The Wingham Advance, 1916-06-15, Page 1gaingbam 11U1 Single Copies • Tnree Cents WINOHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 15th. 1916 Subscriptions; $1.00 per year. a tt n sI 1l b h� tc a T a 0 c tl a ODERICH PHYSICIAN HOME Pu 1 th1 er( CIl 1 c 1 1u1Gt to de Bc tic tit ne th W1 th ofd( n A in w 0( o i s a 1 t t After a year's service iu base hos- tale in Ireland, Dr. A. H. Macklin, rmer mayor of Goderich, has re- irned home, having been given the Ink of captain in the Canadian ,ilitia. For the greater part of the year Dr, .acklin was at King George V. Hos- tal, Dublin, being later moved to imerick. At the time of the trouble Ireland Mrs. Macklin and her two Ins, who accompanied her, were Iiv-- ig on one of the etreets that were t,rricaded, and they report the exper- aces as quite interesting. Dr. Macklin obtained leave from imerick and went to Dublin, where e assisted in giving medical assistance i the wounded. Dr. Macklin says that, owing to the uiet at the war front, medical work t the hospitals at home is very slack. here are some 80,000 beds not in use. nd those that are being treated are my for minor wounds. The doctors in England are under onseription, the same as anyone else, ❑e older doctors being used at home nd the younger ones at the front. 1r. Macklin will resume his practice fere. OFFICER COMMANDING 161ST . • +sem. x s.L1EUT•COL. H. B. COMBE Born in Clinton and joined the Huron Regiment in 1881. Officer Jommanding the 101st now training t,t London. - EVERYBODY'S COLUMN A UCT1ON SALE—Tho estate of the late Thomas Lott will be ofrerod for sale at lot 7 4, con. 9, Grey township, on Saturday, Juno 17. 1 Tho list includes a list of valuable stoke, inple• ments, eto: JOIN P('RVIS, Auctioneer. 1 CVALVES EOR SALE—Two calves apply, to t W. FRANJ UM, Phone 2-020, .Lower Wing- ( have. t COAL! COAL! COAL !-Wo are prepared to furnish any quantity of the very best D. L. ( & W. Scranton coal in all sizes. Coal wanted at Juno prices should bo ordered by the 20th t Inst, J. A. McLN.tx. t EGGS WANTED—Highest Prices. — W. J, ARMOUR, Wingham. 1 VOR SALE -The famous Singer Sewing Ma chino cm easy terms. A. J. WALI:ER. Ort SALE—Grand piano, good white enamel port bed with springs and mattress. also 1 t light cutter. Apply Tun MANSE. Wroxeter ,FARM AND CROP FOR SALE—The under- signed offer for sale his fifty net farm, lot 11, concession 13. East Wawanosh, 2 1-2 milds from Wingham. On the promises are a good house and barn. good supply of water and land in first-olass state of cultivation. Will also sell this season's crop and Rive immediate possession. J. II, TYREM.IN, R.R,ft, Wingham, Ont, HOUSE TO RENT—Apply to H. T. Isann. tf 1OUSL' and two lots for ealo—A seven room- ed hnuso in good condition, plenty of fruit, good stable, in hest of locality. Prices moder- ato. Apply to Tun Anvax0E or Box 414, Wingham. LIV FJ POULTRY' WANTED. Highest Prices paid. Apply to W. J. Anntorit, RDOOMS TO LET—In the McDonald Block, Apply to RITCHIE R, 00SENH. VO A corner RENT-Comfortablehouse St. . with ppleon to WALKER & Clegg, p suitable forlhousekeeping Tun T°s it to C N, GRIFFIN. 0 RENT--Dineley House on or before Juan A 10th, 1910. Fine location for a boarding house. All conveniences. For furthQr par- ticulars apply to Mag. DtNCif.EY, tf WANTED -Motormen and Conductors. can algae lime met in such positions prompt in wrici(,g tis for application blanks, tit MOCGNEI. & FERUUssoN, London, We if Ont. at ANTED -])right young malt with seise II knowledge of bookkeeping, accurate figures and neat writer. n:avrit BC 1., ISD., Forges, leANTSD-Competent maid. Apply to Mils. Rs Wttaseier Wm.revooe. - f. Look at the Label Our mailing sheets have been cors rected up to June 111.11 and if you have renewed for T1lE ADVANCE before that date and the label does not credit you with it, let us know at once. If your label reads (Jane 10) or a further back date, then it is up to you to RENEW AT ONCE On and after July 1st, 1016 the price of TI1 ADVANCE for 1 year will be $1,50 payable only in ad. vanes. Arrears will only beacoept- ed at $1,50 after that date, PRESS ASSOCIATION lishers of Huron and Perth Con- gratulated by Speakers at Stratford. 