The Wingham Advance, 1916-07-27, Page 4Page our' ilt`i 'ng' ala Ulna Jnilet Jns'trn, Proprietor A, (1, Searle, M eneger THURSDAY, JULY 27'rel 1910 If Deluge eontiuue it will be were of rt lambkin with Itussia as to what to do with its myriads of prisoners than it was to push the Auetrlaus back on every line, The London Advertiser refers to Canna Borden as "Behave, Opt," We'll bet the wen there would only be too glad if there was a Sahara or eveu a dozen of thew around to make them comfy and tuck them in at night. Hush! We are told that there is danger ahead for the Borden Govern- ment because the province of; Nova Scotia is stili Liberal, having been Liberal for something over thirty yeare. Get it? Neither do. we, The Globe's report of a gatbering in Lindsay quotes Rev. Dr, Robert John• cion, of Montral(end Londot, form- erly of Kincardine, ae paying " glow- ing tribute t heMinister of Mili is , Sam Hu saying the name of Sir hes 3 would stand out in the ages to come in the story of Canadian history as the man yt'ho did the work when the couu• try needed hiw."_Kincardine Review. Numerous letters are arriving from Camp Borden which state that the place is not nearly so bad. as was at first reported, and in fact some of the soldiers rather enjoy living there. .A little agitation goes a long way when wafted by agitators with politics ae their sole aim and assisted by the wild statements of the Grit organ at tendon. There appears to be no room in the Liberal party for independence. Be- cause the Ottawa Free Press, Liberal, has dared to take an independent stand and to make vigorous protest against the unpatriotic partisan hounding of the Borden Government in its war policy there is tallk of start- ing a new Liberal paper in Ottawa. The Free Press ie not likely to worry. Action of that sort would do the Lib- eral party more injury than it would the Liberal organ. The London Ad- vertiser should start a branch office there. The Stackers. Insult Us StuChancredoth Way*. The fatuous ph:Mt-Ian anti the emi- nent elereeeriau watt deep itt a tlleeus stole illicit threatened to l,evotue acre nentious, ,,. "You see," send the inh,ic;tcr ttar.u'el• catty, "you tucdleai teen know se much about the tincertalttties of thin tvurld that 1 should think you would nue want to live.'" "Ole1 don't know," t•r:Tnndcd the physician caustically. "You ,'lergytncn tell us so nmelr about the uncertainties of the next world that we don't want to (lie." --Exchange. 1 alkin� 119ncltince, As nearly es eau be tletrrintned the original talking headline -•-the real pre- cursor of the pit mogeapll--wes the se called "pttnuatttoeraph," Invented by Leon Seolt in Thee. But the fleet real reproduction of sound was nrbieved by Thowas A. Edison in 1870. Ile may, with perfect justice, be called the "fie ',her Of the tenting ureet:ipe,' (Tbe Orange Sentinel) Could anything be more unfait, more ungracious, than the fOl owing paragraph from La Presse, Montreal:— "'The Orangemen of Canada boast of being represented by a great number of their members in the ranks of the British, army in Europe. , But to judge' by the hullabaloo which they made yeeterday in the celebration of their annual holiday their Order is still more largely represented in the arena of parlor and platform warriors than on bloedy battlefields." This jibe at Orangemen becomes a French-Canadian. One would think ;for very ebame La Freese would avoid eomparisons hetween the French and the Orangemen. At least 50,000 mem• bers of the Association have enlisted, and about 7,000 French-Canadians. Just think of the contract. Seven thousand French out of two million population, white 50,000 Orangemen out of 200,000 have donned the khaki. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE The following letter of condolence was composed by the committee ap- pointed for the Orange Lodge, 794, and duly sent to the widow and family of the late Bro. A. Young. Dear Friends: -- At a meeting of Wingbaw L. 0, L No. 794 it was moved by Bro. W, J. Greer and seconded by Tiro, John Dav ideon and unanimously carried, that a committee, composed of tiro, H. E. leard, W. M., Bro. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, D. M., and Bro. A. H. Musgrove, P. M., be appointed to draft a resolution of condolence to the wife and family of our esteetned brother, the late Alex- ander Young, and to forward the same to Mrs. Young and family. In accordance with the above resol- ution we, the above named committee or behalf of the brethern of Wingham L. O. L No. 794 desire to convey to you and your family bur meet sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of your great bereavement and we Cruet that a kind Providence may sustain and eomfortyou in the lose of a dear husband and father. We can furtherassure you that We, Iris brother Orangemen with whom our late brother was for so many years aasoeiteted feel Our loss yore keenly and deeply. Our dear brother Young eujsyed the full confidence of his brethren, having held for two years the office of Worshipful Master, the highest pos- ition in the gift of our ledge, svbicb position he filled with dignity and all ciency. Again expressing our sympathy, we remain. Yours sincerely, Committee, Notices of Dieselutiott ol` i'ai•tnership Take melte that the partnermldp heretofore existing between Robert N Dufr and '!.'nomas Stewart as maw milled lumber and coal mer chants at the Village of iitusvale hue been dl.. solved, Ail debtor owing to the Bald partner' nbip are to be paid to Thome Stewart at Illuevate aforesaid, and all claims ag,111, ,1, the Iaid pahtnership ate to be preaAnlcrl to lha paid Thomas Sten att b7 r<Iaom the bullies will be Fettled. fa.tedat Wingham this 12th ria:* of .1uly, 3916. Dere It Seen ewe Projecting Your Poreeneety. Can any mnii's life be bel,.l to be in complete if it is continued In the life of a friend? Was Artlrtu' Hallam's life iucoirtplete schen Tennyson prolonged it forever lay "In elemoriani" or the life of Socrates when piato t continued n cd It in his immortal dialogues? Confu- elus st1k1 wisely, Ilrti•e no friends not equal to yourself, By that he ultist have meant, "Make ,your friends equal to yourself by giving them freely of your best." amus you anike sure of a continued' life whatever happens to yourself, as a manufacturer entrusts the secrets of his matinee: does to his youuger partners. --Christian Herald. eoidigrs in Napoleon's Day. There are five things that a soldier should never bo without—his gen. cartridge, his knapsack, rations for four days and itis pioneer tools. The knapsack should be reduced to the smgiiest posible tve1gbt and size and contain only R shirt, a pair of shoes, a collar, a baudkercbief and a fiipt p1,' steel. This is not much, but be should never part from them, for when once lost they cannot be recovered.--Na- peleori,nee A Smooth Approach. "You seem bard worked, sir," said tbo affable stranger. "I'm hale dead." " "Then I called in the nick of time. I'm selling life insurance. 1F you'po half dead you can't get a poliey any too quick." • impossible Feat. Irate Father—Don't you think, young man, you can walk into this house and hang up your hat. Timid Suitor— I know I cau't, sir. You're sitting on The tnote you speak of yourself the more you are likely to 'Ie.—Zimmer- Man. _ .._. ._..._.