HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-15, Page 151974-75 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES IN STOCK ALSO, SEVERAL USED MACHINES CAR SALES LTD. MYTH PHONE 523-4342 SEPOY VARIETY STORE ClearanceSale na, Polyester — Orlon — Crimp — Flannelette and more' So Come In And Save - January 15, 16, 17,18 wEDNE$DAT, JANuAltt,15, 1974 A THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOik ONTARIO. PAGE IFIllirkEN R.R. 7 ,Luckr;vv — Lanes —.Phone 529-7246 1974 MATADOR, 4 door 1974. LaMANS, 4 door ')974 puicK CENTURY LUXUS, 4 door 1974 PONTIAC BROUGHAM 2-1974 PONTIAC ASTRAS 2-1974 I3UICK CENTURY, -4 °door 2-1974 CHEVY NOVAS, 4 door sedan 1973 DART SPORT COUPE 1972 VALIANT, 6' cylinder, automatic, 4 door sedan 1972 FORD. GALAXIE 50Q, 2 door hardtop 19.72.METEOR MONTECALM, 4 door 1971 FORD WINDOW VAN 1971 TORINO, 2 door 11ardtop 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 door hardtop 1970. CHEV IMPALA, 4.' door hardtop 1969 OLDSMOBILE, 4 ,door sedan.. 1969 DODGE POLARIS, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 1969 FORD VAN', 6 cylinder r ' ON SAFEeTy. INSPECTED USED CARS VVESTON SODA'CRACKERS, 67C MINUTE RICE, 12 oz. 74c BYE-THE-SEA TUNA, 61%% oz. 61c ,r; 'AnOther beer...to show gratitude to the sponsor who made this telecast possible!' SET SALARIES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 -pieee of property for the Authority so that the. seller (in this case a co:mpany) would avoid payment of the Land Speculation tax. Motion carried,' 'A discussion on mobile homes in the Township ensued, with the result that the Reeve and Clerk agreed to investigate the possibility of a Mobile Home Licence Fee, and to bring back a report to Council. Five or six members of Council indicated their intention to attend a seminar to be held in Goderich on January 30 'for municipal officials.,. The following appointments were made by Council to fill . positions as Township representa- tives: 'Harold Errington for a two-year term (1975-76) With Mait- land -Valley Conservation Author- ity; Reeve Lyons on the Commuhity Medical Centre committee, Luck now, and the Community Arena Board, Lacknovv; Recreation Com- mittee members: Bill MacPherson, Mrs. Susan Cook, Cecil Cranston, Allan Webster, RosS Errington Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford, Walter Arnold,- Marybelle Cran- ston and Joseph Hickey. The Clerk was instructed to write the appoint- ees informing them of their posi- dons'. The Clerk 'was instructed to contact the Catholic Women's League regarding a meeting the Huron. County Historical Society wishes to conduct in St. Augustine in' the fall of 1975. • By-Law # 1, 1.975 was given third reading and finally passed • on motion of Councillors Hickey and Foran. This by-law names and 'sets out the rates of remuneration of officials in the township. Some of the respective rates are: Clerk, $2600.00; Treasurer, $2000.00; Reeve, $500.00; 'Councillors, $450.00; Wingman, $3.15 per hour; casual labour, $2.90 per hour; and the Disposal Site Superintendent, $2.75 per hour. , By-law # 2, 1975, 'was given third reading ,..and finally ,, passed on motion of Councillors Stothers and Foran. This by-law authorizes the borrowing of sufficient funds to provide Township • Services until taxes are collected. 13y-law # 3, 1975 was given third reading and finally passecli, on motion of Councillors Hickey and Stothers. This by-law appoints George Humphrey as road Super- intendent for the Township for a six-month probationary period at $4.25 per hour, plus $900.00 vehicle .allowance,• two weeks' vacation with pay and Ontario Hospital Insurance coverage. Motion carried. The road 'accounts were ordered paid!