HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-06-08, Page 8Page eight
1 S U MM E R ''!
1G 0 0 D 1
.lt N many sheer materials, in V o i l e s,
ICrepes, Foulards and Organdies, Dolly X
Madison Voile q, and Silks, in plain. Taffetas, X I
I Pailettesi Poling Crepe .i'ailles, in waist X
P P x
1 and dress lesgthq,
a Ladies' Blouses 1 f
x all shades, Price $2. $2.50,$4, $5 N
In Silk, Crepe, Washable Satin, Voile, in white and
White Skirts °
03 Ladies' Separate White Skirts, in Repps and
Piques, Prices $150, $2, $2.50 In the newest
flare skirt and side pockets,
Fel Children's Straw Hats
4 In Sailors, with new fancy Queen Mary bands.
Ladies' Silk Sweaters
1 In many delicate shades, made in Norfolk style with
•• Melon, to and Copn Old enhagen Blue, Prices $5,r,$7.50
$10 each.
Men's Outing Shirts
In Country Club and Sport Styles. W. G. and R.
X make. Men's new•Sailors and Panama. Hats. The
X celebrated Christie Straw flats for men and young
Vi men.
Children's Wash Suits
and Oliver Twist Suits
V In Plain White and Striped Galateas and Piques
4 X
I y.
...! 10.x
vcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;pm
Give The Advance your next Order.
WE bought all our goods before
the great advance, and are
giving them out to you at the same
rate. All bright new stock.
Comfort Soap only 4c
Comfort Ammonia 4c
2 lbs Seeded Raisi ns 2 5 c
Best Canadian
Cheese 22c
Special Green Tea
Only 29c
12 lbs best Sugar for •$1
2 large packages Eddy's
Best Matches for 25c
3 cans PlumsorBeans25c
4 Bottles Extracts 25c
4 pks Jelly Powder 25c
Boots and Shoes
Ladies' $5 Shoes $3.19
medium quality
shoes for 2.50
Light and heavy Shoes
for $1.93
Children's . Shoes 98c,
$1.25 and $1.50
Boys' $3 Shoes $1.98
Dress Goods
$z most alt shades in fine
quality caress goods
59c a yard
$ t.5o to $ dress goods,
inlostly all shades' for
only 98c per yd
Special Curtains
20c Cream Muslin 15c
4oc Cream or white
Madras 25c
50c extra heavy
Madras 35c
All other lines reduced
Men's Wear
Men's $22 Suits$12.45
„ 20 " 9.95
Boys' 6. " 3.98
5. t" 2.9
Fiats and Caps at Cost
Mill Ends
These ends are a great
saving to you.
Mill Ends Prints 94c
" Table Linens
" White Muslin
$ t Ladies' Princess
Slips 59e
$z Night Robes 9 is
Ladies' rine Quality
Vests 124e
L:ttlit'fi'Mfdtlys O5 4 t`.: $1,10
hi 1
C7 1c rOn 14i'rlcl
ii 1 jt8 only 59C
Girls Drosses about a: price
ormierly the
Brokera, e
(Onntinut;d tiowPage 1)
thought be should not vote Am 'he
question owing to hie being itatereeted
in one parcel of the land in question,
and on a vote being taken both the
following amendtuent and motion
were lost, the vote being a tie of three
for each. Moved by Come, Patterson
and Gurney that this by-law he passed
ae read. --Lost. Amendment by
Canons. Binkley and ilpottan that the
exemption of taxes an farm landsin
the corporation of Winghatu be left
over for further consideration, --Lost.
The }natter. however, was left over,
Oouu, tripling voted with the mover
and seconder of the motion, and peeve
Mitchell voted with the mover tlnd
seconder of the amendment.
Bylaw No. 758-1916, a by-law to fix
the awo{tnt payable for poll taxat$5
is Wingharn for 1910 was read three
times and finally passed on motion of
Uouns. Gurney and Binkley,
An uncertlfied account of T. J. Mc-
Lean's amounting to $14.90 was read.