'ubliehers and newspaper men of counties of Perth and Huron gath- d in the board room of Stratford y hall on Friday, At noon they re the guests of the Stratford pub - here and printers at a splendid lcheon at the Windsor Hotel. teste at the luncheon were: Mr. W. McCully and J. R. Stevenson, presi- nt and secretary of the Stratford lard of Trade. Dfr. McCully spoke of the apprecia- n of the press during these stirring nes when no one can get too much ws or read enough bulletins. Dar- er appreciation of the press of to -day t s expressed by Mr. Stevenson. In the afternoon the publishers fur- er.discussed the increase in the price weeklies from $1 to $1,50 on July 1, tided on at the March meeting. le proposal is generally favored, and an effort to make it unanimous, re- esentatives of the Canadian Press ssociation will wait upon waver - g publishers. Prices of the printing ere revised to meet the advanced tet of ink, paper and labor. JUNE WEDDINGS S Personals )j( Mise Ella Rush is visiting friends in Toronto, Mrs. Dudley Holmes was a visitor in London this week. Mr. B. H, Cochrane of Toronto, spent a few days with friends in town. Corp. Fred Manuel was home from London for a few days this week. Lloyd Hewer and George Jacques left this week to join the 101st at Lon- don. Miss Ethel King spent a couple of days this week with friends in Sea - forth. ]t1r. J. D. McKinley and wife of Winnipeg are visiting with relatives in town. Mrs, James Haugh is visiting in Tor- onto at the home of her sister, Mrs. E, A. Bird. A number of boys of the 101st spent over Sunday at their respective homes to Wingham. RerenaU—MULLIN _Oho marriage •of Jean Campbell, Y daughter of Mrs. M. A. Mul- nIof Lucknow, and John R. Ritchie, f the firm of Ritchie & Oosene, of Wingham, took place quietly on Fri- ay,dat the hotue of the minister, the 3ev. James Wilson, Dovercourt Road, Toronto. The bride, who was unat- ended, wore a suit of sand -colored ilk faille, with hat to match. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Ritchie N met by friends at the National Club, where a wedding breakfast was erved. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie left to spend their honeymoon on the upper Lees and western American cities, afterwards returning to their home in Wingham, THE ADVANCIS joins with their many friends in wishing the happy couple a long and pleasant voy- age on the matrimonial sea. KEITH—MCLEOD A quiet wedding was solemnized at ucknow, on Wednesday, June 10th., vhen Robert Keith of concession 4, )ulross was united to Mrs. Margaret idcLeod, widow of the late Angus Mc - sod. Only ' he immediate relatives If the contracting parties were present. Che ceremony was performed by the lev. Mr. Reid. The bride and groom eft on the afternoon train for Toron- o and other points. After the hon- ymoon they will make their home on he groom's splendid farm on the 4th on. Many friends join in heartiest Dishes for the happiness and prosperi. y through life. inowmismomnensimems aunty Orange Lodge County of North Huron L. 0. L. ill meet in the Orange Hall, Wing_ am on Tuesday afternoon, June 20th. nnual Excursion to Guelph Thursday, Tune 15th is date of the annual union Farmers' Institute ex- cursion to Guelph Model Farm. Spec- ial train leaves Wingham at 7 35 a.m., arriving at Guelph at 11 a.m. Return fare $2.05 and .05 cents war tax. Tick- ets good for return on regular trains following day. LONDON CONFERENCE Rev. Mr. Hibbert Will Spend Another Year in Wingham. The London Conference which met in Kingsville last week was one of the most enthueiastic meetings held for some time. Rev, J. W, Hibbert, the popular pastor of the Methodist church at Wingham, was returned to his people at their invitation for the fourth year. He was also re-elected for the sixth year in succession as chairman of the Wingham district, and was elected chairman of the London Conference Finance Committee, Rev. D. Wren of Brussels was elected financial sec- retary; Rev. II, B. Parnaby of Bel - grave, Sunday School Secretary, and Rev. W. A. Walden, 13. A. of Ford- wich, was elected as Secretary of Social Seryice and Evangelism. Rev. J. 0. Reid was sent back to Wallaoeburg for the 5th year. This is a.very unusual occurrence and was done only because of the fact that they are building a magnificent new church and -the pastor is taking a great inter - Mrs. 11]. Lundy of Blyth, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mre. F. Roderue. Mrs. Templeman spent the past week in Fergus, where she was the guest of Mrs, Alderson. Mr. Amos Tipling attended a meet- ing of the Flax Growers Association held at Hensall last week. Mr. Art. Williams is