HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-08-17, Page 5Thursday, August; 1 19i3 �scat�s�a�a�tauc�cacasu�ac�u�s�c�a�caaa��auc�tac�u�ac��c�te ONE WEEK MORE OF ISARD'S 'P` 'r; ',a�M;. CiA�1lk6, '-�..�lttr4lP :�JlCit'R . trtmt�tttEt•?j)� , t 1 - t j( In order to further reduce our large stock and make room for New Fall Goods We are continuing our SUMMER SALE until e>w I SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, one week more of Money -Saving Bargains Move gtaick for Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Shirts, Overalls, Boats and Shoes, Dress Goods, Silks, Whitewear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Staples, dug You are entitled to the most for your money; Be sure you get it. You will Xget it if you take advantage of this Great MicloSummer Sale H. E. Isard. & Go. Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and Housefurnishings. 1111.11•111.•••••iMillins, X X A Om SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. 4,40xxxxx?*x ©ox4x4 *V V4 1 Do You Bake Your Own Bread a If so, do you find it profitable? or have you been unable to get a loaf of bread that you enjoy the same as your own home made? If this has been your reason for baking we are sure you have not tried the bread we sell. Three kinds, and at the reasonable and convenient price of 5 cents per Loaf Malt and Milk 5c per loaf Malto Gluten "Brown" 5c loaf Vienna Twist 5c per loaf We also receive Jani Tarts, Bread Rolls and var- ious kinds of fancy baking which you willfind to be unsurpassed in quality and as uniform at all times aspossible mrke it is oss ble to make it. p Purity ice Create Our own make. Served in our the town, 1 1 part oft W, Delivered to any parlors.Y .. t Wingham Representative for Willa,rdq s Forkdt p Chocolates. WALMSLEY'S Illone 12 X The Curfew Shall Not Ring To.Night. .England's sun was slowly sc tting o'er the hills so far away, Filling all the land with beauty at the close of one sad day, And the last rays kissed the forehead of a man and maiden fair; He with step so slow and weakened she with sunny, floating hair; He with bowed head, sad and thought. ful ehe with lips so cold and white Struggling to keep back the murmur, • "Curfew shall not ring tonight." "Sexton," Bessie's white lips faltered, pointing to the prison old, With its walls so dark and gloomy, walls so damp and cold, "I've a lover in that prison, doomed this very night to die At the ringing of the curfew, and no earthly help is nigh. Cromwell will not come till sunset," and her face grew strangely white As she spoke in husky whisper, "Cur- few shall not ring tonight." "Bessie" calmly spoke the sexton -- every word pierced her young heart Like a thousand gleaming arrows, like a deadly poisoned dart; "Long, long years I've rung the curfew from the gloomy shadowed tow- er; livery evening just at sunset it has tolled the evening hour. I have done my duty ever, tried to do it just and right; Now I'm old I will not miss it; girl the curfew rings to -night." Wild her eyes and pale her features, stern and white her thoughtful brow, And within her heart's deep centre Bessie made a solemn vow, She had listened while the judges read, without a tear or sigh, "At the ringing of the curfew—Baeil Underwood must die," And her breath came fast and faster and her eyes grew large and bright; One low murmur, scarcely spoken, "Curfew must not ring to -night,' (Remaining verses will be published next week 1 2I 1,0009 1REWARD '� For information that will lead tc the discovery or whereabouts of e person or persons suffering fror,, Nervous Debility, Diseases of thc Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison; Skin Diseases, Dladdcr Troubles, Special Ailtnents, and Chronic oz 1. n P , Complicated Complaints who can not be cured at The Ontario T,iedi calInstitute, 2 3 2G" >:onf•e St., I e G �, r ., Toronto AI Corresporide_e invited CEI V:I G A ADV ANO r RAILWAYS TO AVOID LAST YEAR'S MISTAKE Rates to the Canadian National Will Extend over the Fell Two Werke Period, A yearr ago all over the Province there was teat disappointment t amort g the people coming to the Exhibition the last couple of days to learn that the rates on the railroads had expired, It was too late then to have the "mat. ter rectified, but the Exhibition man- agement took the matter up with the railroads: and found that there bad been a mistake in the circular sent out to the agents, the result being that on the eloping days people goleg to To- ronto bad to pay full fare, This year the matter was attended to early and the Exhibition has the assurance that there will be no repitition of last year's trouble. The rates extend over the full two weeks period, T —` CANADA .a STEAMSHIP LINES eS LIMITED FOR YOUR VACATION TAKE A BOAT TRIP . The St. Lawrence River offers unequalled attractions. 