The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-28, Page 23ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R, 7 Lucknow Lines — Phone 529-7248 IECI - MAPLE LEAF LARD, 1 lb. DELSEY TOILET TISSUE, 2'8 59c 55c KRAFT WHITE PUFF MARSHMALLOWS 11 oz. 48c ONION SETS, PEAS. BEANS. AND CORN IN BULK SEED POTATOES AND BEDDING PLANTS A d BUILDING CENTRE ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS 20 ft. 24 ft. 28 ft. 32 ft. 36 ft. 40 ft. a ALUMINUM STEP LADDERS 5 ft. : 6 ft. immitimimummummunimminumimilimumminlimuommommosimiiiiimiummoinuomo AKR TE CEMENT MIX READY TO USE (Just add water) MORTAR MIX SAND MIX DECORATIVE STUCCO 11111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. 'Phone 528-3118' Lucknow iii4-411•114 I SAVE 20.00 . 39" TWIN SIZE MATTRESS OR , BOX SPRING EACH VALUE 99.95 79 m SAVE 20.00 I 54" DOUBLE SIZE MATTRESS, OR BOX. SPRING EACH • VALUE 119.95 9 .95 229 SAVE 50.00 QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SET VALUE 279.95 .95 1111111111.......m r SAVE 50.00 1 KING SIZE MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SET VALUE 399.95 1 .95 Pease allow 7Days for Delivery on KING SwF, 4111111M11111.1111, JOHNSTONE and SON FURNITURE LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3013 . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY-THREE IONESDAY, MAY 28, Ms Graduated Friday, Move To Alberta Sleep in total comfort on the "MEDIC" .with 'extra firm con-, struction for proper and restful .back support plus Springwall construction for edge to edge support. Luxuriousprint cover is quilted to poly-foam for extra cushioning comfort. "Airlet" border vents help keep mattress fresh. HURRY! ON SAL OR A MITER Ti Charles Edward Muller Jr. graduated from the University of Guelph on Friday, May. 24th receiving his B.L.A. degree (Bach- elor of Landscape and' Architect- ure). He. commenced work May: 3rd with' The, Lombard North Group. Ltd: of , Edmonton, Alberta but returned, to Guelph to, attend his graduation. Mr. and Mrs. Muller left Malto,n. Airport, Monday, 'May 26th 'to, make their new home in Alberta. Mrs. Muller, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart of Guelph, formerly of Liicknow, made a farewell visit on the Victoria Holiday week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Drennan of Lucknow and her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Drennan and family of Ashfield. She returned to her 'home 'in Guelph with Mr. and . Mrs. Charles E. Muller Sr. of Guelph, and Mr: and Mrs. G. Green of Rockwood, who were returning home from their' cottage at Tobermory. PROPOSE TWELVE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 indicated that he would divide the property ,into 12 lots with frontages of about 100 feet. He had plans with him of the type of housing he proposes. . Council welcomed the proposal and agreed to meet with Mr. Davidson and the Bruce County Health Unit as the first step in having the property approved for development. Duffy McQuillin, Mac Conley, Jack Wraith and Bill, Stanley met with council concerning problems they are having in their part of town, north Stauffer Street .at the edge. of' town, proceeding" tet, Holyrood. The village water system at this point is a spur line from the main and presents a problem of low pressure, as well as dirty water which has been unfit for drinking at times according to tests. Reeve Joynt said that council is aware of the pr-4191em :and some- thing will be done this year 'to correct the situation. He said that the problem is that the water supply to that area is a dead end, with no continuous flow, and that .information is presently. ,being sought on a solution to the problem which also exists in other parts of town. * A. W. Clark, engineer of Wingham, sat in .with council to discuss his report on the drainage of the Caledonian Park. Estimated total cost of the work proposed is $17,000. Discussions centred on the possibilities of linking with_ a_ proposed "Taylor Drain" under study at present in Ashfield, to the south-west of the park. It was stressed that the type of fast run-off needed at the park is not the same type of drainage required by ,the normal farm drainage system. The (natter will receive further discussion. * • * A meeting is planned by council on Monday, May 26 to discuss municipal insurance plans with Frank Cowan Co. and their local agent, McDonagh Insurance. A letter of thanks was sent to Paul Henderson for his donation of $2000. to the LUcknow Minor Hockey system: A committee will .be .set up to administer the fund. * * The permit to operate the, village dinnp for a further period was announced. This most recent extension was until October 31st. * Approval was given of a by law extending Woolsley Street. The tender of Loree Bros. of Lucknow was accepted for 'grass cutting. The total price per time 'is $24 with a breakdown .as follows: Park, Havelock Street, $12; Town Hall, $5; Pump House, $2; Swimming Pool, $5. Estimate was about 20 cuttings over the summer season. RARELY CAN WE OFFER YOU SUCH AN OUTSTANDING BUY! CHECK THESE FEATURES!