HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-08-17, Page 8Page eight
I Odd Garments of
z ,
ILadies ea 1- ear
E take this way of clearing out many lines
I- . 7of goods that must move THIS WEEK.
Ladies' Suits
15 Ladies' Suits in Smart styles in lad -
different colors, blues, les' coats in old rose
greys and browns. Bal- cords, co )ell a ren blue,
ance o' our fllliumer blanket cloths, n w
Stock. Values as high styles, many o • these
s $1 each. Bargain garments silk lined,
price values up as high as
$18, Bargainprices
$7.75 each
Ladies' Coats
I K.,
tx.1 1 h
74 g y \
i bl k t e est
664 1h 1
a 5 g 1„
Dresses 1
S p ,1 ll "t bl
N 1 B1 X
I $198 79
K .
x Men's light weight • X
Overcoats in grey p
tweeds and fancy cloths
Price N
$7.75 each
I Soft Collars — K
I Special clearing of Wash Suits v
soft collars, sizes 124-- Boys wash suits, reg- X
I 16i, regular 25c. -Sale ular $1 and $ I.50 each,
O` price to clear at V.
4 10c each 5 9c each
x c
4 74
CO ri
, .MANNA &
4 Phone 70.
VAX\VI\ {X\/7b\/0\S✓0\ giViiX 0\VC\v0\ r \
$4.95 each
Ladies' white em- House Dresses
broideredand white A few ladies house
pique dresses, sizes 3; dresses,all colors and
36, 38. Values as higha sizes,suitable e for
as $6,5o each. Bargain house dresses, Balance
price to clear
$1.98 each9 c each
Overcoats • Shirts
Men's a n d Boys'
Shirts in fancy stripes,
all sizes with collars and
stiff neck bands, to
clear at
39c each
Watch our.window for Men's Suits in fancy
Tweeds Browns Greys and Dark Greys. Any
suit in window' on sale at $10.75 each, regular
$15 and $18 each.
Etllttttttttttlttlt ►sttltltttSttttttttlttlttlttlttlttilttitittlttttttttl
New Prices August 1, 1916
The following prices for Ford cars will
be effective on and after August 1,1916
Chassis .
Touring Car
Town Car
s $450.00
. 495.00
. 780.00
. 890.00
These prices are positively guaranteed against any
reduction before August 1st, 1017, hut there is no
guarantee against an advance in price at any time.
f. o. b. Ford, Ontario
Agent : : : Wingham
With a box of our high grade cho-
colates or , bon bons, They are
simply perfect, as every tip•to•date
girl knows, and a box of them id
alcraye more than welcome, Coat
no more than common candy,
worth more. MILLER
The Popular Restaurant
1tiW. fit Wingb on Thureda ,
Aug. lOtb, to Mr. sad Mre. T. 0,
$i13fiL'r is 2011.
East Wawanosh.
P. W. Scott, and Councillor McGowan
motored to Hamilton last week, they alsc
called on Halton friends corning home
D. Cook threshed his peas on Monday,
being the first of the season.
James and Geo Porterfield of Western
Canada are visiting at Tp. Clerk Porter.
field's, they return shortly.
Joe Gibbons, we hear, is taking in the
Harvest excursion to the West on Satm'
Many of the soldiers who are harvesting
return to Camp Borden this week with
cooler weather the Camp will be more
(Correct up till Wednesday n0ou.)
Wheat, new ............. 1 05 to 1 20
Flour, per cwt., patent.. 3 60 to 4 40
Flour, per owt., family.. 3 50 to 3 80
Bran, per ton ..... ....,25 00 to 27 00
Shorts, per ton 1.).0 00 to 27 00
Cate, 0 50 to 0 52
Bsrley 0 00 to 005
Slay, naw 000 to 10 00
Sutter, per ib—Dairy 0 21 t 1 0 26
iilggs, per dozen !l 21 to 0 27
Cattle, Medium butchers 7 25 to 7 75
Cattle, butchers choice,8 00 t.r 8 25
Hogs, Jive weight '12 00 to
Lamb (cwt) le oo to 10:00
Hanes, per lb 0 28 to 0 30
Bacon long clear, , . , .. 0 20 to 023
Sheep Skins 1 00 to 1 25
Rides 11 00 to 12 00
Mrs. John Coultes is 01 at present.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Wightman of 131y11i.
spent Sunday with friends on the 6th lice
Miss Mary Corley who graduated from
the Wotan llosplal recently, lJ attend
in`'; Mre, J, t..GUlte s.
