tables; antique rocking chairs; Boston rocker; antique wahnit livingrOom table; 2 jam cupboards; wooden curtain poles with wooden curtain rings; seats and lights for Model "A" Ford; wicker baskets; blanket boxes; chest of drawers; Raymond tred- le sewing machine; pine cup- board; iron kettleS; pine table; 2 gas lanterns; refinished antique dining room table; .4 press back chairs; antique sideboard; ice box; benches; spring wagon Seat; 2 . iron sugar kettles; and many other interesting articles. TERMS CASH Lunch Available Oviner and auctioneers not responsible- for accidents in any way connected with the sale Owner: Mr. Alex Chatreau Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 3924170 Grant MCDonald, Ripley 395.5353 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household be held for Effects Antiques will MRS. MYRTLE McGORMAN Part 29, Of Plan 3R - 739 Blairs Grove On Lakeshore Road' between Pine River Cheese Factory and Pine River Church - Watch for sale signs On SATURDAY, JULY 12 10:30 a.m. Household Effects and Antiquei ' Antique buffet with maple front and separate mirror; oak side- board; round oak table with 5 extension boards; drop leaf table with oak top; drop leaf table with extension boards; antique bOok shelf; book case; book rack; wicker rocking chair; 4 matching wicker arm chairs; wicker arm chair; cane arm chair; 4. cane bottom chairs; 4 fan back chairs; coffee table; end table; 2 floor lamps; pole lamp; table, lamps; spool bed; 2 single beds; wooden bed; bed; crib and mattress; washstand; 2 dressers; 2 chest Of . drawers; 2 bedroom tables; bed- room chair; day bed (like new);. quantity of mirrors; ginger bread clock; brass dinner bell with wall bracket; hat rack with- shelf; , 2 coal oil, lamps; crocks; sealers; copper boiler; desk; record play- er; victrola cabinet; blanket box; trunk; antique dishes; individual salt dishes; 5 bone dishes; quan- tity of good glassware; antique electric tea pot With stand; quant- ity of dishes and kitchen utensils; quantity of pots and pans; Cros7 ley refrigerator; coldspot refrig- erator; Moffat range; steam burn- er; GE electric tea kettle; coffee perculator; Osterizer blender; Magic hoitess can opener; Toast- master toaster; tea: can; West- inghouse, electric radio; Snider,, electric clock; GE electric dock; rug shampooer; wringer washer With copper top; Simplicity wring- er washer; Hoover washer and dryer; chair with wicker seat; bar chair; 2 kitchen chairs; wicker clothes basket; clothese hamper; rug and underlay, 9 x 12; quan- tity of bedding; linens and mats; bed tray; round card table; 2 card tables; table; . small 'folding tables; step stool; foot stool; plant stand; sewing box; stand and dress form; quantity of books; telephone and book shelf; luggage; shells; wood basket for fireplace; wall cupboard; fruit cupboard; fruit table; hat rack; clothes rackS; ironing boards; step ladders; extension ladder; plungers, i copper; oil cans; mail box; lawn chairs; folding lown- bed; 100' garden hose; some gar- . den tools; axes & shovels; wheel- barrow; approx. 3 cord of Wood; other articles too numerous 'to mention. TERMS CASH "Owner and auctioneers not responsible for any accidents or injuries connected with the sale Owner: Mrs. Myrtle McGorman Auctio rs: Grant McDonald Riple .hone 3954353 Walla 'Ballagh Teeswater, P o 392.6170 AUCTION SALE Of Antiques • will be held at McDONALD'S ANTIQUES In Ripley On TUESDAY, JULY 15 6:00 p.m. Oak china cabinet; cherry drop leaf table; refinished; round ex- tension oak table; harvest table; 2 sets of press back chairs; cap- tain chair;, solid 'oak parlor table (oval); wash stand; commode stand; marble top swinging mir- ror commode wash stand; hall tree; jelly cupboard, pine and bass '(refinished); oak wardrobe; spinning wheel; 3 rocking chairs; back to wall cupboard; oak bed and matching dresser; love seat; desk chair; walnut coffee table; walnut upholstered arm chair; platform rocker; what not; 2 iron sugar kettles; iron kettles; black iron pots; apple peeler; sad irons; box stove; cook stove; pan cake griddle; tailor irons;' trivets; milk cans - 2; 2 copper boilers, refin- ished; 2 copper kettles, refinish- ed; brass pail; telephone; doll table and chair; paper rack bam- boo; pine bake board; wooden ware; butter bowl; butter prints; butter ladles; rolling pins; lamps; hanging lamp, refinished; Alad- din lamp; finger lamps; coal oil lamps; coal oil lanterns; toilet set, complete, 7 pc.; 2 pitchers and basins; 2 clocks; good sel- ection of hand painted dishec. