HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-15, Page 27re irement income
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Federated Women's institutes
of Ontario met in the King. Ed-
ward Hotel in Toronto from
January 13th - 17th. Mrs. Harvey
Noblitt, Ottawa, the president
presided when all 32 Subdivisions
of Ontario were represented. In
her president's address, it 'was
leirned that the Officer's Confer-
ence at Waterloo UniverOty had
been most successful. It is hoped
that the learning experience is
fully shared with the branches at
home, and full time given for re-
ports. During the week of
Women's Institute week in June,
1974, 1,300 visited 'the Erland Lee
home,' which is the property of
the F.W.I.O. Records, of ,attend-
ance at the 14 Area Conventions
are: District voting delegates
96%; Area branches represented
77% and total number voting del-
egates at 80%. A trophy is ,pre-
sented to, the District, with high-
est attendance, it seems to be an
incentive for better attendance.
In the past two years 239 branches
made an increase in Membership
of 20%.
Mrs. Wm. G. Miller, Scar-
borough, the secretary treasurer
reported attending many commit-
tee meetings. She was. Chairman
of iewl0 supplies sales 'at the Of-
ficers Conference. They amounted
to $1,833.00. Mrs. Miller stayed at
the Erland , Lee home during
Women's Institute week, when the
1,300 visited. Mrs. Austin Zoeller,
New Hamburg; reported on the
disposition of the 1973 Resolutions,
Mrs. George Bott, Charlton Stat-
ion, is the new appointment to
this committee.
Mrs. Harvey Houston, Ludmow,
presented the Public Relations, re-
port. Trent Valley and Grey-
Bruce now have 11 years con-
inuous 100% reporting. A high-
-.ght of 1974 was the presenta-
on of a scholarship to honor
s. Ndblitt from the OttaWa
ea, for the contribution she
made to the work of Women's
nstitute at home and abroad.
public relations are fostered
Many ways by the W.I. in the
mmunity as they sponsor 4-H,'
are of Senior. Citizens and handl-
pped and the oversight of many
ther dociamunity projects. We ex-
ress gratitude of the fine cover-
g• given W.I. work all over Ont-
o. Contributions for W.I. pro-
et was $21,635.00.
During the election of Officers,
s. Herbert Maluske of Chesley,
rey-Bruce Area, was elected
esident. Mrs. ' Earl Morden,
.111 1 Rodney was elected Secre-
Treasurer. Regional vice
ident: Southern, Mrs. Calvin
Carmichael, Ilderton; Northern,
Mrs. Sam ' Koski, Fort Frances;
Eastern, 'Mrs. Peter 'Timmins,
Perth. Other Officers re-elected
were Mrs. Harvey 'Houston,
Lucknow, Public Relations Of-
ficer; Mrs. RObt. B. Weoer, Of-
ficer Conference Secretary Treas-
urer. 'Newly elected Conveners
were Mrs, L. E. Drayton, Ottawa;
Mrs. Earl'Jamison, Oshiwaken;
Mrs. Harold Biasing, Neustadt.
Mrs., Austin A. Zoeller, New
Hamburg,, chairman of the Er-
land Lee Home, presented an in-
teresting report. In this home,
where the Constitution' of the
Women's Institute was written,
the table is still' in this Historic
Home as part of the furnishings.
Mr. Sydney Harvey, Toronto,
showed some interesting slides.
This will be a continuing project
of W.I. for 'many years to come.
The 1976 Convention 'of the Fed-
erated Women's Institute of Can-
ada will meet in Charlottetown,
University of Prince Edward Is-
land, the week of June 20th.
Presentation, of gifts were made
to retiring president, Mrs. Harvey
L. Noblitt, and- Mrs. Wm. G.
Miller,,secretary treasurer, with
the good wishes from all the
members of the Board of Direc-
tors and executive.
• Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bennet
and Mrs. Allan 'Dione of Toronto
visited over the week end with Mr
and Mrs. Art Haldenby.
Miss Winifred Percy returned
home from Sitricoe where she spent
the past week with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bertrand and their infant son
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott 'enter-
tained relatives during the week.
Several have been confined to
their homes with flu and bad colds..
Ladies from the W.M.S. attend-
ed the. Presbyterial at St. Andrew's
Church, Wingharn on Monday.
Brian,Percy visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Bertrand and 'Marc on
Saturday. Mrs. Bertrand was the
former Joan Percy.
Mrs. Frank Maulden., treasurer
of the Kinlough and District Bible
Society, received a letter of apprec-
iation to ail who helped make up
the amount of $179.75 in laSt fall's
Canvass for 1974.
north side'. This left the, roof over
the unloading platform hanging
from the main wall and also in
danger of causing further damage:
However, now it has been secured.
Owner of the elevator, Jack Tre-
leaven of LucknoW, with the
assistance of Ron Harkness of
Purple Grove, worked all Monday
afternoon in getting the roof back
in place and supported.
