HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1975-01-08, Page 9RIPLEY..AND • - 'PONS CLUB • 1#1400 . • . . ',WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 HURON TOWNSHIP fiALL RIPLEY 1 at regular games plus speci..ais . arid jackpot for $100;00 -the season on Monday, January 6th, with the first -Mixed Draw on Thursday, January- 9th.- Commit- tOs will be meeting this coming week to draw the new rinks, which be posted at The Club,as soon as,possible. Skips.will be phAcined so that all curlers may be notified:- , It • - . January 6, Jini MacDonald; curling with Sandy: MacCharles, Murray bert ,and Carrick , Coning were' winners ot the - Martin-Weber Trophy for- the third time, at the bonspeil sponsored by Chris COoke and son Harold of LucknoW. This rink crushed all oppositimi with three witiS, each with a ftill plus 'of eight. Cam Bogie of Goderich came secold tor the day with three wins and a- plus of tWelve, Cam t was assisted by Jim Hawkins, Jamieson Ribey and Ralph Foster. Third place went to Ivan Rivett's fink of Len Bowman, Roger and Torn Moore, with two wins and a plus Of sixteen. 'The game betWeen Riveft and Bogie was. a cliff-hanger with Myatt haYing last rock and a : chance to. go one up on the final end, but settling for a tie. In the extra half-end Cam Bogie came up the winner. Bob Johnston, of the local club took second place on the 11 o'clock draw, and waS aided by Don Gaunt, Bob LyonS and Harold Cocike. with two whiS 'and a plus of ten. • Third place entries 'were skipped by Donald MacTavisli and Jim West. ,Other entries; bringing home the baeon were -those of Jim Clancy of Southampton, Harry Scott, Leroy Walden, Ronald Far-, rell, Blake Alton of Lucknow, and G. SmYth of Dungannon. An added feature of the evening was the :thinese Auction' which • saw Marie MacDonald purchase the old 'Pail heater for a quarter. Grant •MacDonald auctioned the item which realized the aniount of $20 for the club. It was donated back to the club by the purchaser,/ Glen ij111••••••••••••••••• SPECIAl MATINEEJ :30 P ,M • • SATURDAY AND SUNDAY .11A444. 11 12 • • • . Bring the • Whole • Family ALI. SEATS • ONLY 75c ' Ma* T.yam s • • udd4b441:: '13C AL'Ir 3FR wiNGHAM ONIARIO PHONE J 5 JO : .DAIllY AT 7:00 and 9i00 P.M. : • ;;...------7 .1117-:--1"2 , • • • • Ar.. ATt y-r- 5 • -3.... , • RtrZot liviPastsi • • aciNatoisontepunaer • hinatown: • • '"ONE OF 'THE • - YEARS BEST ' ea 11166••••••••••••••• - Sun 11 Mon 13 Tues 14th • • - • ' • • • One Complete Showing Doily • • at 7:30 P.M. . • • " o • • • • • * • • • . s • \ • • • Oh \ • 4 • • • • • • • • • LYCEUM • • • • Thurs. 9, fri. 10, Sat. Ilth '1/0 • • • • • ADMITTANCI to •tost.3 , reAs AG. vir . SRN • • 41: , Atimi:TT'ANF:e . OFlomzir • •t•scoel _ NAis co 444 cwri The mostiosi t'SotIng! '1 • mysleiv years • BOT • LANCASTER The • 1110 low • ••••••••••••••••••••it • • • • • VENDOME HOTEL Dining Lounge AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 4P AP' AP AP AP AP Ap jr Alp dr dr dr OPEN FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. SPECIALIZING IN H'OME COOKED MEALS AND PIES 1116 AP AP AFP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Ar AP AP 4P AP dr AP -ENTERTAINMENT & pANCING IN THE LOUNGE AF'ilEARING TI-IIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JAN. 10 AND 11 Htimmingbirds Town & country. High bowler for the ladies' was Anna Johnstone with a single of 231 and' double_ of 388, . High single , for the men was taken by Peter. Cook with 187. Spence had high double of Team points: Reds S, Oranges 0; Yellows 0, Greens 5; Blues S, Violets 0: • Team standings: Blues 43, Greens 39, Reds 37, Orange* 31, Violets, 26, Yellows 19. Season's Greetings to• All! Kinloss . January 3 . Harry Lavis• iolled high single with a score of 247 and Gerald Rhody rolled high triple' with 624. Other men 200 and over: Gerald Rhody 246, 221, Alf Herbert ,238, Don Famish '202, Evan Keith 200. High for the ladies was Marilyn Rhody with a single of 244 and Merle Rhody with a triple of 565. Other ladies 200 and over: Nancy Swan 221, Isabel„ Tiffm 218 and Mary Lavis 202. - Team pointS: Kings 5, Snows 0, Wealthys 5, Spys 2, Macs 2, Pippins 7. • Team standings: Spys 57, ,Pip- pins 56, Kings 53, MacS 48, WealthYs 48, Snows 34. 6:30. Op; Jean Phillips bowled the high single of 2517- and also the high triple of 567. Good bowling Jean. Games of 200 and over:- Ann Purney 225, Jean . Phillips 251, Marion MacKinnon 202. • Team points: Ruth Thompson's Emeralds 0, Grace Gammie's Rub- ies 7; Pat Livingston's Sapphires 2, Cora Thompson's Pearls 5; Trudy Foran's Opals 2, Ferne MacDon- ald's Diamonds 5. Team standings: Pearls 64, , Rubies 55, Opals 54, Sapphires'53, Diamonds 47, Emeralds 42. im nd lin : e 1 • t1 d - e n g n • n Ly Ire he av tle en•. ny av as ne Ler L• er-. wo :he Drt cle ef- 'he 30 THE SQUARE PARK PHONE 574-7811 I GODEHICH AIR CONDITIONED WED . TNURS , FRI.. SAT., • JANUARY 'A, 9, tO 11 *kr eto •., .:. 4.4...,.... e.1.9/ A . ,,: : ' • JULIE flotilla' '-._ sl'''.. CHRISTIE SLITRERLIHREI :-.:,.,,, 4 nr. , ADULT *ENTERTAINVENT NIATINEE-SATURbAY, JAN. 1.1 'Tom Thumb - SUN ISICSH ' YUES — JANUARY 12 13 14 . hiblir\lir '00A/10tif°11614 "011g11f FNMA. DRZWINS 6 EDON (OMFD1' imp vim, six. MILINC P. _L.. Qe7F3:•'.fr , . Web THUR FRI EAT — JANUARY IS IS 12 10 V. SIDNEY POITIER - KELL CtlISBY ' HARDY IIELAIONITE (UPTOWN . . , SATURDAV I NIGHT i • ,... a ADU1.Y EAIYERTAINSIENY The on :ore ow ate 2. the lpe ere ray 7tirr- - ne; rott ind ley aul FS INE.PNESOAY,,JANIlliyItY 19.75 • • ‘'‘. . ... . • BY DOI•1 McLAY 41.arry S.eott's foursorne Was the winner of the Christmas, draw in the Men's club when he defeated .Sandy MacCharles by a score a 84. Harry had Ronald Farrell, Ed Fink and Elmer Stneltzer assisting, ' and Sanily 'was aided by Leroy-, Walden, Donald MacTavish 'and Ralph Hunter. In the. Semi-final series, Harry had defeated Doh Paquette 12-8; 'while Sandyl had defeated Harry Coiling by a score of -84. Curling with -Don Paquette ,were BO) Love, Wray Osborne' and' Jerry Huber. .Harry Colling had Howard Hodge, Jim MacTavish and Donald Pollard on his rink. Harry Scott's rink will play for- the Club championship at the end of the season with the Winner of the Winter Draw. . • ***** • Boxing Day saw a repeat of the very popular "Family Day" _at_the . 'clqb, with twelve' rinks taking part in the two., two-game draws. Winner of the 1 o'clock draw was Sandy MacCharles entry, with the assistance of the McLay family for the second game. Taking second and third spots were the Leroy Walden.' family rink, and ' that Of Don Paquette, respectively. Skip-. ping other rinks on the early draw were Norman ,Barnard, , Charles Liddle and Howard Hodge. . The • Jack S'cott family-% were, winners of the 3 o'clock draw, with Ronald Farrell taking second place and Donald ./vtacTavish_ in third spot. Other family entries, in order of their finish were those of Jim' MacDonald, Jerry Huber and El- mer Courtney. '- ***** - -The next event at the Club will be the Martin-Weber bonspiel, sponsored by Chris Cooke, which takes place on Saturday, January 4th. ***** All' draws will get underway for Ladies 9 p.m. High single, Marg Montgomery 211; high triple, 'Anna Johnstone 579. ' Ganies over 200: Grace ,Hopf 201, Marg Montgomery 211, Ev-' elyn Hendekon 208; Dianne Carter 202, Anna Jahnstorie 2q0.- Game pointsv. Lynn Vrt'iali's Tulips 2, Merle Rhody's CraffodilS 2, Anne Wisser's Lilacs 5,;Zena Riegling's Hyacinths 5, Irene Nelson's Crocus 2, Anna Johnstone's Narcissus 5. Team standings: Lilacs 76, Hya- cinths 64, Tulips 55, Daffodils 53, - Narcissus' 48, CroCus 40. Good luck in the New Year.. Federation Christmas Dance On Saturday, December 21st. at Saltford Valley Hall. a large crowd attended a Christmas dance -spon- sored by_the Ashfidd Federation of ',Agriculture.. This was the first time the Ashfield FederatiOn • had at- tempted, this type of prOjeet and from the number of people in attendance and the good time had by all, it was declared a roaring Success. . . The music_ was provided by The Cavaliers of London. Rdn Machan' Home Hardware,. .Schmid's , Jewellery and China, Lucknow Co-op, Sepoy Variety Store, Arnold's 'General Store and Teeswater Creamery ddnated to- w-rds the 'event. , A delicious lunch wa's prepared and served by Mrs. Harvey Mole of Lucinow. Manley of Southampton who hAd bOught the heater on a previous auction for $13, tWo years ago. , **** * A mixed club spiel will be held this coming Saturday, to enable new members to participate in a bonspiel. Convener Carrick Coiling is looking for entries from_twenty- folic ladies and gents, each, .to fill the list. You are invited to put your names on the entry list posted, at the club. ' * * * • The -Word is "go" for all draws thi's week as play commences for ladies, gents and mixed fOr the balance of the winter. Ie is a pleasure to welcome so.many new ctirlers' to the grand old game, and it is hoped that you thoroughly enjoy it. LANGSIDE Liane Young entertained four of her little School friends after school on Monday to celebrate her eighth birthday. , Two girls from this district have been Candy striping ,'at Wingham and DiStrict Hospital op Saturdays. We are sorry to report that Jim Moffat is under the doctor's care and hope he will soon improve. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Bates. Special muSic at the- Langside Presbyterian Church ChristMas service was two solos, "What Child is This" by Nancy de Boer and "0 Holy Night".by Graham Kay, and a pageant by the children "Away in a Manger" and "Glad Christmas A number of People from Lang- side attended - the Candlelight • .• LOGHALS}I.'„ ,F14ppy New Year to everyOne and .Hope and LoVe for a new to-morrow. --Holidaying "with.. Mr.-and MrS.'' Oliver McCharles were Mr. and ,Mrs. • •Allan ,McCharles and.: fainily of Montreal, Mr: 'and Mrs.. Donald .McCharles and fainilY Of Chatham!. Mr. John McCharles; and Brenda .Joy.of Petrolia,.Mr, an4 Mrs. McTavish ,of MOntreaL. who'. • all' visited Grandrna. Mocha:ries • whO. • quite ill . in• Clinton, Also. visiting " -the •parents friends' were . "MiSs Margo and Doug Matthewitari, Ken ,Farrish of Cambridge., i;Mas$:, . • David Farris.h. of Stidbury„..Mr.- and. .Mrs. George MiODOnald and ,Julie flondOn, 'Misses 'Edna 'and Eliza !Cook of' Owen 'Sound, MiSs COIL of WindSor, JOhn Martyit of !London, Mr, and. Mrs. Rod .FinlaY-' 'son of.Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. :Bill .Finlayson-and faniily Tee.swater,' ;MISS:Carol, Finlayson . Mr.. and. MrS. paul Emberlin,. Mr. 'and Mit. Bill 'Rodgers and'famitly all..of .TOrontO, to name a .;.Doug M'artyn . Spent Christrhas in Kincardine, Hospital where he. had had surgery the -Sunday preYiou.S.' Ainsley Martyr,' • who . • had . been hospitalized in, London returned' home in-better health. '• Mr: and Mrs: •Ewan MacLean entertained Mrs..' Isobelle Martyn, Mrs. Doug Martyn, ,Airisley. and Donald and Mr. and Mrs. -.John Martynthristmas Day. . • . Mrs. Emile . MacLennan 'had:her family with her during the Christ- ma's holiday. • , • • Miss. Doris W.ylds -of Toronto- visited with her father. and enjoyed Christnias dinner. with Mr. and MrS. Lloyd Wylds and Ivft: and Mrs.. Finlay MaCDOnald /enjoyed a ChriStimas • Holiday in THE LEFICNOw $ENTINEIL, ,I.:LitICNOT4 ONTARIO PAGE NINE Ripley Curling Newst Service at Whitechurch Sunday Florida with Mrs. MacDonald's evening which was broadcast over CKNX. father. ; " Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntOsh Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Rudi. and family spent the ChTistmas Kathy,• Marilyn, Margaret and holiday in the Sunny South. • .Alex of London visited with Mrs. Orr, Bob and Dick on Sunday. A TIP TO REMEMBER While outSide playing, Margaret Write a fetter each week . to a - had the misfortune to break her left '-shat-i-n- telling 'them - the- -bits .-of wrist, She will have it in a cast for new's you'leel will bring them some six weeks. cheer.