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Owner and auctioneers, not _responsible-1hr any accidents or. injuries connected with the sale Shop will 'be closed from Sat., July 11 to Wed., July 16 inclusive Owner: Gee. McDonald Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswatei- . Phone 392-6170 FOUND FOUND lady's diamond ring in front of Mekan's Store, Luck- now. Owner may have same by identifying and payment of ad. Phone 529-7605. APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Applications wanted for grader operator. Salary as per union con- tract. Duties to commence im- mediately. Send applications to clerk-treasurer, Fraser MacKin- non, R.R. 5 Lucknow, by 5 p.m. on July 14th, APPLICATIONS For the position of caretaker At •L uck now Presbyterian Church will be received by the undersigned (clearly marked ap- plication) on or before July 19th. Tony Johnstone, Treasurer Lucknow Presbyterian Church Lucknow, Ontario. 41111~116 IN MEMORIAM McCHARLES — in loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Laurie Henrietta MacCharles, who passed away July 6, 1970. Ever remembered and sadly miss- ed by Mom and Dad, Pat and Mary. We see in the future what we 'dreamed the past might be like. immumbirme.isimmmimmalftwomi SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD noTHERS PHONE 529.1403 FOR ESTIMATES NO APOLOGIES Those who do the honorable thing never have reason to seek justification for their actions. Amewwwwwwwwwweswor THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN AUCTION SALE for REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO POLICE DEPT. AT 430 MAPLE ST., KITCHENER, ONTARIO , to be held on SATURDAY,. JULY 12, 10:30 A.M. 11 —.1974 4 DOOR CHEVROLETS 6 —1974 4 DOOR PLYMOUTHS 2 — 1972 HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES „ (low mileage). — MOTORCYCLE SIDECARS 1973 CHRYSLER CUSTOM NEWPORT — c-w vinyl top and air conditioning (this auto was driven by the Regional chairman) These cars were serviced regularly, oil changed every 6,000 miles. Transmission oil changed every 10,000 miles and including HEAVY DUTY PACKAGE: consisting of H.D. Suspension, H.D. Alternator, Battery, Transmission, Seats, Power Disc Brakes front, H.D. Rear Brakes etc. 14 cars have been repainted assorted colours including blue, black, brown, etc. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 5 H.P. Aiding Mower Assortment of Farm Gates 2 Way Radios Used by Police Dept.. Inter-com System TERMS: Cash, deposit required of $100.00 at time of sale, balance to be paid within .3 days. Scotia financing 'available day of sale /LUNCH ON PREMISES To Save $ $ $ Plan To Attend -- To Buy — To Save Further information may be secured from the offices of the auctioneers Professionals in the orderly liquidation of Construction Industrial . Commercial Enterprises M. R. JUTZI & CO. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers and Auctioneers • 69 SYDNEY S., KITCHENER, (519) 743424/1 LARGE CONSIGNMENT Auction Sole TRACTORS & MACHINERY Saturday, July 12th. II a.m. LAKEVIEW SALES & SERVICE .- • Whitechurch Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn were at Mr. and Mrs. Doug Conley's of Wingham on Sunday and Wallace, joined Doug Conley driving a 1937 Ford car, while Mrs. Conn and Mrs. Conley drove the 57 Thunderbird convertible in the parade of old cars at Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Henderson of Toronto visited Wednesday. with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. •