Dr. 11. Bncltanan and Me. Jas. McGiII
motored to :Gotland for a kw days' fishing
last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglas and
family of Hamilton, are visiting at
the hove of Mr. John Mclnnis,141orris,
Mr. James Gibson of Morris, was
stricken down with paralysis on Sun'
day evening and is still in a precar-
ious condition, He attended service
in the Methodist Church Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKellar of
Strathroy, are visiting friends in this
Miss Money of Stratford. has been
engaged as principal of the public
school and will commence her duties
after the holidays.
Mies Barnby of Toronto, will take
the place on the public school teaching
staff in place of Miss Bissitt, who re-
Rev. Walter and Mrs. McLean of
Elanover, are spending the holidays
with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Alex
Mr, and Mre, H. A. Thomas motored
to Waterloo on Saturday.
Mr. John Hamilton of Wallaceburg;
who was judge in the Agricultural
Society Field Crop Competition. in
,vhite oats, was pleased to see the
•.hrift and enterprize manifested by
he Farmers of this section. The fields
of grain inspected were exceptionally
good. The following are the names of
the prize winners: Jas. F. Laidlaw,
James Jackson, J. and Wm. Gray,
David Laidlaw, Wm. McGowan, J.
Oumminge, Duncan McCallum.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Creighton of Det-
roit, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs Andrew Kirk,
Haying is through and fall wheat cut-
ing is everywhere proceeding. Good
average crops are reported.
Rev. I. McKelvey and family, And
friends from Stratford, have taken a cot-
tage at Port Albert for a few weeks.
Mr. Chas. Elliott and Mr. Thos Sloth-
ers lost valuable dogs recently. It is
supposed they were poisoned by strych-
Rev. Dir. Gomm and family have taken
up gesidence at their camp Port Albert,
where they intend staying for the month
of August.
The congregations at the churches en
Sabbath last were very slim owing to the
excessive heat. The basement became
the auditorium for the services.
-.The Rev. J. and two daughters of Char-
ing Cross, Ont., were guests at .Mr. S.
Treleaven's for a day or two. We were
all delighted once again to see Mr. and
Mrs. Hunter.
a The Sunday schools of the E.' glish and
Presbyterian churches of the village un-
ited with the English and Presbyterian
churches at .Port Albert on Wednesday
and had a union picnic at Port Albert, a
very happy day being spent in boating,
fishing, football and races. A large
gathering assembled.
The lawn social on the manse lawn In
connection with Erskine Presbyterian
church was a complete success. The
day was ideal and the arrangements all
that could be desired. The program. in
the hands of Mr. W. H. Willie of Wing -
ham, was much appreciated. The local
:ministers gave short addresses, and
;reetings were heard from a recent
Methodist minister, Rev. Mr. Hunter of
Charing Cross. The proceeds amounted
:o $147.50,
A garden party will be held under the
auspices of the Dungannon Branch of
the Women's Institute, on the lawn of
12r. Chas. Brown, next Friday, August
tlth. The Stewart Orchestra, of
Goderlch, will furnish some of the fihest
;elections of musk. Mrs. J. George
Anderson, elocutionist, of Lucknow, and
Ithers will also assist on the program,
rhere Rill also be a booth on the grounds.
Proceeds in aid of the Red Cross funds.
Adults 25c, children 15c.
1—i—weeping Reductlona
Chinaware Sale
A garden party of a patriotic nature
vas given on Thursday evening at
%lrs. Sperling's by the "Ramblers4;
Rev, Mr. and Mrs. McCullough are
holidaying at Sauble Falls,
The Presbyterian Manse is under -
ming structural alterations. It will
ae bricked and a cottage roof put on,
Mr. F. H. Gilroy of Brussels, con-
lusted the services in Knox church
act Sabbath morning he gave a splen -
lid discourse.
Miss D. B. Kaiser of Stratford, is
eieiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
af>I'e. A. J, helm.