__...... _...._. - TUE WINOI,#I A.1 : ADVANCE LE'fTF R FROM FRANCE ELECTRIC STORM fit yet. Geo. 11loifatt writes the fol• Asevereel netrlo ttorut partied this s'eti,an nn Thuvttlay, Jt►uet lowing interesting letter from Prance aocornpanied by a heavy rain. to tris mother and father, R. J. and `.t'rr( s. 11lltett'a house, on the 4th con, let's. Tindall. of Cuirass, wee struck by lightuiug, it't'ange, July grid, 19I6, The ehiutne'y was knocked riff and eorx river 20;.h Dear 1►Iotbet'aud Date: — 1 tun afraid that you did not get my tact letter, I jest got a letter from (Jouain I''ioreuee wondering why I had not writteu and I wrote both letters at the same time, We were moving Hien and I left them with a fellow to post and I guess hefwill forgot t to do sn. I post them myself in the future, We have had some exciting times since I wrote to you last as you bare doubtless seen by the papers, but both Joe and I are o, k. and in the hest of health. I got put in the ditch the other day in a rather funny way. I was carry- ing arrying dispatches along a road -bleb ibey were shelling very heavily in places, and just before I came to a curve in the road a large piece of siarapnel hit the roadjust in front of rue and filled my eyes with sand. T wasn't wearing goggles at the time, because I was travelling fast and could watch the road better with out them, there being plenty of holes and large stones to say nothing of dead horses to Gage. The sand completely blinded me and I couldn't see to make the curve, and before f Z could get stopped I hit the ditch end made a beautiful somer- sault. 1. must have been a funny s'gbt, bad anyone been looking, to see me sitting up trying to rub the sand nut of my eyee enough tp find the machine running away like mad, I had to grin myself when I finally got one eye open, the machine was prat• tically unhurt and I only got a few bruises which I found after the excite- ment was over, Believe me it's a great life. Joe got partly buried by a ebell which knock- ed some of the parapet on top of him but he was unhurt. The,feliows like it better when there is something doing otherwise it gate rather monotonous, The weather is fine just now aitho when there arse any clouds around the artillery seems to bring the rain down but it is waren and does not last long. Everything is pretty quiet again and we are havinga sort of rest. Well I think that is about all of in- terest that I can tell at present and I'm very sorry about the other letter if you did not get it, - So bye bye for the present, Your loving son, Gnonon. sfderebly datuegetl, but no one was Me, J. Aurey, operator or the O.P,IZ. station, Teesweter, was standing in the doorway of the freight shed, Ile was knocked to the grouted and remelt- ed in an uneonecioua condition for some time, The lightning also damaged Mr, J. Weiter's barn on the 8.h coo, of Turn - berry, tearing some shingles and boards off one side of it. The chimney on John Little's house on the boundary of (]ulrose and. Tarn - berry wasstruck and the pipes knock- ed down and a quantity of linoleuru torn up. lir. Little's gt'andeon was knocked off the chair he was sitting upon and stunned, The lightning struck Mr. James Me- Glyuni s barn on the let of Culross, damaging the barn by pulling the corner out of the stone foundation. .I. strong gale accompanied the se vere lightning. In Lower Winghaxr, ber and Turn r y many fruit and shade trees were torn down, Thomas Grey, of Lower Wingham, losing a number James Beattie, while sitting in his doorway was knocked insensible, R Mooney, while working with tools, had his hand badly burnt, and a 'num- ber of others were also affected. The telephone syetem was put out of corn. mission, line being broken and many phones burnt cut. County W. C. T, U. Officers The Huron Convention of the W. C. T. U. which was recently held in Ex- eter elected the following officers:— President, Mre. II, Cooper of Exeter: honorary president, Mrs. Davidson of Goderich; vice president, Mrs. Dark of Brussels; corresponding secretary, Mre. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; recording sec- retary, Miss R, S. Allin, Goderich; treasurer, Mrs. (Rev.) Sharp, Exeter. The superintendents elected were:— Evangelistic, Mre. Follick, Exeter; flower mission, Mrs. Davidson, Gode- rich; sailors work, Mrs. McLean, Gode- ri ch; temperance in S. S„ etre. Shap - top, Exeter; franchise, Mrs. (Rev.) Mann, Brussels; medal contest, Mrs. (Rev.) Powell, Clinton; railway emp loyees, Mrs, Armour, Wingham; press work, Miss Attire of Goderich; system- atic giving, Mrs. Bender, Blytb; par- lour meetinge, Mrs. Buchannan, Wing ham; lumberman's mission,;fdrs. A. B. Carr, Blytb; anti -narcotics:, Mrs. Levis of Clinton; moral education, Mre. Mc. Quire, Brussels, scientific temperance, Mre, Taylor.. Blyth; medical temper- ance, Mrs. Howard, Exeter; law eufor- cetnent, Mrs. Powell, Clinton; prison work, Mrs. G. M. Elliott, Goderich; red cross, Mise Kinsman, Exeter. DISEASES O POTATOES A timely bulletin issued by the Div. Mon of Botany, -Central Experinwental t'ttrm, Ottawa, deale with lata blight aed rot of potatoes, Paul A, Murphy, jtseistant Plaut Petholigist at Gbarlot. totowu, P. I:, I., is the author and the Bulletin, which it entitled Mettler No. 10, can he had free on appllcetion to The Publieatious Brandt, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, Both the Director of the Dominion Experi- mental Farms and the Dominion Bot- anist .agree that the cul jest le most important, as late blight has caused in- calculable losses, but that thoee losses Ca n reduced n b du edto minimum b amt trnUt tho- rough u hq y rough anti timely spraying with Boyd, IA eaux mixture, Mr. Murphy describes I the eymptorns very fully. Maly blight' is prevalent in July arty the spots which { it causes are characteristicaily dry, brown, and walked withaseries of concentric rings, Late blight makee its appearence in August and Septem- ber as a rule, although it is always present beforeit is generally enticed. The first spots, which are usually on the lower leaves or sterns are dark brown to purplish black in colour, so a Imes surrounded m t by a ring of light green and they bave a water - soaked appearance, In fine weather they • dryu and become brown, p c In moist weather they iucreace in size and number and may involve the whole plant. An infected tuber is characterized by lurid-colouredelightly shrunken areas on the surface that are abnormally hard. Mr. Murphy says that the losses from the diseases are incalculable and that in the United States some time ago they were placed in value at $36,000,000 a year. In 1915 it is estimated that the Ioos to Prince Edward Island alone was not lees than $1,000,000 representing 2,000,000 bush- els). The damage all over Eastern Canada was about on the same reale. Methods of control by spraying are detailed and the prescription for mak• tug the Bordeaux mixture given. The stocking of solution of copper sulphate and milk of lithe is advised, `Poison for the Colorade beetle can be applied with the Bordeaux as often as emcee - eery. For this, either Poria green or arsenate of lead, or a combination of et) -t both may be used, half a pound of the former and a pound and a half of the ,0�� latter to 40 gallons of spray being suf- Pi ficient. In very severe cases the quantities of the poison can be inoreas. X ed by half. 'hur'sday July 2; ;,916 XX?C?SkSXtsGXX itXXtxxxxx xuxxx4x3uxxwatxxu Special' Sale of Men' Suits 111* on sale --....-.�...,.T.�. X ara 4 1,4 patterns and latest lig sizes in the lot from rr Thursday, Friday and Saturday S 50 Mo&s Sults 61 �o; l Haif P � A Less Values $t5 to $25 Reduced to 10.75 "" tp i\. 34 to 44, ,nanaEo G TNEi We will not send an of these suits on U ° approval and are soldf or CASH ONLY ph This sale is for three days on- ly and consists of broken lines of men's stock suits in all wool tweeds and worsteds, in neat styles, all H. DAVIS Issuer of Marriage Licenses f CUSTOM OFFICE, WINGHAMM • KING' BROS.,.Win • Produce Wanted. ham N Pone 7 1 e N XXICXXtXXXXXXVIVAIM994,4\10.XXXXit YXV.NYMX:Me'X.,g � �\LXXX t'o7AWAXY' XXXX " FXV\14�t 14X WA �Aa4V LI.tN XXXXXX l XXXXEX%t XXXX�a/[x.