The Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-03-12, Page 10WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1975 SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office — 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTAN1( CASH LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH A Let your forage be your guide! THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LOWER INTEREST RATES NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND FARM' PROPERTIES Interim Financing For NeNV ConitructiOn and Land Development . FOR REPRESENTATiVES IN YOUR •AREA PHONE A Churches Meet For World Day , of Praier SerVice _DeSpite the inclement weather, a large crowd from eight area churches gathered at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on. Friday afternoon, for the World Day of Prayer. Prelude music was render- ed by Mrs. Lorne Sparks, organist and Mrs. Leonard Clarke, pianist. Mrs. Evan Keith and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall were ushers. The welcome to South Kinloss was extended by Mrs. Ira Dickie', W.M.S. President. The theme this year was "Be- come Perfectly.One" and an inspir- ing service had been prepared by the Christian women of . Egypt. The calls to prayer . were rendered by Mrs. Jack Treleaven, Mrs. James Little, Mrs. Jelle de Jong and Mrs. Peter MacDonald. For the Thresh- old to Worship, Mrs. Ernest. Ack- ert was leader, Mrs. Sam Gibson read the scripture and Mr's. Eldon Bradley offered prayer. For the' part "God is One" Mrs. James Little was leader and the' scripture was read by Mrs. Laidlaw. The leader for "We are not One" was Mrs. Harry Burgsma and the reader, Mrs. Jelle de Jong who also prayed the Lord's Prayer in Dutch. For "God calls us to be One" Mrs. Chas. Wilkins was leader and Mrs. Chester Hackett read the scripture. Dining this part the theme verse from John 17: 22-23 was given in English and also in, Dutch by Mrs. Henry Jurjens. Mrs. Wilkins called on the following who gave prayers for the Unity of the Church, Mrs. Douglas Graham, Mrs. Noble Johnston, Mrs. Henry Jurjens, Mrs. Bert Alton, Mrs: Tom Phillips, Mrs. Art Gilmore, Mrs. John Austin, Miss, Helen Thompson and Mrs. Ronald Forster. Mrs. John Howard and Mrs. Observe World Day Of Prayer KINLOUGH NEWS The Women's World Day of Prayer for this area.was held in the Kinlough Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Ruth Wilson was in charge and the program "Become perfect- ly one" was followed. Miss Edna Boyle was -Organist and fifteen ladies were in attendance. Scripture portions were read by , Mrs. Stewart MacDonald, Mrs. Glen Haldenby, Mrs. Tom Mac- Donald, Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. Don Bushell. The prayers were taken by Miss May ' Boyle, Mrs. Don Bushell, Mrs. Don Reid, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Stewart MacDonald, Mrs. Glen. Haldenby, Miss Winni- fred Percy, Mrs. Tom MacDonald, Mrs. Frank Mauldeti. A very fitting address on the theme was given by Mrs. Tom MacDonald. Mrs. Bert Nicholson: and Mrs. Delbert Hedley received the offering, which, will be forward- ed to headquarters for a worthwhile cause. Suitable hymns were -.sung, concluding with, the theme song from the pamphlet "Become per- fectly one". Mrs. Bert Nicholson will be in charge , of the 1976 prayer day, 'which will be held in the Anglican Church, Holyrood. Peter -MacDonald were leaders for the part, "Let us grow into One". Mrs. Donald Robertson, 'the guest speaker, used the different head- ings of the service and enlarging on these gave a wonderful meditation on the theme, "Become Perfectly One". Mrs. Philip Steer sang a very fitting solo, "teach me to Pray". • For the, closing, "We are One in the. Spirit" was sung and after The People's Prayer Mrs. Lorne Sparks closed the service with the Blessing from Il Corinthians 13: 11-14. World Day of. Prayer was observed it Nile United Church on Friday; March 7 with ladies from 'several . dettominatiOns in' attend- ance. " The theme = "Become Perfectly One" was the subject of the guest speaker Captain Grace Herber, Salvation Army, Goderich. Mrs. Elwyn Feagan opened the service with prayer and other leaders , were Mrs, Lorne Hasty,' Mrs. Bill Kinahan, Mrs', Orrie Gingerich, Mrs. Jack Clements. A duet by, Mrs. Orrie , Ginderich and Mrs. Martin was' very pitch enjoyed. Mrs. Len Christilaw and Mrs. Clifford& Purdon. assisted with... reading scriptures. Mrs. James Boak was organist for the service: SUNDAY, MARCH 16th Services at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. Hoy- tema Sr.' from London. Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today "The Christian Connection" CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Somid, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL .' CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Slightenhorst • 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 o'clock C.A. (Young People) Friday at 7:30 \p.m. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH St. Helens Mark Day Of Prayer The ladies of the St. Helens United Church Wdmen observed the World Day of Prayer at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Cook on March 7. All present took part in the printed service. Mrs. • Ross Errington, assisted by Mrs. B. F. Green and Miss Isobel Miller, acted as. leader. A brief business meeting follow- ed and the hostesses, Mrs. T. J. Todd and Mrs. B. F. Green, served ' a dainty lunch. Miss Isobel Miller gaVe the courtesy remarks. • DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN . FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Ord* Gingrich, Pastor • SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME Presbyterian W .S. The. Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary met in the church with Mrs. J'. E. Little presiding. Worship opened with verses from Isaiah 53:6 and Galatians 6: 14. Hymn 212 was sung with Mrs. Wallace Wilson at the piano, Substituting for, Miss Margaret Malcolm. Mrs. Robt. Moffat gave the devotions. on God's Stairway. Roll call was a verse from the' Book of James. 'Mrs. Noble Johnston gave the offertory prayer. After singing hymn 192 Mrs. Robt. Reid led in prayer. Mrs. Wm. Porteous very capably presented the topic on the church's rural mission work in India, Taiwan, Korea, Nigeria and Canada. Mrs. George Kennedy gave a splendid talk on the Rock. of Salvation. She poitited out the differences between the so called strength Of the rock of Gibraltar, and the indestructible strength of Jesus Christ, the Rock of Salvation. The meeting was pleased to accept the invitation from the Evening Auxiliary, to a Centennial Birthday Celebration for, the Easter Thankoffering. Mrs. Jas. Smith reviewed 'the Glad Tidings. Hymn 483 was sung and Mrs.— Wm. Reid closed the meeting with prayer, Observe. World Dcry pf F'rayer At Nile Church DUNGANNON NEWS `•-•"%e".••NeeW Wi..0%.••We-07%A.ee • el lt r. Good management says "Choose /our mineral 'according to the forage used " That's fah Shur-Gain offers four diff- erent mineral choices outlined _below for your selection. SA!N ESSENTIAL MINERALS = 2 F:3q 'LEGUME FEEDING No hltr,'equme forage... :a r ce !re high :a,c urn and low ..'..p:..JticrLs of iewneis salt, or where salt is available from Met sources. SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #3 SALT FREE To be fed where water supply carries ratio)? . stock is• on• a high, hay or pasture where salt u' provided separately and Mstern feeding conditions 6:,IN RANGE MINERALS . and at reasonable pries too. • mineraLs ., 'Anderson. Flax. ' Products, Limited PHONE 528-2026 LUCKNOW Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister MARCH 16th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, BA, BM. Minister Phone 528-2740 MARCH 16th 10:00, a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship SHUR,GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS #1 FOR NON.LEGUME FEEDING To be fed where' the roughage is grass, hay or corn silage. ONSW4tteNgeakeNer,to,,,,,e,iO4.046.04....2