Moved by Binkley and Gurney that
this account be paid when certified to
by the chairman of the proper com-
mittee. -•carried,
Mr. 13, B. Elliott addressed the
council in the interests of the Turn.
berry Agricultural Society asking that
the usual grant be Trade by the coun-
cil, Moved by Binkley and Gurney
that a grant of $25, be made to the
Reeve Mitchell brought before the
Oouncil the fact that the town owned
considerable amount of property along
the C. P. R. tracks which he thought
should be advertised, for sale as it
would make a splendid site for a fac-
tory. Moved by Reeve Mitchell and
Ooun Patterson that we advertise this
land for sale in some leading paper or
papers as a suitable site for any maou-
facturing concern. -Lost. Only the,
mover and seconder voting. .
Mr, W. Jos. Henderson and Mr,
Wm. Henderson made an excellent
proposition to the council when they
appeared and made a suggestion that
Diagonal Road and the Blaevale grav-
el near town were in a very bad con.
dition and proposed that if the town
would grade them up as far as Mr,
Gannett's hill and furnish material,
the farmers in thet district had agreed
to give their teams, 15 in all, to haul
the material free of charge. All that
the farmers want in return is that the
municipality roll the road for them as
far as Mr. P'roctor's or about 2a miles.
This is certainly a step in the right
direction and if only the farmers on
other roads leading into Wingham
would take a like interest in their roads
it would be better for every one that
uses them, whether with a buggy,
wagon or automobile. The Iarge
boulders and bog holes which znark
many country roads, if levelled up and
fixed, would make a wonderful differ-
ence in the wear and tear of vehicles
going over them, not counting the vast
saving on the horses and harness.
Chairman Tipling of the etreet corn.
mittee said he had been figuring on
the improvement of this road and had
coma to theconclusian that a crusher
would be needed to make the gravel in
the gravel pit fine enough. He sug-
gested having one taken into the pit
and loaded from the crusher into the
wagons. Moved by Binkley and
Gurney that the request of Mr. Hen-
derson be left in the hands of the
street committee with power to act. -
Carried. Work Will be commenced
without delay.
Moved by Oouns. Spotton and Bink -
ley that since the 161st Battalion,
Huron's Own, needs 150 men before
the county has done its bit that has
been asked of her, and knowing that
the Ooonty Council, who are the cus-
todians of the county's honor, will be
asked to give its hearty support to aid
the completion of same, that we unan,
imonely and respectfully request of
our reeve to do everything in hie power
to influence that honourable body at
the coming session to worthily assist
our own battalion.-Oarried. The
Reeve promised to give his whole•
heartcil support to anything within
Council adjourned.
Mr. W. V. VanStone of Wingham, wee
in town Monday.
The regular monthly meeting of the
council was held in Industry Hall on
Monday evening.
Miss Atnie Mains has secured a posi-
tion in the Bell Telephone office, London.
Mr. Frank Carr of Waterloo, called on
friends in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Carthew spent the
week -end with Owen Sound friends.
Moore and Taylor disposed of another
Gray Dort car to Mr. Frank Little of
Mr. Henry Johnston is the latest res
cruit to join the 161st Hurons,
Mr. 1-1. Thomas, C, P. 12, agent, is
transferred to St.Marys and will move
his household effects in a few• Weeks.
(Correct up till Wednesday aeon.)
Wheat, new . 00 to 01)
T'lour, per ()Wt., patent 3 00 to 3 60
Moues per cwt., hardly.. 3 05 to fl 20
tlrah, per tori , .........20 00 to 27 00
rte irr ton„r
i tIto 27
Oats, (t 43 to (1 45
Barley, ,,,,,» ..,, , 0 55 to 0 00
Hay, new .... .;C 00 to 10 00
Butter, per lb -Dairy , , 0 23 to 0 25
Eggs, per dozen 1 21 to 0 23
'Cattle, 'Medium butchers '7 7+; to 8 00
Cattle, butchers ehofee8 00 to 8 2.
