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Rev. Doug Kaufman
Was IJOIV Speaker'
Unit 2 U.C.W.
' 9
Our first meeting of Unit 2
”Lucknow United Church Women
for the new, year was held at the
home• of Mrs. Andrew Ritchie with
15 ladies present. , Mrs. Vernon
Hunter opened the meeting with a
reading "Spilt Milk", followed :by a
hymn and prayer. The roll call was
answered by the payment of fees.
Miss Lorna Campbell gave the
treasurer's report. Envelopes for
our special project are to be given
out at the February meeting.
Mrs. Gordon Kirkland reported
on social functions, and arranged
for catering to banquet on January
17th. Mrs. Garfield MacDonald
reported that cards, toilet articles
andott-.1e flowers had been given to
the shut-ins at Christmas and that
nearly. all had been visited.
Miss Helen Thompson read the
scripture and gave the meditation.
The theme was, "The joy of
knowing Christ". A reading,.
Happy New Year" was. given by
Miss Lorna • Campbell. Mrs.
Kirkland read, "Have a Happy.
Day" and "Give Lavishly•and Live
Abundantly" and also showed a
picture in the Observer of some
years back, "The ,Story of the
Missidnary Cow" at Hudson Bay
Junction. Mrs', Hunter gave a
reading, "Mission Interpretation".
The meeting, closed with prayer.
Showed Slides
On Australia
Unit 5 of Lucknow United
church Women met at the home of
Mrs. George Newbold. The
president Mrs. Charlie Anderson
opened the meeting with a reading
"A recipe for a Happy New Year".
The roll call was answered by
paying fees. There were fifteen
members and one visitor present.
Mrs.- Robert Campbell &ire ,the
treasurer's report. Discussion
followed on ways that , we might
'raise money in the coming year:
Mrs. Russell Button repOrte,,d on
Social Functions. Plans were made
for the Agricultural banquet 'to be
held on January 17th.
The devotional period 'was in
charge of Mrs. NewbOld, who
opened with a reading "What
Church 'Membership Means".
'Hymn 384 was sung followed by a
reading from Mrs. Campbell.
Mrs. Bert Alton showed slides of
her 'visit to Aultralia which all
enjoyed. •
• Mrs. Campbell read a letter from
Rev. and Mrs. King of Cape Croker
telling of their work there on the
The meeting closed with repeat-
ing. the' benediction• in unison.
Lunch was served by the committee
in charge.
Mrs. • Bob Struthers was hostess
for the January meeting of Unit 4 of
the Lucknow United Church Wom-
en. . Eleven members 'and two'
visitors' answered the roll ,call with ,
payment of fees..
Mrs. Leonard Ritchie opened the
meeting with a New' Year's lies-.
'sage, followed by hymn. The
treasurer, Mrs, Cliff Crawford
repOrted $533.33 total collections
for last year.
Mrs. Roy Havens, . social func-
tions convener made Pans for the
Agricultural Society banqtiet Fri-
day, January 17th at 7.00-p.m and-
for the Church's annual meeting-
and pot luck dinner, Sunday,
January 26th.
Mrs. Ritchie led in devotions and
read the scripture, and meditation.
Mrs. Harvey Webster favoured
with a piano instrumental followed
by two New Year's readings by •
Mrs. Cliff Crawford.
Mrs. Ritchie introduced the
guest speaker Rev. 'Doug Kauf-
man, whO showed slides and spoke
of their life and experiences in
Saskatchewan. Mrs. Crawford
thanked him and the meeting was
closed in prayer.
A dainty lunch was served by'the
program committee.
'WhitechOtch. qCW .
VVhitechurch United Church-
Women held their January meeting
on the 7th at 2 p.m. at the . home of
Mrs. Fred Tiffin. .
The convener of Stewardship and
Recruiting, Mrs. Muriel Thomp-
son, opened the meeting with the
singing of hymn Rise Up 0 Men of
Gbd. Mrs. Russel Chapman gave a
reading and'led in prayer. All then
sang 0 Maker Let Me Walk With
Thee. -
Mrs. Lorne Durnin read• the
scripture Psalm '1'21 and Mrs.
Russel Chapman gave a poem Take
Time to Make. Life 'More Pleasant.
Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Dave
Gibb' gave the topic, Mission for.
Today; Verses were read oh
sayings of Jesus. Mrs. Thompson
read a portion of World Outreach,
telling how our church is' helping
people' in other lands. not just by
preaching but by teaching how to
do things for themselves.
The roll call was answered by 8
with paying of fees. It was decided
to have the meetings the first
Wednesday of each month instead
of Tuesday. The next meeting will
be at the home 'of Mrs. Russej
The meeting closed with mizpah
The Afternoon, Auxiliary of the
WOmen's Missionary Society of the
Lucknow Presbyterian Church met
in the church on Wednesday
afternoon, There was a smaller
attendance' than usual, owing to
illness and inclement weather.
