HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-04-23, Page 5FOR RENT FOR RENT — new ground floor 2 bedroom apartments in Luck- now, only $45 per month. Phone 529-7924. APARTMENT FOR RENT — in Lucknow, heated, newly decor- ated. Apply Anderson Apart- ments, phone 528-3045. FOR RENT — an apartment in Lucknow with '2 bedrooms, kit- chen, dining and living room, 3 piece bathroom and laundry room. Will newly decorate at $150 or as is at $125 a month. Phone 528-2174 if no answer 528-3134. FOR RENT — 200 acres being the WH Lot 3, Concession 4, east- ern division 'of Ashfield Township and NH Lot 3, Coneession 3, oeast- ern division of Ashfield Township. Contact A.R.D.A. Branch, Clinton 482-3428. FOR RENT — 2 bedroom - mobile home on edge of Lucknow, adults only. If interested apply Box H, care of The Lucknow Sentinel. • vssi'macsinsisaiscsascssacsocsaav FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE 160 acre dairy farm in Goderich Township, 2 storey brick house, large barn, 5 unit milking par- lour, drive shed, 40 milk cows, 30 heifers, all the implements. 333 acre dairy farm in, Lucknow area. 2 storey house with 2 bath- rooms, large barn, silo, milk louse, drive shed, all the imple- ments, 70 milking cows, 40 heifers. 200 acres in Goderich Township. Sow and hog farm, 1% storey house, bank barn 45 x 70, sow barn 26 x 120, drive shed 36 x 56, silo 14 x 55. 100 acre . dairy farm one mile from Clinton. 11/2 storey house, barn 110 x 36,* milk house, silo, 40 milk cows and heifers, all the implements. 100 acre, farm in Hullett Town- ship. 9 room house, barn 32 x 70, 30 x 40, drive shed 32 x 65. 100 acre in Morris Township with 2 storey house and large barn. C. BURUMA R.R. 2 Clinton, 482-3287 SALESMAN FOR K. W. COLQUHOUN LIMITED Clinton, 482-9747 CIZIMCSIMICSMOCNVIM6063M0 —Residential . —Farms —Business —Resort Properties GODERICH —Appraisals —Property Management —investments 26 THE SQUARE A. Jack Cummings Agnes MacKinnon 524'4624 524-6336 Bill Clifford 524.9090 "SALES HELP WANTED" WOULD YOU, BELIEVE $12,900 will buy this two bedroom, 1 storey, cement and frame home _on 1 acre of land. New oil furnace and some new wiring. Just 1 mile north of Lucknow on paved road. WANTED We require 10 building lots in the Village of Lucknow. Contractor interested in building retirement homes. RIALTO THE MAN TO SEE IS . 95 ACRES, good cash crop acre- age, spring possession, all work-, able but % acre of maple. 4 BEDROOM, red brick borne with 3 piece bath, oil forced, air heating. Located 10 miles from Goderich, approximately 3 - 4 , acres of land. 0•••••011M...•••.M TO RENT, Whitechurch area farm, grass, hay and plowed land. 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on a choice corner lot on Havelock 'St in Lucknow. Living room, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom down. House has oil furnace and 3 piece bath. Ideal retirement home. Immediate pes- session. • CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN, in Lucknow, 3 bedroom home with large living room, dining room, kitchen, new sun porch; oil heat. Separate additional 2 bedroom apartment with every conven- ience. Situated on 2 lots, this is an excellent home with an in- come. Shown by appointment only. 16 ACRES mostly bush, spring creek, well located on good road, hydro available. LOVELY SOLID WHITE BRICK residence, located in St. Helens, four bedrooms with closets, lot 132 x 231. If you want quiet country living make an appoint- ment to see this home. Immed- iate possession. If you have agricultural property, large or small. 'acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would he pleased to talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wafted Mcintee .& Cc, Limited WALKERTON Member 'of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service - List M.L.S. Over 60 Salesmen Working For You 'Depend on advice from others and you can't be independent. Ft( Al ISrnri t7-1)k k 4 bedroom 11/2 storey frame house on, large lot. This house is in good condition on quiet street with 2 extra lots.. Priced for quick sale to settle estate. 3 bedroom brick bungalow in new condition on good well land- scaped lot, attached garage and extra lot, immediate possession. 100 acre farm, 80 acres work- able, balance rough, land and river flats, all seeded. 50 acres Huron Township, all workable, partly drained and ploughed. 50 acres Kinloss Township, on County Road with river cross- ing property, has good building site. 150 acre dairy farm in Kinloss with 40' ties, silo and implement shed, 135 acres workable, spring creek, 10 acres bush. 100 acres, 75 workable set up for hogs and beef, spring creek, • nearly 'new 3 bedroom electric heated house. We also have other farm pro- perties and businesses for sale. Rebt. Campbell Bus. 528-2031 Res. 529.7417 MAKE THEM PAY • 'Make experience of the past . pave .a super 7highway for '.the future — not a ,road block. 