HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-07-13, Page 1tic Single Copies p Three Cents Cburcb 0.1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Iiluetrated Travelogue through Japan, which was given in St. And rew's church, on Wednesday eveninf, by Mr, S. Murao, a native of Osaka, Japan, was very much enjoyed by the audience. It was the Annual Meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society, and it is not often the people of Wingham have the privilege of hear- ing a speaker from the Ottoman Em- pire, Owing to the absence of the pastor, the pulpit of St, Andrew's church will be occupied for the next few Sundays as follows: • July 1Gch by Rev. Mr. Dobson of }r+'ordw'reh, July 23rd by Rev. Mr, Boyle of Belgrave, July 30th by Rev. Mr. Tate of Bluevale, and the fallowing two Sabbaths by Rev. Mr. Lockhart of Hillsdale, son of our re- spected townsman, Mr. Robert Lock. hart. SALVATION ARMY Memorial service was conducted in the Salvation Arxny citadel on Sunday by Capt. Huband in memory of Pte Percy Syder, who lost his life fighting in France, June 17. Hymns which were favorites of the dead hero were sung. The service was impressive and reverent references were made touch- ing the life of the departed comrade. The Army band played "Promoted to Glory." METHODIST CHURCH Regular services will be held in the Methodist Ohureh next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and? p.m. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Hibbert will preach at both ser- vices. Hie evening subject will be, "The Mountain Vision." You are cordially invited. Dr, E. C. Wilford, returned mission- ary of China and a brother of Mr. A. Nl, Wilford, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, July 23:d. Mr. Wilford will give an interesting account of his ad- ventures and life in China. About sitsy members of the L, 0. L. attended Divine Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, the P. M, of 794 preached an excellent and instruct- iye sermon to the brethren. ea Over Sixty Years as Orangeman Mr, William Cornyn moved to Wingham over sixty years ago from Hamilton and in that long period has never missed a twelfth of July celebra- tion, being a member in good standing continuously of L. 0, L. No. 794. Mr. Cornyn was at the station to see the the Orangemen leave to celebrate _in Clintonat6 30 on Wednesday morn- ing, but did not feel well enough to go along with them, although his heart was with them the entire day, EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUTO GAUNTLET FOUND --Apply at TIir u ADVANCE, gPPLICATION FOR COLLTCTOR—Ap11p- cations will be received by the undersign- ned up to Friday, Jn1y IIth, at 4 o'olooa p.m., for tho position of Collector of taxes, of the Town of Wingham for 1016. Particulars as to salary, securities, etc., at the o'ftcc of the Town Clerk. J. WALTON MCICI BON, Mayor. DUY YOUR SALT from S. Mitchell at the Wingham Cement Works. This sari is guaranteed to be the very best that money can buy. EGGS WANTED—Highest Prices. — W. J, Altmotan,. Wingbam, pORSALE—Gasoline engine. almost new. A C bargain, Write Box 478SAL1 S DEPT., Wingham. DOR SALE—The famous Singer Sewing Ma chino on easy terms. A. J. WALKER. FARM FOR SALE—The South halves of lots Nos. 46 and 47. Concession one, Turnberry, 100 acres, good brick house and bank barn wit h straw shed Tho farm belongs to hs- tate of the Iate Thomas Higgins and in order to close 01111f aid estate quickly will bo sold at a reasonable price. •Apelltot3. R.1NN, Wroxeter. T. F. Higgins, l ILxecutore. R. J. Itann, i OR SALE—Ian e, Crown ro wn Iuron with water front, refrigerator, coal ell hentar, 3 burn- er coal oil stove with oven, lawn mower, rug, iron bed, all in good condition, also garden tools. Apply to Mus. N, T. Snscr.Artt, Francis St, T XV rl; POULTRY WANTIID. Highest Prices xl paid. Apply to W. J. AIIMOLu. DOOMS TO LET—In the McDonald Blobk, Appal to RITCHIE & CosnNs WEDDING BELLS r eates'roet--C.Airl 13l1Lt, A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, July 5th, at the home of Mrs, Campbell when Mabelle, eldest daughter of Mrs. Margaret Campbell, heoanle the bride' of Robert ]3, Johne. ton, a prosperous young farmer of Vast