-on motion of Councillors Foran and Stothers. • The following general accounts were passed for payment on motion of Councillors Hickey and Cran- ston: Receiver General of Canada, postage stamps, 8.00; Ontario Hydro, arrears On tax roll, 79.74;. Robt. Aitchison, 2 livestock inspec- tions (wolves), 16.00; James Dev- ereaux, salary,, 157.86; Receiver General of Canada, CPP and UI, 9.19; County of Huron, tax Collec- tion fee, 213.20; HPron Perth TRD ,'Association, ' 1974 grant,• 5.00; Graham McNee, .dog tax rebate, 3.00; 13lyth District Fire Area,. W.W. share levy 1975, 250.00; The Municipal World, 2 -subscriptions, 25.00; Village of LucknOw, W.W. share Pool Rec. Corri., 1111 .55; Ontario Farin Drainage Associa- tion, membership fee, registra- tions, 37.00. ROAD' ACCOUNTS H. Culbert, salary„ 84.50; OA. Humphrey, salary, 310.44; M, Lyons, wingman, 195.68; James • Adams, snow plowing, 205.90; C. Nicholson, snow plowing, 351.00; M. Lyons, truck rental, 18.30; Bell Canada, telephone, 7.57; Township of Colborne, boundary account, 347.70; B.P. Oil Ltd., furnace oil, 52.73; B.P. Oil Ltd., ftrel, oil, etc., 325.19; James, Wright & Co., cable, etc., 223.85; Valley Blades Ltd., snow - blade. wing blade,' 172.05; D.R.M. Sales Ltd., supply parts, repairs, 42.68;. Receiver General of Canada, IT; CPP; UI, 45.63; Treasurer of Ontario, Exter- minator's licence renewal, 10.00. •, Council adjourned to February 4 at the sanie location at 1.00 p.m. • • :JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. ARNOLD GE ER STORE vessel. ,Juit the same with a resolution, it starts with an idea and growS. Together we stand; by ourselves we fall flat; together we are the nation The second illustration was when an' inventor invented terry towelling and show- ed it to Queen Victoria who helped the inventor finance. the machine to make many towels. Our thanks to Her Majesty for where would we be without a well filled linen closet? A word, look, smile, frown are all little cobwebs powerful for good or' evil. Think on these and remember hiWthese litleViigs can grow into a cable of, ideas. Mrs. Dan Tiffin gave _a piano solo. Current Events were given by Mrs. Jim Wilson. Mrs. Elgin Johnston gave a reading, Human Nature and Dumb•Creatures, writ- ten by Peter McArthur. This was the story of how folks coming late to a show cause others to have to mode before they' can -get to their seats. The old turkey gobnier.also illustrates this when he goes to - roost as 'he usually gets up at the opposite end to the one where .he intends to roost. As he goes along the roost he annoys each of the younger birds till they let him pass Mrs. Tom Metcalfe gave , a reading, New Year's Resolutions, which went to show the resolutions planned are usually the ones we are ' apt to break,. Two contests were then conducted The meeting closed' with the singing of the National Anthem and Institute Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mrs. Earl. Caslick, Mrs. V. Emerson and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. • • hitechurch WI WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch W.I. held their solution meeting on Monday the- th at 2 p.ni. at the borne of Mrs. met. Farrier with an attendance 20. he president Miss Merle Wil- presided and opened the eting with the singing of the e and. repeating the collect in son. The financial statement s giirefi by the secretary-treasur- Mrs. George Fisher. Thank you given from Miss Annie Ken- y and Mrs. Earl Caslick and ses Annie and Mary Laidlaw. . Fisher exhibited a flying cer quilt block:which was to be shed. It was decided to ask Mrs. tic Ross to demonstrate the, ing of biscuits at her home for ruary meeting, A committee of . Bill Rintoul, . Mrs. Lorne nin and Mrs. Garnet Farrier appointed to plan a euchre y in the future. he roll call was answered with a e Safety Resolution, when' one went to receive her Fall e and Cf)untry from the' etary. A sing song of:. 0 da, My Bonnie Lassie was yed by all. motto - A Resolution may as one little cobweb and grow a cable of • ideas was given by. Emerson. .Her rfirSt ration was an acorn ,which can to be a tree, give shade, be ood; be a home,lie ribs of a