HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-05-07, Page 1WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, •1975 Single Copy 20c 20 Pages
Three Townships Take Delivery Of New Water Tanker
$8.00 A •Year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
Lodge Donates $50
To Two Area
Medical Centres
Old Light Lodge; No. 184, ,at
their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday night, voted •$50 to the
Lucknow Kinsmen fund raising
campaign for the equipping of
Lucknow Medical Centre with •
furnishings and permanent equip-
A further •donation of $50 was
also made to the Ripley-Huron
Medical Centre.
Donald MacKay of Huron 'Town-
ship, DiStrict Deputy Grand Master
of North • Huron District of the
Masonic Lodge, made his official
visit' to the Lucknow Lodge. A
number of Masters, Past Masters
and Lodge officials from area
lodges, as' well as local lodge
members, attended the meeting.
Bruce Raynard of West Wawa-
nosh was initiated as a member, of
the lodge on Thursday. • Bruce
Hamilton of Lucknow also recently
became a lodge member.
Problems Cleaning
round Cars
The 'Lucknow Village works
department is experiencing prob-
lems with parked cars along the
main street in the early hours of
Saturday morning.
Parked Car Goes
Out Of Controj
On Victoria St.
Miraculously, no one was
injured as a car went out, of control
on Victoria Street in Lucknow •on
Wednesday of last week with no
one at the wheel..
Ed Wighttnan of Belgrave had
come to visit his daughter Mrs.
Bruce Hamilton. The Hamiltons
reside on Victoria Street, miclivay
505 Cattle At
Monday Sale
505 head of cattle were sold at
the Lucknow Community Sale
stocker cattle sale on Monday. Bob
McIntosh is sale manager.
21 steers averaging 650 lbs. were
sold by Charles Murray of Holy-
rood to Earl Sherwood, Goderich at
13 heifers averaging 610 lbs.
were sold by Vince Austin,
Kingsbridge to Bob Jewell, Goder-
ich at 36.50.
2 heifer calves averaging 320 lbs.
,were sold by Bert Moss, Auburn to
Marion Button at 33.75.
20 steers averaging 837 lbs. were
sold by Dunc Simpson, Kintail to
DaYe Elphick, Lochalsh at 44.25
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Mrs. Fred Mc0uillin, secretary-
treasurer of the Lucknow Agricult-
ural Society from 1958 until her
retirement in 4968, was recently
Presented with an agricultural
service diploma for. "MeritoriouS
Service To Agriculture". •
The diploma was presented by
the president of the Lucknow
Society,. Glen Walden at a recent
. -
meeting of the organization:.
Mrs. McQuillin's husband, the
late Fred McQuillin, was presented
with a similar award a few years
ago as was his father, the late John
McQuillin: At that time it was the
first father-son combination for the
award and now an additional fan-illy
link has been added to this.
recognition for exceptional service
to the Lucknow Agricultural Society
and agriculttire in general.
Mrs. McQuillin began her assoc-
iation with ,the 'Lucknow Agricul-
tural Society as a teenager when
she first exhibited in the baking
section. She has retained an
interest in the , association ever
'.Cliff tiavifOrd and Doug Mid-
, enby are on the job about 4 a.m.
each Saturday and use the village
street sweeper to dean the main
street area• and make it more
presentable for. the week. end.
Last Saturday morning, 22 cars
were parked on the main street and
it is naturally impossible'to do a job
with the sweeper under these
The village, in an advertliement
in this igsue, has • requested that
cars be removed from the main,
street on Friday nights during the
summer season.
Died In England
Mrs. Rtissell (Mabel) Whitby of
Lucknow received the sad news on
Sunday that' her father, Thomas
Adams of Crockham Hill, England,
had passed away that day at
Pembury Hospital. He was 76.
Besides his daughter Mabel of
Lucknow, Mr. Adams is survived ,
by his wife, two sons and two
daughters, all in England. He was
predeceased by one son.
Buy Chairs, For
/ Community Use
Lucknow Branch of the Legion,
No. 309, has' purchased three
collapsible wheelchairs for com-
munity use.
The wheelchairs will be used on
ashort term basis by nursing home
residents or hospital patients who
might want to go to their own home
fertile week end, or out visiting for
the day. They will also be available
for the use of accident victims.
The wheel chairs will fold up and
go into a car.
Sisters Reunited
After 17 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Kamnstra of
Holland arrived 'in Toronto on
Monday where they were met by
, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Weirsma.
P' They plan to visit here for three
weds. Mrs. Kamnstra.is a sister
of Mrs. Weirsnia and they have not
seen each other since Mr. and Mrs.
Weirsma Came to Canada seven-
teen years ago.
Died In Goderich
Mrs. Harold R. Ferguson of
Goderich, formerly oftucknow,
passed away at het. ' home on
Wednesday, April 30th in her 70th
The funeral service was held on
Saturday, May 3rd at MacKenzie
Memorial Chapel, Luekno.
The new water tanker truck for
fighting fires, purchased jointly by
the Townships of Kinloss, West
Wawanosh and Ashfield, was
delivered last week and is now
housed in Lucknow where it will be
manned by Lucknow Fire Depart-
ment and - used as an auxiliary
water supply for fighting rural
Pictured with the equipment,
from left to right are Deputy Fire
Chief Bud Hamilton, Fire Chief
George Whitby and Fireman Gary
Cost of the new truck, completely
equipped, was about $16,000
shared on a one-third basis by the
three municipalities. The GMC
truck was purchased from Len
Schmidt Motors in Walkerton.
Frank Freiburger of Walkerton
built and installed fittings on 'the
1200 gallon tank which is mounted
on the truck. The tanker will also
carry a portable pump and 1000
gallon portable tank which can be
quickly ekected at the scene of a