Wawanosh, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the eontracting parties. Promptly at twelve o'clock to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chor- us played by Miss Beatrice Armstrong the.bride, leaning on the arra of her. brother John A, Campbell, took her place beneath an arch 'of evergreen and flowers. The bride was gowned in white brocaded silk and carried a bola quet of roses, Her little sister, Mies Edna, made a charming flower girl. The ceremony was performed by Rev, D. Petrie. After congratulations the happy couple led the way to the dining roots where a sumptuous repast await- ed them. The bride and groom left on the 3 30 train for a`short trip, the bride wearing a navy blue tailored suit and white hat. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life, TAIT—G OODt! ELLOW A very quiet wedding was solemniz• ed on Thursday, July Gsb, at Carlton St, Methodist Church, when Miss Ada eldest daughter of tire late Andrew Goodfellow and Mre. Goodfellow of 20 Ressett Ave„ Toronto, was married to Geo. E. Tait, son of Alexander Tait of Prince Albert, Sask. The Rev. J. D. Simpson officiating. The bride and groom left immediate- ly afterwards for Chicago and South- ern States before returning to Superb, Sask., where they will reside, The bride is a niece of Mr, A, E. Gallagher of Ilowick and Mr. W. R. Gallagher of Turnberry, and a grand- daughter of the late John Gallagher of Howick. ITO .1 Station. -DFIneylooatibnnfor the boarding house. All conveniences. For further par- tionlars apply to MrtS. D1NAt,tw, If 1'1Gee• .omfortabtn house with garden Icnnr Alfred and Centro S1. Apply' to S'VAt.l:tcrt 1 Clegg, • mO HINT—Three teens oret Trtr: AinlAxetr:, 1 suitable for hpusokeeping, Apply to 0, N, GartnvViet. CURRIE—KEMP Christ Church, Listowel, was the, scene of a pretty July wedding en* Tuesday at 12 30 noon when Miss Mabel Isabel, daughter of Mr, and`Mrs, R. T. Kemp, of Listowel, became the bride of Mr. R. A. Currie, one of Wing. ham's most popular young business men. Rev, W. H. Dunbar, rector of the church, read the beautiful marriage ceremony of the Anglican church, The vested choir preceded the bridal party up the centre aisle of the church singing, "The Breath that Breathed O'er Eden." The bride entered the church on the arm of her f tther and was dressed in a gown of fawn faille silk with pink Georgette crepe waist,with hat to match, and carried a bouquet of white bridal roses. Miss Gladys Kemp, sis- ter of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and was attired in white taffetta silk and carried pink roses. Miss Isobel Strachan, the maid of honour, was dressed similarly and carried pink roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Robt. 3, Brooks of Wingham, and Mr. B. L. H, Bamford, editor of the Listowel Standard. During the sign- ing of the register, Mies V. ' Walker sang "Perfect Love." After the ceremony at the church the bridal party and guests were taken in cars to the home of the bride's par- ents where a dainty wedding break- fast was served. The home was tast- ily decorated for the occasion. Solos were rendered by Misses Thompson, McCall, Hermiston and Scott. Mrs, J. P. Walters escorted the guests to the lunch room and Mre; F. Wellington Hay and Mre. A. J. Collins presided at the tables. The happy young couple left on the G. T. R. for short o a h rt honeymoon to Montreal, Thousand Islands and points east, and upon their return will take up residence in the groom's new home on Centre St, The bride is one of Listowel's most popular young ladies missed in musket circles and in church work, THE ADVANCE extends congratu- lations to Mr, and Mrs. Currie and lc s them as residents of Wing - ham. wed ore W 6' ham. to 4A01tT.It WAN'TI•;D—For Union 8.3, bto '7, 1 Turnberry, second•clses certificate, Ap- plications mutt bo in by July lath. Duties to commence let September. Apply to JAmee GODKIN Winghatn, Secy.