1000 ISLANDS and return $13.00 MONTREAL and return 25.00 QUEBEC and return 34.00 SAGUENAY RIVER and return47.00 Including Meals and Berth TOURIST leave Toronto 3 30 p.m. STEAMERS every Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday. Daily except Sun- day from June 19th to July-lst. After July 1st, daily. For illustratod folder or furltier par- ticulars, see local Agent, or write J. V. FOY. A G. P. A,, Yonge„Street Wharf, Toronto, .rte Thousands of Men Required for Harv- esting in Western Canada Thousands of n required M aro re d to bel !n Men q p tthe great work of harvesting the western 1 crop. The task of transporting to the West this great army of workers will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway'. Excursions from points in Ontario to iVlanit • aha,Uaskatohowarand Alberta. will be run, and special trains' onorated, making thd'tri;> in about thirty-six hbure without change 0 tratiidfer, '•r,oing Trip West,” $P2 to Winnipeg ''Returning Trip East," $18 front Wlunrpr'g, Consult L Y. It, Agents regarding transper- onw�°tot Wirt 11 e . XIVXX1s XXIC tlaXXXXXXXXXX1�1XXX tPli thGoing Dater August 17l and 1st From Torento•Sudhurr Lino and East, but net including Smith s Valls or Renfrew, also from Main Lino Fast of Sudbury to, but not including, M iWorth T3ayQttd September and From To- . August iotlt route, also West and South thereof. Farther particular; from Canadian Nettie ■11,1��t i+. 1N. 1�i Ticket Agents, ae w. la Reward, Dietrlct X11 `dt W A i 41 a a n o n# in h Q ne,ssenger agent, Toronto, 4 Go West Young Man Go West 00..110 Horace Greeley's advice is as good to -day as when he gave it. Go West and travel by the Can- adian Northern, the new route, through a new country. Special Harvesters' Excursions Aug. 19 and Sept. 2 $12.0® From Wingham to Winni- peg. Cheaper than staying at home Ritchie & Cosens. Insurance and Real Estate Agents for Canadian Northern Ry. aa"earepe w+1/eh°® eeetateet hMw+aal COAL AND WOOD --FOR SALE BY-- R. Cantelon Offioe with Dominion Express Co. Phone 190 P. 0. Box 1271 �7/V\NW V W\AV VMMW V Wu/�� mall Term From Aug. 27" CEUTHAi.#:..:gtdight I gTRa.•rc•cara0, ea art 'Nsvl f Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraph Departments Our graduates are p'aced iu posit• 10113. In 3 months wa received 210 applications for trained help. Write us at once for our free catalogue. LP. A. MoleACBLATI - Principals MEMORIES OF CON( AUO Wingham 15 Years Ago as Taken from THE ADVANCE, Aug, 15, 1901. The brickwork of J. iittalale's new rgeidenct' is progressing, This will be one of the most conveniently arranged and up•to•date dwellings in town, Alf Sebastian is now in bis renovated tone oral apat'tutente. The new ap. pearance of the interior has suggested a new name, and Instead of being known as "Alf Sebastian's chop" it will be known as the "'National Shaving 'Par; Maur." The Port Perry Observer says: --Mies L'r,zte Eleuty of Wingbarn, is visiting in town, being the guest of Mrs. N. Ingram and other True Blue lady friends. 0, Manners, harness maker, has purobased E J. Skelton's house and lot on Francis Street, for $$7G, less this year's taxes. It will make a good home for Mr, Manners' family, There died at his home iu Grandin, North Dakota, on Aug, 2nd, James W. Thom, well-known in this vicinity. Ile came from Dalhousie, Lan:ttk Co., and settled in Lower Wingham thirty- two years ago, where he kept a general store for fifteen years, One brother lives in Zetland, and another in St, Helens. Deceased was 75yeatrs of age; his many friends here received word of his death with deep regret. The moulding shop at the Worke is filling up with material, Work has been delayed by the non -arrival of a car load of pig iron, which is expected daily, As soon as this arrives, heavy castings will he made. Currie & Day. idson are busy drilling a well, and on Wednr sday ;morning had reached a depth of seventy feet. Shortly before one o'clock this morn- ing (Thursday) the alarm