Miss Mack of Michigan, is visiting
et Mr. Geo. Saker's,
The Moises Switzer are home for the
Mrs. Sulfa Menzies and Miss Jessie
*re visiting their cousins in Burk's
Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Cameron from
he States are visiting under the par -
Intel roof,
Mies Ida Minster and Mrs, Clara
Onestead have returned home after
pending a week with their brother in
Mies it, Rathwell from Paris. Ont
e visitingher parents,
Mr. B'ac'k Ilueter and Mies Viola
Fong motored to Stratford Sunday
Mr. Lorne iteelfag who is visiting
n the village, a motored to Morris s on
Wednesday to renew acquaintances
atld take part in alittle erohuet tourn.
>,ment at the Wilkinson home. He
reports everything lit the township all
looking good.
Those who purchase Dinner,
ware, Toiletware, China or any
other kind of Semi -Porcelain
ware NO W will get better saris.
faction than for many years to
come, What we are offering has
been made by experienced and
high•clase workmen, whereas
goods being manufactured at the
present time are much below par.
$25 Dinner Sets,97 pieces
for . . $1875
$20 Dinner Sets, 97 pieces
for . $15.00
$4.50 Toilet Sets, TO
pieces for $3.38
75c Butter Dishes 57c
50a " . " 38c.
75e Glass Fruit Sets 57c
Many other lines at similar re-
1 `Chinaware Spot Cash, 1
Pte. E. Holmes of West Monkton,
visited during the past week at the
home of Mr. John Watson.
Mrs. Jas. McCracken, 5th line, had
several ribs fractured as the result of
an accident recently. Her friends
hope she will soon be o. k.
Flax pickers from the Indian re-
serves are busy in various localities in
the township. The flax is said to be a
good harvest this year.
Pte, and Mre. Jno. Miller, Misses
Nejlie and Agnes Miller, and Pte. Thos
Smith of Jamestown, were visitors
last week with Mr. and Mre. Bert
Watson, 5th line.
Mrs. Peter McIntosh and her two
daughters who were visiting at Thos.
Abram's have returned to their home
near Kincardine.
Mrs. Fraser, of the 1st line, who was
very ill last week, we are pleased to
state is some better.
Olive and Edith McEwen of the let
line, are visiting with their aunt, Mre.
Krauter, near Ethel.
Moet farmers are through cutting
oats and report a very light crop this
On August 3rd Misses Jennie and Grace
Robb attended the Patriotic Garden Party
in connection with S. S. No. 8, Minto
township, at which the latter is the
teacher. 8194 00 were the proceeds, an
autograph quilt bringing in $72.00. A
band supplied music to which was added
a short literary brogram. No. 8 Minto
has a record not easily matched for loya
practical work. The Patriotic Association
of the Section arranged the entertainment,
During the past week Mrs. D. Currie,
4th line, who is in her 87th year,was quite
ill but her many old friends will be pleased
to hear that she is considerably improved
and we tiust she will continue to gain.
The Voters' List fur this township for
1916 was first posted up Monday of last
Naeelc, There are 795 names on the list,
sub divided as follows t -.-Part I, 949; Part
II, 115; Part III, 31, 452 are eligible as
Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, 5th line, has
been at Fergus hospital for an operation.
If good wishes will hasten her recovery
she will soon be restored to the very best
health. Her mother was with her for a
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ow ens Sundayed
at the home of Joseph Breckenridge.
Melville Mathers son of 11. Matliers has
been quite 01 we are pleased to say be is
Mrs. L, Fraser is under the doctor's
care her many friends wish to hear of a
great improvement.
Mr. and Mrs, Walker Ard of Philadel•
phis, were visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mrs Jos, Breckenridge.
Mr. and Mrs, George Townsend and
son, were visiting friends here on Svnday.
Mr. Thos, Garniss died on Saturday
evening at the house of Mrs. F. Brewer'
Missionary meeting Tuesday of this
week at the home of Mrs, II. Mathers,
Miss Watters of Toronto is spendiug a
few weeks with Mrs, ltobt Musgrove.
Pte Leslie Wiuch of Paisley is spending
a few days with friends here,
Plc Howard Haney of Camp Borden is
home for a couple of weeks' holidays.