in town visit- ing with bis brother, R. M. Williams, the local agent for the Studebaker. Miss Myrtle Hunter of Brussels, spent a couple of days in town at the home of her brother, H. A. Hunter, John St. Mies H. Rodeeus leaves on Thurs- day morning for an extended yisit with friends in Fairport, Buffalo and other points. Pte, Wilbur Chalmers of the 186th battalion band and formerly of Tem AnvA.NcE staff spent a few days in town laet week. Mr. Alex Simpson of Whiteohurcb, was in Wingham on gaturday. He was returning from spending a couple of days in Ingersoll. - Mr. Herb Dunlop left this week for Preston, where he has secured a situa- tion. Mre. Dunlop will move to Pres- ton in the near future. Mr. Chas. Donaldson, the Quebec Sales Manager for Sawyer & Massey Co, spent a few days in town this week at his home on Francis St. Mrs. Folsom of Detroit, and Mrs. Leakey of Kincardine, visited in town at the home of their parents, Mr. and - Mrs. W. J. Pattison, John St, Mr, J. A. McLean is in Prescott this week attending the annual meet' ing of the Coal Dealers Association: lie is accompanied by Mrs. McLean. Mre, James Craig, of Paisley has re turned from Toronto after undergoing an operation there, and is at present at the home of her sister. Mrs. Jae. Isard. Mr. R. J. Spicer, the local agent for the Prudential Insurance Co., attended the district meeting of this company which was held in Stratford on Friday last. Huron County Council The Huron County Council voted $2,500 to apply toward recruiting pure poses for the Huron Battalion. prey - lonely the county had voted $2,000 to this purpose, and several municipal- ities had voted additional sums. The county now assumes the whole thing and will reimburse the localities to the extent of notes already honored. Gardening at 96 Arthur Knox, one of the oldest resi- dents of the town, who is 06 years, old has one of the best gardens here, and has carried the same reputatiod for years. He says he is feeling as young as, a man of twenty summers Early in the morning he can be Been at work and in the evening until dusk he is still working. He has about one-fifth of an acre. and raises all kinds of veg• etablee, with which ho supplies the Queen's Hotel, where he resides with his daughter, Mrs. J. E.'Swarts. Mr. liobt. A. Graham is another of the very old residents of town who )panda the greater part of the summer days in his garden. Reeves Powell of Turnberry, and Mitchell of Wingham, arrived home from Goderich after attending the June session of the County Council on. Friday night. Mr. Alan Reid wbo has been in the employ of the Times for the past few years left on Tuesday for Detroit where he will take a course in cartoon drawing. Miss Annie Geddes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Geddes, 3rd line of Morrie, has taken charge of the Zet- land school, formerly taught by Mre. Buchanan, nee Miss Ethel Tipling. Mr. J. P. Brownlee and wife of Berkley, Oal., were visitors in town last week. They were on their way to Kincardine, where Mr. Brownlee was a prominent business man some years ago. , An old gentleman told us the other day that he had lost respect for his neighbour, Mr. He said, "Why, he is actually too small to subecriha to The Advance, but he never fails to borr- ow mine." Mise Charlotte McKay left on Tues- day morning for the west where she will visit with relatives for a few weeke. One of her brothers is train- ing in England and two more are about to leave front the West for the old land, Councillor Hinkley is acting Mayor of Wingham this week owing to the absence of Mayor McKibben, who is spending a pleasant holiday on the Great Lakes. He is away on the tick- et agents excursion and is accompanied by Mrs, Meltibbon and family. Mr. A. 1'ipling of Tipling & Mills, Flax , Manufacturers, viae in South• autpton last week employing Indiana to pull flail in this vicinity this year, and reports that where he formerly secured about one hundred Indiana, he alas only able to get about forty. This is no doubt due to the fact that a great many of the men have enlisted and their women are reoeiving separ• ' At1O11 allowago4a, Lean (,els Contract The contract for the macadam work ,o be done on Turnberry street,l3rus- .els, from the iron bridge to the G.T.R. Crossing; tender of Thor, McLean & 0o,, Wingham, was accepted at $2.680,. 