Mrs. Jas. Little' presided, open-
ing the! meeting with a call to
worship poem, and prayer.*
Following hymn 37 Mrs. Jas. Smith
gave the Bible Study, reading
Psalm 37 and•Job 14. The steps of
a - good man are Ordered by the
Lord. Mrs. Scott ,favoured with a
piano solo, "Shepherd's Evening
Mrs.. Morgan ,Henderson gave
the Mission Study; from "A new
day. in Missions", discussing some
of, the problems in Mission work
Mrs. W. A. 'Porteous gave an
interesting review of the January
Unit 1 of Lucknow United Church
Women held their regular meeting
in 'the church parlor on Tuesday
afternoon, January 7th with seven • -
teen menibers and one visitor
answering the roll call, "a New
Year's' resolution".
Mrs. Sam Gibson welcomed the
ladies and especially' one new'
member and opened the meeting
with a poem "Ten good things"
followed by prayer and hymn No.
Mrs. Walter Dexter gave the
report' on community, friendship
and visiting shut-ins and a poem
"The gift of friendship". Mrs. Al
Irwin gave two readings on Stew-
ardship "A Patchwork Quilt" and
"The Mite Box". Mrs. Pete Cook
gave 'the treasurer's report for
1974. -
Mrs. W. G. Hunter, social
:functions leader for unit 1, made
arrangements for catering to an
agricultural banquet, on ;Friday,
January 17th at 7 p.m.' Going to
Pinecrest Nurging Home to put on.
a program was discussed and it was
decided to go on Friday, January
the 10th with Mrs. Peter Cook,
Mrs. Wes Ritctiie and Mrs. Walter '
Dexter conveners.
• Mrs. Jas. Wraith, as convener of
'devotional,. opened. 'the program
with a verse "A New Year's
Resolution". Hymn No. 46 was
sung followed by prayer. Mrs.
Nelson Raynard read two Psalms,
No. 100 and 89 and Mrs. J. Wraith
geve the meditation, "The immort-
al Christian' hymns".
Mrs. Pete Cook then called on
Mrs. 'Andrew Gaunt, whom we
were very pleased to have present,
to describe her recent trip• to the
Holy Land, and to show slides. She
told of their trip from Toronto to
Paris and Tel Aviv. by plane and
from' there on two buses of 33'
persons each to Jerusalem, where
they stayed and took tours of the
surrounding area, She showed and
described a number of pictures,
including Bethlehem; The. Garden
Tomb,. where Jesus was laid;
Garden Of Gethsemanie; The Sea of
Galilee; Capernitn., where Jesus
spent much of his ministry; River
Jordan; Bethany; Cana, and many
more' pictures of etiurcbes .and the
countryside, which made/ it all very
real. ,
Mrs. Nelson Raynard thanked
Mrs. Gaunt and presented her with
a gift.
Mrs. Cook gave a piano instru-
mental "Whispering Hope" and
Mrs. Dexter a reading "A , recipe
for a charitable New Year".
Mrs. Wraith closed the meeting
with the benediction and lunch was
served , by the committee. Mrs. P.
Cook, Mrs. Jas. Wraith, Mrs., N.
Donnybrook United Church
Women met at the home of Mrs. S.
Chatnney • on Tuesday afternoon
with 12 members present and 2
Mrs. E. Robinson gage the call to
Worship "The New Year" followed
with a New Year's Prayer. -Hymn
280 "King of Love" was sung
followed with 'a reading '.'This Year
Believe In" by Mrs. E..cRobinson:
Psalm 704 was repeated in '
unison and Mrs. ,J.' Leddy led in
.prayer. Mrs. E. Robinson read a
poem "Let Us Look Back". Each
member took •part in planting 'A
make believe garden'. Diary of, a
Bible was read by. Mrs. E.
Robinson with Mrs. Leddy taking
the Bible readings.
Mrs. Leddy took the topic "The
Changing Year" with 5 parts and
Mrs.. JefferSon singing 571 be-
tween each part. One part was
Knowledge, learn to study, we're
never too pld to learn. Another
part was on How to help in our own
,community: commit our way to the
Lord. 'If we have trust we will have
hope in the Lord. Do not expect the
New Year to have no problems,
resolve to, have faith and resolve to
break bad habits.
Mrs. S. Charriney • gave the
annual report for 1974. Mrs.. R.
Hanna took, over the business
period. Mrs. M. Johnston gave the
supply report. She' reported
sending 3 bales before Christmas-,,,
Mrs. J. Hildebrand gave flower
fund report. The next' meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. R. Bieman.
The annual meeting of the charge
will be at the home Of Mrs. R.
Jefferson' on January 4. -
Hymn 19 was sung with. Mrs. E.
Robinson giving the benediction.
'Mrs, R. Jefferson and Mrs. E.
Snowden assisted the hostegs.
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Pat 011agan, Prop.
. • .
Speaker Telb Of
The Holy:0nd
Glad Tidings. 'Following hymn 74
,Mrs. George Kennedy led in
prayer. The annual presbyterial
meeting was announced for Janu-
ary 20th in Winghatn.
Mrs. Noble Johnston invited the
auxiliary to meet in her home in
February. The toll call was called.
Mrs.- Little gave . the offertory
prayer. Following the ,singing of
hymn 606 Mrs. Sherwood closed
the meeting with' prayer.