HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-08-03, Page 8Page eight
In Summer 1Vlatel'ia4s, Wash Goods, Muffins,
Waists and Watch Ready to wear Ladies' House
Dresses, in stripes, fancy lnuslins and prints.
Regular $2,00
Sale Price 98 cents
1Vluslins, Crews, Organdies
and Voiles
In now floral patterns, regular 350 and 400
Sale Price 19 cents
Ladies' White Embroidery
In plain white and cream, only small sizes 34,
36, 38, Regular $4, $5, $6
Sale Price $1.98
20 Boys' Wash Suits
X In Galateas, Oxfords in Blain blues, tans
X good patterns, Regular $1.25 and $1.50
Sale Price 69 cents
vi Children's Linen and
x Outing Straw Hats
Sale Price 39 - cents
x Silk Lisle Hose
Reular 75c and 5oc
111.100,1•111% 1-A2} estra..101
((lorr'ect up till \'Vedneeday noon.)
Wheat. new 95 to. 1 10
Flour,, per cwt., er cwt,,family3 05 to 3 to 200
i3ran, per ton 25.00 to 27 00
Shorts, per ton •'(i 00 to 27 00
Cate, .... , 0 00 to 0 54
Barley 0 00 to. 0 05
Hay, new ..8 00 to 0 W
Butter, per Ib—Dairy .. 0 20 to 0 27
Eggs, per dozen .. ... `1 27 to 0 28
Cattle, medium butchers 7 75 to 8 00
Cattle, butchers choice.. 8 25 to 850
Hoge. live weight ......10 75 to 10 75
Lamb (cwt) It, 00 to 10 00
Hams,per lb............ 0 27 to 0 27
Bacon long clear 0 20. to 0 23
Sheep eSkinsne
1 00 to 1 25
Hideo 11 00 to 12 00
and X'
ji Ladies' Black and Tan Silk Lisle Hose, 20 doz. At
extra fine quality 5oc hose
Sale Price 23 cents
tag Phone 70.71,
The following very interesting letter
was received by a Wingham lady from
a relative, Pte. Cameron Lane, a son
of Mr. and Mrs, Richard E. Lane of
Waxman, Sask., formerly of Ashfield
township, Huron county, Pte. Lane
was manager of a branch of the Bank
of Hamilton • In Saskatchewan before
Belgium, July 12:h, 1810.
Dear Cousin:—
Your very welcome letter to hand
yesterday and am now taking the first
opportunity to answer ft. .X was more
Ulan pleased to hear from you and to
learn that you are well except for your
temporary illness •on the day you
wrote and trust that •long ere this
you will have completely recovered.
Do not know whether you will be
able to decipher my writing or not.
When I explain the existing circum-
stances you will understand the cause
of the scrawl. In the first place I am
'3itting on some sand bags in a six foot
much out in the heart of what was
once a beautiful forest but now is a
tangled mase of wreckage, Ilam a
sentry and every minute or two have
got to take a look at my periscope to
make sure that Fritz is not coming to
say us •a visit. Every little while a
shell goes tearing over our heads but I
am glad -to eay none have ever been
sent directly to us today. My writing
table consists of my knee.
I would like to give you a description
tf things here as I have found theist
out the English language does'not pee -
less words capable of transmitting the
proper impressions.. But Fritz is on
the move in the right direction now
and I act sure he will continue to move
that way. Germany will surely soon
realize that she is playing a loosing
game and submit to terms of peace.
You asked about out rations, Jean,
.nd I am glad to say that conditions
ire not so bad as some people believe.
We certainly had room to kick for
awhile when in England but condit-
ions improved considerably before we
13ft. Over here we get enough to stat
if nothing goes wrong with our trate-
ports. -
I appreciate very much your kind
ffer to send necessary articles across
co me, but when really at the front it
is almost impossible to carry anything
around and to tell the truth Jean,
about all theTommies appreciate over
'wee ie something(home cooked) to eat.
