HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-04-23, Page 1Grade 9A At Lucknow District High School Can You Name The Year And Name The Students? CMCSSIMMICSSIIMMICSVIGSSX1 %%lb/ _ e 1%; $.8.00 A. Year In Advance — $2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1975 Single Copy 20c 24 Pages Bruce County Board Of Education Turn : Down Extension Of French Instruction To Lower Public School Grades, Cite Cost. The Brute County Board of Education has 'decided against expanding French instruction into primary grades. Trustees were told that French instruction for the board's more than. 5;000 students in grades one to six would be prohibitively expensive, would produce staffing problems and would require con- siderable further study. Director of , Education Jack Bowers estimated the cost of providing the 20 teachers needed and their materials would be from $250,000 to $330,000 for the first year alone. "And I think those figures might be conservative," he said. "A decision to extend French instruction would require a major shift in board priOrities," 'he added. French instruction has been provided to all 1,850 Grade 7 and 8 Flood Damage In Adjacent Towns Will Run High The Maitland and Saugeen Rivers went on a mad spring rampage on Friday and Saturday of last week and flooded areas in adjacent municipalities which had- n't seen flood problems in many years. Damage to homes and business- es added up, to countless thousands of dollars. People evacuated their homes, but the waters rose so quickly on Friday night and early Saturday morning that they had very little time to remove any furniture or personal possessions from their homes. Lower Wingham was very hard hit, as were'the towns of Harriston, Listowel, Paisley and Walkerton, to mention a few. Here in Lucknow the rivers passing through town caused only minor problems and no emergency situation existed. The heavy snow run off from the storm of two weeks ago, coupled with torrential rain on Friday night, caused the rivers to rise quickly and unexpectedly. pupils across the county since 1969, he noted. A decision to include younger pupils in the program would mean eliminating other program's, he said. John Snowden, supervisor of French:. ,instruction, told trustees the board already has, difficulty finding qualified staff to teach French. A decision to add 20. teachers to an existing staff of six would be "almost impossible to accomplish" in 'a short period of time, "Mr. Snowden said. He also noted that provincial guidelines governing French lang- uage instruction are under study and the board would be premature to act on the matter until new regulations are devised. Trustee Lloyd Ackert,of Holyrood questioned the need for instruction in French' "when I'm sure the parents of the majority of the students , won't go for it." . Trustee George Loucks of Ches- ley said he was convinced of the benefits to be derived from learning French but agreed with an administration recommendation that no action be taken on the proposed expansion. "We can't go on with the program now but perhaps some day we will be able to," Mr. Loucks said. • The suggestion that French instruction be extended throughout the primary system was one of two proposed by a Kincardine mother to the board in February. Small Increase In Bruce County Budget For 1975 Bruce County Council has, ap- proved a 1975 budget of nearly $3.3 million an increase of less than five per cent over last year's $3.1 million budget. A county highways, program accounts for more than $1.8 million of the estimated expense while the' remaining $1.5 million will be used for general purposes. Major non-highways expenses ' CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 First. Female To Achieve Excellent In C.F. Category The following article concerns Shirley Robinson, daughter of Mrs. Emily Robinson of Goderich and the late Howard Robinson of LuCknow and, is reprinted from a paper published by the Canadian Forces where Shirley holds the rank of Major; "First female to achieve excel- lent category at C.F.B. Montreal". gijor S. M, Robinson of Command Surgeon Section was the first female ever to achieve excellent category, when she was tested last week for her 1 1/2 mile test at St. Huber Garrison TraCk. She finished with a time of 13.50 which 'represents the excellent category for her age group. After failing heetest last, fall, the Major decided to devote more time to her training tvi ies. • Every day she participate in a very active way in the morning classes, going