HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-04-23, Page 11LOWER INTEREST' RATES NOW AVAILABLE ON . 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE' IN ONTARIO ON RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AND FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Constructipn and Land "'Development FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE • SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519)• 7446535 Collect Head Office 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Mrs. Eugene frayne Is CVVI. President Twenty-six ladies' attended the April meeting of St. 'Joseph's Catholic Women's League in. Kingsbridge Church Hall. Mrs. John Howard opened the meeting and welcoMed all. Fr. Dentinger led in prayer. The scripture reading was "given by Mrs. Antone Van Osch. The Thankofferifig meeting Was called off due to weather conditions and we will be advised of the new date. Mrs. Joe Courtney Showed a plaqUe that the Grade 8 graduates have decided on instead of a pin or pen, All members agreed to order these ' plaques as a, memento of attending St. Joseph's School. Clothing for Combermere can again be left in the church basement. Mrs. D. Dalton is working on a quilt for the draw. The treasurer's report was given. Mrs. Carl Riegling made a motion that donations be sent to Peace and Development, Monsignor Mahoney Fund and The Church Today Program. Correspondence was read, in- cluding thank yous from Margaret Frayne of the Youth Club, Rev. A. J. Kandathil of the Save A. Family Plan for our donation; Thomas Ouseph of Kerala, India, a family who has already received aid; Archbishop of Errakulam re the Pool Fund of Save. a 'Family Plan; Eileen Palmer for the donation to Mentally Retarded; thank you from R, W. Kennedy for money collected; letter' from John R. Rhodes, Ministry of Transporta- tion and Cor.nmniattion re the reiocating of the curve warning sign and corrected road name sign; and a thank you from Mrs. Joe Maclntyre for Mass and lunch after funeral. Mrs. M. Dalton, Pro Life Convener, reported on meeting attended by seven members in Wingham. She stressed that all attend the Pro Life meeting Wednesday, April 23, 8 - 10.30 p.m. at Goderich District Collegiate Institute Cafeteria. at which Dr. Hart Bezner will speak. A motion was made that a donation be given to the Goderich, Pro Life Group. Mrs. E. Frayne gave the roll call. Mrs. Joe Courtney reported: Grade 8 night re school trip to Niagara Falls, Family Life Meeting, the league celebrated Aubrey Higgins' birthday and Frank Aus- tin's birthday is coming up. The Diocesan Convention will beheld in Windsor, May 13th and 14th. The Provincial Convention is in London July 8, 9, 10. The Cancer :Campaign is underway now. Kathy Doherty is 'getting married May 10, volunteers will be needed. Mrs. John Howard thanked all members for their help the past two years. Mrs. Carl Riegling adjourn- ed the meeting and the nomination committer took over. The new Kinlough WMS KINLOUGH NEWS The April meeting of , the Kinlough Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society' was held at the hoine of Mrs. Wm. MaePherson with Mrs. Ruth Wilson presiding. 'To open Mrs. Wilson read a Short. article "The beauty of religion". after which the ' hymn "The beauty of spring how sweet" was sung and the W.M.S. purpose was repeated. The treasurer's report was given. the roll call "A Spring thought was answered by ten members and the offering was received. Mrs. Donald McEwan gave the Centennial report, 'on the Mission work in the Klondike, in the late 1880's. The filth "In the Land of China" was shown and was • very interesting. Mrs. JaCk Barr and Mrs. Glen Haldenby were program conveners and the study for this month was city traffic and half way houses. Mrs. Barr began 'with a, reading "Did you giye him a lift?", following which we 'sang the first two verses of "Where crossi the ' crowded ways of life". The scripture, portions of Hebrews 2 and 3, was read by Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Haldenby had a 'short meditation on the portions read, followed by a poem and prayer. Mrs. Jack Barr spoke of Tyndale House in Montreal, the oldest of the. settlement houses, begun in 1926. Mrs. Haldenby spoke next about the Four Seas Christian Centre at Port Harcourt, in Nigeria, which was set up in 1962, later abandoned during the war, but revived again in 1970. The Korean Christian Centre in Osaka, Japan was • originally for lay training but haS been enlarged to embrace other fields. The last centre studied was Eden Mills, West of Toronto, where Rev. Roy Gellately, Rev. Frank Parsons and Miss Margaret Balderson are in charge. A discussion period folloWed. While we were answering a questionnaire. Mrs. 