Chs trouble and expense of sending
:atables across from Canada is eo great
.bat it seems foolish to send such
hings. On tate other hand I do not
know of anything in this battle -scarred
:ountry that pleases a soldier more
han to receive a parcel in the mail
from some dear one far away. No
matter what the parcel contains it
,pleases just the same. Yesterday I
rot two parcels /row home containing
rake etc. and you should . have seen
the boys -crowd around when I opened
chem. Mother would have bean well',
repaid for her trouble could she have
heard the retnarke which went round,
after the cake had been cut up.
Long before this letter reaches you
you will no doubt 'know of Russ' re -
,,urn to -Canada. Be is a very lucky
(toy and I hope that henevergete near
the Lighting line again, He has done
his sbsee now and he. should be satis-
fred to stay from the firing line.
This is my last sheet of paper so am
afraid I will have to discontinue writ-
ing for today ablest*. I shall be pleas -
d to hear from you at any time Jean,
Ind I promise to reply as soon as pos-
Your affectionate cousin,
R. 0. Labs 441012
A Oo'y. R,O.R , R E.F.
t11L UNIv.RS'AL<A.
New Prices August 1, 1916
The following prices for Ford cars will
be effective on and after August 1,1916
• $450.00
. 475.00
. 495.00
. 695.00
s 780.00
. 890.00
Chassis o•
Touring Car
Town Car
f. o: b. Ford, Ontario
These prices are positively guaranteed against any
reduction before August let, 1917, but there is no
guarantee against an advance in price at any time.
Agent : : Wingham
aim y�..0.!l 0P.......l0. soi
Isn't it Worth a Trip to
Our Store
to get a glass of the best soda water
in town? And the manner in which
it lis served will please you also,
� ie lced,aand, when providedtthoroughly
the best of. ingredients as we nee,
arerr-enabled to serve delicious drinks
Tlxe fl... lar Restaurant E and Rev. Mr. IVIcArthur, of Kincardine,
Here le a chance to supply china-
ware wants at Away down Prime,
We are loaded up --with more
coming, and we've got to snake
23 Toilet Sete Reg. $7 00 for $5.25
18 Dinner Sets at J off
07 Tea Pots at l off
$95 Brown and Gold Empire atiotf
200 Pitohera at :t off
Bridal Hose (Limited quality) old
All 1-4 off Regular PricesI
until some of this surplus stook
is disposed of
Strictly Cash
OMB ...t.1..A..11..M.IJ. Acini Ogle
Read Wiltord'to ad on pap u.
Mrs. lldilvert Sellers ttodersvent a
serious operation in London hospital
last week. Her txtany friends will be
plea:'ed to bear of a permanent cure
and trust she may have better health
than elle epjoyed for many nears.
Mr. G. B Turney has gone on a visit
to the 'Pest in the hope t having
better health,.
Mrs, John Musgrove of Wingham,
visited Mrs, R. Muegro?e last week.
Mrs, Bruce ie borne again after
spending some months with relatives
in Palmerston,
Mrs, Thompson of Wingham, visit-
ed her sister, Mre, Jae. Nichol, 4th of
Turnberry, last week.
We are sorry to say Mies Laura
Turvey le eutl'.eriug with a broken ankle.
MasterWbitaleld of Ethel, Is visiting
his aunt, Mre, Ed Johnston,
Mise Martha Cain of ]'ort Francis
Man., is visiting at the home of Me
and Mre, Arthur Shaw.
We are pleased to say Ralph Shaw
ie gaining in strength after a long
Anson Shaw is a sufferer from quinsy
at present. May he soon be better.
A.•H. Wilford has something to tell
you. Read his ad on page 5.
Mr, Milas McMillan has returned
a trip to Bruce Mines.
Miss Annie Simpson, druggist of Cal-
gary General Hospital, is holidaying at
the home of her sister, Mrs. F. Henry.
The Guild meeting on Aug. 6 will be in
charge of Angus Mac Kay when the topic
is "Friendship."
Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan and Master
Clarence are spending a fortnight with
the former's mother, Mrs. H. Cooke of
Miss Annie H. Henry of Guelph. is
spending her vacation at her home here,
Miss Bert. Douglas and Master Jack
Simpson of Toronto, are visiting with
friends here.