through pains and ,aches to achieve her goal. A few months have elapsed Since then and the results are beginning to show. • Major Robinson represents good information for all the female -personnel of C.F.B. Montreal and it is hoped others will follow to achieve similar results. BP'ER section would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Major Robinson for her athletic achievement, in being the first female of C.F.B. Montreal to achieve excellent category. Kinsmen To Start Campaign For Medical Centre Lucknow and District Kinsmen Club will start a fund raising campaign this Thursday, April 24 in support of furnishings and permanent equipment to be instal- led in the new Community Medical Centre. Club members will be calling throughout the area. Donations will also be accepted at the Bank of Montreal,, The Lucknow Sentinel or by mail to Jim Peterson, treasurer, Lucknow. Sells Ashfield Township Farm Andrew Ritchie of Lucknow has sold his 100 acre farm on the 10th concession of Ashfield to Gordon Drennan, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan of the 9th of Ashfield. • • The property is known as the old Baldwin farm. Andy bought the property in 1952 from a niece of the' late Wm. Baldwin. There is no' house on the farm, the home having burned a short time before Mr.-Ritchie acquired the property. A , couple of years ago, Ian Thomas of Cambridge bought Andy's home farm and Warren Zinn now owns the property. The Ritchies moved to Lucknow where they purchased the,Sam Alton home on Ross Street about 1 1/2 years ago. Sandy Nicholson Follows Interesting History Hobby Sandy Nicholson, who is present- ly living .in 'Toronto and who is a native of Kinloss Township, has an interesting hobby. Sandy is literally "recording" the history of the area, the province and the Dominion. ' Using a tape recorder*, he is . interviewing residents of True Davidson Acres, a residence for senior citizens in Toronto. While following this hobby, the interviews which are being record- ed in the Ontario Archives, 'he met Bill Dellow who will be 94 years of age in June. Mr. Dellow had won a 100 mile bicycle race in the year 1900 in 6 hours and 33 minutes and had won the Ontario Championship. The Lucknow Caledonian Game Society had expressed a desire to have him appear at the Games. He rode his bike to Lucknow from the Seaforth area, 33 miles each way, to be interviewed by the Lucknow Soc- iety. He recalls having dinner at ' Campbell's Tea Room in the village. All this, and much more, Sandy has recorded on tape. This Sunday, April 27th, will see the commencement of Daylight Saving time locally.. Official changeover time is 2 a.m. Sunday morning and you are advised': to move your clocks ahead one hour before retiring Saturday night. SIIMPOCNIMMICIMICNIMICXWO Make Further Plans For Community Bikeathon A meeting was held at Brookside School to organize the Bikeathon which is to be held in Ashfield Township on May 24th. A. representation was present from the Lions Club, the' Kingmen Club and the Recreation commit- tee. The Executive and Committees were named 'as follows: Chairman, Herb Wilkins; Secretary-Treasur- er, Diane Hackett; Route, Herb Wilkins; Energy Centres, Kins- men and Lions Clubs; Patrol Officer, Jim Boak; Donations of food, Kinsmen and Lions ClubS;• Service Department, Allan Gibson. It was, decided by the c4ommittee that this Bikeathon Wille bb open to anyone on. bicycles. No motorized machines can be used. It is hoped that there will be a lot of bikes on the road that day. The 'route is approximately 40 'miles and it is the committee's hope that this . will be a real challenge to the sports minded people around the area. Anyone wanting a waiver and sponsor sheet can pick one up at the Fina Station in Lucknow or at Brookside School. The Committee will meet again on April 29th. Died In Hospital Mrs.' John R. Gardner of Lucknow passed away in Wingham and District Hospital on Sunday, April 20th. She was 76. The funeral service will be held at MacKenzie Memorial Chapel. Lucknow on Wednesday (to-day) April 23 at 3 p.m. with temporary entombment at South Kinloss Mausoleum. Accident Victims Show Improvement Wayne and Ronnie Doerr, R. R. 2 Wingham, who were involved in the accident in which four young men were, killed near Teeswater recently, are improving. They are patients in Victoria Hospital, London. Ronnie is able to be • walking about and is in good condition. Wayne is still in the Intensive Care Unit but has shown improvement during the past few days.