* *, * * *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nicholson
dibve up last week end from
Amherstburg to visit with their son
Francis, his wife Margret and son
Kirk at their family home on the
twelfth concession of Huron. They
also visited' with 'their grand-
daughter Margo and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake qvliddelkanip and
young son Mickey, who live On the
farm west of Mr. and. Mrs. Mel
Pollock and across from the Ripley
Chemical plant - the former
Twelfth Cheese Factory at Clarks.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nicholson,
whose home is on Highway 18 at
Arnherstburg, had a long wintry
'trip here and back.' They reported
the same big windStorm in the
Windsor district which was exper-
ienced in this area on January 11th,
* .* * * .* *
_. For t e past two weeks Mrs.'
Effie (Ge rge) Sutherland of Ripley
has be`e , a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital in London. On Friday she
successfully underwent surgery.
Her daughter Elaine, Mrs. Wallace
Pollock, who was down with . her
mother on Friday and Saturday,
returned home. Effie is presently
in room 640 on the 6th floor in St.
Joe's. Ripley area friends wish her
continued recovery.
Mrs. Janet Nixon, who has been
ill for, the past few weeks, is back
clerking at Mv.Grace Carruther's
grocery store in Ripley.
* * * '* '* *.
A very busy man this .past, week
is Bob Fair of concession 12 in
Huron who plows the mainstreets
in RipleY early each morning to
clean away the night snowfall.
• * * * ,*
Mrs. Francis Gemmeli, Ripley
Provincial. Board Director of the
Federated Women's Institute of
Ontario for. the Districts of Grey
South, Bruce South and Bruce
East, attended the F.W.1.0. annual
meeting at the , King Edward _Hotel
in Toronto last week.
Thirty two Board Directors from
Ontario, along with the Provincial
President, Secretary . and Public
Relations officer, Mrs. Harvey
Houston of Lucknow, attended.
Miss Helen McKercher of the
Home Economies Branch, Ministry
of Agriculture and • Food also
On Thursday evening Hon. Wm.
A. Stewart entertained at a baii-
quet at the ROyal York Hotel. He
expressed his appreciation of the
work done by the Women:s Insti-
tutes-of Ontario. Grey Bruce had
the honour of having the New
Prdvincial President elected' from
Chesley. Mrs. Herb Majuski Will
be the new Provincial President for
January 25 & 26
"You're doing, very well, sir.
At this 'stage my last three
pupils had broken legs!"
3 years. This is the first time , a
Provincial President has been
elected froni Grey Bruce Area.
Each Board Director presents the
report of this week long meeting to
the officers in her subdivison when
she calls a meeting in her home in
the near rtuture.
* * '* * * *-
Visiting for the past week or so'in
,Ripley and staying at the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. John C.
MacDonald, just west of Ripley, is
Charles Baker of Behnont.• Charlie,
who is busy renewing acquaintanc-
es and meeting old friends, will be
here till this Wednesday. Charlie
now lives retired in Belmont. For
many years he worked on the dairy
farm of Mr.and•MrS. Don Willsie.
Mrs. Willsie is the former Etta
Lane of Ripley. ,Thirty some years
ago Charlie worked on several
farms in Huron Township.
* * *
Last week Mrs. Grace Murray
was.able to return to her positon as
clerk at the. Lawri James', grocery
store. Grace is working part time.
Earlier' last fall. she underwent
surgery at'St.Joe's in LondOn from
which she is recovering:
$1 1 Will Go
To Sharp's poled
The Honourable 14/;e0 Bernier,
Minister of Natural Resources;
announces the 'approval of a
provincial, grant of $11,100.00" to
the Maitland Valley Conversatio
Authority ,for the proposed Sharp s
Creek Wildlife Preserve. ,
The •AuthoTity has ari ongoing
program of acquiring lands . on
Sharp Creek and its head waters, in
the Saraioga Swamp for . the
purposes .of maintaining water
storage, wildlife habitat, fisheries
values and groundwater supplies in
the area.
The Authority now proposes to
acquire a 100-acre parcel of land in
the Township of Colborne for the
establishment of the Sharp's Creek
Wildlife -Preserve. There are no •
buildings on the site. Sharp Creek
crosses the property at te south-
'corner. The land is low and
swampy at the south tindary
rising slightly to the north. While
the property is densely wooded, the
timber has no marketable value at
the present time.
All member municipalities will
bear the Authority's share of the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton and
Jennifer of Hanover, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hamilton and family, and Mrs. W.
R: Hamilton.
Mrs. .David Elphick and Mrs.*
Ray Hamilton attended 4-H Train-
ing School in Ripley last Friday and
Saturday. The club this -time is
"Let's Bake Bread"
, Visiting on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Van Sickle and Trevor
were Mr. and Mrs. Ian Thomas and
Cody of the 6th concession and Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Vanderveen and
family of Kitchener.
Mrs. Joe Calkins is home from
University Hospital. London. also
'Andrew. Hamilton is home 'from
• Wingham Hospital.Bert Eaton is
VV still a patient in ingham.
Ripley District School are having
a Dance-A-Thon this week end. to
raise money for the new complex.
No doubt there will be a lot of tired
feed on Sunday. Good Luck!
Phone 528-2011
2.5 OFF .
Mrs Harvey Houston, Lucknovir„, Renamed
Public Relatiims Officer Of F.W.I.O.
25% Oft Alt Wintet :Footielit