The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-28, Page 187.f • YOU CAN COUNT ON US LOWRY FARM EQUIPMENT CRAWFORD MOTORS (HRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH wINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 /973 DODGE CHARGER 1973 GMC • SPRINT 1973 DODGE, 11 ton 1973 CHEVELLE, 2 dbor 1972, DODGE VAN ' 1972 DODGE DART, 2 door hardtop, 6 automatic 1971 DODGE VAN, V8 automatic with radio 1970 NOVA, 6 standard 1970 TOYOTA, 2 door with radio , 1970 VOLKSWAGON, wagon, automatic 1969 METEOR, 2 door hardtop 1968 CHEV, 4 door hardtop .1967 CHEV, 4 door sedan, 6 automatic The regular meeting of the Lucknow: Girl Guides was held May 22nd. There were only 10 Guides present because, of the Band Tour. Because of the lovely weather the entire meeting was outside.. The leaders took the Guides for a short hike around town looking for objects tomake swaps for'the Revel Rally • to be held June 14th. Campfire was held in the park by the bowling green: The next meeting is to 'be held out at Barbara Hackett's. The'town girls are to meet at the Town Hall at 4.00 sharp if they wish to bike out. Each girl is responsible for her own supper% so be well prepared with everything you will need. This will be the final regular meeting. PAGE EIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 197$ 711111,1111.., 711111116,' 7111111k, •1 This Week In Ripley Look neighbor . THAT' BY AB WYLDS Last Saturday' morning at ten o'elock, auctioneer Grant MacDon- ald of Smoky Hollow, on,the second of Hnron.Township, conducted the sale of the Ripley Chopping Mill for owner Mike SnObelen. Present besides these two. were fifty or so spectators and three bidders. It was all over in less than a half hour. Ron Stanley of Bervie prominent implement dealer and businessman was 'the suCcessful • bidder 0 at $17,100, On Friday, nine boys of the Ripley 4-H Forestry Club were out at the "Corner" on the sixth concession. They were Bob Campbell, assistant leader; Wray' Thompson, president; Doug Peter- baugh, Tim. Palmer, John Drzazga, Mark Humphrey, Greg Rouse, Paul Courtney, Mark Stewart ana, yours truly., From nine thirty tdtwelve thirty they planted 1500 white pine trees for the Huron ToWnshiii Give Your Loved One A °mance Diamond Ring FOR PRIVATE EVENING APPOINTMENTS CALL 528-3532 OR RESIDENCE 528-3940 44444+++++++++++++4444444 SCHMID'S JEWELLERY AND CHINA LUCKNOW OWNERS — W. JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW Council. It was a rather unique experience for this writer to help plant over the houge and barn site of his former neighbours, the late Dan, Sandy and Annie Robertson. * *• * * ,* * Alinost everyone has heard the story about Paul Bunyan and his great ox "Babe". Well for a few days last week a modern version of this great ox was parked on the street by Howard Hodge's garage. Only, this time it was the • big hereford owned by the Bruce. County Beef Producers and adver- tising the 1976 Plowing Match in ' Bruce County at Walkerton.,' Early Saturday morning, Don MacTavish hauled it with his truck to the parade in Hamilton for the Ripley and District Lions Club. Mrs. Violet (Roy) MacKenzie of Ripley is visiting for a week with her sister and husband,' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott of Huntington Woods, Michigan. * * * * * * On Friday afternoon, at the Ripley Huron. Legion hall, the ladies of the Ripley and District Horticultural Society held their spring flower show and a bake sale. * * * 31e• * Brian MacDonald of London was home for the week end visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kenny MacDonald and family members at their home in Ripley. * * * * * * Paul Bennett, Executive Director of the Canadian Guild of Crafts in Ontario, judged the arts' and crafts exhibit ih Ayton on Saturday and awarded prizes 'to begt crafted original articles entered by crafters and artists from across, Ontario. Two of the prizes came to this locality - with Mrs. Jean Phillips of Lucknow being awarded one in the original hand made quilts and Mrs. Marion MacCharles of Lochalsh in the china painting. Both ladies received cheques from the spon- sors of the, competition - "the ,Ayton Kountry Karnival". * * * * * * Mrs. Lucille Fischer of Bellmore spent •a day with her mother, Mrs. Ernie Pollock in Ripley last week. * * * * * * Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stillwell and Shelley of Barrie visited with her mother, Mrs: Gladys Huston in Ripley. * *'* * * * Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garton of Leamington spent the week end with Mrs. Garton's brcther; Am- brose Gamble' and Marion., ' While here Mrs. Garton visited her aunt ) Mrs. Evelyn Corbett who is a patient in Kincardine General Hospital. Mr. Garton visited" his aunt, Mrs. Holdy Garton of Ripley. Their grandson, Jay Pepper spent his time with his cousins Brian and Dairid Gamble of concession 6, sons of Allan and Alice Gamble, also Glenda and Lisa. Marion and Ambrose, Bill and Verneica, 'spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith of Dungannon. Mrs. Smith is a sister of the Gambles. ' Attacked By Family Dog KINLOUGH NEWS Three year old John Walsh,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walsh and grandson of Mrs. GertrUde Walsh, was' attacked by their family dog and badly bitten on his face and back. He was rushed to emergency at the Kincardine and District General Hospital, where he receiv- ed immediate attention. Dr. and Mrs: G. E. Myers of Middleton, Nova Scotia' and their daughter Mrs: Buzza of Kitchener, visited during the week with Mr. .and Mrs. Malcolm Lane and Hugh and with Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith here and with Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal- colm at Lucknow. We extend sympathy to Mr. and ' Mrs, John Robb of Lucknow and formerly of concession '10 in the death of his sister, the late Mrs. Ethel MacDonald of Dungannon. The funeral was held froth the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich on Saturday afternoon. Relatives from here attended the funeral with the burial in Dungannon Cemetery. Congrattilationsio David Rhody, who received his Master Of Arts degree from the Sir Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo. Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Mrs. Cliff Robb attended the graduation on Sunday afternoon. The Anglican Services next Sunday, June 1st will be held at Ripley, Bervie and jticknow. Butler V-II silagedistributor- and less climbing. unloader gives you s,fast feeding Stop In Today for Free Catalog. R.R. 1 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO PHONE: S19.3954286 NIMILI MILIN11111.1111111\111111101111,0111MAINIIA Tomnta Lord Simcoe tel where business and Afire mix It's a pleasure to' do business when you stay at the Lord Simcoe. If your calls are downtown you are within walking digance. For uptown calls, the subway is right at our front door. After your business day is over, theatres ' and entertainment are close at hand, ' If you are driving we offer free Overnight parking from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m., and if you are flying the airport bus stops frequently at the hotel. Try miking business and pleasure ... sta atthe Lord Sitncoe; Hotel, the 'friendly one. 150 King Street' West, Toronto,. Telephone: 362-1848