`im ; m wo2i wwrir: \vat wwtraw rdww —dxrd a-nrivri\"/lmirih x r'ixri,rat —At e mum vac z ISARD'S BIG "CIA ANA, P" StIV1 ' E S LE tis X X KgsX t , o w For a[�nnaow, S, • ,«u .... a.nvroaU Ll'�. ... ..x2,,,rn at�u n .FO a:iM�rg�> a ., �� ��� s�,•tF jV uyA ~ •.� �t �} er�.Y ,j��� x _; ,g.. ' iO ig. „1UlWo4,R1<,O, K,.,b„<,o< MK JOOOq (/OaNXr• art ,rgOa4t , .t .,,.Iii tl!0„'.,O-,- , tl0,I,R„Jn OD clan ,_,p<• CW. Ire K, rgUa <I ,t, all tOt� 1�' of\,. ,-1:,� �9,I��A , t� f, ts v rgains [-, ` /� tir7r .� Y 3 ,+�`�•ii.,lt ' /per`I Commencing Saturday July. 29th at Vin. 0,.._ e \°� v� II �' %il/ / �'~f .J r,'..�eY��+7' moi• i4 (JJ 9 a and ending August 12th 1916 �. r :,t',� , ,, ; �' _ : �� �YI;t�>:. ,'� .�. 1ti':� .�� �P�!\�;�'Ir���,•ill . � \a'•.e ,.,..•' I, � r�i•i/ t s ' Big Cut £iA Prices for Two V tI {dvL #Ai All Kinds lr7 Vi Goods y' , ' ..��\�\- •z..±.---, •— , „” »%'rte. ' .. ”' , ,: `• .. = ,.,r `• Come and see how much money you can save on Just the Goods You Want Our two , ��•- �';¢-,, a ♦1� r ''r 1 '1' t� ,, stores will ca" l •-'' , �, , � �" >t><trillute Big Bargains in all kinds of Ladies' and Men's Wear Goods. Great — ,b �''`�� •-,�-r-•- �..•�-� ��,.��, /-- ,')/r4 1` stock of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Blinds, Curtains, Oil-::._.*_':,:,.7.:,�r..W.-. j�' clothe, Lino1 u -ns, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. _—% >ti� _ - COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE `° ----4 - / X PN GROCERY DEPARTMENT MEN'S WEAR .TORE._. GENTS FURNISHINGS READ -TQ=WEAR ilii X XX� 7 Bars Laundry Soap, Sale 7 bars 21ic BIG BARGAINS IN CLOTHING Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawcre, Salo 30c 3 Dt+zen Ladies' White Waists to clear, regular prices $1 2v"", ti X iabr� Royal Yeast Oakes, .,,,, • 03c Choke stook of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suite. See our Men's S;rong Wearing Sox, Sale 25c 5150, 112 Sale 75c "Bargain iu Brooms" 3534 -string broom, Sale.....,...... 25o Fite -Rite tailored suits, THEY FIT. 5 Doz Men's Regatta Stripe Shirts, sale price 790 Women's White Wash Skirts, Sale $1 4kr, Maple Leaf Baking Powder 2 Gans for 25c 10Meu's English Worsted and Tweed tette, value up to $14 Doge' Wash Cotton Waists, tale price 30c Girls' Middies to clear out at 7. a spy Bottle Pure Extract Flavoring for • 08o Sale price $9 95 I11en's Heavy Working Shirts, cut price 75c Women's Large Coverall Aprons, Sale 50d , '.9� XV* 2 lbs California Raisins for 25c Men's Heavy Black Duck Overalls, Sale 1.00 Cbraet Covers, Olean Sweep Sate 251 R �,0 Canada Laundry Stareb, per pound 08c Men's Strong Wearing Tweed Petits, Sale 200 ]flee and Boys Odd Collars to clear 50 2 Doz. Wrappers and house Dresses, Sale $.1 is , XX 2 Cans Choice Salmon for , .. , . , . .... , 26c Men's Grey Summer Coate, va ue $150, Sale 1.25 Broken Line of Men's Print Shirts, Sale • 59e Women's and Girls' Summer Coats to clear $5 ,pa,; 7 Bars Olive Oil Soap for 25c Mens English Worsted Suits $15, Sale $12 Men's felt Flats on sale at 20 per cent off Fine English Cambric Night Gowns, Sale. ....... ..... 75a Asti X' Corn Srareh 3 boxes for...... , ... ....... 25e Boys' two-piece Suite to clear at 3 08 y p 1 Doz. Under skirts, deep embroidery flounces. , .... , , .. $1 XX /, Fanc Silk Four•in-hand Ties, sale rice 39 /s��! Pearl Pot Barley per Yb , r < 04c Boys' Bloomer Pants on sale at, 75c , Ohildren's Wash Dresses to clear 450 �.r XD 25a Can. Empire Brand Smimon for. 20e Young Men's Summer Suits, coat and pants 7 50 Bargain in Men a Work Shirts, on sale. 50c Ladies' Princess Slips $1 25 value, Salo tt3: 4�O `.'''����,, Bargain iu Tea, 31bs of 40,: tea for $1 00 Men's Heavy Striped Blue OveralIe, Sale 125 Wash b�our•in•hand `rias, Clean Sweep Salo.. , . . , 20e Girls,' tVash Dresses to clear 62'151; t1 , (11,:, 3113 roc- Seeded B.aiains 121.2e box for IOa Men's Rain Coats, special sale pries 3 95 A tot of odd Collars to clear at 5o Ditties' Cambric Urnwere, lace trimmed 2,3 and ;3 s. 114 'hop Skirts, gond styla, 1'+:tuna: or Serge , , ..