HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-03-19, Page 31.15 73/4 OZ. r. • • .1: • • '2? • : • : • fe::; ;:••• • • • • • • • - • • • : • • • DR. BALLARD CAT FOOD RASPBERRY. OR STRAWBERRY ST. WILLIAM JAM SOCKEYE SALMON AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE CORN SYRUP 15 'OZ. TIN 2 5/11 $1.39 48 OZ. 53 2 LB. 73 MISS MEW CAT FOOD 6 OZ. TIN 5/$1.: WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULBS 40, 60 and 100 WATTS 49' EGG0FROzEN REGULAR WAFFLES 65' YORK, FROZEN PIES BDENEI: a'T CHI C KEN UR I C E) 2/69 MEHAN PHONE 5284001 MARKET LUCKNOW Formerly Hall's Red and White WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975 I • • • • • • • • • • NO • • .1 1.....•••••• THE LUFKNOW LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THREE Mrs. Bill Searle of LucknoW returned home Monday after being a patient for a week in University Hospital, London where she under- went surgery. "Our delivery is very poor. It is Tuesday the odd time before we get it, but it usually gets here Saturday" writes Harvey Andrews of Exeter in renewing his subscrip- tion. Harry Campbell of Dawson City, Yukon has been visiting with his mother in Lucknow and father Cyril Campbell who .is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Elizabeth Black of Lucknow is spending the winter school holiday with her'aunt and uncle, Fred and Isabel Thompson and family at Caledon. "I am receiving poor mail seivice. I get as many as three papers at one time. I don't know where the trouble is, it seems like the papers get lost", writes R. G. MacLeod of Medicine Hat, Alberta, in renewing his 'subscription. • Mr. and Mrs. Chester Twamley have recently sold their Woodstock home. They are now residing at Northgate Towerg, 510 Admiral Street, Woodstock. "With great interest I read your paper each week, I wish you continued success in your work," writes Norine Sieloff of Detroit in renewing her subscription. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrew, Shauna and Warren of Ashfield flew to Vero Beach, Florida for a nine day visit with Mrs. Andrew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Needham. Mrs. Harvey Houston of Luck- now spent a few days at Owen Sound last week with her cousin, Mrs. Howard Clark. Anibition and ability equip any man for working wonders. LAW OF NATURE Face the facts squarely—when adversity strikes it's well to remember that no living, animal survives without a struggle. Kinloss Township Council Minutes The, regular meeting of Kinloss Township Council was held on March 3rd at 7.30 With councillor Duncan Campbell absent. The tender of Joe Kerr Ltd. was accepted for crushed gravel at $1.42 per cw. yard and 85 cents for stockpiling, subject to M.T. & C. approval. , The tender of Ray Stanley for pit run gravel for construction was accepted at 48 cents per cu. yard for the 1st mile and 5 cents per cu. yard for each additional half-mile, subject to M.T. C. approval. The tender of Joe Kerr Ltd. was accepted for heavy machinery for road construction at $27.50 per Hour for dozer and scraper, subject to M.T. & C. approval. A donation of $100.00 was made to the Lucknow Agricultural Society for 1975.' It was agreed by Council that the Township pay its share towards the building for the Mentally Retarded in Walkerton on a Per capita basis of 62 cents.. • lien Voisin was engaged as Warble Fly sprayer for Kinloss Township at 30 cents per head. He supplies material and collects his own fees. The following account's"' were ordered paid: General, $2,82/93; Drains, $1,904.50; Highways, $7,149.67. A special meeting was held in the Township office on March 7th at 10 a.m. with councillor Duncan Campbell absent. It was agreed that a tanker truck be ' purchased by Kinloss, Ashfield and West Wawanosh for rural fire protection, each Township contrib- uting V3 of the cost. A request was made to have the M.T. & Communications do an inspection on the 1963 Adams 666 grader. The road superintendent was given 30 days notice of termination of employment. All books and papers pertaining to highway business are to be left at the Township Office on final day of employment. A special meeting was held on March 13th at 7.30. p.m. in; the Township Hall. The reeve and all council were present. Court of Revision was held on the Stirling Repair , and Imp. Drain. On recomniendation by the engineers, an appeal by the owner of Lot 70, N.D.R. regarding a shallow well, the most the Township might be required to do would be to deepen the well by the same amount of the propoSed ditch deepening. • Since the necessity of this cannot be determined now, the decision will be made as evidence indicates. The tender of,.Coldstream Con- crete Ltd. was accepted for tile on the Stirling Drain Repair and Imp.' at $677.22 and the tender of Charcon Ltd. was accepted for tile on the Moffat-Thompson Imp. at $2727.67. The report was adopted on the Ackert Drain and the clerk was instructed to prepare the necessary -by-laws. Court of Revision is to be held on May 12th at 8 p.m. The "meeting adjourned until 'April 7th at 8, p.m. or at the call of the reeve. FRASER MacKINNON, CLERK. PINEE L RIVER Miss Margaret Courtney of Walkerton spent the week end at' Leonard Courtneys. Miss Joan Ferguson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ferguson. Sympathy is extended to the Emmerton and Courtney families in the passing of Mrs. Jack Emmerton. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Courtney, Cameron, Mary Jane, Paul and Shannon left Thursday for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Pace visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pace in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smeltzer and Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer Motored to Englehart to visit with Mr. and Mrs: -Joe Mazur last week.