Hoge. live Weight . , ,10 30 to 10 (10
Lamb (cwt) f) 00 to 10 00
Rams, per lb 0 20 to 0 27
I3aet n long clear. , ..... , 020 to 0 23
flheepSkins 1 00,to 1 23
Tildes ,..,...,,, ,.,,,,11, t0 10 12 00
oa. Q, .¢.,rcirtttrona, f"tth Hee Morris,
has teepee. d w it t...to •u
Liwreuce At 41100 uug rut tha
89>ti t`ux•
gary Regiment, that be is on is way
overeeas expecting to bail iron, lialifsx
on Jane lat. May he return uninjured.
Many from this district are taking
in the excursion to the Model Farm
next week.
Messrs, McCracken of Brussels, and
Schaefer of Wingharn have been bub
ily engaged redecorating some of our
village homes last week,
Mr. Sproat returned home last week
from Wingham Hospital after nine
weeks of a eojourn there.
Mrs, W. H. Fergusrn was at Oran -
brook last Wednesday and gave a full
and interesting acoouat of the Wont
an'sMissionary meeting at London to
the society there,
The Annual Meeting' of East Hurrn
-District Woman's Institute will be hold
in Gerrie on Wednesday, the 21st cf
A large delegation from the W, M. S
of Knox Ohurch will attend the Miss-
ionary Institute at Brussels ea the 13th
of June.
The Patriotic met at Mrs. Joe Bran-
don's last Monday night.
Rev. Mr. Boyle spent a couple of
days at Lochalsh last week where he
assisted Rev, Hardy with services.
Pte. W. E. Scott of the 161st now in
camp at London spent Sunday here.
The lantern views shown last Wed-
nesday night in Knox Church were
good. The pictures were clear and the
lecture good, though not as well att
ended as migbt have been. Those that
were there enjoyed a rare treot. Rev.
Mr. 'Wilson is a forcible speaker and
has the subject at heart, Ile has two
eons enlisted with the overseas and also
a daughter doing her bit as a Red Cross
The !Union Prayer Meeting will be
held in Trinity church next Friday
night. Rev. Mr. Parnaby will be the
Rev. Mr. Lang of Auburn, will preaoh
in Knox church next Wednesday eve
at 8 o'clock.
' Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be' dispensed with in Knox church
next Sunday.
Miss Mildred Russel, 5th line Morris.
celebrated her eleventh birthday by a
party in which some dozen and a half
guests were present. A large time was
spent boating, swinging, playing ball,
winding up with supper. Miss Mildred
was the recipient of many useful and
beautiful gifts which were accompan
led by good wishes for many returns of
the day,
Mrs. Robertson of Detroit, is visiting
at her brother's Mr. James Russel.
Miss Annie Geddes has been quite ill
for some time but is improving, Bro-
nehie trouble and measles combined
were the trouble.
Mrs. Bird of Mitchell is, spending
some time at Samuel Jordon's.
The citizens of this district present,
ed Norman Geddes with a handsome
signet ring as a slight appreciation on
the noble stand which he has taken in
enlisting with the 161st to do bis bit.
Also the pupils and friends of the Lon-
desboro school where be has been tea.
thing for the past two years bad a ecce
ial evening in his honour and present,
ed him with a handeome gold wrist
watch.• We cannot honour our boys
too much who are making a sacrifice
of all they possess which in many bas'
es represents years of hard study in
order that our freedom may be ob-
Mise Ella Cloakey spent Thursday at
Among the list of those .who have
been attending Faculty of Education
in Toronto during the past term, and
bate suooesefully passed their examin-
atlofi for permanent first class certific-
ates, is Elizabeth D. p'erguson, who
now has charge of a school in Toronto.
She is a daughter of W. H. and Mrs.
