HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-08, Page 10vuVt r'4 V1 txa�kh Nlx ill() ..
lett• A, eitits. were Mt acid
_ i_th. and Rabbit'ul'
lett, C:kacease
Stntl ,rid Mr mid Mrs, John
daZcncc taf IA":lied ' • j
With': FltilChadw+F.iak, farcical -la cif Lod
tw 'i� v rsitixtg �� ttlr 1sdr ..cited . J
4"i �teae bare neon
Sunday ' grr•4ts ,With ; llrlr. • axid
a e d..prior .t.
aeents, (Mir and
idand:nd�: fancy,
-Mr. and;-M�rri .. Ritchie
spent Christmas Sunday at ,the
#tame of his sistter, 'Mrs. Ivan
:Paperick tai:?roderich
Jerome-.faMilies /had on Christ-
imas.Day,=firiends Mr, and Mrs.` Ron
•{Ryckman ;af 'Campbellviile :and
=and Mrs Lynn Jerome andfamily
ta:lesrd la'rtiiii ''ltltati ... kl : % d Tiffin F?t 1�'r; fa�ertte•
hlth�rc-h . --
nft d 'h+ .rch
Wrt11'I'`ECH11R.Cf1.NE'W S• .
The 'United, J Church , S:anday
and fMt^s, Wtrty. • vden wt , t. rs
'kit^titi of Wit hn wz arrtid M.irs,. Julia rS,-ht of Held'their Christmas concert
erica Mt:. .ami• Mrs Alltrat 3 f+ s. can l+rida'y evening in , they church
eiC a ., k• family. ., and r n's lana 't u to • ar ditoriu x .. With student
Wtttte�^hut'vh Wuttte', tt ti
Mrs OliverfMoG t s gid Mr, lu °ions meeting Liarry King°as:chairman'the. fgIlovt+
and Mss:ii :M�Krie: } will lei their t g
,i ; i �3 t ..2 • . ni at the Inane t f lig program was enjoyed;
Mt. and Ml's, �itr�`r MseDcanal�d t F °' •' Roll call ,• A The opening recitation was given
tutirtarry a la .
1 Mr Crane - tart ter..
.enatrceri mefav afae ida firta�^irtt; i home s�a:te v'.'eso1utton, Motto.A by Donna Whytock followed by a
enfewy n Bee :halnyv gather, resolution may start as one littlea . 'reading, by Jimmy Laidlaw. The
John ' dlev •retati�tt?�al; fc� his f ; : , grow � , e table of Sunday School chptr sang. .A play,
home in Ltt•cknow for the holidtay , c��obwett and gt w to b a t ,
l 1 ideas, Mn: 'victor Emerson. Gifts that cost. More thane money",
Dop Far her .of, Hamilton; `Mr.. ;soon annd visited ntatwV ftFiend. c _ by :Players Linda Moore, Cn .
fa 1 .and relatives in this area, telli , of 1. Speaker Keaotuucans • , Must p
i Mrs. 'Wn a
Ina, Current Events Moore, 'Claire Weber and Calvin
• of '.Vanastra,-•;4Ckltnten. his :experiences, while in Ireland ; d and
�, •: - Mn; .las.. W1 son; Lunch Mrs.
of Toronto visited :and .:hin travels in other , untcn.s . t ul M;rs.. V. Emerson.
the Saturda li�efore Christmas with ` :before returning to Toi^oiito johnW rte Rant i
his brother, 'Dou las ..Hackett and .was on a fix week 'course in a ! Mrs. E C asi.r k.
also hispa>•etits. xMr, :and°LVIrs. p Mr.' and 'Mrs. Leroy :Rantoul,.'
;Thomas 4Hackett Sr. at Pinecrest Caroll. Kimberley and Debbie of.
Manor 'in rfarcknow, y gathering 1 ottenhzim visited Monday to
•Mr: an'd °Mrs•, Tom Heim and Friday' last 'week with their ,parents.
family spent Christmas Sunday at Ciord
.'• •the•bo:tne of her•..par�ents,..Mr.. and
Mrs.: tuner Pollard •and : _family , of
Ripley. •Christmas' Day' was spent.
with :the .kleim. families 'at the Log
hos iter in Ireland. •
The" •Gibson families :held R:
fam-il�. ' atherin. •at thy', M & -R
Restaurant in Lucknow on the '29th.
of .December.: Mr, and. Mrs. on • Rintouland
Mr:.'and .Mrs.. Bill Barrett`; and Mr.. and Mrs Stanley Black' of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacKenzie of 'Belgrave: / -
Toronto visited �Mrs..Henry Mac-
Newsts with Mr. and
Kenzie and Neil. and Mr: and Mrs. "ears .gue
Mrs. Elmer Sieaighthaim. were Nir. Collo .. t .a . 's class, n.. d merge. ' Ma
Ross. MacKenzie and boys. • and Mrs. .Dave. Slei htholm• :of Adams and Kenny Quipp. Murray re, Fie de . Gregg
,,Doug Martyn '.returned homie • g
� GQdericti; Mr.. and .Mrs., Dalton Quipp's..recitation was followed ��a 1�a Ptd and �,.'
from hospital in Kincardine where Noels of Crediton., Mr, and..Mrs. Garnet Perrier's saxaph a sago,
he had :been a patient over the Nelson' Sie• htholm and family.of • accompanied' by, Mrs: Farrier; Forster.
then s Av aW.'
'holiday season.
Brussels. Karen Laidlaw rendered a solo and • a - }4
Mrs, Oliver McCharles enter- Richard Moore ',during holidas � ave a recitation_' Jack Why-ssock il
tainedhe�r class in China:' Painting Y �"w
on Saturday. • • was busy, playing hoekev ..with ' played a violin solo. The Nati: j. class. We y Kay,
• • MiSs Do na Wylds of LondonLuckriow. team. in the Milverton Play included all the°'Sunday Serol, ;g�rte
is n Y game they lost S-4.. In the week end. students. Tbe. collection was r
was one of the lucky winners in the David ' .�tu � � t y. ��� _ L
recent •Ol}rmpic Draw., tournament • with Blyth• they won received and dedicated. tae t, -, ,� Bill Gtcc
4-2 and on Su ay lost to Seaforth * The Sunday School., choir sang g Ems•. was prase
Cabin :Restaurant in r .Lucknow
where thirty .gathered.
Mr:•,and Mrs. D. A. Hackett :and
fstiiily celebrated :Christmas Day
with her: sister, ' 'Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Walker of Wrngham. On
Boxing Day. the Uacketts . had as
riisitors his brothers. Mr. and Mrs.
Gmage Hackett and Nancy. of
Calgary, • Alberta; Mr. and Mrs.
- Maki.. Hackett and family and his
father. Harry Harlan in Lucknow.
Mt and Mrs. Christmas
catch had on Christmas Ever .
par ts: Mr:. and Mrs. Al Irwin, a
her. brother Mr_ anad Mrs.. r Bob celebrated ` Christmas Day with'
?n., .pearl.: his and: Craig'and visitors. their daughter: Mr; and
Laniard frwui ail: of Luckno - Mrs_ Frank Riegling, Craig. Todd,.
Mr.. andyrs Douglas Ray�irard Lisa_ Carl and Mark; Mr. and Mrs.
...k, and handy, bad has parents Mr, and Carman MacAulev and John and:
Nelsen Rave rd cif Luaieno:w l Mr and Mrs Mark MacAule
• Chars ,,Pr..eri Churg
held their Chr sus Sunday,Scit,
ebncert-m .'St ay Salmi roe
on Monday evening,. Dec ner
air'6_30p nr. .
s r. Bev Kay, , strident preache
resid 1. 'andgave -an.o enin
prayer..• The. Sunday School .g r
,7 opening Chorthe
Vis..: R.en
Pardon gas,: tfhe 3, S0¢8,g recta'
Zion. • • ;�
Ars.. Punkin'
p'a`y'. was even ' by . Patsy Scott
Quipp, was , enjoye •. Nancyclass of ll cla+ael �., St
a , s W aymia Forster, Lye 'fir" 1
and Cara Blom:. A ,. The LA:
Tree was'then :_teki' S .
gave a fid: so/o., Graham . K
Santa •Claus was sang & s' ,a Baric
iven b Kenneth':Quippi followed ,bva .:the accords
g Y
byi ;Christmas music with Jackie Tloe was' receive
W hytock on•" the. violin and Garnet Faye leu Viii Scott
Farrier with clarinet accompanied
by Mrs. ,/Farrier. on the piano. A
play was presented • by . Linda so
Moore, Claire Weber, en
•:fie'"• schooer
Karen Quipp gave a dance n�urber.
Janet Laidlaw sang a solo ' and'
Larry King with his guitar led all in
songs: '
The story of.
-a 0
,ktl itt' 3Yrt..W.;'k
by Mr. Kao: ..
da G gage. a: pa�
f by a ply' Bai
Drummer Bov. and Here We. k 1�; ed. Waster ex`s Has,
a Caroling. Larry King sang. a solo Sem. mamma, de Boer. Cis
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Most of followed by the closing r , G . Clara , ;;Ban 'Fa .. -w' Ate,
Plattsville .s tit Sunday with. Mr, given .bv . lleen Adanis
and °Mrs: Be McClena hen. � and fid' Rosa � "fin^` ';
t; Same Claus arrived 'to distrlb to .4E• e. E'er: Chi -
Mr. and Mrs. arman Farrier. - .the gifts placed beneath a t Tom_,,whh the .. reedit::
Colleen 'and (.'arol of Long Branch l decorated lighted tree:' ,., A%L $ in the c r'
visited on. Monday last with. Mr. • r
and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. After t g i
v and w!•:
on C Dray'. it as v'erY Duncan, of Ripley. Other visitors at' ' Mrs.. Mack Stewart of Waterloo * . LUCKNOW
di tppttinnnng the: Rai nards as ' the Rneh•.ie home during the accompanied Donald. Stewart, Lori, ii,
the c-lnleh were sick with the i Christmas season:M
_ were r: and Debbie and Charles of London -to UNITED ' CHURCH �,
> ca during the C Mrs- 1 1 Bass Mr' 'and' M'rs visit on Friday with Mr. and Mrs:
i Fo*a ii de Boer e the
n f by the O^_-
• Santa CSS arrived•
• gds to the :Sunda.- S•„:-
• sem . This Sautes Circa .
se'i ii • k { - .. Aid Ritchie all of Lucicniow; Mr.. ' Carl . McCienaghan. r Rye. Doo Klufnian
Mr. esti M 1•..3.ti�2.'LY e F3 . .ee •1 nn .- _ _ _ _ _ r. _ 7.. . -._.7 Kimberley1retarnad Ldldl ^_
carpel 'acid John l�'a Kenai -
spent Chn-istmats Day as the. t este of g w t ear Ttrreant 1 d Mrs. Florida. •
• and Mrs. Chris Brown. Heather • r.. andMrs. van avr,
•t v 1° n es -" : Mrs, � Hent and Laura •of Friday night from ' their, trip to 2
Mr- and Mrs' Wesiev Ret ie in ' as anMiss' Ruth Elliott of :Kitchener ' CY1 ata [O SERVICE Loa Barry �} fo€antta
LtieitnOW .
Mt , and' Mrs.. Jo Hunter and spent the week end with her
l cru #as f i zz" and fns inner. i r. and Mrs. Walter 4 If! a.m.', Y Med
mania; 1 a, Sc. of ' lir:wrest fainspent Christmas' Day atthe parents
its, of "lis `steer- Mr. aryl rs. Elliott-
Mattuf. l.imkni w., risen± C-iu Mr.. and Mrs. David -Bean of 4 ail`
M•� Scott " ansa family andhis" ;•
' 13ay at• iris sister's. Mr. arnd Mrs.
fti#ffnrd Waif' of Tees-waterMr. and. Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. .
mother. Mrss.. .Jake • Hunner of Brampton spent a few days with' t
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Swan and l i ve.
tanrtiiy spent Cbriztanas:.Suiidav at Mr. and Mrs. 3 > . 'd Gibson and Mrs. Agnes Elliott of Wingha d
.spent New Years with Mr. and
the hom, of #ret -__M wird fames arx Mr- and Mrs. Allan
w.,t*� .H�liot-t-aod--family.'
Mrs, Ge ctnn Esnaiermn of Kin- GthSin and, farad') , cele -orated -
card ne . Orr • Boxing. Day the was on Boring DaY at , Sttideitfpreacher Larry King ceras
Swans apent Christman at the Wbne= fel' wtmre thirty t. ufiable to conduct services . on 3�
Legidn Hall in Riiplay where her 3 ear of the hsIn famaiv gather- Sunday at the United Church due to t�
grandmother. Mrs. Herb Farrell 1 e1d.a cold and Mrs. Millan Moore
field. the day for the relatives. :Ve
ves. r. and: Mrs: , Gordon Kirkland ' condnicted the service.
John Riu:f, to and • K ermy spent t Celebrated Chrrstmas Day with
trsnnas Eve at the liorrie of Mr. + their family at borne. Mr. and Mrst
and : . Rt,v Perillingtaq and K.tn. Kiritland of Mehta: Mr. and
sandy cf. Wingiitam- 1 Ws. David Kiridland aitd family of
Mr. and Mrs- Lorne .Cook and. Lirei now and 'lance of Wi tarn:.
giro caletnared Gro ens Day . ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wilkins •
having the Gook tardily. his par -.i and tawny celebrated. 'Chrtsxnas'
erns. Mr. and Mrs. flet- Cook of l Dav with fists. itis brother. Mr.
ferclarowa•Mr. and IVs. bran (oak. t and Mrs. Reda WiBmis.andferrnily.
Susan. Ronald. Tann and Coieen' On .Friday. . December 27th. Mt •
af Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. P r and Mrs. Charles Wiiii3irs cele at -
S • Lac, and • ire at era the Christmas Season with Mr.
.n. On Eluting Dav Ms'. and and Mrs..Wesiev Alton of London-_
Mrs. Lorne Cook tray as •ogre , Mr. and Mrs. liaryev Ritchie.
SeltrieT Mr and . titra Pubj.: Donna. ar'an arid Mei spent
ASmnak. is and Baan c r; tet. Chiristanas Dav with her siater. Mr..
,ad 1n and Mrs. Barr Wvtie of For'dwiCh.
. and Mr . aim mer arso • tier. and 'Mrs_ Eltian Ritchie and
nein strata . as Das at the tatnilst shear Christmas Dav with
tie st -rte ne:ce. Mr. anti Mrs. • ner rimer: Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn
Cecil a'aranstra tit . 'trtir± Ori firre and tacinnv where the Bogie
L; v :he rraa *°e~ s -:tient are manors, s• .2ttter'u.
rear z - ineinc 71 nersysie . 'tier • . Mr. and Mrs. ,alas Oirc.'ue and
and !tis. :, e Ra prie st' n o - farnila h:in er ,„is~tr.rSc ler siszee
,e -y .- a 3ac':ie sa'n wine s- and Mrs:, Duffe
mix 'a ai li I.bni (iii f Hati'inta n .
&tente Carts -Mas aign1•'.iir.: Fr-daa evemn
Rev. Peter Br€f
of London
2:30p.a .
Service toned by
Rev. Karel Boera
from 4'anastra
Ba ter G d tear
Message of Today '
..How ro be .vOtir :oxa
Oes. ` f no
yOK Sartith, 10 ore.
Radio diCi
OS Ot‘-ert, SrAtneL.". IAaA-..'may^
• • time for the , e folks an•c<;: t e
much -went with his -e.--z;
` d amens. .
:joint CandleIigi
ftSrvice Present
wmIITECR#Cd 'w
Presbyterian' Church
Roo; > Il bik LAt.. S.D.
Picone SIIM40
10: arn. &May School
MOO am_ Marubig W.
The second. Candlelight Ser.
by the chi of mer ` ra-e5
tartan. Langside Press ..:e;
Chcrclhes and Why tec tarsi. L'.71
Ceturch- tinter -The• s
MF. Larry King. student t,;r ts: e
the United Church anal M
Kay. The organist was M), ' l
Ross. -The Bell Ringers
Andrew's Presby, erian
lormgharn ander• the direct :
Gordon Leggaat • assistei' -
i service.
The program wed •:'
numbers: introduCtion
audience and Prayer. • Se
readings: numbers by Sr , _._„
Bell Ringers: dranratizata.
1 Birth of Jesus,: drarnarrz a -•
l Shepherd story. g
asassrsaaaaaaasaaansaasassaasaanassaaaa zattan of Wise ten's st14r.
O !rich„ Pastor
diction- chair and Bail R -a:
1 recessional and organ F)g, . -
The church was Astir.:
candelabra loaned by Fir :- %
!TT Wingharn.
Wngharrt. The choir e,:''.
either aisle carrytne lici'tr _ .:..
les which were pla4:t
candelabra .