The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-21, Page 11(Nursery iervice available) 8:00 P.M. NIGHTLY ART PERRI Soloist arid Music Director HERB BOCK Vice President Crusade Director HOLDEN BOWKER Musician ALF REES. Evangelist "NEW SOUNDS ON AN OLD WORD" SOUTH. BRUCE ,CHRISTIAN CRUSADE, KINCARDINE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL, DURHAM STREET, KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. MAY 25 -JUNE 1, 1.975 4411.11111111111111111 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1915 No Abortions In Goderich The May monthly meeting of the-Goderich and District Pro Life Association was held at the home of the cochairman, Mrs: • Connie Osborn, on Monday afternixin May 5. . In reply to a survey by the Owen Sound -Right to •Life, regarding the number of hospitals who do abortions in Ontario, they stated, "Our study showed that there are no recorded abortions in the Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich hospitals. And Goderich Hospital is the only hospital of these three, with an Abortion committee. Therapeutic Abortion Committees are not compulsory in Canada. . A letter was received from Alliance for Life,„ TOronth, regarding the National Radio and TV coverage of. Doctor enry Morgentaler - the ontreal physician who is serving 18 months in prison for performingan illegal abortion. 4 Direction was' given to • distribute the true facts. regarding the Morgentaler trial as the media isn't reporting them. The system is sound but in the Morgentaler case, the original judge misinformed the jury and therefore the jury's decision was overturned. The case was automatically brought back to the Quebec Board of Appeal. Had Dr. Morgentaler -been brought back to trial, he would have been found guilty. Thus, the Quebec Board of Appeal saved the taxpayers money, • Members were asked to write their objections to the CBC Radio "Compentary" and the CBC - TV "Take 30" c-o Mr. Laurent Picard, President CBC, Box 6478, Ottawa, and Pierre Juneau, Chairman Canadian Radio and TV Commission, 100 Metcalfe St., Ottawa. . The Alliance for Life also were advised regarding the National Advisory Cpuncil on ' the Status of Women who are not speaking for the Women of Canada as this council consists of 20 Pro Abortion and 10 Pro Life Members with the vote being two to one in favor of Abortion. Three resolutions were voted on: 'that Morgentaler should . receive clemency and be pardoned by the cabinet (The vote was yes 18, no '8, two ab- • stentions arid two absent); that the Criminal Code should be amended so that a Court of Appeal would not be able to subStitute its own 'verdict for that of a jury. (Vote: yes 16, no, 10, absent 3); that there Should • be a debate in the House of Commons on Abortion (vote was unanimous in favor of the resolution). Members were again urged to write Marc Lalonde and PierreTrudeau. The annual meeting of the Alliance for Life will be held in Ottawa on Friday and Saturday May 30 and 31. The responseto the One Million 'Name. Petition which was sent to the. Service Clubs was poor. Mrs.' Connie Osborn, Mrs. Sharon Munro, and Mrs. ,Clarice Dalton showed the J.C. Wilike slide presentation, "Abortion - How It Is" to the Grade 8' students of St. Joseph's school at Kingsbridge on, Monday, April 28 in conjunction with Education Week and "Respect for Life Week".' In new business discussions RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAY 31 Former Silverwood's Building Sponsored by Olivet, Unit of St. Andrews , . -on the possibility of getting pro life commercials on CKNX. Radio took place arid the Special Education Program on Cable X12 TV to be heard on Wednesday, May 7. The 'guest speaker will be Dan Murphy, Q.C. with special music by Marg Hodgins and Sharon Munro. A Walkathon is being planned to take place on Saturday, June 14. A booth will be set up at the - Clinton Spring Fair on June 6,7, and 8. The chairman is Marg Dykstra. The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 16. BROWNIE NEWS MUSICAL EVENING - LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY: • • • .8 P.111, • LES PETTER SHOES Lucknow Phone 528404 LORNE REIDd SHOE REPAIR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN A ‘k • .11 On Tuesday, May . 13th, the Brownies opened their meeting with a game "Human Laddeo". Shirley Loree was Fairy Queen and she placed the Toadstool for Brownie Ring. The Brownies hopped their Brownie , Gold and Brown,Owl inspected for neat and 'tidy uniforms. Everyone repeated the Brownie 'Prayer. , At Pow Wow the Pack sang Happy Birthday to Anne Hamilton,. Judy Hunter and Lori Stanley. Brown Owl passed around two bird's nests for the Brownies to inspect. The Brownies were told 'about 'the Brownie Revel that will be held in Mount Forest on Saturday, June 14th. This is to promote Guiding On The Move, 1975.. Packie led in singing "The Happy Wanderer", while Mrs. Cameron collected the money from the Brownies for' the banquet. Test passed during the meeting was Luanne MacLeod throwing and catching a ball. Helen Maclntyre and Lori Stanley sewed on two kinds of buttons. The meeting closed with Taps. J . ZION Mrs. Frank' Ritchie and Mrs. D. A. Hackett visited Tuesday of last week with Mrs.. Ritchie's mother, Mrs. Mary MacAuley, of Centen- nial Manor in Milton. 'Mrs. Frances Wilkins, 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkins, Barbara and a friend Jim • Sheppard of Cam-: bridge, (Galt) attended wedding of Patsy Wilkins and Gordon Miskie, • both of Paisley, at 7 p.m. Saturday evening with a reception that followed in Elmwood Community Centre. BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. Allan Ritchie and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie of Lucknow attend- ed a miscellaneous bridal shower and a ppt luck supper on Thursday evening of last week for Brenda Ritchie, R.N. in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and family had as visitors Saturday evening Of last week, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Caesar and Vicki of Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie visited her sister, Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Irvin of Dungannon on Sunday evening. Mr. ,and Mrs. Lorne Cook and family had het sisters Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spilsbury, Paul and grandson, Jamie Lilyman on the week end and on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell and family, all of Londbn and Miss Lorraine Hamil- ton of LucknOw. Sunday afternoon the Cooks had her nephew Dennis Hdrina and his fiancee, Bev Harriston, both of London.