HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-06-04, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1975 7.10p11116.1.111/1"11111"11111.1111"1111.11.11111.111.11IN WANTED WANTED --baby buggy which • HILRAY FARMS. LTD. converts to car bed,' good .cOndit-; ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD ion, reasonably priced. Please call The best in Home Grown, Dry 528036. Fed, Drug Free ,Beef. Try our ANTED TO Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- W BUY -- 45 inch loin killing •by appointnient. floor loom in good working con- . Phone 528-2132 • dition. Mrs. A: C. Cunningham, 485 Forest Hill Drive, Kitchener Ontario- NAI WANTED TO , BUY — standing hay in Lucknow to Kincardine area. Mark Rohrer 392-6053. No Sunday calls. - CULBERVS CUSTOM CABINETS DEALER FOR CARDINAL LINE Choice of 6 styles and finishes Special consideration to builders PHONE 395.5298 OR 395-5516 wiesmaspwisimmiminiffignimmite WE WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING YOUR PROPERTY LISTED IF BUYING OR SELLING PHONE ROSS AND PHYLLIS HOGGART 357-3692 R.R. 4 Wingham „=4:42.=.=,,,::,,epc..rmmiZer:›C:prfaC44 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM ABRAM KETCHABAW ' Deceased All persons haying claims'again- ' st the Estate of William, Abram Ketchabaw,, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the:County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, Deceased, who , died on or about' the 30th day of December, 1974, are hereby notif- ied to send full particulars of their • claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or . be- fore 6th day of June, 1975, after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitl- ed thereto having regard only 4to ,the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 12th day of May, 1975: • R. E. ANDREW, stowe I, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDING'S ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK )HOEING. ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE S29-7403 FOR ESTIMATES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of • ETHEL MacDONALD' ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Who died on May 22nd, 1975, are- required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before. the 23rd 'day of June, 1975. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 30th day of May, A.D. 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors Wingham, Ontario - Solicitors for the Executors. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Phone 528-2822 NEAR COMPLETION IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom brick veneer home in Village of Lucknow on quiet street, close to school. Priced right for the family man. RECENTLY RESTORED, . CENTURY HOME Large 4 bedroom home includ- ing new family room with cathe- dral ceiling, 2 baths, large barn with workshop, many other extras too numerous to mention. ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN A REALTY LTD. GODERICH ONTARIO CALL GERRIE AND .BERNICE GLENN Dungannon, Ontario Phone 529-7924 or 528-3234 7"•-•C?"',C3"-•••e?'",ff:-G • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO NOTICE CARD OF THANKS WANTED TO BUY — older type furniture and glass-ware or what-. ever you may have. Phone 395- 5330. HELP WANTED — part' time cook for Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, phone '528-2820, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WANTED -- Canada's leading manufacturer and distributor is seeking a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool...Yon'. back- yard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opport- unity for you the home owner call collect 681-3800, days or evenings. WANTED — set of lawn bowls, Wm. G. Hunter, Lucknow, phone 528-2741. r. MANUFACTURERS representa- tive would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Call collect 416-536-9278. MEMORIAM • LITTLE — in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. James D. Little, who passed away June 9th, 1965. Dear mother you are not forgotten, • Though on earth' you are no more, - Still in' memory you are with us As you always were before. Ever remembered by her family. RITCHIE — in memory, of a dear father and husband Graydon Ritchie who passed away one year ago June 3rd, 1974. Time may heal the broken hearted, Years may, make the wound less sore But it cannot fill the longing . Forthe loved one gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened, Though the smile may hide the tears Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the years. Sadly missed and' always re- membered by Beth and Janet. APPLICATIONS SCHOOL BUS DRIVER J. A. IT; McCURDY PUBLIC SCHOOL HURON PARK, ONTARIO NOM 1Y0 Written applications addressed to Mr. R. L.- Cunningham, Trans- portation Manager, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 or Mr. John Siertsema, Principal, J..A.D, McCurdy Public, School, Box 546, Huron Park, Ont- ario, ,NOM 1Y0 will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, June 19, 1975. Duties to commence September 2, 1975. W. Sliodreed D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director NOtICE Pine Echo Trailer Park opening June- 1 in Bellmore. Boating, swimming, trout fishing. For formation, phone 392-6564. \NOTICE David 'Humphey will no longer be responsible for any debts in- curred by his wife, Debbie Hum- phrey. MacDONALD the family of the late Mrs. Ethel MacDonald wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and friends for all the kindnesses shown to them during their recent bereave- ment; for all the ,floral tributes, memorial donations and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim, the staff on first floor of Wingliam and Dis- trict Hospital, ,Rev: R. C. McClen- aghan, Stiles Funeral Home and the ladies of Dungannon U.C.W. Marjorie