of fire aroused our citizens. AL first it was supposed that the Chair Factory was on fire, but it proved to be Mayor Clegg's grain warehouse. The fire had gained considerable headway when the alarm was given, and when the firemen ar- rived the building was doomed. The next warehouse, belonging to John Clegg, also naught fire, so that between endeavouring to save it, protecting the Chair Factory, and pouring water into the first warehouse, the brigade had plenty of hot work. - Mr. A. E Smith returned this week from the Mackinac trip. This is a de- lightful trip, affording a ea 1 up Lake Huron. crossing several times from the mainland to Manitoulin and St. Joseph Islands. , J. E. Swarts is preparing to build large brick stables for his race horses on his fine property on Diagonal St. An enlargement of the kitchen, a drilled well and windmill, and other improvements are contemplated.° SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS rlilih; solo head of a family. or any mato over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter• section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the District. En- try by proxy may be made at any Duntiuion Lands Agency (but not Cub•Agenoy on certain conditions. DUTIES -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader luny live within nine miles of homestead off farm of at least mores, hes st b0 on certain conditions. A habitable house is re. mitred except whore residence is performed in the vicinity. Itte stool: may bo subAltuted forcultivation under certain conditions. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may preempt a quarter section along side his homestead. Price $3 meow. DUTIES—Six monlsha residence in oaoh of throe years after earning homestead patent: also 50 acres extra cultivation, Preemption 1 atot may be obtained as soon as homestead patent ton certain conditions Ast settler whet has exhausted his homestead right may take a purchased homestead in bor. sri trlets. Price s1 eer acfe, Dtias- t eside six mouthtn abh othroe Duties - Must out, iyate'00 acres A'nd erect a house worth $300. The area of eultihation is subject to reduc• tionin ease of rough, scrubby or stony land. Live stock may be substituted for c Itiva(ion under certain conditio tA. W. Wv (Jolty, rf, . G. IDeputy of the it1(nieter of the Interior. N.11...- Unailthoriged publication nI this advertisement will not be paid tor -1141. f H. DAVIS 3 Issuer of Marriage Litanies i CUSTOM OFFICE, WINGHAM PATRIOTIC NOTES The Society wishes to acknowledge with thanks, the following donations: Mee. R. Tindall, $2; Mrs. Aitkens $.50; Dr. Tamlyn, 2 feather pillows. On August 4th, the following ship- ment was sent to the National Service Committee as Jfield Comforts; -- 30 flannel day shirts and 55 pairs of socks the total valuation $114.50. There was also a shipment to the Canadian Iced Cross Society containing 24 second -aid pillows, 9 feather pillows, 3 pairs pillow covers, 7 dozen bandages, (I suits pyjamas, and a quantity of hospital dressing. On Friday afternoon, Aug, 11th, there will be a sewing nee at the home of Mies Ella Cornyu for the purpose of making shirts and pyjamas. Any ladies who can cowe will be made wet. come, Let there be a good turn out and much work will bo accomplished. If there are any who could make shirts or pyjamas at home the cut-out garments may be bad from Mre. Wm. Gray, Mrs, Tamlyn, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs, 1t. Tindall. Yarn for socks can al. ways be obtained from Miss Peasant. As there is a large quantity of flannel and yarn on baud, the need for volun•. tear workers is very great. Many people will be interested in the nr received following tette carved by Dore. O. M. Walker, from Rev. 0. E. Jeakine, a former rector of St. Paul's church, It isgratifying teethe ladies mho con- tributed the fruit to know that their gifts arrived in good condition . and were so much appreciated by the sol- diers. DISTRICT NEWS Judge Holt was. eeleed with a paralytic stroke on Sunday. Mrs, Jas. Uibsou of Blyth, suffered a severe paralytic stroke recently, A ear q! fine I:mews was shipped from lirussela last week a)ttt will go overseas, Port Miss Jardine, at l: ott Ct•erlit, has beet) engaged as ttssistaut teacher in. Wessels coutiuuatiot) school. ;James Ireland of Morris'Township, has purehased the Cameron house, Brussels, and will move into it in the