The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-14, Page 10HE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEONESDAY, MAY 14, 1975 KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL. CHURCH Pastor Gilbert. Van Sli tenhorst 10 a.m. Sunda School 11 a.m. Worship. Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 p.m. FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ot""s"eo .--11004401%0 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, MAY 18 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 0...."..%/W4.000Pri."094.0%.0WoNilfts0•0411010"" Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 MAY 18th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Special Music by' Teeswater Junior Choir Mrs. C. Riegling, reported on' the Canadian League booklet and, the CNIB annual report. Cultural Life Convener, Mrs. J. Howard, ' reported on Mr. Frank Austin's birthday party and plans to organize birthday parties for Mrs. Marie Austin and. Brother Carl Volt were mentioned. Grade eight graduation was discussed. Buying new girl guide leader- uniforms was suggested. Requests made by .BroWnies were granted.. Fr. Dentinger spoke to the ladies and encouraged them to have faith and hope to continue, with prayer. Mrs. Frayne expressed the need for volunteers on May 10th• for the Doherty-Bromley wedding dinner. Mrs. M. Dalton spoke on the communion breakfast, May 4th. Mrs. Antone Van Osch spoke on behalf of the 4-H club, "What Shall I Wear". She 'extended an invitation to all to attend Achieve- ment Day, May 17th at 1 o'clock. She thanked Father •and the C.W.L. for their assistance. Fr. Dentinger closed the meeting with prayers. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN . REFORMED CHURCH • Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today "The Great Victory Celebration" CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial' 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. ,Radio dial 560 DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Orris Gingrich, Pastor SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME ..".1"4.10.60"...""•0940%.""bilftor SUNDAY, MAY 18 Services at-10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. E. Glitter of Hamilton. •it :1! On Wednesday evening White-, • churchUnited Church Women held their spring 'Thankpffering meeting in the, Church. The call to' worship was given by Mrs. Milan Moore 'and Mrs,. George Thompson and 'ti*iii`.117,was sung. Mrs. CliffOrd Laialati. led in prayer. • Hyinn 732 was read responiively and Mts. Tom Davidson read the scripture. Mrs. Milan Moore and Mrs. Thompson gave the medita- . don, "Thanks to God". . Mrs. Moore spoke of the lepers being healed and only one reminded to give thanks. She followed with a poem "Thanks to God". Mrs. Thompson reminded us we have to give thanks for all things, such as missionaries, United Nations. The offering was received by Mrs. Betty Flannigan and Mrs. Quipp and dedicated by Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Wardrop and Mrs. George Guest sang a duet Ivory ' Palaces' accompanied by Mrs. Garnet Farrier, pianist. Mrs. Tiffin represented George McDougall and Mrs. Durnin represented Mrs. McDougall. Mrs. Millan Moore interviewed Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Dougall as to their work on the mission field with the Indians. Thee guest speaker, Mrs. Bert Alton, was then introduce& She . told of her trip to Australia showing a map and giving a general idea of the land and deserts. She spoke of the people, the soil, churches, animals, fruits and vegetation.. She passed around the opal stone and many other souvenirs she had brought home. Mrs. Dave Gibb thanked Mrs.' Alton and , presented her with a gift. The hymn, Your love, our God, is like the waves, chosen in the celebration of the fiftieth anniver' sary of the 'United Church of Canada, was sung. All were invite&to the Sunday School room, where lunch was served. Present were members from Wingham, Calvin-Brick, Bluevale and White- church Presbyterian Church. Unit 1 X.ticknow United Church Women Weld their regular Meeting in the church parlor on Tuesday afternoon, May 6 with 20 members present. Mrs. Sam Gibson opened the meeting with a poem, "Moth- ers Love". The hymn, Happy the home, was sung followed by prayer and a moment's silence in honour of Mrs, Jack Gardner, a member who had recently pissed away. Mrs. Clarence IrWin, ,convener fOr citizenship, gave a paper "Why are we having women's year". Mrs. Walter Dexter, for community friendship, gave the report of,cards sent and visiting shut ins., Mrs. Al Irwin., for stewardship, gave a reading "Spring. Cleaning", liken- ing the cleaning' we do in our homes to the cleaning we need to do in our lives. Mts. Nelson Raynard, for supply and welfare, asked for quilt blocks 18 x 20 to be brought to the next 'meeting; also it was suggested that everybody bring a tea towel to the next meeting to • be donated to - the Children's Aid Society. Mrs. Peter Cook gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. W. G. Hunter, .for social functions,' made arrangements for the mother and daughter banquet to be held on Thursday, May 15th. ' - There is to be an 'executive, meeting on Wednesday, May 14 at 1.30 p.m., also the general' meeting at Silver Lake on June 12 at 7 p.m. Mrs. Sam Gibson was appointed from. Unit 1 to go to 'the meeting on 'Wednesday evening to get infor- mation about making a banner for the 50th anniversary. Mrs. Alex. MacNay was convener for devotional and chose for the theme "The Vine". She opened with the singing of the hymn "We plough the fields and scatter". Mrs. Eva Freeman read scripture from John, chapter 15 and the 4th chapter Luke " and Mrs. MacNay gave the meditation emphasizing that Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, and followed with pray- er. Hymn :`This is my Father's world" was sung: Mrs. Sam Gibson gave the study book. A Korean Christian looks at North America by.Dr. Hisup Kim. Mrs. Eva McCullough gave a reading "What is a Mother" and the. meeting was closed by all repeating the benediction. Mrs. Ross. Shiells was auctioneer for a quite successful sale of donated articles. Lunch was served by the committee. Mrs'. MacNay, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. .Gibson and Mrs. McCullbugh. ' Kingsbridge- C 7W.L. The May meeting 'of the. Kings- bridge wCatholic Women's :League was held at ,Iosttph's Church Hall, Kingsbridge. Fr. Dentinger opened the meeting with the league prayer. The new president, Mrs. Eugene Frayne, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Scripture reading was given by Mrs.. Frank Riegling. Church. Life convener- ship was reported by Mrs. Rieg- ling. Gifts were given to the communicant's Sunday, May 4th. An anniversary gift was, presented to Mrs. Ann La Londe for .25 years of marriage. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given and adopted as read. Correspondence was given by Mrs. Pat Martin. Thank you notes were read from the Becker family and the' 14ivens family. "The Church To-day" program sent a receipt and expressed appreciation of the correspondence to them: A letter from the Catholic Women's League , of Canada was read re 'the Provincial. Convention, July 8, 9 10. A, note was received from . Huronview about a' Spring Tea, June 4th, 2 - 4 p.m. Daroth Enterprises, from Quebec gave us an opportunity to raise funds. A letter from the Diocesan Conven- tion was read and one recommen- dation and four resolutions discus- sed. The two delegates, Mrs. Ann La Londe and Mrs. Eugene Frayne, going to the convention, will vote ' on these resolutions and express their feelings 'on these items. These delegates hope td report on the convention at the June meet- ing. Mrs. Rochelle Champagne gave the roll call. Mrs. Joe Courtney; the Pro-Life Convener, reported on several issues, as follows: Respect for Life Week, May 4-11; thanking Fr. pe n tin ger for publicity' given Pro-Life; thanking C. W. L. for F, donation; seminar with Dr. Hart Beznes; delegates going to Ottawa for' presentation Of "one million" name petition, May 28th, and the National Advisory Council on the Status of Women. Communications and Public Re- lations convener, Mrs. Allan MacKenzie, spoke on some TV issues. Community Life convener, Kinlough A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS The May meeting of the Angli- can Church. Women was held on Thursday afternoon in the church basement with Mrs. Howard Thompson and Mrs. Roy Collins as hostesses. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh presided and the meeting opened with the hymn "The head that. once was crowned with thorns" in keeping with AscensIon Day. This was followed with prayer. Mrs. Delbert Hedley read the scripture and Mrs. Roy Schneller gave the, meditation on "the AScension". The Word fOr the roll call was "Glory". Mrs. Bert Nicholson was secretary. Thanks was expressed to Mrs. Roy SChneller, who kindly donated a quilt that she had made. The ladieS helped her quilt it since the last meeting. Mrs, G. Garratt gave a reading containing the word "Glory": The meeting closed with prayer. The Nine meeting will be held at the church and will be entertaining day. The coMmittee 'in charge is Miss May Boyle,, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh and refreshment committee, Mrs. Bert Nicholson, Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Mrs. Howard Thompson. The afternoon was spent in quilting. Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Bert Alton Mks On ustralio WHITECHURCH NEWS SIMICWOCSSNNICWICWOM Cancer can be beaten 100,000 volunteers in Ontario Believe It ISSICSIMICW1304110001WOMNS 'Unit 1 U.C.W. Anniversary Services KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RIPLEY Sunday, May 25 11 a.m. 8 p.m. MINISTER. -- MR. RICHARD SAND GUEST MINISTER REV. HARRY CRAWFORD, TORONT6 SPECIAL MUSIC Mr. Cecil Fry and Ladies Double Trio of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham