HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-06-18, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1075 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN
of MiscellaneOuS. Items
will be held for
2 blocks south and 3. blocks west
of Lucknow across from
Arnold's Store
at 7 p.m.
Admiral 21 inch television;
Philips 21 inch televisiOn; electric
stove; drop leaf table; dressers;
rails; lumber; posts; wire stret-
tilers; chains; shovels; _forks;
sledge hammer; new barb wire;
piping; saw frame; truck rack
fits. Ford truck;.2 electric motors;
emery; plastic pipe; 2 farrowing
crates; quantity bolts; nuts;
washers and numerous small
Owner or auctioneer not
responsible for accidents
Brian Rintoul, auctioneer
Of Horse and Small Tractor
Equipment and Houinhold Items
will be held for
Lot 10, South Line Of Kincardine
Twp., Approximately 1 1/2 Miles
South' East Of Kincardine Or 11/2
Miles East Of the Amusement
Park on the South Line,
10:30 a.m.
Machinery . .
Allis Chalmers model B tractor;
rubber tired wagon and gravel
box; wood roller; stock racks;
Walking plough; cultivator; 14
plate throw-out disc; 12 plate in-
throw disc; harrows (5 sections),
11 run seed drill; manure spread-
er; mower; hay rake; hay rack;
hay fork lift; grain sling and
ropes; fanning mill; grain cradle;
grain flail; pea puller;, hand grass
Horse and Pony Equipment ...
Buggy; horse cutter; pony sulky
cart; horse and pony collars; pony
harness; riding bridle and reins;
pony hames and traces; 2 pony
halters (never 'used); pony cut-,
ter; pony cutter pole.
Miscellaneous . . .
3 tires, 475 x 14 on GMC wheels;
wagon tongues and cutter Shafts;
36' extension ladder;. 2 step lad-
ders; steel posts; metal barrels;
wire stretcher with rope and pul-
leys; hand wire stretchers; two
man post hole auger; logging
chain; binding chain cant hook;
chicken feeders; 4 cycle lawn
mower; hand lawn mower; 45 gal. gas barrel with pump; 200 gal.
oil tank with filter and gauge; 2
gallon oil can; oil tank stand; 200
lb. beam scales; whipple trees;
forks; crow bars (3); buck saw;
cross-cut saw; one man saw;
carpenter tools; garden tools;
Household Effects . . .
Side board with mirror; table
and 4 chairs; chairs; tables; 4
burner electric stove; electric
tea kettle; Frigidaire ,refrigera-
tor; Simplicity washing machine
(nearly new); electric hot water
heater 17 gal. glass lined); Pro-
pane stove with combination oil
heater; small oil space heater;
large oil space heater with two
fans; B111/ portable T.V., lamps
and mirrors; twin beds and mat-
tress; 2 iron beds, springs and
mattress; 2 dressers; bedding and
linens; toilet set; quantity of dish-
es; silverware, also pots and
Pans; sealers; electric razor;
ironing board; high chair; quilt-
ing frames and clamps; vinyl
folding door and track; 2 bamboo
porch shades; 7 cottage veranda
screens (assorted sizes); barbe-
cue; lawn chair; 2 childrens hand
skighs; toboggan; stove pipes
and stand; wash tubs; hand water pump; I counter; other articles
too numerous to mention.
Owner and auctioneers not
responsible for any accidents or
injuries connected with the sale
Owner: Elmer Walpole •
Auctioneers: Grant McDonald
Ripley, Phone 3955353
Wallace Ballagh,
Teeswater, Phone 392-6170
Of Farm Machinery,
Some Household Effects and
*Hite' held for
Lot 26„ Conneosion 1, Tornberry
Township, 3% Miles East of
Wingham or 1 Mile 'West of • -
Bluevale on Hwy. 86
at 10:30 4.M.
Machinery . . .
414 International tractor; 8N
Ford tractor; 3 furrow 3 p.h.
plow; 32 plate Minneapolis-Moline
disc; .9 ft. Massey' Harris culti-
vator; . 5 section diamond har-
rows; 15 run International seed
drill; 13 run Massey Harris seed
drill for parts or scrap; 7 ft.
scraper blade; No. 300S Minnea-
polis-Moline manure spreader;
7 ft. New Idea mower with 3
knives and high cutting shoes; 4
bar Case side delivery. rake; .1
dump rake; John Deere baler
with bale thrower; 1 four wheel
wagon; 1 two wheel wagon; 2 bale
thrower racks; wagon with box
for hauling grain; 30 ft. Case bale
elevator with gasoline motor;
Woods grain grinder; turnip pulp-
er; 11 ft. grain auger; 11 in. Fair-
bank. Morse hammer mill; 100 ft.
drive belt; 1 VE4 Wisconsin
H ay . . .
Approximately 80 to 100 acres
of standing hay.
Miscellaneous .