42.4:=-0-=C{:60.0C:I={}=.•=4::1C. Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate Broker 38 ST. DAVID ST., GODERICH PHONE 524-9531 IF YOU WORK Or would enjoy retiring in God- erich We have a good selection of homes in price range for your income. We would be happy to welcome you. GOOD FARMS AVAILABLE For' spring planning, inspect these today. If you don't sow you will not reap this harvest. GOOD BUILDING LOTS IN LUCKNOW While they last. WE WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING YOUR PROPERTY LISTED IF BUYING OR SELLING PHONE ROSS AND PHYLLIS 'HOGGART 357-3692 R.R. 4 Wingham WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, On Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate .of JOSEPH LYALL. MacINTYRE Late of the Tothaship of Ash- field,„ in UN, County of Huron, Road Superintendent, deceased. All persons having claims a- gainst the estate of the above narked deceased who died on .or about Match 24, 1975 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before May 31, 1975 their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Ripley, Ontario this 17th day of April, 1975. CRAWFORD, MILL a DAVIES Barristers Ripley, Ontario Solictors for the Executrix SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK . AIR HAMMER WORK: BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE '529-7403 FOR ESTIMATES NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLY ROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try, our ' Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 I 'g NOTICE RE SERVICE OFFICER Anyone wishing information, advice, or assistance, , regarding War disability pensions, treat-ment, 'allowantes, etc., is request-: ed to contact Irvine Eedy, ' Dun- gannon not later than Monday, April 28th, to arrange aninter- view with the Provincial an, Officer, -Mr. Moyer. RIPLEY CHEMICAL WALLPAPER AND PAINT WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 24th ALSO ALL DAY APRIL 25 AND 26 REOPEN APRIL 28th WHATEVER YOUR FISHING NEED 4." WE .HAVE FULL LINE OF FISHING SUPPLIES RODS - REELS LINES - LURES LUCKNOW DISTRICT'CO-OP PHONE 528.3024 WANTED WORK WANTED — lady wishes restaurant work, housework or child care. AP* Box 65 Lucknow. GROW CUCUMBERS -FOR BICKS Prices have increased over 14% this year. For information and contracts call Maurice Cronin, R.R. 3 TeesWater, phone 392-6290. HELP REQUIRED — to' take phone - orders ; pack, and invoice two days a week. Apply to Box C care' of The Lucknow Sentinel. HELP WANTED -- man to oper- ate tractor at seeding time. Con- tact' Anderson Flax Products Ltd„ phone 528-2026, night 528-2076. GRASS' WANTED — for 40 head of cattle, can be split in smaller lots. Ron Brooks,- phone 395-5071. WANTED -- Canada's leading manufacturer and distributor is seeking a, choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your back- yard is the prime location we will' ,consider. An excellent opport- unity for you the home owner call collect 681-3800, days or evenings. WANTED — oil brooder stove. Contact Joe Shetler, R.R. 2 Auburn. WANTED -- grass for 15' head of cattle; also trefoil for seed. Lloyd Husk, R.R. 4 Kincardine, phone 395-2306. WANTED — housework by day or week. Call Joy Emberlin 528-3202. HELP WANTED . PART-TIME CUSTODIAN FOR PORT ELGIN - SAUGEEN CENTRAL SCHOOL Six hours per day Monday to Friday for a total of 30 hours per week. Rate $3.37 per hour. Applicants must be willing to ' do shift work if required and be able to provide medical certifi- cate and proof of satisfactory chest x-ray or tuberculin test. ' All applications must be on ap- plication form which can be ob- tained by writing or telephoning the employer below. Apply im- mediately (and in any case not later than May 5, 1975). THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Box 190, Chesley, Ontario Telephone: 363-2014 Attention: Mel F. Weclovt Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance Some lack time to take advice — they're too busy selling it. VOLSTi REAL ESTATE THIS COULD BE THE BEGINNING. 100 acre farm, 70 good workable acres. Bank barn 40' x 60' suitable for hogs and beef. Four year old, 3 bed- room home having all conven- iences including 1% baths and el- ectric heat. Listed right for quick sale. ALL READY. TO GO . 148 acres - 140 workable, 8 acres of pines and willows. Two barns, implement shed, cement silo, Large 3 bedroom brick' home having new oil furnace. Highway location. For the, asking price, you would have to see it,. to believe it. OFFICE 357-3840 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ucto"oc.ezicamaziocx PAGE FIVE