near Allure. Oliver Hemingway, Duncan McKay, Alex Farrows jr, and Geo. Robertson, all residents of Grey township have recently burehased Ford cars. A hush fire started at Point Clark light West: on 'Tuesday. Mr. Lutklater, o Teeswater, assisted by campers, fought the fire to a finish an d saved Capt Frown's bush, During the week Mrs, John Glouchier of Morris, Township, and Miss Bessie Mann of Moncrieff, died in their youths Neither was 21 years of age, Cancer and heart complications were the respec• live causes of their cleatbs. The following were the winners of the standing erop compctitiou held in connec- tion with the East Huron Agricultural Society; 1, Andrew Lamont; 2, W, R, Moses; 3, James Nichol; 4, Win, Slenun on; 5, R, J, Hoover; 0, J. Lowe; 7, 0. Hemingway. Brussels voters' List for the year is in the hands of the Clerk and was first posted up Tuesday of last week. Mill street be- ing the dividing line, excepting as it re- lates to Lot No. 7, Part 1 of the list con- tains 223 names, Part II has 120, and Part III 6. 129 are competent to serve King George as jurors, Mr. and Mrs, John Golder, of Listowel, experienced the extremes joy and sorrow this week when a letter on Monday, state ing that their son, Private Walter Goldner had been killed in France, was followed by a second on Wednesday conveying the happy information that it was a mistake and that the boy was well and uninjured. The members of the Methodist church, Newbridge, had a very successful bee one day last week for the purpose of erecting a new fence and putting in a con- crete platform and walk. The work is certainly a credit to all those who assisted, the Ladies' Aid .supplying the material. Newbridge has now as fine a church as can be found in any rural district. Two Houston girls of the 6th of Kinloss, while nearing the railroad crossing on the gravel road. north of Lucknow, were thrown from their buggy, the horse taking fright at an auto which came suddenly upon them, The horse jumped over a fence and one of the girls received a broken wrist while the other had a rib broken and was badly cut about the face. Canadian Convalescent Hospital, Woodcote Park, Epeom, July 7tb, 1916. Dear Mrs. Walker:— You will be rather surprised to re• ceive a totter from me, but I thought you would like to hear of an incident which happened the other day. In my rounds through this large camp bf which 1 am now chaplain, I chanced into the store room, and as 1 was chatting with the men I noticed a table filled with bottles of preserves. On enquiry I found that they had been sent from Canada, and on further ex- " amination found the name of Wing - ham" on many of the bottles and your name amongst others on genie of them, sur I was quite t surprised ed and pleased, and thought ybu would like to know that your gifts were put to o o d use and g P g a d are very much appreciated by our men. The name of Mrs. Wellwood of Wing- amwason some of b t b the of losn a dl feel sure she, too, would bo glad to hear of. the eafe arrival of her gifts. The fruit came in good d order, veryfew bottles being broken or spoiled. On behalf of the men here, I wish to ex• prose t' gratitude ratitud e for your kindness. ndness. They deser @the very bestwe can do for theta. I have had a wonderft>,1 if sad expert fence et the front, and am now to eharge of this hospital, We have room for �kF patients,and theyare veru well looked after in every resect, By rt' strange play of circumetancee, my brother has been sent here, tae was wounded at the last battle of Ypres, It is Moe for us to be together, I left Ypres just the week before this attack and was disappointed at not being there to help the poor fel- lows. I trait you and youra are well, Yours ainoerely, C, 'g, el;h.Itla'S, Page, Vfr(5 While driving home from church last Sunday Horning, Robbie Holt, of the 4th concession of Howick, was stricken with a sudden faintness, no doubt caused by the excessive heat, and fell from the buggy, the wheels passing over •hint,, While he was not seriously injured, he received some nasty cuts and bruises, but we are glad to see him able to be around again. Another of Seafortlt's most esteemed residents has passed away in the person of Mrs. Louis McDonald, who died at !tet•', home on John street, on Thursday even- ing. The late Mrs. McDonald was a former well-known resident of Walton, where her husband conducted au exlens ive sawmill business. Upon the death of Mr. McDonald some years ago, decased took up her residence in Scaforth, where she has since made her Moine, She is surviv- ed by a family of six daughters and three sous, Two ramps entered a house in Listowel on Friday morning about 11 o'clock and asked the lady, Mrs. A. Campbell, for something to eat and while she was busily preparing a lunch for them they rout away with a purse containing $20. They were: later captured while lying beside the rail- road track a• few miles distant. Otte of the mettwas armed with a revolver and a dirk. They had bought something to eat at Cain's store at Britton about•12 o'clock, had secured milk to drink at the eheeee factory and purchased a pair of shoes and socks for each man iu thestore in Pfeffers- One man was the business director, car- rying the tnopey and dangerous weapons and doing the Iwrt_ltasing, Lyman Chaptnatt, a fat•nter of Williams' brought his car and a neighbour t., q(vat h" roy Thursday, and while Chapman was 10 a store on Front street, the car and the neighbor put On an interesting performance which ended itt the wreck of the car. James McQueen, the neighbor, had no experience with cars, so that when Ice accidently stepped on the self -sing lever he did not know wItat; Abe oonse- quence would be. The ocr bad been left in high gear and when the engine started it almost lifted the ear off the road and started clown the road at a speed approach- ing 25 miles an hour. McQueen coulduo1 stop the car, but hung to the wheel cork; screwing at high speed through the street, Finally the machine s'� toi ad and crashed through the^ft'oat door of fames North; cctl's roe>idence, knocking out the door frame. Several windows ve al a So were e bra tc l; in the house. The ea,e was almost a com- plete wreck, but IVIr, McQueen escaped, asea A Scheel With a Reputation During the month of July the Man. +hgenient of the Central Bueinese Col- lege of Stratford received applications tor over 100 Office assistants they could not sup-1y. The Central does splendid work, It is one of Canada's nest. Those interested in_ Business Educe. tion should write the College for its free catalogue, BlRrt�s_�. Dovotas—In Turnberry, on July 80th, to Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Douglas, a 8tanity, Brreni1-••Irk Brtiseele, nn duly 201h, to Mr, `and Mrs. Thomas Wiitobte, a poli, SUMMER DRESS GOODS OF DELIGHTFULNESS mimmammanammumummiammmi Every lady will find the wonderful collection of suimmner dress materials here a great help in planning her summer wardrobe, Each piece is beautiful in design and of high grade fabric, As we start stock -taking in a week we have decided to put all our summer dress goods out at cost. `l'liis is your chance to secure your 5U111111Cr dress at a very low cost, 12c to 75c per yard Scarce Goods Real good values in Ladies', Men's and Children's Hose are hard to procure and un- less placed on old contracts are now impos- sible. We were fortunate in being able to foresee the present ' conditions and about 9 months ago placed our order for a good stock. We have a real good strong ribbed hose for children's wear unequalled anywhere. We want to show you REAL VALUES and invite you to examine these lines when in need of Hosiery Straw Hat Time, These warm days sure makes Summer Straws move. Its time to throw off your heavy felt and get a nice light straw. Boys' fancy straw hats:, extra good quality for 5o cents hats, all the latest weaves shapes I'tten's fine basket weave sailor }fats, 1916. style at 'Men's extra good quality sailor hats, all the latest weaves &shapes$ $L50 2.50 • • A • PHONI 89 WINGHA> , ONT, ® ralmm®>st�l�a 1 s� i Pure-bred Roosters 1 t For Sale 150 Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns A rale chance to raise the quality of your flock Get ready for our Winghall! Fall Fair Competition. See 'Special PriLe List. A. H. WILFORD Wingham, A - Ontario. TELEPHONES: Office 174, Residence 108. i IS 41111111111111111111•11111111111111•111111111411111fiNISMallIMINNII • No warping, bulging or breaking a ; the centre of heat -L - the w c upt .e c fire -pot of h thestrain is takenbye e � '�' p , � permits no ashes to cling or clog, MCCtari� Suns Fizriace Let me show your the special features of the Sunshind` that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is note. _ Sold by R. MOONE y Wingham Ont ..., . SMO 9