HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-15, Page 2LETTER TO THE EDITOR Speaks Against Ideas In Proposed Mustard Report R. R. 3 Lucknow, Ontario. Dear Don, I wonder how many people are aware of the' Mustard Report which is now being put before Parlia- ment. • That addition 10 your borne Or cottage get it done now so it \k ill •he ready' in the Spring. BorrO%\ the money you need .from Victoria and Grey the old' established company that has been - custom building mortgages fear people like you since 18.89LeStart your. Winter work today at. Victoria and Grey. TRUST COMPANY SINCE 198 MANAGER J.D.' (DAVE). CROSS WO KINGSTON ST., 5244381 GODERICH" • THE LticKNoW SENTINEL, ILECKNOTC, ONTARIO • up. ins KINLOSS TOWNSHIP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Auditor, A. M. Harper, $2070.00; Livestock Valuators, Bob Gilchrist, Bob Orr and Gordon MacDonald at $8.00 per call and 15 cents per mile; Poundkeepers, Hilray Farms Ltd., James 'McEwan -and Evan Keith; Fenceviewers, Fred Tiffin, Clifford. Johnston, Don. Bushel) and Currie Colwell; Drainage inSpector,: Wm. Evans at • $3.00 per hour; Waste site attendant, .Wm. Evans - at $25.00 per day; Building inspect tor, 'Wm. Evans at $3.00 per hour and 2.50 per hour plus 15 cents per mile issuing permits; Remunera- : tion of Reeve $500.00; special meetings: 915.00; Remuneration of Council. $400.00; special meetings, $15.00. Read a first, second and third time and passed the 6th day of January, 1975. Duncan Campbell was appointed representative to the. Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority' for 1975-76; Wm. Evans was appoint- ed representative to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for 1975-76. By-law 2 - .1975 was' passed to borrow, up to $150',000.00 for current expenditures for the year 1975. Reeve Leo Murray was appointed representative on the Medical Centre Board.„Donald Bell and Barry Johnston were appointed representatives on the White:. church Hall Board and White- church Ball Park' committee for 1975. Grant Eckenswiller and Leo Murray were appointed to the Township Hall board for 1975. Ken Houston. Ernie King, John Jamie- , Donald C. Thompson, Publisher ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••4•••••••••,!bee.i¤4.• 44440........•••• The LUCKNOW SENTINEL % 1 • ' LUCKNOW ONTARIO • ° 4, to ' -Tiwsepoy Town" — On the HuromBruce Boundary 4 • • R • Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 1 *' • Established 1871— Published Wednesday 4 Member of the C.C.N.A. and O.W,N.A. . : • . • • Subscription Rate, $8.00 ,a year in advance • $2 extra to U.S.A. and Foreign • • • ., - • • PHONE 357-3862 1974 COLT, Demonstrator 1973 CHRYSLER,- 4 door sedan 1973 GOLD DUSTER d972 'FORD TORINO 1970 "VOLICSWAGON , _.wagon, automatic ( 1970 HORNET, 4. door, 6 automatic with radio .1969 PONTIAC, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic , with radio , . 1967 DODGE, 2 'idoor haidtop 1971 DODGE, 1/'2 ton express 1969 METEOR, 2 door hardtop, CHRYSLER DODGE PLYMOUTH CRAWFORD MOTORS WINGHAM ONTARIO U MQrtgages Jet quick action son, Duncan. Campbell and Barry Johnston Were appointed to the Kinloss Recreation committee fer 1975. The fence bontis was increased to $3.00 per rod for road's being constructed. A donation of $100.00 Was made to the Bruce' County Plowmen's Association. A motion was made to apply to the K.T.C.A. for the balance of road subsidy on 1974 road expen- diture. A report was given to. Council by building inspector Win. Evans showing the value of build- ings on, which permits were issued, in 1974, to be valued at approxim- ately $384,000.00. • The treasurer gave a report on, taxes owing at December 31st, 1974 to be: 1974, $18,314.49; 1973 and prior, $4204.96. The following accounts were ordered paid: Gen- eral,$2961.31; • Highways, $8008.09. The meeting adjourned until January 22nd at 1.15 p.m., or at the call of, the 1teeve. FRASER MacKINNON, Clerk. - ALTON - BENINGER Mr: and Mrs. Wilbur "Bellinger, Winghani, wislyto announce, the forthcoming marriage of their , oldest daughter, Paula Bertha, to Brian Charles. Alton, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alton, Wing. ham The wedding will take place on February 1st, 1975. ' • It' is the report of the Health Planning Task Force, apppinted to do a study of the Health 'Care Delivery. System in Ontario, and is totally destructive of this system as it presently exists in Ontario. Under this proposed system, the type of health care we would receive, would he determined by an intermediary person of non.-profes- sional standing, who would refer us to a doctor 'or other health professionar without choice: This would be unacceptable to the general public. The large number of personnel needed to run such a scheme is not in keeping with any attempt to reduce health care costs, which was the -original intent of the re-organ- ization, plan. The implications of the' Mustard Report would indicate that it would be a barrier, to physician-patient -relation, there would be fewer hospitals for the area, there would be a greater distance to travel for medical care and there would be a tremendous increase in the cost. I believe that this proposed health care delivery system is a disaster to health care in Ontario and I urge our readers to.- write letters of protest to our Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Miller; Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce; and Wm. Davis, Premier of Ontario asking'them to take strong action against this system being' im- plemented. These letters can all be sent postage free. Yours truly, Marne Wilkins. LOCHALSH Cecil Webster was the lucky Winner of a' seven pound chocolate bar, having sold the most thoolate bars in -grades '7 and 8 at Ripley District School. Mrs. Henry MacKenzie spent a few days with her sisters Eliza and Edna Cook 'in Owen Sound, ' K. L. MacKenzie is a-patient in Hospital in Wingham. Miss Sadie Johnston, formerly of this area, is also a patient in hospital. Mrs,. Warren Wylds was • in attendance at the Presbyterial executive meeting held iin Wing- ham recently. The measure of man's real character is what he would do if he knew he' woUld .never be found out. 4111111 .111mom RECOGNIZED' CONTINUED FROM 'PAGE 1 extant Governor -1973-74 for the outstanding performance of the clubs, under his jurisdiction in Zone 4 bf tire Ontario District' of Optimist International. p. RAY STANLEY Shur-Gain Beef Heifer Finishing Rations with M.G.A. get '10.3% improvement in daily gains". -1 L. Ind trat jth elf Zone 4 last 'year consisted of clubs in Aylmer, St.. Thomas, Fingal. Port Stanley. Union and Wallacetown. This _year the Belmont, Glanworth and South Yarmouth clubs have been brought into the zone. 1. This award,- which is made in recognition of the Lieutenant Gov- . ernor's outstanding leadership abilities.- is a walnut-mounted'wall set of weather instruments, includ- ing barometer. thertnometer and hygrometer. The set . carries the Optimist • emblem and a suitable engraved plate of commendation. • Of the more than 144,000 members of Optin International. and 3,200 club: th oughout the United States Canada. there were 472. offic- s of the organiza- tion's 30 dis is who held the title of Lt. Governor.. Of the- .Lt. Governors, only 74 .achieved the. Distinguished Lieutenant Governor status during the administrative year of 1973-74.. Ray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley of lucknow and, attended elementary and second-, ary school in Lucktiow before entering the teaching profession. ay role ark ers- arol nn, V, nge rs. 1pl To M.G.A. is a feed additive with three benefits. Test re- SUlts show a 10.3% improve-, ment irrdafty gains over a no additive program; better feed conversion, and. no . noticeable heat periods. Three good reasons to ask your ShurGain dealer about these new produp ts. You get M.G A. in three Shur-Gain Beef-Heifer Supplements 32% Beef Heifer Supplement Shur-Gain, (88 -M.G.I?+-) - • 40% Heifer Silasupplement Swt, (44 NI.G.A.)• ' 64% Beef ,,Heifer Supplement Svvt. ,(88 M.G.A.) .Andeeson..Flak - . Shut-Gain Pioducts Limited Finishing program - • '1" ""- RHONE 528•2026 .LUCKNOW ckn nnl nd t. be Mt nit cen xot