Mrs. A, McGuire of Clinton spent
Sunday at John McGuire's.
Mrs. Sproat of Woodstock has been
spending a few days with her daughter
Mrs, Dniac McCallum, who has been
quite 01.
The Farmers Club has quite a large
shipment of binder :twine last week.
Pte. John Anderson of London
spent Sunday at his home here,
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church are bolding a garden party on
Thursday, the 15th of June, on the
Parsonage grounds.
St. !Melena.
A number from this burg attended an-
niversary services at Whitechurch on Sun-
Mr.and A T•
Mts. W. J. Todd and daughter
Pearl, and Miss Nettie Brooks ►pent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Godkin of
& tland.
Pte. Norman 'Taylor of Winghana, spent
Sunday with friends Here.
Mr. Elliott Miller treated a few of his
friend; to a nice Car ride tate other even-
. ing, all enjoying themselves..
Miss Margaret Miller is visiting this
week with her friend, Miss Vera IVebb or
Mr. and Mrs 1%ranlc Todd and Mr, and
Mrs, have Todd spent Sunday with Car-
gill friends.
Mr, Joseph Donnivan takes a drive to
Wroxeter quite often, some attraction in
that town,
Why sloes Wallace drive around' the
baek streets?
Miss tlettie Levis spent Sunday tsith
.lrs, illeelenagbaa, Whitechurch,
Marble Works
Robot Johneton, formerly of
Cochrane & Johnston, to now in
Wattage of the Wingatn Marble
Werke where there will be kept on
land a large and well assorted
stock of
Scotch and Canadian
Granite Monuments
Call and see us before giving an
Johnston's Marble Works
Successor to 13. D. Cochrane,
Miss L. McCall was in Tilsonburg
playing at a recital on Monday and is
spending a iew`days with friends at Delhi
before returning home.
ME, and Mrs, Thos. Watt spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -Masters visited with
Howick friends on Sunday.
Air, and Mrs, John Geddes left on
Tuesday for a few months visit with re.
latives In Wealern Canada,
Pte. Harold Holmes was home for a
few days before leaving for overseas, He
belongs to Machine Gun Section of 84th
Remember the monthly meeting of the
Women's institute to be held in the bast,
meat of the Presbyterian church on
Thursday, June 8th at 2 o'lock sharp. A
Mrs. Lowe of Hespler will address the
ladies on patriotic work, All cordially in-
vited. Lunch served at close of meeting,
Funeral of the tate Mrs, VanStone
The funeral cortege of the late Mrs.
W. F. VanStone proceeded from the
family residence John St, to the (1.30
train on Saturday morning where the
remains were taken to Brussels ceme-
tery for interment, About thirty
beautiful floral tributes were carried
by a number of friends and prominent
business men. These included a beau-
tiful large wreath from the 161st. batt-
alion of which the deceased lady's only
son, Capt. 0. G,VanStone, is the petal -
lar adjutant. Others wete from the
Wm. Davies Go., Toronto, The Toron
to Stock Exchange, the Ladies' Aux.
iliary and Sunday School of St. Paul's
Church. besides many flowers from
friends and relatives. The pall -bearers
were: -Messrs. A. H. Musgrove, M. P.
P. John Ritcbie, J. A. McLean, R.
Vanetone, Dr. Tamblyn, and Geo. Spot -
ton. Rev. E. G. Dymond, assisted
by Rev. Mr. Page of Brussels, cond.
ucted the funeral services in St. Johns
Anglican 0harch, Brussels.
Those from a distance who attended
the funeral were! -Capt. 0, G. Van
Stone from London, and:Mr. and Mrs.
