HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-04-30, Page 17a
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op/CESDAY, APRIL 30, 1975
SemiAnnual Board Meeting Of Federated
Women's Institutes Held In Toronto
4.75ox.-Always populorl
The semi annual Spring Board
meeting of the Federated
Women's Institutes of Ontario met
at the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Tor-
onto, April 21st - April 25th. All
32 Board Directors from Ontario
were in, attendance. s‘They were
welcomed by the new president.,
Mrs‘ Herb Maluske, Chesley, and
newly appointed secretary-treasT
er, Mrs. Earl 1Vlorden, Rodney.
In her president's address Mrs.
Maluske expressed appreciation
for the many messages of Con-
gratulations and good wishes.
She has attended many meetings
of the Erland Lee Home, Ontario
Food Council, the Opening of the
Ontario Legislature and the -ece
lion following given by the Lieu-
tenant - Governor, the Honourable
Pauline McGibbon.
Mrs. Earl Morden reported
office mailing of 2,663. Secretary's
. mailings numbered 339 and this
does not include the large mail-
ings done by the Home Econoin-
ics Branch,, Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. Mrs. Har-
vey Houston, the Public Relations
Officer, expressed appreciation
for, the excellent press coverage
4 they are now "receiving in many
parts of Ontario.. Home and
Country magazine is placed in
Libraries, Doctorsh Offices and
Beauty parlours. This ed-tcational
orangization is open to all who
wish to be members, and share
in the 4-H, and a variety of other
Homemaking short courses. Mrs.
Austin Rumble presented' the pro-
posed budget for .1975 - 76 and
other recommendations of the
Finance committee.
Mrs. Maluske, who is the Senior
Board Director to the Federated
Womei's Institutes of Canada, re-
ported that Mrs. John McLean,
May 10th
president of F.W.I.C.• will be at-
tending the Officer's , Conference,
in University of Waterloo, April
29th, 30th and May 1st. Mrs. Park-
er Rockwell, Troy, Michigan will
be visiting Canada May 22nd to
June ,27th. She is the ,Grace, E.
Frysinger International- Fellow-
ship winner. Mrs. Austin S. Zoel-
ler, vice president of F.W.I.C. -is
setting up the itinerary. Mrs. C. L
Alexander, Cayley, Alberta will
be travelling to the United States
from Canada, on the same Fellow-
ship. The Adelaide Hoodless Rose
is available from Aubin Nurseries
Ltd., Carman, Manitoba. Miss
Helen McKercher, director of the
Home Economics Branch, said
the Nutrition Workshops have
been presented 94 times, reaching
over 3,453 persons. The follow up
Food Forum will be "More about
Nutrition and Family Meals. 4-H
Garden Clubs are popular and
have over 3000 members. A new
clothing course is Personalize
Your Pattern."
Mrs. Austin S. Zoeller, New
Hamburg, chairman of the Erland
Lee Honfe committee, told of
many renovations that have been
completed in the Lee home at
Stoney Creek. Women's Institute
Week is planned for the Home,
June 9th - 13th., Wentworth South
Women's Institute members will
act as hostesses, April 29th dur-
ing the tours from the Officer's
Miss Jane Miller, Toronto, pre-
sented ",the Junior Women's In-
stite Activities. Two new branch-
es were organized in 1974 in Stor-
mont County and the city of
Guelph. With eight branches
there is a total of 129 members.
The 1975 Spring meeting was
held at Snelgrove Community
Hall. Mr.. McNeil, Horticulturist
for the Ministry of Agriculture 'in
Halton, gave a very informative
talk on landscape gardening. Five
hundred copies of the JWIO pro-
ject called a "Little bit of Every-
thing" have been sold, and a'
third printing of 300 has now
been completed.
Several resolutions were sus-
tained by the F.W.I.O. Conc,!rn
is felt that computer cash regis-
ters will make it difficult to tell
the actual price one is paying ior
a product and ask , that this sys-
tem be abolished and that all mer-
chandise sold under this system
must have prices clearly mark-
ed on all items; That the
law be enacted to prohibit the
use of wire staples when pack-
aging food stUff. F.W:I.O. ex-
press their concern to Ministry of
Natural Resources of Ontario and
to Department of Environment
that certain species of Birds and
animals are in danger of becom-
ing, extinct through careless and
greedy hunting practises.
One of the F.W.I.O.. projects for
International Women's Year will
be the updating of the brochure.
Designs and ideas are asked to
be -submitted to 1200 Bay St.
Office by July list, 1975.
The semi annual meeting ad-
journed on Friday.
Former Area
Resident Passes
Mrs. Norman Shackleton of R. R.
1 Belgrave died Sunday, April 20 at
Wingham and District Hospital
following a lengthy illness. She
was in her 92nd year.
She was the former Elizabeth
Ann Finlay and was born on a farm
near Port Albert on July 18, 1883.
Her parents were Ashfield pion-
eers, the late Robert Henry Finlay
and Rebecca Roach. On the death
of the father, the family moved to
Lucknow where Elizabeth received
her education.
She married Norman Shackleton
of the 9th concession of Ashfield.
They resided on a farm there for
forty-three years and were. mem-
bers of Blakes United Church,
Ashfield. An infant daughter
Margaret died in 1916. Mr.
Shackleton died in 1947 and since'
that time Mrs. Shackleton hag lived
with her daughter on a farm near
She is survived by one son W.
Finlay Shackleton of Caledon,
Ontario and one daughter Mrs.
Walter (Alice) Scott of Belgrave;
six grandchildren, twenty-two
great' grandchildren and one broth-
erSamuel Finlay of Fillmore, Sask-
atchewan. She was predeceased by
.two brothers Richard and William
of Saskatchewan and two sisters
Alice of Toronto and Mrs. Fred
(Ida) Taylor of Windsor.'
The late Mrs. Shackleton rested
at the R. A. Currie and Sons
Funeral Home, Wingham where
Rev. John Roberts of Knox United
Church, Belgrave conducted the
funeral service on Tuesday, April
22nd at 4.15 p.m. with temporary
entombment in Wingham Chapel.
Interment will take place later in
Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. °
The pallbearers were grandsons
Norman, William and Keith Shack-
leton, Larry Gauvin, Alan and
Murray Scott. Flower bearers were
Percy Blundell and Benson Shack-
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Ripley's Ali;ie
In 75
One of the, features on" the
Monday program for the Ripley
Huron Reunion will be the Bruce
County Dairy Princess competition.
This competition is to choose a
Dairy Princess for• Bruce, 'who will
compete at the CNE in August 1976
for the Ontario 'Wiry Princess
crown. This consists of interviews,
public speeches on' a dairy theme,
and demonstration milking of a cow
in a pipeline stall. Also. on Monday
will be the finals of then softball
In the evening, a concert and
windup dance is scheduled by
"The Chaparells". This promises
to be one of the highlights of :the
Reunion. Received a letter from
Thomas Hilton, of Welland, and
also several phone calls from
around Ripley, each with some
names for the invitation list.
Remember, it's .Mrs. Wallace
Pollock, 395-5333.
The next regular meeting Of the
general committees is slated for
next Sunday evening, May 4 in the
Public School. Church choir
practice will be held in Pine River
Church the same day at 3 o'clock.
See you at the Reunion, August I,
2, 3, 4. .
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