Messrs. Robt, and John Simpson, Peter
Kennedy and Alex. Simpson motored to
Kintail on Sunday and spent the day with
Dr. and Mrs Arthur Simpson.
Applications for the position of organist;
and choir leader of Melville church have
been received and the applieante will be
given a chance to demonstrate their pro-
ficiency during September.
Douglas, son of Andrew Currie, fell a
distance of 14 feet off the mill dam the
other day and injured one of his legs quite
Large quantities of spring ducks and
young chickens are being marketed at
Brussels cold storage and quite a staff of
pluckers are being kept busy.
Two cars of heavy horses were shipped
this week by Metiers, Galbraith d Muldoon,
of town. One went to Montreal and the
other to Winnipeg.
The circle tea, 'Tuesday, was held en
the lawn Of Mr. and Mrs, Ballantyne, the
entire proceeds of which will go to Brus-
seis company, of the 161st Battal'on,
Miss Merve Berra, underwent a suc-
cessful operation dor appendici'is,
Rev. Mr. Hart of St. Mary's, occupied
the Methodist church pulpit on Sunday,
took services in the Presbyterian church
EGGSWANTED4J1 Avmour,ingham
A patriotic tea at the home of Mrs. W.
Dawson netted $3.50 for Red Cross .work.
The ladies spent a pleasant afternoon in
sewing and social chat. Lunch was serv-
ed at the close,
Rev, Mr. Dobson occupied his own
pulpit in Presbyterian Church on Sun
day afternoon.
Rev, Mr. Love of Wroxeter, visited
with Rev.and Mrs, Kerr :and the
Methodist Parsonage on Monday af-
Mr. Robt. Leech of Detroit is visit-
ing his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Leech.
Miss Pearl Stinson le spending her
holidays at Mount Forest.
Mrs, Eckie and her two little daugh-
ters of Fordwicb, visited with Mr. and
Mee, James Sheras on Friday.
Jean j u1mage of Sacriston isvisit-
ing with Itofriend, Miss Myrtle
Short. •
Mr. and Miss McKee of Beintore
spent Sunday with their !deter) Mre.
and Mr. John Wyiie.
11. V. and Mrs. Holmes, Misses Elsa,.
nor and Estelle Perkins and Mrs. R
McGrath motored to Lietoveel on Sat,
urday and visited) the latter'e daugh-
ter, Mrs, McMillan,
Culross Council
Mies Helen Mulvey is holidaying with
her grandparents. in Wingham.
Mrs, A. Miller and daughter Gerrie of
7'reswater,visited old frlende here on Fri-
rdeees Lilian and Blanche Irwin spent
last Friday at the lake, Kincardine,
Mr. Herman Hall left last week for
Toronto where he has secured a position.
'Private Russel Abraham of Huntsville
is visiting his parents here,
Rev. Mr, Kerr of Gorrie, occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church here en
Mies Edna Bitlot le spending her holi-
days at Windsor.
Mr. John Johnston had the misfor-
tune to lose his driver; It got its" leg
broken in some mysterious way, while
standing in the stable and had to be
Miss Sadie Johnston from the West
is home vieiting her father, John John-
ston. •Pte, David Johnston is aleo
The Womens Institute will hold
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Robert Black, Thursday
August 10th.
• Mrs. Ed and John Coultes of Phil-
adelphia, are at present spending
their holidays at their home here.
Mre. Fred McCracken and Mies Clara
McCracken of Brussels spent Sunday
with Mrs. Sanderson and daughters,
Mr, and Mrs. Bismatk Timmins mot-
ored here last week to see the home of
his boyhood days. Mr. Timmins is a
merchant of Grand Valley, Manitoba,
and left here about twenty years ago,
He sees many changes in that time
and missed many kind and familiar
faces, all of whom have passed to the
great beyond.
Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh of
Molesworth, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Tilos. Coultas,
Mrs. George King and utile daugh-
ter, and Mies Lizzie Pocock of Toronto,
are visitors at Mr. Andrew Holmes,
Formosa, July 25tb, 1016
A meeting of the Culross Council
was held in the village of Formosa on
the above date as a Court of Revision.