'Barr and Mrs. Haldenby favoured with a duet "Help Somebody Today" with Mrs. MacPherson at the piano. For closing, we sang the last two verses of the previous hymn followed by Grace: Mrs. Barr read a poem "Safety Pins" and gave the courtesy remarks. Refreshments were served by Mrs. MacPherson and helpers. executive will be president, Mrs. Eugene Frayne; 1st vice, ,Mrs. Tom Hogan; 2nd vice, Mrs. Allan MacKenzie; 3rd vice, Mrs. Dennis Champagne; recording secretary. Mrs. Max Riegling; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Jim Martin; treas- urer, Mrs. Joe O'Keefe. METRIC WE INVITE YOU TO LEARN METRIC AT TIE RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL Thursday, April 24th at Parents and other adult members of our Commtmity are cordially invited to our Metric Workshop. Yellow and Green Foxtails With weeds like these in your corn, where do you start? Start with the labeled Lasso® herbicide tank mix that fits your weed and carryover problems in corn... Lasso plus etrazinefor broad- spectrum control in corn. Preemergence Lasso plus atrazine tank mix controls major grasses like'crabgrasses, yellow and green foxtails, and more. Carryover possibility is minimized because Lasso alone doesn't carryover and you'll use less atrazine in the ' tank mix. Lasso plus Bladex' for specific weed control with no carryover. This preemergence tank mix also controls many labeled weeds including crabgrasses, yellow and .green foxtails. And it is ideal for the farmer who is concerned about rotation ... because it gives good, weed control performance with no carryover. 1. Bladex is a registered trademark of the Shell Chemical Company. To get all the benefits Lasso has to offer, alwayS read and follOw Lasso label instructions carefully. Lasso EMULSIFIABLE WEED KILLER BY Monsanto MONSANTO CANADA LTD., Montreal, Quebec • Toronto, Ontario fl PAGE ELEVEN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1975 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO REPORT FROM ' QUEEN'S PARK BY iVILIRRAY GAUNT M.P.P. HURON-BRUCE Bars in Ontario may soon have to serve milk, coffee and 'soft drinks as well- as alcoholic beverages. Proposed. changes in the liquor regulation's would reqUire ,all bars, taverns and licenced clubs to offer their patrons a choice of at least milk, coffee, and soft drink-S. Other 'tharges in • the regulations include the introduction of licences for recreation clubs and a new cabaret licence. The' cabaret licence would allow clubs, whose prime function is live entertainment rather than food, to sell .less 'food than • is required 'at present by law. Another new licence would be the " patio licence which. would licence an outdoor site adjoining existing licenced indoor- premises. More important, applicants for . liquor licences in Ontario will be entitled to public hearings and for the first time, to appeal decisions of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to a higher tribunal. Besides the new, tribunal, the Government' will also establish" two permanent advisory committees, one to deal specifically with problems related to special occa- sion permitS and another to deal with • "Over all liquor 'policy". Ontario will spend $261.7-million on highway construction in , tie Current fiscal year, John Rhodes, Minister of Transportation. and Communications told the Legisla- ture this week. The expenditure is part 'of a $436.4 million program unveiled by Mr. Rhodes including work on 849 miles of the Province's highways. James Breithaupt (L-Kitchener) the' financial critic for the Liberal Party gave his budget reply this week in the Legislature. Mr. Breithaupt criticized the Treasurer for always• overestimat- ing revenues and' always underest- imating expenditures. In the 1975 budget Mr. Breithaupt - said that' the 'Davis Government in 1974 underestimated its spending re- quirements for the 'fourth consecu- tive year. 'Last year's predicted spending increase was 14.2%. In ,actual fact this had jumped to 20.8% by the year's end. The Liberal Critic went: on to say that the Government's perform- ance in the area of deficit financing was equally bad. "By:'March 31'st, 1974 the Davis Government had added' more than $3 billion to the, Province's debt. The Province's accumulated net debt had more than doubled in four 'years from 51.4 billion to $2.9 billion", he continued. 'The Province this year has estimated it will go into debt by a further $1.6 billion. VVhitechurch Y.P.S WHITECHURCF1 NEWS The. Young Peoples Society met at 'Langside Church On Sunday evening with an attendance of 15. John 'de\ Boer opened the meeting' with a sing song. All repeated the Lord's prayer "in unison. John de Boer read Psalm 32 and led in prayer. , They then divided into groups and discussed Faith. They gave their group findings on Faith. The offering was received and dedicat- ed by John de Boer. They discussed the possibility of spon- soring a foster child. Grace Was sung and lunch was served ,by the committee.