Mrs. Wm, Garniss spent a few days last
week with relatives at Blyth.
The Women's Institute will give a gar-
den party on the 25th of August in aid of
the Red Cross, as our funds are short for
knitting and sewing eo we must get busy,
We will be pleased to have any others
who can in any way, help to make our
garden party a groat success, to be held
on the new school grounds, Remember
the boys at the front;
'We are pleased to say Miss Annie
Breckenridge who underw ent an opera-
tion for appendicitis in Fergus is improv-
ing. May she soon be able to come home
Dir. Chas. 1-1, Garniss has purchased
the lot on which the Royal Hotel stood
and purposes erecting a fine residence,
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Churchill of Mc.
Gaw, spent Sunday y with the former's par-
M'ss Hazel Robb is visiting relatives
at Stratford.
Mrs. Gus, Gannett has been visiting
relatives in the village.
Robert Masters has been at the front
since the 24th of July and likes it fine so
far. Ile is a gunner of the 30th Battery.
While driving along Brussels gravel on
Sunday, tam. Nicholson's horse took
fright at a passing auto and threw
the occupants out. The little girl had her
collar bone broke and her shoulder badly
hurt we trust she will soon be o k.
Mrs. Archie Robertson of Wingham,
has been visiting relatives and friends
here this week.
The Branch of the Bank of Commerce
which has been opened here in the Queens
is doing a good business and is filling a
long felt need.
Mrs. Elms of Chicago, is visiting with
Mrs W. J. Geddes, the ladies are cousins.
John McEwean has taken a position
with Robert Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelly left on Mon-
day for their home is the West. May
their joys be many.
Rev. Mr. Graham of Belfast, Ireland
occupied the pulpit in Knox church last
Sunday and preached a very fine sermon.
There was no service in any of the
appointments on the Belgrave circuit last
Sunday as Rev, Mr. Parnaby has been ill
for some time.
Mrs Ferguson of Winnipeg, is visiting
at heruncle's, Robt. Stonehouse.
Mrs. Adams of Chicago, is visiting at
the home of Mr. W. 3. Geddes,
The carpenters are busy working at
Joe Miller's new house,
Sandy Stewart has improved the ap-
pearance et his house by a coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs, Win, Wray, Mrs. J. B.
Wray of London, and Mrs. J. W Horner
of Zurich, spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Brandon,
Mrs. Taylor left Friday for her home in
Pittsburg after spending a couple ofweeks
With her friend Mrs, Parnaby.
Bob Armstrong left last week for a trip
to the Weet.
Sorry to report that Wm, 13ryans of
the 4th line, is quite 111,
Dune, McCallum spent Sunday in
Joint McGuire WAS a visitor in ingersol
over Snnday.
Mrs. Wm, Grigg it spending a few
weeks with her daughters its Detroit.
Mr. Davidson of Wingham, is drill-
ing a well for Mr. Elliott Taylor.
Mr. and Mre. W. M. Champion spent
Sunday at Joseph Nixon's, Lucknow.
Mr. John McGee has returned home
from Wingham hospital on Saturday.
Mr. Jas. Dow Sr. had asevere attack
of heart trouble. We are glad to hear
he is getting along as well as can be
Mise Viola Jamieson visited at St.
Mr, E. J. Haines and sister, Winni•
fred, motored to Goderich one day
last week,
Mr. John Gibbons motored to Kin.
sardine one day recently.
Mr. Cecil Orchard visited at the
home of Mr. Lavie, on Sunday last.
Mathew Lockhart of Auburn, visit-
ed at E. Taylor's.
Mr. Ned Worden of Wingham, visit-
ed at John Martin's.
Mrs. Martha Champion and son,
George of Brussels, visited at Peter
Lever's last week,
Rev. Mr. Currie of Blackstock, occupied
the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Wm. Ashton of London Is visit-
ing with his father and other friends. lie
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
Church on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Hastie jr., Miss Matheson,
and Miss L. Armstrong of Tara, motored
to, Harriston and visited with friends
there on Wednesday afterrnoon.
Mrs. (Rev.) Kerr and Mrs. Douglas
Kerr and little 'daughter are spending
their holidays at Bayfield.
