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This Week In Ripley
June 8 Draw Now
On Sale At
Lfast Thursday and Friday eyen:
ings were" both busy evenings in
the Ripley District High School
auditorium. On Thursday evening
it was Achievement Night for the
Ripley District Night School classes
with a diSplay of the wOrk of those
attending, the Fashion Show, and
the presentation of certificates. On
Friday evening it was the St.
Patrick's Dance sponsored by the
Ripley Firemen. This was the first
dance in this area for the Road
Masters from Lucknow. This
orchestra has been playing for
some months now for different
engagements down in the Toronto
area, so the members of the band
were very happy to get this opening
engagement in this area. However
on Friday evening several other
gatherings were taking place.
With the Achievement Night and
the dance on consecutive evenings
it was a busy time for .caretaker
Murdock McDonald, moving chairs
and tables, and making adjust-
ments as well as cleaning.
* •* * * * *
Late Thursday "afternoon manr.;
ladies were busy bringing their
exhibits to the school and by six
o'clock there was the usual good
display in the auditorium. Along
the South wall there were many
fine' oil paintings of different types
- some really. outstanding. At the
back of the auditorium was a great
display of china painting. . It
covered three long tables and in if
were cups, saucers, plates, salt and
pepper sets, and cream and sugar
sets. While viewing this display
Miss Marie Inkster, x-ray technic-
ian at Kincardine Hospital, came
along and .from her hand, painted
tea plate the 'names of the china
painting class were obtained and
our thanks to Miss Inkster. Each
lady taking the class had signed the
'plate including the instructor Mrs.
Marion McCharles. She also
pointed out a light ,green tea plate
belonging to Miss Jean Hammond
with all the signatures.- Next in the
inspection tour around the auditor-
ium, was the colourful work of the
liquid embroidery class. The
teacher, Mrs. R. Bennett, had a
wall poster with the names 'of her
class clearly printed on it which we
were .able to copy doivn.. Next in
the centre part of the floor the
upholstered chairs were displayed 11
variety, colour, and craftmanship
could describe it. While viewing it
Mr. and Mrs. Alan McLean
brought in her fine large feather
chair. From Mrs. Marion McLean
and then later from' . Mrs, Nancy
Regier, the instructor, the names of
those in this class were Obtained.
In front,of the drawn drapes on the
stage was a printed sign "Sew 'to
save in the seventies -: Fashion
Show at 8.00 p.m.". Mrs.
Margaret,Gemmell listed her class.
Along the north wall of „the
auditorium was set up the coffee
maker and refreshment table and
farther back the display by, Miss
Gail Courtney's physical fitness
class.. In it were illustrated poster%
basket and volleyballs, racquets,
bats and other equipment arranged
on and around a vaulting box
After the principal of the school,
William Turvill welcomed those in
attendance, Mrs. Margaret Gem-
men:: using the mike, directed the
fashion show staged by the ladies
of her sewing class and members of
their families. As in past years this_
is one of the feature attractions of
the Achievement pragram and
Mrs. Gemmell handles it in a
capable manner as a lvt.C. • and
commentator. She has listed for us
the models as, follows: Miss Candy
and Christian Clark; Mrs. Bonnie
Hargreaves and daughter Carra
Leigh Hargreaves; Debbie, John
and David van Kooten; Shannon,
Sandra, and Bobby Blackwell and
Mrs. Carol Blackwell; Miss Joyce
Black; Mrs. Shirley Galloway,
Arthur, Kevin and Shelly; Mrs.
Dorothy Hilborn; Mrs. Lila Tranter
and Miss Arlene Tranter; Mrs.
CarOl Fludder, Tammy and JaSon;
Mrs. Mary Brown and Valerie
Lynn. Assisting with costume
changing 'were Mrs. Elsie Forrest-
er, Mrs. Aileen Clark - and Mrs.
Judy van Kooten. Miss Corrie Piel,
a member of the class was on a trip
and hence not present in the show.
After the Fashion Show was
completed the presentation of
certificates was held, with Mr.
Turvill and the instructors of the
classes in charge.
Beginning with the oil painting
class instructed 'by Mrs. Danielle
Martel, - now of TiVetton and
formerly :of Ripley - in this claSs
were Mrs. Anne McCosh, Mrs.
Rosalind Hodgins, Mrs. Frances
Godfrey, Mrs. June Elliott, Mrs.
Marjorie Thompson, Mr"s. Betty
Zweicker, Mrs. Marlene Wolsten-
holme, Miss Ann Johnston and
Mrs. Margaret Ann Orr.
The course in basic mechanics
was instructed by Ripley Garage
operator, Howard Hodge and those
awarded certificates in it were Ken
MacLeod, Dave Bridle, -Keith
Hunter, John Dahmer; and Carmon
Next was Mrs. Marion McChar:
ales with her class in first year china
painting - Mrs. Evelyn Evers, Miss
Marion Hammond, Mrs. Helen
Rogers,-Miss Marie Inkster, 'Miss
Jean HammOnd, Mrs. Mary Black.
In Mrs. Nancy Regier's upholst-
ering class were Mrs. Ruthe
Patterson, Mrs. Lloyd Worthing-
ton, Mrs. Margaret Rouse, Mrs.
Marion McLean, Mrs. Mary Piel,
Mrs. 'Ida Piel, Mrs. Pat Denstedt
and Mrs.. Janet Card.
The class in Liquid Embroidery
instructed by Mrs. R. Bonnett was
next.• They included Mrs. Joan
Brown, Mrs. Emily Bushell,, Mrs.
Verna Campbell, Mrs. Phyllis
Carnochan, Mrs. Helen Cornish,
Mrs. Mildred Griffith, Mrs. Flor-
ence Nicholson, Miss Brenda
McLean and Mrs. Margaret Rich-
Miss Gail Cdurtney instructed
the class in physical fitness. In it
were Reta Irwin, Carol Bell, Peg,
Bates, Darlene Nixon, Margo,
Middelkamp, Marj Middelkamp,
Tini Meyers, Wendy Houghton and
Wanda Wilson.
Mrs. Margaret Gemmell's class
in sewing included Mrs. Aileen
Clark, Mrs. Bonnie Hargreaves,
Mrs. Judy van Kooter, , Mrs. Carol
Blackwell, Mrs: Carol, Fludder,
Mrs. Dorothy Hilborn, Mrs. Joan
McLeod, Miss Arlene Tranter,
Miss Joyce Black, Mrs. Elsie
Forrester, Miss , Corrie Piel, Mrs.
Mary Brown and Mrs. Shirley
After this refreshments were
served and another season of the
Ripley .Night School had been
successfully completed.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ethel Emmerton
passed away last Tuesday in
Brucelea Haven, Walkerton, in her
84th year. The funeral service was
held at the McLennan-McCreath
'Funeral Home last Thursday after-
noon and thence to Ripley Cemet-
ery. Native of - the Pine River-
Amberley area of Huron Township,
she was predeceased a few years
ago by her husband John Emnier-
ton. She is survived by her son
Chester, four grandchildren and
one great grandchild; also_ by her
two brothers Harold Courtney of
Pine River and 'Ripley and Sam
Courtney of Walkerton. To .all
these and all other family relatives
sympathy is extended at this time
of bereavement.
Tuesday' afternoon and evening,
of last week the rather quiet calm of
Ripley was disturbed by actually
two' trains from Palmerston to
Kincardine and return. Then in the
evening at seven-thirty it was the
fire whistle calling the Ripley
firemen to practice. Hardly would
they be home, shortly after ten,
when the fire whistle sounded
again - this time for real. Down at a'
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