•.,. $#. 0 Qr� ,.. , Na BARGAINS I@1 SIIQES h + Night Gowns, rmbroidrry lrttumetl, Salr.. ........... l� t Broken Lines to clear at greatly reduced varices, See Bar. CARPET DEPARTMENT BARGAINS IN STAPLES LACES anti EMBROIbERiES l'IC SIf I,Y XX le game Bch of Odd Lines, your pick for $125, OVtimen's, 0s71' PRICES on dAlZ1sL'1'ft, LIN- Fine English Cambric, yd wide, 15e Stock is too largo and moat Ito re- 9� Oil II1 Misses and Children's Shoes et reduced prices. Big stock to bLEt7.41S, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY. for , lz 1.2c 1tl I7oz. Sertniers Bleck Cotton Ilnsr,'T pair for v5a ag . clioose from "WOOL VELVET and WILTONduce& Cut prices will do it J , to d ,,,� ., twos i 10 Webs Fine Factory Cotton, yard 27 in. flouncing, regular value 50c rind i; In r. Black Ledo Hese *it t ands' ala,. , ..... 111a XX wide, 121 2, for. , , , ... , , .. , 103 $ Doz, White or Black Fine Lisle, Sale: 39c %()`` 'TABU L.IN I Nhoc sago prree. , , , , , . , 39c One piece Heavy Table Linen Malo G iaiecee Linen Crash Towelling. 1Cc gain 2e ds for 5c Special Lino of Children'e llost*.......................... 15e amleet 86091 . , , . , ..., .. 2,ie RATS sale 12rr xorohon Lace, Ilany �'l� ill r (leo recce Nide Table Linen, 50' Sale ll0 Men's and Boys' Straw Bats to , ' Card of Lace 0 garde each for.,,, 15c RIBBONS Yard wide'Stri ed Flannelette 1212e�9,+9 Flee (�,tality Bleached Linen, 60s Sale 481 clear out at 20 tier cent oft'. regular 4 pima; White Flannelette yerdvvide, ,_ p .._ �Otte Mock is complete with all kin& of Ribbons—CUT ..:+One piece leetra Pine talent," $1 Sale MtN'S Lind BOYS' BOOTS PRICES on ell linos \,0000. I. .• Oq arw.1kt? I,0 imov/I, lWl)Ud TV4Q f10C, price ,+,+o ,,,.a„a .+y,,,a yards wide Heavy Linn. ,ya, r+,�, Sale.. ...,., 4,a u:, sale ... ... ...... .... r..,.,, ._. , .+u pieces Wide flair iii i,e,t,i,, Sale 111c ^ro �'q BAl7GAINS liteSILKS 2 pieces Sheeting 2 yds wide, 3br,Men sBoots/ broken lines, value tip20) Plain Silk Ribbon, Selo15d �Ng BARCIAINS IN CORiSETE'Ilk. lies ttteek of silks tit SAI,Is Pt1ICi+1 sale ......,.1,, 25e to ;I3. Sr1©$1,11$25, P nett or ls'ancy itibhnn, bale. 20e ® •SPECIAL, 50yds Black Pallette Silk NOW atterns Art 2G 1, sale 20o Men's Strang Working ilobte, regular 2U Watered or Moir llilibon...,, ,, 25c r 11 Line Na 1—A lot of 0441 Lines to alone ...... <, ...1.. , Mep��. Line No, 2W-8 Doz value tip to 3125, Sate.,..,, , .,,..'. • ,. Ot)r yd wide, Clean Sweep,.,... •.. 80 t A lot Wash Goods on sate at ,.,. $e $3.50 for...,, 2' i' Line Ne. 3 -<-Special Clearing lot at, .. , .. 05h Line of Cohered I'ailette Silk, 1.25 for $1 Curtain Muslin and Net ZOr�, sale 1Ga Baps flood Wearing Mots.... 1,G0 iv We carry tt BIG STOCK of the I3IibST MAKES of COB. 27 in. JapanTafl`etta Silk, 50c for ..400 ST,'i5, your choica'af thl I( !.Gt7l� it LINES at rut1T PRIUItsOne t3lpco Ponfree Silk to clear, ,,.3Gc Butigatow Curtaining wide 2Gs,eatcs20rCUT PRICES on ail other duce ofLhoire nrxv patterns (`renis lUngiieli Prints, iigitt or dark%IN ask to gee diem. 20% dtscaunt oil` other lines of nrlk Lade Curtains to clear at.... $1 Men's and Boys' Boots eoloringn, l5, duality, on sale .. "Ct. . , ... l:t 1-2s NI mer DRESS GOODS TIJR S OP SALE—Cash or NOTICt TO FARMERS PARASOLS IN-* DIG SAVINGS on CII �1SS (IOOI)s Produce t tit>1e of sale. Goods Large gtlatatitiei} Butter ands gs Selmer Pitrasottt in White or Pitney just when prices are going rip, You =- not old for will be c�isr ed at1 Isard& Wanted, highest perces paid ;<a colors, Lltarrlig Lime at........., 9$0 ran bey at a saving of 20 per cent. ilii 15 � IN Boy your now dread or bust tow, ¢gtllhr Prim exchange for goods tit "5atc't encs t'u per rent ell all oilier lines hXXXXXX XIMA XXXX XX XXXXXX X XXNXXXXLINMVAXXX X XXXtX JNXX" M :V . ICVM NNXXXX ,