-Treas. igattrrA —Good Saleslady, Apply to Gr:e MAeo i & $o1, ti Notice of oitsolution of Partnership 'cake netiee that the partnership heretofore etas ing betWeon Robert N Duff and Towne's Stewart ab saw nt111e0lumber and coat mer- chants at, the Villago 0 Innovate has been dip. bolved. All debts owing to the said partner• ship are to be mid to Thomas Stewart et Ii1t1evato aforesaid, and all ciainte ageln;d the ssidUUastuershipbre to he presented to 1115 said ThoernAe 11tuwart by whom the swine Will EettlUod. Dalid at Wingliaut this 12th flay of July, Ole,Derr do $Tt,w4,ltx. sox—BOLT A quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse ,Wingham, on Wednesday by REV. D. Petrie, when Mist Jennie Bolt of East Wawanoab, became the bride of Mr. Arthur Foxof Grey town. ship. Morris • Personals Mrs. 3. Armour ie visiting her Baugh. tars in Toronto, life, Oliver Callaway visited on the 10th con, last Sunday. . Mr. William Glendenning was a visitor in London last week, Mrs, 0, Hayes from Wroxeter spent the 1st with Mrs. Jas, Stapleton, Misses 'Vette and Rose Weiler spent, Suaday with St. Augustine friends. Mre.' W. J. Adair spent the week -end in London with her son, Fre, W. G. Adair. Mrs. R. T. Cowell was in London on Saturday with her husband, Phe, ft. T. Dowell. . Mrs. Jas. Isard azid little daughter Mise Myrtle, are visiting friends in Paisley, ,Mra. Wm: Knoepfler of Walkerton,. is visiting her sister, Mrs, John Reid of Turnberry. Mr. V.' R. VanNorman returned home on Thursday from a business trip to the West. Miss Mabel Butcher spent the week- end with her brother, Pte. Norman Butcher, in London. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Gallaway vis, ited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johann of Belmore last Sunday, Mr. Colwell Brock, and his sister, Miss Maud, are visiting friends near Exeter for a few days. Mise Muriel Ritch of Drayton, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Underwood and Mr. and Mre. F. Ballagh. Mrs. Janet Holmes, Mre. Fleuty and Mies Flo Fleuty aro visiting friends iu St, Helens and Kincardine. Mrs. F. Prast of Hanover, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, J, Adair, Turnberry. • Principal G. R. Smith of the `Wing. ham High School is spending the va- cation at his home in Wallaceburg. Mrs. Jae. Craig, who has been visit- ing at the home of her sister, Mrs, Jas. bard, returned to her home in Paisley. Mies Clara Reid of Saskatoon, Sask„ is spending her vacation with her par• eats, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Reid of Turn - berry, ti er 2nd line, T'i eat , 2 is in Detroit this week attending the sick bed of her brothea••in-law who is very 111. Mrs. Maxwell Abram and Mrs. J. D. McEwen spent a few days at Moncrieff last week. WINUHAM, ONT.; THURSDAY, JULY 13th, 1916 Mr, Basil Dlatckhall le • visiting at his parental home, Mre. G. 131ackhall spent the last two weeks visiting friends in Toronto. Mies Manning et' Toronto, is the gueet of Mrs, A, E. Smith, John St. n Mies Belle Ttobcrtsou is aiQxti g her eister, Mre, Orval Taylor at Belgrave• Mrs, John Monk is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Art, Knight, in Toron- to, Mr, and Mrs, McKie and daughter of Marquette Mich,, vieitod Mrs, M, Rob - edam, Miss Jean Hunter . of Coderich, is visiting at the home of iris. Dudley Holmes, Mr, and Mrs, W, R, Dyer and sou, Phillip, spent a week with friends in London, Misr. Nellie .Beattie of Walkertor, was the guest of Mee. M. Robertson this week. Mies M, Cantof Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of Mr. C. Blackhall. Mrs. Glen Blackball and baby, of Blyth,and Mre are the guests of Mr. , L. Kennedy. Mr, 'Robert Johnston visited with hie daugbter, Mrs. Bell in Southamp- ton over Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson and daughter, Kathleen, visited with Pte. Chap. Wil- kinson at London on Saturday,. Sheriff Caldbick, wife and son of Ilaileybury, were guests at the home of Mr, John Quirk on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Esplem and Mr. Jae. Ferguson of Burgoyne, were the guests of Mrs. M. Robertson over Sunday. , Mrs, Jas, Mullin returned to Toron- to after spending the past few weeks at the home of her brother, Mr, A. 3. Nicholls. Mr. Grenville of the McClary Mfg, Co. London, is at the Brunswick hotel. Mr. Grenville travelled to this town over thirty years ago. Rev. D. and Mrs. Perrie and family left on Wednesday for it month's vaca- tion at their Bummer cottage at Bruce