50, Council to supply water. Geo. Bat klay's tender was $2,000. Work is :o be completed by August 15th next, Engineer Ringer's estimate for the work was $2,350, Me. McLean bas Crusher, roller, etc„ in Brussels from astyear so an early start ehould be made and the contract completed ae .tar agreement, Some rolling has to ae done yet on last year's work, Arthur McGuire was appointed in. Spector at $2 50 per day, Cement curbing will be put down from Wil. liana street Nortil, REV. J. W. HIBBE0T (`.n/.RV'./V,nNV�eM/vWVVIV�IV� 7 IlLocat Items (iwv.iv.,.rw,ivvw�.n.+n.r�wv�wJ Greer's—The ehoe hoaso of quality, The town flag is flying at half mast in honour of Earl Kitchener. l3ig Shoe Sale at Lindeay'e, the house where you get 100 cents for the $. White canvas shoes for everyone cool, cheap and comfortable.—W. H, Willie. M. F. McConnell reports the sale of John A. McLean's lot, near the mill,to Mr. John Rogers. Samuel Thompson & Sons of East Wawanosh, purchased a new six. cylinder McLaughlin car. Mr. Thomas McPherson of the Twp. of Culroes has purchased an Overland car from Mr. L, Kennedy. The 71st Battalion has been broken up and drafts are being sent to the front to reinforce the 18th. Miss Libbie Murdie of Lucknow was operated on for tonailitis in the Wing - ham hospital on Saturday morning. Mr, L, Kennedy delived an Overland on Tuesday to Col. Combe of the 101et Battalion. This is the second Over- land Mr. Kennedy has sold to the 161st, est in the building. He is also conduct- ing a very effective revival in that town. The stationing committee's report is ae follows: London District—No changes. Exeter District—Parkhill, Rev. A. E. Lloyd; Orediton, Rev. Christopher Baker; Ailsa Craig, Rev. P. J. Snow- den. Strathroy District—Warwick, Rev. R. 0, Burton; Arkona, Rev. A. H. Brown; Melbourne, Rey. W, R. Vance; Oil City, R. B. Cockburn. Goderich District—Benm iller, Percy Baine. Sarnia District—Oamlachie, Rev. R. L. Copeland; Wyoming, Rev. S. J. Allin; Brigden, Rev. J. M. Keys; Port Larnbton, Rev. Wm. Hicks. Windsor Districts -Goldsmith, S. J. Rutherford. Chatham District—Don Mille, Rev. A, 0. Whaley; Wallaceburg, Rev. J. 0. Reid (fifth year); Ridgetown, Rev. W. G. H. McAllister; Plorpeth, Rev, J. E. Cook; Wardsville, Rev. Selby Jeff- erson. St, Thomas District—Summer's Oor• ners, Rev. M. Parr; Malahide, Rev. M. Kitley and C. T. Wilkinson; Yar• mouth Centre, J. W. Prinde; Sparta, J. M. Gould; Talbotville, John Ken. nedy; Lyons, D. W. Butt. The full list of appointments for the Wingham district ie as follows: Wingham—Joseph W. Hibbert. Kincardine—H. J. Uren. Lucknow—Reuben J, Garbutt, L.L.B. Brussels—David Wren, M.A. Teeewater—C. R. Durrant. Ethel—John W. Johuston. Fordwich—Wm. A. Walden, B.A. Morrie—George 3. Kerr. Wroxeter—Arthur J. Love, Blnevale—David D. Thompson Ashfield—Samuel J. Bridgette, Salem—Frederick I:, Clysdale. Bethel --Goo, Bennett. Ripley—Archiless R, Kellam. Bervie—David W. William, B. A. " —Gerald Lawson. Tiverton -0, S. Hawke. Whitechurch—Thomas Grainger. Belgrave—Henry B. Parnaby. Ph. B B.A. Samuel Thompson & Sons delivered a pair of baby beeves to Wm. E. Hen- derson of Lucknow which brought them about $170, These calves were fourteen months old on the 4th June, The death occurred in Golden, Colo., on May 15th of a former resident of this vicinity in the person of Mrs. L. H. Cairns. THE ADVANCE received the sad news from her son, Mr. Louis Cairns of Evergreen, Colo. Charles Rintoul of Whitechurch. formerly a resident of this town, died at his residence after a short illness. He was in his 40th year. Besides his wife he leaves one son, who is training in the 161st Battalion, London. The staff of the Stratford District of the Prudential Insurance Co. of Amer- ica are donating a percentage of their commissions on all industrial applica- tions secured during this week to the Canadian Patriotic Society Fund. La Tena's circus which was in Wing - ham on Monday,attraoted large crowds to town. The entire show was very good. The performing seals were a wonder. The circus tents were pitch- ed in a field to the north of McLean's saw mill. The ladies of Wingham and vicinity are cordiallyinvited to attend a Sock Shower at the home of Mrs. J, P. Ken- nedy on- Saturday. June 17th, after- noon and evening. The socks are for the Wingham Detachment of the Huron Battalion. We actually heard a lady remark that we were slow because we failed to publish the names of her visitors in our personal column. Well, we imag- ine she was slower than we