and Wilfred 'Pentland- , and family I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for their, kind ex- pressions of sympathy and for the cards and letters which I re- ceived in the loss of my sister Lillian Harrison. Special thanks to the Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety for the lovely plant they gave me.. Jean Jardine. Jack and Eileen Curran would like to thank their friends, rela- tives and 'former Crewe neigh- bours for the lovely gifts, cards and money. A special thanks to , their family and to Dungannon U.C.W. for the lovely turkey din- ner that made their 40th Anniver- sary such a successful event. -. A sincere thank you all. • cxxsx-=.04:5014=4:6x-x, Peter. S. MacEwan Real Estate Broker 38 ST. DAVID ST., GODERICH PHONE 524-9531 • • TAKE YOUR CHOICE Of two outstanding homes in Lucknow, phone fOr details and inspection. A GOOD VARIETY' Of choice building sites in and near Lucknow. Buy now while the price is right. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In this drive-in' restaurant, new addition affords you the space to better serve your ever increasing clientelle. Investigate this out- standing buy today. NOTICE For entertainment by the Har- bour Lites Country and 'Pop Com- bo. Phone 395-5137. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop of Sarnia and Mrs. Frances Dahl of Regina, Saskatchewan were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. Mr. and , Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, Donald and Karen were guests at the Taylor-Cook wedding at New- market on Saturday. Mrs. Allan Miller underwent further surgery last Thursday at University Hospital, London on her ankle which had been badly injured in a fall at her home last December. Mrs. Adeleen, Dowling of St. Jacobs spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aitchison and family. John Cameron is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital having been admitted on Saturday night. Dr. B. F. Green of Stilwell, Oklahoma is holidaying with his parents Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Green and Gordon. . • On. Monday, Andrew Gaunt visited with his brother, Earl Gaunt at Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McQttillin, Andrea and David of Kitchener were week end visitors with Mrs. Fred McQuillin'. The regular meeting of the St. Helens Women's Institute will be held Thursday, June 5 at 8.3Q p.m. 'Mrs. Charles Tiffin of Wingham will show slides on her trip to Europe. Everyone welcome. MACHINERY FOR. SALE FLAIL CHOPPERS " John Deere 16A," 15A New Holland 33 and 36 HARVESTERS • Gehl 300 2 headers John Deere 34 New Holland super 717 2 row corn • head BALE RACKS 18 ft. 375, 20 ft. 400 FEED RACKS , 20 ft. 375 COMBINES SP M.F. 410, cab gP Int. 503 4 row corn head, •• narrow cab; SP'Int. 403 grain head, 4, row corn head, narrow cab SP Int. 303 cab, grain head, 2 row corn head 2 Int. No. 80 pull type John Deere 42, pull type Case 800 SP cab, corn head and many more VAN 'EYL BROS. TELEPHONE 327-8045 CLIFFORD, ONTARIO The. Wheels Bikeathon .Comrnit- tee would like to take this opport- unity to thank the following — 'all those who donated food and drink for the riders that day; anyone who helped with the bikeathon in any way; also to all the very gen- .erous sponsors, ,for without them it wouldn't have been a success. Specital thanks to the. 'community for the great co-operation receiv- ed the' day of the bikeathon. John Crowston would like to thank all those that remembered him with cards, treats and visited him while he was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and McKim and nursing staff of .the hospital. All this was greatly appreciated. PAGE FIVE I4FAl ISIAH l.11-40ki {.1 iisINTEE I I' • t g It [ALTOS\ 4 bedroom h 1% storey frame house on , large lot.. This house is in good condition on quiet, street with 2 extra lots. Front row• 'cottage. at Kintail beach. .2 bedrooms, kitchen, liv- ' ing room and porch and 3 piece bath. 150 acre dairy farm in Kinloss with 40 ties, silo and implement shed., 4 bedroorn frame house, 135 acres workable, spring' creek and 10 acres bush. We also have other farm pro- perties and businesses for sale. Robt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 " Res. 529-7417 // 41.40-41,41-110-11,7•-•-•-•-•-•-•÷4-4-41-41.-•-•-•-•4 THE MAN TO SEE IS . . 3 BEDROOM , HOME situated on a choice corner lot on Havelock Street in Lucknow. Living room, dining room, kitchen and one bed- room down. House has oil furnace and 3 piece bath. Maple shade trees, shrubs and large' garden area. Immediate' possession: 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on 3/4 'acres on paved road' in Ash- field Township.' Drilled well on pressure, large kitchen, 3 piece bath and full basement. 177 ACRE dairy farm East Waw- anosh Twp., 130 workable; stan- chion, gutter cleaner, milk house and bulk tank.' 200 ACRES of level cash, crop land Ripley area, located on pav- ed road, 3 bedroom frame home, modern pole barn, immediate possession. 2 HALF ACRE LOTS, Port Al- bert, water and hydro available. 5 BEDROOM HOME and good barn located in Ashfield Twp. on 24 acres of choice farm land. This property is close to the lake. 4 BEDROOM, red brick home with 3 piece bath, oil forced air heating. Located 10 miles from Goderich, approximately 3 - 4 acres of land. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN, in Lucknow, 3 bedroom home with large living room, dining room, kitchen, new sun porch; oil heat. Separate additional 2 bedroom apartment with every conven- ience. Situated on 2 lots, this is an excellent home with an in- come. Shown by appointment only. 16 ACRES mostly bush, spring creek, well located on good road, hydro available. If you have agricultural property, large 'or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350