Beach. Mies Clara ,Weiler of Toronto, 'is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs, John Weiler, Mrs. Binkley of Hamilton, and daughter, Mre. Langton, are visiting the former's son, Cotaucillor Binkley, John St, Mrs. Farrow, of East Wawanosh, was in attendance at the marriage of her niece, Mise Armstrong, Shelburne, during the past week. "St. Thomas Times"—Mr. R. M. Lin. dsay motored from Wingham and is spending a few' days at St, Thomas, London and Tilsonburg; Mr. Fred Homuth and Mr. Albert Fleming motored to Fergus on Sun- day and spent the day with the latter's eon, Mr, Elliott Fleming. • Mr. and Mrs. Brothers of Lebanon , and Mr. and Mrs, John IIoltof Listowa el spent over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Mines, Mrs, W. E. Mitchell, Victoria St„ was called suddenly to Pontiac, Mich. owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. J. H, Jennings of that city, Mies Mae Bassett of Lietowel, was a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs, R. 3. Tyndall, Miss Bassett is training as a nurse in the Guelph hospital. airs. Graham of Weidham, and Mr Alex. Stewart of Fargo, N. D. are- vis- iting their deters, Mre. John and Mre, James McGee of the 10th con. of East Wawanosh. Engineer :11. Carson stopped .ever Sunday in London and attended the L. U, L. Divine Service, also visiting his son. Harry, who leaves at once for overseas with an Army Medical Corps, Mre. A. M. Crawford and Mrs. Bloomfield Were in London on Satur- day bidding ' their, sons, Pte, Clare Crawford and Pte, Russell Bloomfield goodbye before` they left for Camp Borden. Mee Mentie ReidAllen llen received Miss word or d last as t week from the Toronto Con- servatory oPMusle, that s e auccees- ftedypassed her examination in Prim. ary Plano. Much credit is due to her teacher Miss I'larity, M. and Mrs, F, S. Ballagh and son, Harvey, and daughter, Myrtle, of Wingham and Mies Itlyrtle Gallaway of Belmore mototed to Guelph, Ham. Ilton and Niagara Falls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Morehouse and two chid ren Wade and Lillas, motor, cd from Providence, It, I., last week, visiting Mrs. Morehouse's sisters, Mra. Wm. and Mre. Jas. Stapleton. They came by Brantford end stayed for a few days with Mr. and M. T. Seattle fot•tnerly of Winghata also it ester of av We, 1#otlra frr, Lr h tt t r Mr, More o , b log on Wednesday, they visited Mr. Mr, and Mra. C. S. 1), arld Mr. still Mw, Phil Wade. Annie McIntosh of Kincardine, is visite ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abram. Mr and Mrs, Jae, Holley spent the 1st of July with their daughter, r, Moeoh n Rintoul of l:iamllton. Sandy Campbell visited with Stratford friends last week. We are terry to state that Mrs. Mil. vert Selfere is not Improving very feet, attended a number of tblt locality Quito the Johnston and Campbell wedding last week. Strerwbet'ry meson will soon be ot;sr end raspberries are a<arly rips, Mr, and Mrs.' John' Ritchie, Mrs. Dunbrooke and Mrs. Jas, Mullin mot• aced to Mr. 3, T. t)urrie's on Monday and' spent a pleasant afternoon. Mre. Dunbrooke of Cleveland, re- turned on Wednesday after visiting for a couple of weeks with her mother Mrs. David Campbell, Minnie St. Mrs. Campbell accompanied her daughter as far as London, Rev, J.W. Hibbert was in St. Thom- as on Tuesday attending a meeting of the chairmen of the different confer- ence districts and the missionary sec- retaries. The meeting was called for the purpose of arranging a monster missionary campaign. PATRIOTIC NOTES The following are the colletions from the systematic givings for the dilierent wards for the month of ,Tune, No. 1—$34.80, No. 2—$38.20, No. 3— $43.20, No. 4—$30.85, No. 5—$4.75. We are also gratefui to Mr, A. H, Wilford for a donation of $3.00. The appeal for white material for dressings is still before the pablic, any old white cotton or linen, thoroughly cleansed and pressed with all seams removed will be suitable, Those hav- ing same are requested to send to Mrs, W. 11. Willis; Shuler St. Will as many as can volunteer to knit and sew ,as we are anxious to make `another shipment as soon as possible. Yarn to be had from Miss Peasant, cut out shirts from any of the following