or she would have phoned their names to us, an act which we would have appreciat- ed very much, The district annual meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the council chamber on Thursday, June 220d at 2 o'clock sharp. Representa- tives are expected to be here from all the different branches in this dietrict. Note the hour 2 o'clock instead of 3. Refreshments will be served, The band of gypsies which took Wingham by storm last Monday and which Chief Allen •started on their way, made for Belmore and settled like a bunch of locusts on a nearby farm, much to the discomfort and loss of the farmer, who phoned to a nearby town for the police to come and take the thieves away. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD 186 Boys and 186 Girls on the School Roll, The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board was held in the secretary's office on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, Chairman Bisbee presiding. All the members were present but Trustee Rintoul. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, Principal Poeliff's report for the month of May was read and adopted on motion of Trustees Ieard and Field, The report showed an equal atten- dance of boys and girls, 180 of each, with an average attendance of 320. A communication from the Depart- ment of Education was referred to Principal Posliff on motion of Holmes and Bennett, Accounts from J, A. McLean $12.07; Teaming ashes, etc, 4.50; J. W. Dodd. expenses .75; were read and paid on motion of Allen and Isard. Applications for the position, on the staff made vacant by the enlistment of Principal Posliff were received from Mr. H. Earl Elliott of Palmerston and Miss Norah Smith of town. A commit- tee consisting of Trustees Isard, Hol- mes, Bisbee, and Lloyd, was appointed to look into the appointment of a succ- essor to Mr. Posliff. It was moved by Lloyd and Field that the chairman of the property committee be authorized to purchase a car of coal from R. J. Oantelon. Garden Party A garden party under the auspices of L. 0. L., No. 428 will be hold in John Miller's orchard con. 12, West Wawanosh, on the evening of Friday, Juno 10th. Supper will be served from 0.30 to 8, after which an interest- ing program of musie, recitations and addresses will be given. A Mean Visitor On Friday evening Mr..W. Johns was the possessor of sixty pure bred, incubator hatched, and three week-old chick, a flne, big, healthy lot of valu- able little birds, but on Saturday morn- ing, out of the sixty there were but twenty alive. A big rat had visited the 000p, and killed forty in one night. Mr. Johns however, bad the pleasure of slaying their murderer on Sunday morning, ROM. N. Duff Dead There passed away at his home in Eluevale on Wednesday morning, Robert N. Duff, at the age of 65 years and 8 months. Deceased was born in Mullett township and had been in' poor health for some time, The fun• eral will be held from his late resi- dence to the Bluevale cemetery. on Friday, June 16th. Obituary notice neat week. Mr. Holman of Egmondville, who is presiding at the examinations in the Public Jchool here, received a letter from his sons who are at the front, stating how they had met at Ypres for the first time in five years. The one enlisted in the West with the Mounted rifles in August of 1014 and the other joined the 33rd at London in. January 1015. It has been finally decided to hold the excursion of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, on Saturday, July 8th. The train will leaveToron• to at about '7.15 a.m., and will be div- ided at Stratford, part of it going on to Sarnia. It is expected to arrive at Goderich about 12, noon, and at Sar- nia at 1 p. m. A special train will leave Goderich on Monday evening at 6.00 for Toronto, The summer meeting of the Wing- ham branch of the Women's Institute was held in the council chamber on Thursday afternoon. Miss II. T. Job of Freeman, Ont., gave an interesting and instructive talk on "Tho Charm of Personality." Mrs. Hanna favored the ladies with an instrumental and Miss Poeock rendered a solo in very good voice. Thirteen new members were added to the roll, The many friends of Mr. J. 0. Smith, formerly principal of the Wingham High School, will be pleased to hear of Me promotion from th3 Ingersoll High School Staff to the position of Public School Inspector for East ]Elgin. Wingbam has supplied both the pub,. lie school inspectors for Elgin, Mr. John A Taylor who is the other in. epector In that county was the first principal of Wingllat,l High Sohool, PATRIOTIC NOTES UwVAMA//VY/M Church ilev9;11 METHODIST CHURCH Regular services will be held next Lord's Day in the Methodist Church at 11 a, m, and 7 p, m., the pastor, Rev. J. W. Hibbert will preach at both services. The morning subject will be "Twentieth Century Acts of the Apostles." You will be made welcome. Come. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH., The Presbyterian General Assembly by a vote of 381 to 47, endorsed the findings of an independent committee rejecting Rev. Dr. Campbell's report on the returns from Preebyteriee on. Church Union. Jubilee Anniversary Services will be held in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 25th. Rey, Prof, Law of Toronto, will preach, On Monday evening, June 20th, a eocial gathering will be held both afternoon and evening. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Jas. Hastie, the first pastor of St. Andrew's Church and Rev. W. A. Bradley of Teeswater. The patriotic society desires to ac- knowledge with thanks the receipt of a cheque for $30, to be applied for Red Cross purposes, from Mr. Harry Mar - sales, a former Wingham boy, but who is now residing in Buffalo. Al- though not now a resident of Canada our good friend Harry remembers the land of his birth, many Candians have as yet not made a eimiliar sacrifice. Additional donations as follows are acknowledged: Mrs. E. Failte 5 yds cotton, a donations of $10 from Mr Elisha Walker, being proceeds of sale of, hand,, made ship, donated by Me' Bloomfield. The amount contributed by the systematic giving for May was very generous it is gratifiying to know that when the collectors called many gave more than they had promised, as the need for socks and shirts is becom- ing more urgent the society would be grateful for a prompt response in June. The following are the amounts con- tributed for May in the several wards: No. 1 $43,30, No. 2 $30.30, No. 3 $57.- 25, No, 4 $40.00. Total $179.S5. Shipment June 4th to Oanadian Red Cross Society, 28 dozen bandages $28, 10 lbs hospital dressings $1.,00, 8 first aid pillows $2.40, 1 feather pillow $1, 10 wash cloths ,50. Total $32.00. A large supply of yarn and flannel is constantly on hand and may be had at any time as our soldiers are in need of socks, it is hoped this part of the work will be kept up in spite of every- thing. Yarn to be had from Miss Feseant. Cut out shirts to be obtain- ed from any of the following ladies, Mrs, Wm. Grey, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. R. Tindall. Hospital supplies, such as new cot- ton for bandages and old soft linen or cotton with all seams removed for dressings and for such we are making a special appeal, all such to be left with Mrs, W. H. Willis, Shuter St, Education Department Exams. The annual Departmental Examina- tions for Teachers, Matriculation, &e„ are now on at the High School and will continue until the last of June, There are in all some fit candidates writing, divided as follows:—Lower School or Part I. of Entrance to Norm. al 29; Junior Matriculation and Norm. al Entrance 21; Faculty of Education or First Claes Teachers 8; Honour Mat- riculation 5; Scholarship Matriculation 1, Mr. G. W. Holman of Egmondville is conducting the examinations and is assisted by Mr. A. L. Posliff of Wing - ham. ADJUTANT 101ST ' ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Pte. Harold Deem, who has been the efficient and much esteemed president of St. Paul's A. Y. P. A., having left on Monday morning for London camp where he goes in training with the 101st Battalion, was preeanted by the members with a wrist watch as a slight token of their appreciation of his services as president. This is the second president of this association who has given hie services for Ring and Country, Lieut. Barron having held this office when he enlisted, The members are justly proud of the large number of their men who are at present wearing the King's uniform. . Woman's Auxiliary meeting Thurs- day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Par ish Hall. Holy Communion next Sunday at 8.30 a.m. The Sunday School now meets in the Pariah Hall instead of in the base- ment of the church, CAPT. 0. G. VANSTONE Son of >4fr. W, F. VanStone of Wingham, le Adjutant of the 161st. Great credit is due his untiring efforts for the final drive for men to fill the xauke of the 101at. FAREWELL PRESENTATION 7, The e ,1 Sture.5 AV,'1'111 1,IW(,'. O E '7 Does your head ache Do your eyes burn or water when reading Are distant objects indis- tinct Do you have dull pains, about the eyes If so you need glasses, Years of study and experience has taught us how to overcome these defects, a No Charge for Testing No case too difficult for our newest method the "Shadow Test" We sell all styles of Eye, Glasses also Motor Goggles. .'W�f.NaI�I\IwWV�AI�A J1 W. McKIBBON 'DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Agents for C. P. R. Tickets, PHONE 53 WE.ARE MERE TO SERVE 'YOU The Wingham Public School Camp- us was made an interesting scene on Friday, June 0th, when at 1:30 p,m. at the sound of the bell nearly four hund- red, teachers and pupils, in all met to do parting honours to Principal A. L. Posliff, who leaves early in July to join 1Glet Battalion in London for overseas. Miss Brock was mistress of ceremonies and most ably and capably arranged pupils, carrying flags and wearing smi- les of good cheer, in lines. Addressing the principal, in many measured and well spoken words Miss Brook spoke of the stand taken and of the esteem with which staff and students regarded the action closing with the best wishes and ultimate hope entertained. A programme followed and was much appreciated, after which the presen- tation took place consisting of a gold wrist watch bearing- neatly engraved on its case the name of recipient and donors, besides a gold pocket piece of recent Canadian print. l?te. Posliff much embarrassed re- plied in his efficient way avowing the thought that he was glad to represent Wingham Public School abroad, Be- low is given the programme, and also the address suitably composed by one of Mr, Posliff's pupils, Cheers were rampart as the meeting broke up. Wingham Public School is proud of Mr. Posliff, and Mr. Posliff is equally grateful to Wingham Public School. PROGR, IM Chorus— "0 Canada," "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall." 'Till the Boys ComeHome," Presentation and address, by George Fixtor and James Allen. "Your King and Country Want You"—Edna Musgrove, May Allan, Alice Imlay, and Ruth Anderson. Chorus— "Good Luok to the Boys of the Allies," Solo --"The Call of the Mother Land, Madeline Walker. Ohorue--"When Jack Comes Back," Maple Leaf,"God Save the King," Dear Teacher -- Daring the past flew years you have served Its to the highest degree, you have tutored us to the best of your pedagogic knowledge, which is in no wise meagre. We are all aware that there are only two kinds of young men in Wingham those who aro bravo and those who are not, and we aro prond to realize that our principal has ranked himself' with the bravo onea. Wo, the Staff, Pupils, and Mr. Decide of the Wingham Public School ask you to accept these as a token of our es- teem for you. 6 with all our hearts wish you a safe return bearing the laurels due., Signed on behalf of Staff, Pupils, and Mr, Dodds. - Weekly Half Holiday The merebante of Wingham will commence the Wednesday afternoon half holiday on the Arab Wednesday In July, and continues through July anti. August. This drawing represents a beautiful shoe, designed for particular Canadian. women, Note the perfect lines and with all its beauty there is that lovely feeling of comfort and the know- ledge that your feet are entirely satisfied. This feeling is assur- ed with every pairof "Empress" Shoes. We are agents for this high-grade shoe` which is made in� Canada by Canadian artizans. MisIM Fleet-Foot Shoes `For Every Sport and Recreation. . W. J. GREEK regalia .e.._.t. R. As CURRIE Graduate ofCanadianEnzbalmers Association We carry a large and first- class stock of FUNERAL REQUISITES A'large stock of everything found in a modernfurnitureetore Store Phone 51 Residence 155 1111111•111111MMIS 111111111M11111111•111111111111 ■t;, • Best D.L. W. SCRANTON COAL se Every advantage is with a the consumer in buying his coal early, better service, lees cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter delivery and the added satisfaction of having your coal in your own bins. Place your order b'y 20th inst. for delivery at June prices. Dressed and undressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles and and Wood. J. A. McLean Dealer in Lumber, Coal and Wood. Office Phone 04a. Mill Phone 01, Residence 55,