Some complaint had been made with
regard to the Assessment for the Flee
trio lights in the village of Formosa.
The Reeve was appointed Chairman
of the Court. The appeals were then
laid before the Court.
Moved by Win. Case, seed by Thee,
McPherson—That as all appeals have
been heard and duly considered by
the Court that the following changes
be made in the Assessment of the Cul -
rose portion of the Formosa Street
Anthony Schnurr to be reduced $2;
and that Harry Fedy he assessed $1;
and Jos. Kramer be raised 50e; and
,Joe. Fedy be raised 50,; and that the
balance of the assessment be sustained.
Moved by Donaldson and Arm-
strong—That this Court of Revision
do now close.—Carried.
C. Button, Clerk.
\V'attera—Spence--At the Anglican
church, b'ordwlch on Wednesday of
last week h Rev. Fulton Wallace,
Mitre Matilda Spence to Mr. Itichard
rebid Wagers.
10 h tnhappy Howiclwill
B'1"uNNrc1't—C4AT,LMIrItw-Ill St. Paul's
Church, Regina, Sask., On .Pune 27th
Miss Mildred J. Gallaher, daughter
of the late Henry and We, Gallaher,
of Newbridge, was united in holy ma•
trifnony to Mr. Wm. Walter Ben-
nett, of khauavon, Sask. They are
living in Shanavon where flit'. Rett•
nett ie a nomad ooartoter,
I have taper the agency for
the well- known
also agent for best stakes
Pumps, fiasoline Engines
and Windmills
The repairing of Pumps,
Windn01e, Binders, and Crearn
Separators promptly attended
to at reasonable prices,
John Pi Campbell
Quite a contingent of Morrisites are
home. from Camp Borden aiding in
haying and harvesting.
Mies Maude Bell. 5th line, Is spend.
ing part of her holidays with relatives
in Blyth.
A, sample of Siberian oats pulled on
Lot 19, 5th line, by George Miller, mea.
sured 5 feet and 3 inches, Spring crops
are growing well now,
Pte, Andy Miller, son of Mrs. Thos.
Miller, 5th line, is home from England.
He had been in the hospital for some
time but we hope he will continue to
gain. Pte. Miller enlisted in the
Mrs. Agnes Craig, who Is past 81
years of age, has been visiting her
daughters, Mrs. W. Bernard and Mrs,
Douglas, 6;h line, The old lady is re-
markably smart and devotes consider-
able time to knitting for the soldiers
and members of her own family.
Miss Eva Greer of Lueknow, Mrs. W.
J. Greer of Wingham, and Mrs. S. Greer
of Toronto, were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Bendy last week.
A number of our citizens attended the
races at- Teeswater on Monday.
The flax pulling season commenced on
Rev. Mi. Abrey of Londesboro, preach-
ed in St Andrew's Church Sunday even-
Onc of the oldest residents of Hullett
township, Mr. Robert Bruce, passed away
on Saturday, July 29th, at his home on
the 13th Conibf the above township, at
the age of 90 years and 4 months. The
funeral was held from his home on Mon-
day. Interment in the Union cemetery.
A large nutnber of our soldier boys are
engaged for a few weeks with the har-
vest Its this section.
Some of our citizens intend going to
Seaforth on Thursday to hear the 161st
Huron Band, -
Mrs. L. Charlesworth who has been at-
tending her friend, Mrs. Laughlan, who
is under t.)rrs. care at the home of Mr.
Thomas Coulter, bee peterned if? town.
• Belgrave
Mr. Wilburn Ferguson is spending his
holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Andrew Ferguson.
Miss Edna Grigg of Detroit, is visiting
her mother.
Miss Taylor of Pittsburg, is the gues t
of Mrs. Rev. Parnaby.
Mr. and Mrs, N. Parent and three
children of Bad Axe, Mich., and Miss
Myrt'•e Horner of Zurich, while on a
motoring tour called on Mr. and Mrs.
Gto. Dailey and other friends in the vil-
lage last week.
Duncan McCallum and J. L. Stewart
motored to Woodstock on Saturday.
Quite a number of the soldier boys are
on leave for a few days.