Morris Council
The members of Council were, all pres-
ent. A petition for a municipal drain
was received from Henry Bone and others.
The petition was accepted and a copy
ordered for the engineer,
The report on the Burke drain was
finally adopted.
The following accounts were paid;—
Gravel—Peter Haley $5.30, J P. Kelly
$5.80, W. Gibson $8 60, W. Skelton $6,80,
Geo. Pierce $4 00 W. Taylor $3,10 T.
Gibson $17.70 A. McEwen $7.40 H. Bos-
man $4 50, Herb Manning $6.60 Geo.
Kerr 40c, 3, Barr $8.20, W. Taylor $2.10,.
A. Pollock $4.70, F. S. Scott $2.50, J.
Leitch $9.60, Geo McDonald $6.80, C,
Lepard $2.90, Geo. Peacock$11.20, Bert
Jackson $4.40, W. Salter $5.00 T. Millet
$15 00, W, D Smith $3.80, James Nichol
$11.801 R. Alcock $8.60, Peter Rutledge
$8.60. For Shovelling—R Wallace $3.00;
A. Taylor $3.00 J. Craig $3.00, I. Wal-
lace $2.25, M. Kelly $3.00 J. A. Nicho
$3.00, W. C. Thuell Inspecting tile
822 00, J. H. Elliott advertising 13, cr. dr.
$1.00 W. C. Quell Tile $3.25, A. Edgar:
fixing culvert $5.00, Ingot Iron Co. Cul-
vert $165,40, W. H. Kerr By Laws Burke
drain $12.00, •A. MacEwen By Laws
Burke dr. $12.00, Clerk's fees $20 00, W. •
J. Smith culvert and plank $3.00, W. Tay-
ayler drawing pipe $1.00,8. B. Alcock tile
Robb drain $400.00, Wm. McMurray two
days with engine on grader $12 00, wood
83,00, 3. McAteer tile and ditch $5.50, A.
Kelly drawing gravel $15,40, J. Taman
grading Con. 9 $22.00, H. Armstrong
drawing gravel $7 50, T. Bolgen culvert
s r t airitt side
R. Mesa r
L $7
p g
line 84 50, W, Sellars d tch 3rd line $7.25
Neat council meeting at o'clock Mon.
day August lith,
A, Dtacbweu, clerk.
- Belmore
Miss Hazel Dickson of Toronto, is
spending her vacation at the home of her
parents here.
Miss M. Albright of Fordwich, is visit-
ing her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm.
Miss Sarah Mulvey of Winnipeg, spent
a few days last week with friends here,
Mrs. T. Richardson, who has been
visiting friends in. Toronto and the States,
has arrived home agate..
Miss Mary Ballagh has returned hoine
after visiting for some time with friends
in the West,
Mrs. Y. Seaman of Listowel, visited
with Mrs Jos. Murray on Monday.
Mr. Shaw of Bluevale, occupied the
pulpit here Sunday morning owing to the
pastor, Rev A, J. Love, being away on
his holidays.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Edwards and family
motored to Kincardine on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Irwin spent Sunday
with friends in Grey,
Miss Annie Douglas is holidaying with
friends in Fordwich,
Mr, and Mrs. Elizah Higgins and
daughter Leita of Brussels, visited with
their daughter, Mrs, A. Fitch, last weak.
Mr. Jacob Willits has purchased a new
Ford car.
Private Wesley Abraham who enlisted
at Huntsville is visiting Ma parents here,
Mr, and Mrs Wm. Hall of Teeswater,
spent Sunday with the former's parents
The young peoples meeting of the
Christian Endeavour society was largely
attended on Sunday evening last. Miss
Agnes Darling gave the topic on Christian
Beauty, Miss Stella Duffy sang a very
appropriate solo, there was also a quar-
tette by Misses Yowdy and Crawford,
and Charles Aitken and N. Yowdy. A
very pleasing feature of the meeting was
the presentation of fountain pens to the.
khaki lads from this vicinity who are
home on harvest furlough, the presenta-
tion was made by the pastor, Rev, A. R.
Gibson. The following boys receiving
the gift;—Messrs George Inglis, Tony
Meahan, George Marshall. Philip Huff-
man, Wesley Marshall, Wm. Abraham,
Sterling Haskins, John Lawrence, Frank
Renick, Russel Abraham and James
Lawrence the two latter boys not being
present the gifts will be sent to them
The large turn out showed the interest
the people of this community have taken
in the lads from here who expect to leave
for overseas in the near future.
The Christian Endeavour Society of
Belmore and Mclntos1 Presbyterian
churches met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Inglis last Friday evening
and presented Rev. Mrs. Gibson with
an upholstered leather rocking chair as a
remembrance from the Society.
ThueedsY. August 1
Sale of
Tennis and Running Shoos
Women, Men, Girls and Boys
Beginning on FRIDAY (this week)
and for the remainder of the season
Women's white 1
d boots regularull
r ,
5 cents for
Men's ditto in black, khaki and white, reg,, $1.15
Boys' ditto regular 95C for
Girls' ditto regular 85e for
Children's ditto regular 75c for
Something New and
Good in Suit Cases
known as the Becker-McBrine binding.
These suit cases are bound with a steel
binding and are strongly braced at the cor-
ners, making the best, neatest and strongest
suit cases on the market. Look in our
South window.
W. H. WftLIS
Sole Agent '-per FOR
For The .5110E LADIES
A syndicate has been formed and
has purchased the threshing outfit of
Cook Bros. F. Cook will be manager.
Dr. Kirkby and Rev. Boyle of Bel -
grave, caught a nice string of black
bass last Thursday at Feagan's holo in
the Maitland.
James Redmond continues very
poorly at 8t. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Mr. and Miss Buchanan were thrown
from their buggy but not much injur-
ed by an auto crowding them clr the
road near Blyth, on Friday last. The
harness and buggy were broken some
and a few parcels were damaged. The
excitement allowed the motor to get
away without the number being tak-
en, so he will probably escape, al-
though deserving of a stiff fine.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Walsh visited
friends near Belgrave on Sunday.
Mies Mary Sturdy of Wingham, is
visiting her sister, Mre. T. H, Taylor.
Rev. and Mre, Malcolm of St Paul's,
are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John
Mra. Robt. Straughan and little
daughter, of Grey township, visited at
Mr. James DicGill's last week.
THE values we will give you during this gale
will please you. Some lines are even
limited so come early.
Ladies' Wear
Children's Vests, small size for 5c each
Ladies' Large Vestreg. 2oc for 12 I -2C
Ladies' Best quality c Vests 25c
$1 Children's White resses for 59c
$1.50 to $2 Ladies' Dresses 98c
5oc Corset Covers for 29c
$1.25 Princess Slips for 59c
$6 All Wool Skirts $2.98
5o skirts in the lot, every one pure
wool, in blacks, blues, greys, greens,
browns. Not a skirt worth less than $5,
some $6, right up to the minute in style,
while they last only $2.98
Ginghams, prints, Etc.
10c yd
12 IZc yd
1Oc yd
12xzc yd
15c yd
t 5c Gingharns for
25c White Muslin for
Good Prints only
urn s best Blue
20c Heavy Shirting only
Grocery Special
Good Green Tea for
Comfort Soap only
Comfort Ammonia
Good queality Salmon
Good quality Baking Powder
3 cans Corn or Peas Best
2 large boxes Matches Best
29c lb
2 for 25c
2 for 25c
3 for 28c
2 for 25c
Great Bargains
5oc Wide Flouncing Embroideries
6oc Wide very fine Flouncing "
Special Embroideries
los to 20C Fine Lace for
5c yd
5c yd
Ends, Ends
You can save money on a big lot of
Mill Ends, Ginghams, Muslins, Vestings,
Prints, Etc.
Men's and Boys' Wear
Men's Suits rnost all sizes at about
Boys' Suits Greatly Reduced
Men's 5oc Braces for
Men's 15c Cotton Sox for
Men's 20c Cotton Sox for
Men's 75c Work Shirts
Men's $ I Fine Shirts
Men's Ties pure silk
25c pair
5c pair
12%c pair
59c each
69e each
15C each
Boots and Shoes
We have Shoes for everybody at the
old prices. It will pay you to buy them
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash