HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-08, Page 17Holiday in ormer Climates SOUTH KINL05$ NEWS Walter Dickie flew to Yugoslayja- an December 2260 to Spend, 10 jays there. " • Mr. and Mrs., Donald MacIntyre Ind _family, Mt.. and. Mrs: Allan vlaelntyre and family and Mr.' and VIrs. Ted Collyer were dinner uests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex VlacIntyre• of Alliston on December t2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vilchrist flew :o California on December 26th and tisited with Junes_aunt and uncle :or a week. .Donald Hamilton of Gogama, Ind Miss. , Betty Hamilton of ilagara Falls spent 'Christmas at ioine. Betty later flew to Florida 'or a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of :linton, visited at the *imp of Mr.. Ind Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton on December 31st. Dr, and Mrs,. WM. Buckton and )aby son of Kitchener, Mr. and VIrs. John . Mowbray and Mrs. Janet MacConnell spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Buckton. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm'., Haldenby .i.itertained the Haldenby families for dinner on January ,1st' at the -lolyrood Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark and iris spent New Years in Braritfoid ith Wilma's- parents. Jim :Burt came honie'on Decem- er 24th froth University Hospital, ondon. Also home were Eileen nd Norman Seeli, Donna and Ken olcombe. and Nancy BUrt, all of ondon. Home for the holidays with Mr. nd Mrs. Fraiik MacKenzie Were iss Isabel McIntosh, Tom Mac- enzie, Heather, Connie and Rod acKenzie and Mr. and Mrs.- Ian acKenzie and Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKin- on, Mr. and 'Mrs. "Jim MacKin- on, Mr. and Mrs. David 'MacKin- on, Mary and Murray MacKinnon ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. arold Ritchie on Christmas Day. Mary MacKinnon visited in uetph and Hamilton during the olidays. Mr. and Mrs. fra§er acKinnon, and Mr. and Mrs. avid MacKinnon and Jennifer isited at the home of Mra. and Mts. im MacKintnon in Guelph ,on New ear's Day. SOD TURNING ONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 remony. Over a hundred inter- ted people picked' their way rough the patches of mud and ft snow out to the east field of hn C. -MacDonalds farm - just ck of the Knox shed or Agricul- ral Society barn. Some prelimin- work had been done at the site d stria that time the W.I': Shantz rth-moving equipment, Gordon antzeperator, has moved consid; ble top soil. This reporter was ky enough to get a ride out in n Mason's car. . Don had his rtable ,public address system wn from Kincardine and it was d for 'the program. hairman of the Ripley Huron creation •Board, Bob Emerson of tple Grove, stepped up to the e and welcomed the people and ressed appreciation of the nice ' ather for the occasion. He lintd'the location of the parking the roadway;' and the location he arena.. He mentioned that actual construction 'would soon started by the Logan Construct- firm of Stratford and that they ected completion by May 31, • 4-, • a • FOOD-WHEEL-DRIVE MODELS ' K-1500 K-2500 WHEELBASE, IN. ' ,, 1171/2 -1311/2 1311/2 MAX.,. GVW, LBS. ' 6400 , 8400 FRONT AXLE CAPACITY, LBS.. 3600 .3800 REAR AXLE CAPACITY, LBS. 3750 5700 • . ENGINES: IN-LINE 6 250 .. 292 ' V8 350, 400.. , 350, 400 STD. TRANSFER CASE • , 2-SPEED ' 2 SPfED STD. TRANSMISSION • 3-SPEED MANUAL - 3-SPEED MANUAL AVAILABLE TRANSMISSIONS • 4-SPEED, AUTO. . 4-SPEED, Altid FREE WHEELING FRONT HUBS AVAILABLEt. .. AVAILABLEt tWith part-time transfer case only. In Stock Now! Available FourMheel-Drive Mod GMC's frame design and low profile drive-train and transfer case, com- pared to most other makes, allows a reasonably flow cab entry height without sacrificing ground clearance for off-road .travel. Available power steering and automatic' tfansmission reduce handling effort in rough off- road conditions. els. V8 powered models offer the con- venience and improved traction of full-time four-wheej-drive with "Man- .ual transfer case lock for operation on loose surfaces. six cyl- inder• ,models feature conventional four-wheel-drive operation and may be ordered with available 'free-wheel- Mg front hubs. Front tapered leaf springs and stabilizer bar are stand- ard: Power front disc and finned rear drum brakes are standard. Full7 time four-wheel-driVe is available in, V8 equipped K-1500 and 2500 Pick- ups and in K-1500 and 2500 Cal? & Chassis. 1r 1=1 L Jc <11 What a difference a name makes PONTIAC BUICK . CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS HAMILTOISUTREET, GODERIarl 524 8191 • .. down to Ripley wish his. car and P.A., system. As the crowd dispersed Gordon, Shantz continued moving top soil at the site with the big. tractor earth-moving machine, and for the next several days the W.1, Shantz firm of the 8th concession west. in Huron Township continued this work. • tAKICNOW:SENTINEL, I.00KNOW, ONTARIO 1975. Acting as M.C, in a very Capable mannet, Bob next called on Reg Moore who spoke on' behalf of the Senior Citizens. Reg stated that, while all are conscious of the work done by the pioneers, day (December 21,4974) belongS to the young people of the„, corning generation, Jim Needham, representing he community Development Group, followed). .Reg at 'the mike. Jini stated .tfiat, while thete had been obstacles .to overcome, it was well worth the effort to 'do so. ',Tim ended with "it's a big day". MisS pail Mesenger of Reid's Corners next spoke on behalf of all the students at the Ripley Huron Central and. Ripley District High Schoot.q.. 'In her brief clear remarks Gail backed Reg'S , remarks and hat the students were behind t 'project. • Next was Bob's co-chairman John D. MacKay who said. that "it was a proud day for him even though it was a longtime coming'.'. President of the Ripley and 'District Lions Club ; Bill KemptOn of Amberley, said that the local Lions Club was a hundred percent' behind the new-coinplex Representing the Ripley Huron Legion Branch 440 was George (Bill) Tranter. He reminded the folks gathered at the site that the Legion had always; supported the minor sports program and that they would continue to do so. Jack, Farrell- spoke as vice president of the Ripley Agricultural Society and stated that the Society was also one hundied per cent 'for' the new Recreation. Centte. M.C. Bob Emerson then called on representatives 6onri the Neigh- bouring townships of Ashfield, Kinloss .and Kintiardine. Mr. Leo Murray, reeve of Kinloss township came to the Mike and on behalf of the : -people eof Kinloss offered congratulations to the members .of the local board who, had worked for the centre. Reeve of the village Of Ripley, Clayton Nicholson, said that this was a most encouraging day for the area. Clayton mentioned the co-operation' between Ripley and Huron councils ' and reminded people of this next summer's reunion marking Ripley, - 50 years a village. Reeve of Huron Township Rus- sell Stanley said that he' was pleased to bring greetings on behalf of Huron and that he wished the project success and completion on the propoSed date, May 31. Both the federal and provincial members of parliament were pres-. .ent. First Crawford Douglas - just elected this past summer to Ottawa -• said that the government was behind any community looking after its young people. He said that he was glad to see young folks -present-a-nd -that -he-was-Isure--that, they would carry on in their time. He offered his assistance to the new Recreation Complex and con- eluded his 'speech with reminis- cences. from the days of his own youth. Next Murray Gaunt - member in Toronto - said that he was pleased to be in Ripley again. Murray opened the Ripley Fall Fair last September. He stated that the Ripley-Huron commnnity needed this facility and had his support. Bob Emerson then announced the-official sod turning ceremony: Two sods had been carefully placed onthe snow earlier and also a small goldeOlouted shovel. Russ Stanley carefully -turned over the firs( sod and Clayton Nicholson the second one while' at least seven photo- graphers clicked away. Rev. Robert Putnam of Reid's Cornets then offered a fitting prayer. twills concluding remarks- M.C. Bob Emerson expressed thanks.to those- in attendance and, invited them to come to the basement kitchen in the Huron Township hall foi a cup of 11414 coffee. Ted and Jeff Rouse had set up the coffee . PAGE SEVENTEEN .•-•-0M6,:fOutiwheOlicirj*:.roOdel$ 1975 -MAC JIMMY Jimmy , Equipped with mouldings and speCial two lonee Excellent Terms or 5 passenger seating, 350 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, heavy duty cooling, Trade-In Allowance radio, chrome buMpers, gauges, auxiliary top, radial white walls. 1975 GMC SIERRA 3/4 ton' pickup 350 V8, automatic, power steering, poWei brakes, tow hooks, large' mirrors, upper Mouldings, heavy duty wrings, rear, bumper, , gauges, 7.50 x 16 tires, radio, chrome hub caps. ' maker and hall caretaker Ham MacKinnon had arranged tables and chairS for the occasion,. Bob also expressed" thanks top Don' Mason of Kincardine for coming .. • 1/ECONOSIDAY, JANIM - 8, 1975 . ' ' . sail