ladies, Mrs. Nm. Gray, Mre. Tamey n . Mrs. Geddes Mrs. Tin- dall. As volunteers for sewing and knitt- ing are not coming forward in suftlei• ent numbers to do the work required, a meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. McKibbon on Friday afternoon, July 14th, where all who •are willing to knit or sew are cordially invited to assist in this very necessary work. LADIES BASEBALL NEW PRINCIPAL APPOINTED A Meeting of the I.'ublie School Board w xs held in the secretary's of- fice on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, The only members absent were Trus- tees lsard and 'Bennett, The only im- Iportant hardness was the engaging of a prinelpal and teacher for Dept, II. Miss M. L, Brock was engaged as principal to succeed Pte. A. L. Poslil'f at a salary of $800. Miss Brock is a splendid teaoher and well qualified for the principalehip. Miss Mabelle McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. E. McDonald, was engaged as teacher of Dept. II. at a salary of $500, Mies` McDonald has Leon in charge of Glenannan school fglr the past year. e, The Brussels Post has the following to sayregarding the ladies baseball match which was played in Brussels on Dominion Day: A very live interest centered in the Ladies Baseball contest when James- town and Corrie South exponents of the game went into the diamond with determination to win. Each had won us hence there was n a o a match prevro lack of entlurs aam bythe numerous oupporters of the teams who demon. etrated that they knew what to do and how to do it, Corrie were the win. ners but their opponents fought it to the close. 13'lyo innings were played, Line up were as follows:. Goattxu It 0 3.ustm&TowN R 0 1 . trooper 0 3 Elsie Johnston . • • 3 Ruby (lathers 3 2 Maggio •lohnstop..3 tl hlnta ('athors3 1 Apnio h(cl onald..0 Aggio Tari- 1 3 Miry cDonald..1 4 1,i,ie Mapco..• :a Sophie Mebennan 0 1 I 10l Ae#sir � 1 May Berke 1 3 Cassie Glathers•.3 0 Pearl Palm 0 0 Jennie tear] ..,.1 1 Addie Johnston 2 1 Lizzie Lathers. •1 2 Martha Johnston -2 1 i0 t5 12 15 The Umpire was R, P. Downing who had a good time keeping the game running smoothly, Match was well worth w{ tneaeinz and the young. lad. les have the hearty thanks of the Red Croce Committee for assisting so large. ly In the attornoon's program, LETTER FROM 161s( 101st Battalion Friday, July 1111. Editor, Advance;-- Wliat acontrast this evening to that of yesterday, yesterday a city teaming with life, a white city, with bell-shap- ed'tents, but this evening though the soldiers' are still here, the tents have almost disappeared owing to the orders of the Minister of Militia that we have to leave our pleasant environment and go forth, like the Israelites of old, into the wilderness. Our boys are treated kindly and courteously by the commanding oflic- era; I received to -day my full equip. met:,t, which comprises; A suit of regimentals, a fatigue pair of trousers, three shirts, a suit of underclothes, a nightcap, two pair of blankets, a waterproof sheet, an overccat, a,razor, mug and two brushes, two pair of boots and two pair of socks, a knife, fork and spoon also a water bottle, You will therefore see that although we have the grass for our bed and the sky for our roof, yet our wants are well provided for, If you are real sick there is e hos- pital to go to, and if slightly sick our gonial Major Shaw will prescribe. I must draw this note to a close, will give you a continuation when Borden Camp is reached and until then will say goodbye, Pte, M. R. Beckwith No. 883, Coy A 161st Battalion The 161st left London for Camp Bor- den on Sunday morning. HULLETT i'he ditch which is being dug in the bed of the creek flowing south across the 13th concession of Hullett will soon be finished. When it is completed, land can be drained and will be more productive than in the past. In some places many acres that were as useless as if covered by a lake, wi3l be reclaimed and become valuable farming lands. The farmers will soon be amply repaid for the amounts paid by thetn for the construction of this waterway. The new bridges, which are to be built will add to the general appearance of this locality; and with the straightened roads will help to raise the standard of the farms in this locality. Then all these things will make for Hullett a better reputation than the high one held by it at present. HURON STUDENTS PASS The final examinations of the Nor. mal Schools at Hamilton, London, North Bay, Ottawa, Peterboro, Strat• ford and Toronto were held on June 2nd to Sch. The names of the success• fill students from Stratfard, with car- tifiicates obtained, appear below. Interim Second -Class Certificates Marion E. Allan, Wingham, Anna. L. Ballantyne, Brussels. Dora I. M. Barr, Clinton. Lucy Bower, Wingham, Alice Carbert, Seaforth, Mary B. Clark, Goderich, Mary G, Currie, Wingham, Mary E. Dickson, Wingham.. Mabel Dorrance, Seaforth. Anna M. Elliott, Bsyfleld, Kathleen A. Gibbons, Wingham, Janet L. Green, Bay fled - d, Letts R. Guenther, Dashwood, ,: 1oviea Hi11, Crediton. Freda M. Kalbfleisb, Zurich, 1 Sttsan E. Kleinfetdt, Exeter. Gladys E. Laundy, Blyth, Hannah V. Lobb, Clinton, Charles W, Lott, Brussels. Mary Machan, Brussels. Grace McKenzie, Dungannon, Marguerite Milchcnnan, Laurier. 1 G,Nairn, Goderich. Ethel ,Ci . h M. O'Brien,Oliva Zurich. Lydia 1,1, 0atreiehor, Crotliton, Margaret, M. Maim. . Katherine 13. Reid, Londceboro. Florence A. Roe, 13russola. 'May Shackleton. Brusar.le, 'trite 11. Sweet, bixeter, Olive 14y. Tiohboarne, Ginderich, Florence L. Trielinor, 1'',xeter. Ada V. Will{s,•E,eter, Anna Woods, Seaforth. Nina It, Woods, St. 'Nets. , Limited 'Third t:7 lase Certrficates Galen A. Brisson, Zurich Olive P. Brorvn,iHensail. Llenor S. 1t, Hamilton, Wroxeter. Laura Holmes, Bluevale. Gordon 3 effereon. St, Augustine, Arnold M, L'tndsborough, Seaforth. Melba McPherson, Wingham, Gladys McDowell, 13elgrave, Mary E. Robertson, Winglbaw. Dora Watson, Brueeete, DEATH ROLL Joule KING John Xing, beloved husband of Etta Carroll King, died in Culross on Friday July 7th, in his 51st year, The fullers al was held from the reeidenoe of his father, Patrick King, lot 31, Coo. 1 Culross on Monday morning to the church of the Sacred Heart,'Teeswater where a short service was held after whieh interment took place in the R. 0. cemetery, Teeswater. NAZIS VIOLA MULLIN Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Henry Mullin in the death of their daughter, Mazie Viola, which occurred at their residence on 12th con. of Aehfleld on Tuesday morn - lug. The funeral will be held from her parents residence to Greenhill ceme- tery, Lucknow, on Thursday after. noon, July 13th, Mazie was a bright and affectionate child, a favorite ameng her schoolmates, ante WILLIAM J. Sronpi A former resident of Wingham died at his home in Auburn on Thursday morning in the person of William 3, Sturdy, aged G8 years and 11 months, Mr. Sturdy was born in East Wawa. nosh but resided in Parry Sound for some time, afterwards moving to Wingham where he lived for about four Years, moving' to Auburn only about a year ago. He is survived by a widow, formerly Elizabeth Stalker, a sister of Mr, Jos, Stalker, late prin- oipal of the Wingham Public School, also two conn John of Seaforth and Pte Frank of the l01st, The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from the residence of his brother Henry to Ball's cemetery in Hullett, and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Blyth and the L. 0. L. of which the deceased was a member. He was master of Auburn lodge at the time of his death, John F. Groves, J. G, Stewart, J,r W. Dodd and A. G. Smith of Wingham lodge were pr .lent at the funeral. ALEXANDER YOUNG It is our sad duty to this week chronicle the death of one of our moat prominent townsmen in the person of Mr. Alex Young, who passed -suddenly away at the private pavillion of the Toronto Hospital on Sunday noon, Mr. and Mrs. Young had gone to Toronto to spend the week -end of July let with their son, George C. and dur- ing their visit there he consulted a specialist concerning a goitre which had grown considerably during the past few years. An operation was per- formed which was very successful and Mr. Young was making satisfactory progress but his heart weakened and the end came without a moments' notice. The remains were brought horse on Monday by the 0. P. R. The deceased took an active part in municipal affairs and sat at the coun- cil board for two years, He was born in Colborne township on What is known as the Gowery Farm in the year 1S50, and when a young man of 20 years learned his trade as a miller in the old Lower Wingham Flour Mills, He followed the milling busi- ness for a number of voara in Exeter, Arnprior, Pembroke and Packenham. Returning to Wingham some twenty years ago he started in the hardw the business and sold it a couple of years ago to Messrs Ross & Bell. Last sum• mer he purchased the Wingham Salt Works and was working up a very successful trade until the well gave out a short time•ago, T Mr,Young was a member of the C. 0, F., L. O, L., A. F & A. M. and', U. 0, P. and St, Andrew's Presbyterian church, He was married in1879 to Sar- ah Jane Manna of East Wawanosh who survives him, along with their four sone, John H. of the Ruddy Kloster Co., Winnipeg, George C. of Lewis Bros., Montreal, Gordon M., manager of Woodstock branch of the Imperial 011 Co., and Leslie at home. He is also survived urvived by four slaters viz : Mre. T. Anderson, Goderich twp„ Mrs, Strauchan, Auburn, Mrs. A. Mc- Kenzie, I;rippen and Mrs, John Manna, Wingham, The funeral was held to Wingham cemetery from his lateresidenoe, John St, on Wednesday afternoon, July 12tb, Rev, D. Perrie conducted the funeral service. Mr. Young will bo greatly missed in the hero andaa- h, resident 1 of our townand a the ,,e bereavedw ii 1 have the sincere ,agmpathy of many friends in their ` itlll ballon. NMI Golf Tournament The following art{i:le Was clipped from a Vancouver paper and refers to a son of Mr, and Mra. 0. N. Griffin, of Wingham, .''telegraphic advices just received by Mr, A. W. Turquand fromtb.e cam+ tnittee in charge of the summer golf tournament held at the I4aeff hotel recently, are to the effect that Mr. A. L. Griffin won the premier event at the tournament with a card of 69 and took blown the perpetual eup'atid the indiv• ideal gold medal in coneequenee. Mr, T rrt nand Carded Cn th{r lake with a t d 1 plaee of 73, hit trophy being tt btotrze medal whieh goes Into dada Individual ownete lip. Subscriptions: $1.5O per year. Local Item Greet'e Shoes stand the beet. Mr. BertTowle and family moved to Stratford this week, Mr, J, B, Tyreman has disposed of hie season's. crop to Mr, W. J, Currie, 13ig shoe sale for men on Friday eve, Read our ad. on last page. W. It Willis, Miss Margaret 1. Aitken has been engaged as teacher of S. 8, No. 11, East Wawanosh. Mrs. Shields of the B. Line, has die. posed of her dwelling to Mrs, John Smith. Mr. McConnell made the deal, A number of our faithful oorrespon• dente have not favored us with their weekly budget of news this week, We mise Mr. W, J. Davison of Lucknow, has kindly consented to relieve ids. It. A, Currie in the undertaking du ring his shoat holiday, The parents of Pte. Thos. W. Mont. gomery, of Fordwich. have received oifio a1 word that their son has been killed in action, The two subscribers who failed to receive theie last week's issue of TUE ADVANCE may have same by dropping us a line. The labels were accidentally pulled off in the mail. THE ADVANCE is in receipt of a coni munication - for publication but as the writer did not sign his name we are compelled to withhold the article. Any name signed to an article is not a signature, Mrs. Tindall received a letter from her son, George, in which he wished to thank the ladies of the Institute for the socks sent by them. The letter will appear in the next issue of THE ADVANCE. Mr, Thos. Drummond and family have moved from Shuler St. to a house on Edward St, while Mr. Ed. Forder bas moved out of the King Edward hotel to his house vacated by Mr. Drummond. William Holt, aged 45 years, who resides near Jamestown and spent the past few months with the 'Wingham detachment of the 161st, but who was rejected has enlisted at Stratford with the No. 1 Construction Battalion, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Goliey and Mr. W. Miller of Morris, spent the est of July at the former's daughter's home in Hamilton and all motored. to Niagara Falls, Queenston, Niagara -on -the -lake, Grimsby and other places in Mr, Rin- toul's new carr Twenty years ago our genial under- taker Jae. Walker commenced busi- ness in this district. He has always aimed to please and give the best goods at the lowest prices, His son, A. J. Walker is also a skilled embalmer and funeral director, The horses are apparently feeling .the dry spell and heat for on Tues- day morning a horse belonging to Mr, Chase Elliott fell into a well.;After con- siderable hard work and difficulty it was safely landed again and not much the worse after its plunge. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mercer, of Mount Forest, Ont„ announce the engage. ment of their youngest daughter, Lucy Olive, to Mr. Orville A. Martin, G. T. R. station agent of Lucknow, Ont., and formerly of the Wingham station, the wedding to take pea ca this month. Contractor McLean of Wingham, made a commencement on the work of macadamizing Turnberry street on Monday. The ground will be covered from the iron badge over the Maitland to the G. T. R. railway. Streets will be drained and cement curbing put in the same as was done in last year's contract, A. Maguire is the Inspectorae-Brnesels Post. The annual picnic of the Wingham B,aueh of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Weiler, on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 28. Everyone is welcome sada special in. vitation is extended to the husbands and children. The ladies are request- ed to bring their baskets, Particulars regarding rigs for the conveyance of the people will be given in nett week's ADVANCE, r1 i .• lel e;I 9�1 I n1 ' Stores c'ANAlJ\'. t Au,)rtl r i UftU(.51URt WE DEVELOP FiLMS WE PRINT PICTURES Our photographic department is u.p-to-.date. We use the best chetrr• icals and papers. We are always pleased to alt• swer inquiries of amateur photo- 'grapers, We sell :‘Eastman's N C Films only. They are the Best. A Fresh Stock of Films and pap• ers are received every week. Bring in your camera if out of order we will examine it and repair if possible. "FREE OF CHARGE"- Autographic HARGE"Autographic Kodaks and Brownie Cameras always in Stock. J. W. MCKIBBON DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Agents for C. P. R. Tickets, PHONE 53 w IJ g I, i}I i1. HgR£ To s£Fiv ?:oU v MARRIED McTAvte t -•Colt 1No--In Duron town• on June , byRev. ship n J 27th b A.R, i Kellum of Ripley, Mt ea Lovina A • nee Coiling, daughter of Mr, and Mre. ;los. Coiling to Mr. Donlan Mc. 'I'avish of the 2nd Con. llrnu:ilar�v- 11P17 —At the lhapt{at Parsonage, Dauphin, Man., an June 21st, by Rev. F. G. Poole, 13. A., brother•in•law to the bride, Mr. Wm. Ibbernon of Saskatoon, to Miss Mona Pearl, daughter of Mr. James Sharpe of Brussels, Ont. RrTT'.tN---SMELT,—At "Cl'avarde.le Farts", on June 28th, by Rev. Corp. Wesley. Mr. Anson Ratters >.i ttow. ick, to Miss Gwendolynat oand Mrs f Mr, . . S. A. Snell', Attune bank. WIT.LI'I'S--MCLI AN --At the Manse, Wingham, on June 27th, Mies Ethel McLean, youngest est daughter of John Mef ee,n, Howiek, to Mr. 1'Vebeter Willits, Turnberry. llltflti5 . Vous tlnrr- Tn Toronto,. on June 28th, by Rev. J. A. Rankin, Mr. Russell Zimmer, formerly of Bruteels, to Mise Olef Wooderoft, all of Tot'ofto. OUTING SHOES 11111111111111a1M111111111111111111 LET YOUR FEET ENJOY YOUR OUTING Try it and see how much better you'll feel. White Canvas Footwear in all styles, high cut, in rubber or soles, with high heels. OA OA OAOAOA Afro ire fell' ger or low Ie=ether or low ' HEADQUARTERS For Summer Footwear W. J. GREER oessestameiewardeeli r- - , f R. A, CURRIE Graduate o£OanadianEmbalmers Association We c large a class stock a g and first- f FUNERAL REQUISITES A"large stock of everything found in a modern furnitureetore Store Phone 51 Residence 155 teawe r»amar miw■wiwtiswww 1c0AM' Best D.L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Every advantage is with the consumer in buyinghis - coal early, better sericless Cost none of the diva reeablo features of winter delivery and the added satisfaction of qr.., l,ving your coal. in your own Place our order b - -"-'bitter 1' y M y U e deliver at J n 0 for 2 th inclr L~x{cea, Dressed and undressed umber, Lath, Shinglee and and Wood. .A. ,N"''hLeaI Dealer in Lumber, Coal and 'W'ocd. Office Phone G•ta. Mill Phone 01:. lia;aiden4e GG, �5