A bunch of our boys of the bowling
clod motored to Brussels on Friday
evening to have a gatne with the Brus-
sels boys. The score is not out yet.
Rev. Parnaby and family, also J. L.
Stewart and family motored to Goderich
last Wednesday.
Rev, L. G. Powell of Clinton, preached
in the Presbyterian church here on Sun-
day last,
The Bank of Commerce has opened up
a branch bank in W. J. Geddes' Hotel for
the accomydation of the public.
John Armttro:1g returned on Saturday
night froin a business trip- to Algoma
and Bruce mines.
Mr. and Itf rs.1rnpst Qed4es spent Sun-
day with friends i►) lifyt)g.
J. A, Brandon's driving mare gave
birth to a fine young fitly last week, sired
by Cup bearer. ,
Ernie Currie of Wingham, is visiting
his aunt Mrs. T. 13ridge:.
Miss Margaret tet and Mesterstar bulled
Bridges are visiting their grandmother,
Mrs. Whaling.
Rev. Boyle, Miss Turnbull and bt'isit
Baker ere staying at the former's tottage
Stable Beech,
Why Suffer from Heat in the City
When You Can Cool Off on
the Great Lakes?
Take the Canadian Pacific Steamship Ex-
press from Toronto any Tuesday, Thursday or
Saturday at 2.30 p, rn. for Port t toNiooll, where
direct connection is made with either tho,
"•Assiniboia" or "Keewatin" for Sault Ste.
Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. An
ideal Vacation Trip at small cost. Partioulars
from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or
W, 11. Howard, Metrics Passenger Agent,
Tb.uraday, August 3 t l 6
yE are showing the very latest in these
excellent makes o1 611oes--in fact.
as good as the best.
A few samples of each kind in our
South Window but come on in and see
what we have—you are under no obli•
gation to buy.
Sole Agent
For The
IIIIIItI�I�IiIIllillilli.illiii(�IIIIIIIillilii�III�II�iIiIiil Ifllll�ll1��911flil�ll_I(il�llll((iI((11.((i�il4l9l;ilkli�i�IIII�9�IIllilllp!l9llllll �
HE Values we will give you during this sale
you.'willTeasemSome lines are even
limited so come early.
Ladies' Wear
Children's Vests, 'small size for Sc each
Ladies' Large Vests, reg. 2oc for 12 I -2c
Ladies' Best quality 35c Vests 25c
$1 Children's 'White Dresses for 69c
$ I.59 to $i Laclies' Dresses 9 8 c
50c Corset Covers for 2 9c
$1.25 Princess Slips for S9c
$6 All Wool Skirts $2.98
5o skirts in the lot, every one pure
wool, in blacks, blues, greys, greens,
browns. Not a skirt worth less than $5,
some $6, right up to the minute in style,
while they last only $2.98
Ginghams, Prints, Etc.
15c Ginghams for
25c White Muslilis for
Good Prints only
Crunm's best Blue Prints
2oc Heavy Shirting only
lac yd
12 %c yd
10c yd
12rxc yd
15c yd
Grocery Special
Good Green Tea for
Comfort Soap only
Comfort Ammonia
Good q'iality Salmon
Good quality Baking Powder
3 cans Corn or Peas I3est
2 large boxes Matches Best
29c lb
2 for 26e
2 for 25c
3 for 28c
2 for 25c
Great Bargains
5oc Wide Flouncing Embroideries
6oc Wide very fine Flouncing "
Special Embroideries
los to 2oc Fine Lace for
5c yd
c yd
Ends, Ends
You can save money on a big lot of
Mill Ends, Ginghams, MusIlns, Vestings,
Prints, Etc.
Men's and Boys' Wear
Men's Suits most all sizes at about
Boys' Suits Greatly Reduced
Men's 5oe Braces for 25c pair
5c pair
12%c pair
59c each
69c each
15c each
Men's 15c Cotton Sox for
Men's 2oc Cotton Sox for
Men's 75C Work Shirts
Men's $1 Fine Shirts
Men's 'ries pure silk
Boots and Shoes
We have Shoes for everybody at the
old prices. It will pay you to buy them
I3utter aid Eggs taken as Cash