Sow farrowing crate.; pig crate;
casterating box for pigs; farm
scales - 2000 lb. cap.; post hole
digger; quantity of steel fence
posts; quantity of cedar fence
posts; wire Stretchers; 1/2 spool
of barbed wire; quantity of woven
wire; fence wire and snow fence;
,quantity of lumber; 30' ft. exten-
sion 'ladder; wheel barrow; han-
dles for wheel barrow; cattle clip-
pers; bedizzers; feed barrels;
chop boxes; quantity of pipe;
pump jack; bunting pole; grind-
stone; mechanism for dragline;
2 - 12 ft. gates; maple syrup sap
Household Effects and Antiques
Book case and writing desk;
phonograph with some records;
21" bw R.C.A. T.V., 2 beds; 17
cu. ft. deep freeze (needs repair);
40" Frigidaire electric stove with
4 burners; cook stove; kitchen
stove - 7" stove pipes; space heat-
er; 4 tables; quantity of chairs;
quantity of dishes '(some anti-
ques); sealers; coal oil lamps;
pump; other articles too numer-
ous to mention.
Owner and auctioneers not
responsible for any accidents
connected with the sale
Owner: Wildon Robertson
Auctioneers: Grant McDonald,
Ripley, Phone 3954353
Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater
Phone 392.6170
SWEEP Program
Names Staff For
Summer 'Work
Program " 26 (formerly
S.W.t.E.P.) is once again in action
at Maitland Valley Conservation;
Authority for the , summer:
Acting as Senior Supervisor for
the program _th4-year is Brian-
Sachs of Ligtowel. Brian, who is a
SALE will be held in Teeswater
Arena on Tuesday evening, June
24, at, 6:30 p.m.
Good selection of used appli-
ances, furniture and camping
For particulars contact auction-
eer Wallace Ballagh at 392-6170.
Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh
Grant McDonald 395.5353
Of Antiques, Household Effects
and Machinery
will be held for
Lot 32, South 'Durham Rd.,
Highway 9, east of Riversdale
starting 'at 12:30 p.m.
Large selection, of good
antique items
Owner: Alex Chatreau
Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh,
Teeswater 392-6170
Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353
Of Household Effects, Antiques
and hand tools
for .
Kingsbridge on Highway 21, 13
miles north of Goderich
at 1 p.M.
• Hoover spin-dry washer (like
new); Zenith portable T.V.;
cherry chest of drawers;* 2 dress-
ers; ,4 beds; 2 rockers; 6 piece
chrome set; floor lamp; table
lamp; vacuum cleaner; mantel
clock; folding chairs; odd chairs;
blankets; sets of dishes; lawn
chairs; sealers; farrowing crate;
steel pig trough; litter carrier
with 80 feet of track; rubber-tire
wheel barrow; .Beatty jet pressure
system; steel feed bin; steel
posts; 2 wooden extension lad-
ders; step ladders; bench saw;
drill press with motor; Y4 inch
drill; 2 grind-stones with motors;
vices; workbench; used chimney
flues; snow-fence; man's bicycle;
rope; bricks; lumber; garden
tools;,hand tools; bird houses; 22
rifle,. etc., 'etc.
Also selling subject to reserve
bid a 1929 model A sedan car in
running condition.
Mike Cummings, Auctioneer
Goderich 524.9064
News And Views
From Huronview
The Huronview float that was
prepared for the Clinton Spring
Fair parade and to have featured
the Rhythm Band was cancelled
due to the extreme cold weather.
We. would like to - express our
appreciation to Archers Farm
Sbpply for the loan of the float and
to the residents and staff who
helped to prepare 'it. it was not
dismantled and we hope to enter it
in' the Centennial Parade with
several additions.
The annualspring drive sponsor-
ed by the Exeter United. Church
was held on Monday evening.
Twenty-five cars were provided
which took over one' hundred
residents on the two hour drive to
various places in the County. The
weather was ideal and the outing
was appreciated and enjoyed by
everyone. •
Mrs. Henderson, Jill Weately,
Bob Mann and Ken Scott provided
the "Family, Night" program. The
program" included piano instru-
mentals, violin and guitar solos and
a sing-a-long. Mrs. Wagner
thanked the entertainers on behalf
of the residents.
The Over 90 Club met on
Wednesday afternoon and follow-
ing games of erokinole and euchre,
the twenty-five members enjoyed
tea and. cookies.
The Walkerburn Club' volunteers
of Auburn and Mrs. Hanly of
Bruce Faran Report
Dairy production continues to
'expand in the Bruce - Grey area ,
as it seems to be doing through-
out the Province.
quarter .
the end,• of the first querter
of '75, butter Production was up
8.7% andi cheese production was
up 16.4% in the Province. Locally
many producers have found their'
Cooling capacity ,"piked beyond
their holding ability, resulting in
several requests for everyday
pick-up of , bulk milk. Butterfat
test results from producers ship-
ments in this area, continue to run
about a hill point ahead of the
Provincial average for the simi-
lar pool. This indicates a better
than average level of manage-
ment on local dairy farms.
This being the time of, year
when production is high as a re-
suit of lush pastures', producers
are reminded that making dry
hay available to their herd will
help to hold their butterfat tests,
near the 'winter levels. Dairy
farmers are reminded that cows
culled during the winter months,
November 14th to April 30th, are
eligible for a Federal stabilization
payment. Five dollars and eight
cents per hundredweight is being
paid for all cows slaughtered
from mid November to mid
December, 1974 and a' percent-
age of your herd if slaugh-
tred from mid December to the
end of April. At least two cows
can be defined by 'all farmers
during the latter period. Applic-
ation forms are available at
slaughter plants and Ontario Min-
istry of Agricultural offices.
The Bruce County Dairy Prin-
ceSs Competition will be' held this
year at the Ripley Old Boys' Re-
union, Civic HolidaY week-end.
Single girls between the ages of
sixteen and twenty-five, making
their homes on a County dairy
farm,' are eligible to take part in
the 'competition and are encour-
aged to make themselves known
at the. Ontario Ministry of. Agri-
culture and Food, Walkerton Of-
fice. Miss Cheryl Warmington is
the reigning Princess and she will
be representing Bruce County at
the C.N.E. Competition later in
R. D. Ferguson,
Area Fieldman
Any farmer contemplating the
construction of , new livestock fac-
ilities, or the expansion of an ex-
isting operation; would do well to
first look around the proposed
site. HOw far away is the resi-
dence of the nearest neighbour?
How far to the road? Is there a
waterway or stream close by? In•
some cases the answers to these.
'questions may indicate that the
chosen site is not a good one when
possible problems relating to
odour and water pollution Control
are 'taken into consideration.
A few years ago it appeared
that the main problem relating to
livestock odours was between far-
mer and rural non-farm resident.
However, the problem now ap-
pears to be as great between
farmers living side by side.
Although there are a number of
things in building design, method
Of manure storage and handling
and management protection that
will greatly reduce the possibility
of air and water pollution prob-
lems, occurring, still the greatest
aid is distance - distance-between
the source of pollution (livestock'
facilities) and the nearest neigh-
bour or the nearest :stream.
These points and many more
are fully dismissed in the Agricul-
tural Code of Practice — copies
of which are available at all On-
ario Ministry of Agriculture and
Food (OMAF) Offices.,
H. E. Bellman,
Agricultural Engineer
Clinton assisted with activities.
We are hoping to have Band
Concerts on the lawn for our
Tuesday Family Night program
during July and August ,and we
would appreciate arranging a date
with the bands in Huron County. /
shave expanded again
01°1G isUatO
Thursday, June 19th
AT '8 P.M.
Sale will consist of all new furniture including bedroom
suites, kitchen suites, chesterfield suites, coffee and end table
sets, maple bunk beds, lamps of all kinds, Zig Zag sewing mach-
ines, stereos, component sets, silverware, klishes, giftware and
all small household appliances.
Terms of sale cash, cheque or budget plan.
Note: be sure to attend this outstanding sale for great
bargains. AUCTIONEER: R. A. BALL
fourth year Fish and Wildlife
student at the University of
Guelph, has just -completed the
difficult task othiring foremen and
labourers for the three area crews.
Blake Ferguson of Gorrie is the .
Senior rIschnician for, the program.
'Blake is in his fourth year of gtudy
at the' University of Guelph,
majoring in Environmental Biol-
ogy. ,
The clerical position this year has
b~e:i 'filled by Domia Greer a
Lucknow. Donna has just graduat-
ed from Fanshawe College in.
London as a Medical Secretary.
The Public Relations Co-ordinat-
or for this year's program 'is John
Elliott of Brussels. John is a
second year student at Durham
College, Oshawa majoring in
Public Relations. •
Rick Earl from Atwood will act as
foreman for the crew that is'
situated in .the Brussels area. Rick,
a second year Architectural Tech-
nology student at Fanshawe Col-
lege, London will be assisted by
Candace Kidd, also of Atwood.
Candace is a third year Sociology
student at McMaster University in
The crew' that will have their.
'headquarters at the Falls Reserve
Conservation Area will work under
Robert' Datema, a second year
Forestry student at Sir Sanford
Fleming College in Lindsay.
Robert is from the Blyth-Auburn
area. He will be assisted by
Marilynne Wise, from the Clinton
area. Marilynne is a third year
Fish and Wildlife student at the
University of Guelph.
The foreman for the East
Wavvanosh Conservation Area bas-
ed crew is Paul Mutter from
Brussels. Paul is a second year
student at • London's' Fanshawe
College studying Surveying and
Civil Engineering. Paul's sub-
foreman is Brenda Johnston from
Belgrave. Brenda is a third year
Music student at the University of
Western Ontario in London.
Each crew will officially begin
their duties on June 23 when
secondary school students, whose
interviews have just been complet-
ed, will begin their summer of
environmental cleanup and educa-