HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-03-19, Page 5SHOOT PARTY Shoot party at St. Helens on Thursday, March 20, at 8:30 sharp. Lunch and prizes. SPRING DANCE A Spring Dance will be held in the Ripley District High School Auditorium, Friday, April 18th. Music by the Dimensions. Ad- vance tickets $2.50 per perion, $3:00 at the door. Sponsored by the Ripley Agricultural Society. NOTICE ' . HILRAY 'FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in. Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528-2132 CLOSING NOTICE Due to my having to enter hos- pital, the shoe repair shop will be closed from March 20 to ap- proximately April 1. If the hockey players want their skates sharp- ened, please leave them at the shop a day or so ahead and Doug Stevenson will do them, in the evening. Lorne Reid NOTICE OF MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday,- March 25, at 8:30 p.m. in the Town Hall. Prize lists will.be revised. LESSONS — GUITAR & ACCOR DIAN. The Huron Music Studio is considering beginning guitar and accordian lessons in Luck- now for either beginners or exper- ienced students, if interested phone Blyth 523-4455 for more information. Do You Grow Corn or White Beans PLAN TO ATTEND A CROP SEMINAR AT HACKETT FARM EQUIPMENT LUCKNOW Monday, March 24 at 8:00 p.m. TOPICS . Weed control in white beans 2. Cern rootworm control REFRESHMENTS CONDUCTED BY FMC OF CANADA BECOME A RED CROSS VOLUNTEER HELP WANTED COUNTY OF HURON CARETAKER 1 storey 2 bedroom insul brick house with two extra lots. $11,900. DUNGANNON " 1% storey stucco home, new roof and completely renovated, With new oil furnace. $18,500. We have farm properties, re- treats and lots for sale. Robt. Campbell 528-2031 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975 COMING EVENTS WINGHAM BINGO VVingham Legion Bingo at the. Legion Hail, Wingham, Wednes- day, March 26th at 8:30 p.m: 15 regular games, $10, prize each One; 2 share-the-wealth games; - $50 special must go; Jackpot game $1240 on 6 calls with $50 consolation. Admission- $1.00. Ex- tra and special cards 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00. LEGION' MEETING All members of Lucknow Leg- ion are requested to attend a sup- per Meeting .Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. HOWICK LIONS BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, March 21st, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1. 12 regular , games for $10; 2 share the wealth; one $25 special; jackpot of $96t on 56 calls. Door and con- solation prizes. SMOKING WITHDRAWAL • "COUNTDOWN" in the downstairs room 'of Victoria and Grey Trust GODERICH' 8 p.m. On the following dates: Monday, April 7; Tuesday, April 8; Wed- nesday, April 9;' Monday, April 14; Tuesday, April 15,; Monday, April 21; Monday, April 28;' Mon- day, May 5. There is no charge — a Christ- mas Seal Service. of the Huron . Perth Lung Association. CENTENNIAL Centennial Celebration of 'the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Festival of Banners, honouring the creeds of the Christian, Church; special banners, guest soloists; instrumentalist at Lang-' side Presbyterian Church, Sun- day, March 23 at 11 a.m. Lunch to follow. FOR RENT 3 APARTMENTS FOR RENT $165.00 for two bedroom ground floor apartment, newly construct- ed, in the village of Lucknow. Heat for $104.00 per year. All en- quiries considered. Phone' 529- 7924. APARTMENT FOR RENT — in LucknoW, heated, newly decor- ated, Apply Anderson Apart- ments, phone 528-3045. • FOR RENT — small furnished apartment; also an apartment with 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living room, 3 pc. bathroom and laundry room. Both available ' immediately. Phone 528-3134. FAR RENT — 52 acres ploughed corn land .for rent or On shares. Phone 357-3896. IN MEMORIAM GRAHAM --- in loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Matilda Graham, who passed away 4 years ago March, 17th, 1971. To , one' no longer with us But in our hearts' still lingers. Ever remembered by daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neabel and family. SWAN -- in memory of a loving wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Earl Swan, , who passed away three years, ago March 25th, 1972., Lovingly remembered by • her husband, family and grand- children. CAMPBELL in , memory of Lyall Bradley-Campbell. Memory is one Gift of God That Death cannot destroy. Ever remembered by Mother, son David Allen and brothers„ SPECIAL OF THE WEEK GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS BUY 10 PKG. GET ONE FREE BUY NOW AS-THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF SEEDS THIS YEAR Watch next week' for another special LUCKNOW. DISTRICT CO-OP PHONE 528.3024 WANTED HELP WANTED — reliable per- son for part time help to assist elderly couple in Lucknow. Please apply to Box A, care of The Luck- now Sentinel giving particulars, and wages expected. EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person whp can work without supervision. 'Earn $14,000 in a 'year plus bonus. Contact custo- mers in Lucknow area. Limited auto travel. We train. Air Mail 0. H. Dick, Pres., Southwiestern Petroleum Canada Ltd., 87s Weest Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6T 236. WANTED — good quality weaner pigs. Peter Edisbury, phone 395- 2438. WANTED — pasture for 25 steers or heifers' between 300 and .400 pounds. Ph 523-4220. WANTED — anada's leading manufacturer and distributor is seeking a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground redwood pool., Your back- yard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opport- unity for • you the home owner call collect 681-3800, days or evenings. 'WANT TO BUY — a' 'used mien cise bicycle. Mrs: Don Thompson, phone 528-3516 or 528-2822. required for COUNTY OF HURON Full time employment. Excel- lent working conditicns and em- ployee benefits. Apply in writing to ' the undersigned no later than 12 noon, Monday, March 31st, giving personal particulars pre- vious employment and references to: JOHN G.. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court house, Goderich,. Ontario SPRCNGFAPROmSSSESSION - 100 • acres, 70 acres of good productive land, balance stream and rough pasture. Bank barn 40' x 60', suitable' for hogs or beef. Four year old, 3 bedroom, elec- trically heated bungalow in "A" one condition. Lucknow area. — 100 acres, 70 workable. Frame barn 45' x' 60', new pole barn 60' x 24'. TWO storey, 3- bedrgqoom home with all. conveniences. 11 or- ris'Township. -- 100 acres, • 90 workable, well drained Harriston loam, balance soft maple bush. Barn 50' ,x 60', 30 tie-ups, balance pens. Silo 16' x 50'. Two. storey, 3 -bedroom home. Morris Township. — 148 acres, 140 acres workable, 8 acres pine and willow trees. Two barns, implem'Ont shed and garage. Very attradtive, f bed- room brick home. Highway loc- ation. Turnberry Township. FOR THE MOST CALL HOLST. OFF ICE 357-3840 Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate Broker 38 ST. DAVID ST., GODERICH PHONE 524-9531 A VERY GOOD BUY IN LUCKNOW Four bedroom attached garage, small barn, lot 132 x '144. All of- fers considered. SCHOOL HOUSE FOR SALE NEAR BLYTH On, County Road 25, full base- ment, presure- system, septic tank and drilled well. • JUST LISTED 97 acres of agricultural land in Bruce County on paved highway west of Lucknow near Lochalsh. WE WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING YOUR PROPERTY LISTED IF BUYING OR SELLING PHONE ROSS AND PHYLLIS HOGGART 357-3692 R.R. 4 Wingharn FOR SALE 95 ACRES,' good cash crop acre- age, spring possession, all work- able but 1/2 acre of maple, 2 ACRES on which is situated an 8 room brick home, 3 bedroom, 2' and .4 piece bath, every conven- ience, Blyth area. 700 ACRES in Clinton area, 600 workable with 2 stone 2 storey homes. 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on a choice corner lot on Havelock St. in—Lucknow. Living room, dining room, kitthen and one bedroom down. House has oil furnace and '3 piece bath. Ideal retirement home. Immediate pos- session. CLOSE • -TO 'DOWNTOWN, in. Lucknow, 3 bedroom . home with large living room, dining room, kitchen, new sun porch; oil heat. Separate additional . 2 bedroom apartment „with every conven- , ience: Situated on 2 lots, this is an excellent home With an in- come. Shown by' appointment only. 16 ACRES mostly bush, spring creek, well located on good road, hydro available. LOVELY SOLID WHITE BRICK residence, located in -St. Helens, four bedrooms with closets, lot 132 x 231 If • you want quiet country living make an appoint- ment to 'see this home. Immed:. iate possession. •11.....=••1111•1•1•=110 If you •have agricultural •property, large or small acreage, and are thinking of selling, we would be pleased ,,te talk to you. All en- quiries confidential. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred Mcintee & Co., Limited WALKERTON: Member •of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service List. M.L.S. Over 60 Salesmen Working For You -4.4-0-4,'••••••-..-114-•-11-4-0-••••••••••4* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE• FOR RENT-- 65 acres good corn and bean land near Ripley. Best - reasonable offer. Please phone after 6 p.m. 1-519-743-7449. PITONAGH 1-t t sinit tiNU)kI Ft LUCKNOW LYONS Electric and Appliance Service LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PHONE 528-2109