Roy L,Forester and little son VanStone
of Parrie, Oklahoma, Mies Bartliff of
Clinton, Mrs. Cornish of Ripley, Mr,
Stivensof Guelph, Mr. Parke represent,
ing The Wm. Davies Co., of Toronto,
Mr. Ii, Bugg, Toronto, and Mr. H. L,
Montgomery, brother of the deceased
from Deloraine, Man.
r11111111111.11111111010 11011100111111111•
We have been hand-
ling most dependable
stock, The kind that
makes satisfied customers,
We'll Please You
Entrust your order to us
and we'll see that you're
9.r w w.we. .n..a.v...iammawanwammoiremsammiismommai
A Large Variety of
At Right Pl ices
Fresh Stack of Berges
Pure Paris.
Hardware Plans 8
East Wj.watiaash
Pte Ernest Thotnpvon was home from
London ove Sund .y.
Ali^s Peat,. Walker visited at the home
of Moir- S. Thompson on Sunday.
Joe Brophy hall his new wail erected
prior to his barn raising.
A garden party wilf be held under the
Auspices , of the Donnybrook Epworth
League at Jos. Chamney's, 8th con, on
the 16th of June, A goad program will
be rendered.
Butter 24c. ldggs 22c.
June the month of rosse, weddings and
There is every prospect of an abundant
strawberry erop.
The Red Cross meet'ng which wan held
at Mr. Hazelwood's last Friday, was well
attended and a pleasant afternoon was
spent by all.
Miss McDonald who has charge of the
millinery shop spent a few days last
week at her home in Durham.
The Methodist Conterence which is be-
ing held at Kingsville will close this
!Vir. IVIGPhereon preached in the Pres-
byterian church Sunday morning and
There was not a very large attendance
at church Sunday evening on account of
the storm,
The united prayer meeting will be held
in the Presbyterian church Tuesday
Mrs. Lovell of the 2nd con, of Turn-
berry, visited Friday afternoon with her
friend, Mrs. Gibson on Gibson St. The
two old ladies are 88 and 88 years of age
and seem to be enjoying pretty gocd
Mrs. D. Geddes and Miss Dean Geddes
visited in Wingham on Wednesday of
last week.
Mr. Ritchie and Mrs, Fiske spent Sun-
day with friends in Lucknow.
The funeral of Dorothy Jewel, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill,
took place on Monday afternoon to
Greenhill cemetery The funeral was
from their home where four „little girls
acted as casket bearers,
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan left Mon.
day morning for a three weeks visit to
Winnipeg. Mr. Duncan attends the As.
sembiy of the Presbyterian church which
is to be held in that city. In his absence
Mr, Currie of Mount Forest, will take
charge of the services.
The Lucknow detachment of the
100th Bruce Battalion were home in a
body for the last time on Saturday,
May 27th, A farewell reception was
given in the Town Hall. Each soldier
was presdntad with a mirror and a
safety razor.
The funeral of Mrs. S. Robertson
took place on Wednesday afternoon
to Greenhill cemetery, The week be
fore her death she underwent an oper.
ation which for e. time seerued to be
eucceesful, but on Monday of last
week she passed away at her home on
Stauffer Street.
Mise Edith McGregor of Langeide
has taken charge of the dressmaking
shop of Mise Woods.
Miss Marie Murray is visiting her
sister, Mrs, Jos. M. -Holt, at her sum,
mer home, Valois, on Lake Sineca, N,
Miss Rena Gordon is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Beekeepers Nield Day
Next to doing a thing yourself, the
best way to learn is to see it done. It
is one thing toiattf in some convention
room and heat* a. man tell how he
manages his beget itis far better to go
with him into th apisry and have him
show you. That,iis what you will
have a chance to (Jo ,at the apiary of
Peter Clark, St. Helens, lot 18. con. 11.
Wawanosh, on Th reeday, June 15 at
1.30 p.m. sharp. a:”
A qualified apiary'•. instructor sent by
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture will show how;' 'to examine hives
for disease, and will actually put a
colony through the',treatment for cure,
Other manipulations will then be
shown, such as finding the queen re-
moving bees from supers, operating to
prevent swarming etc., etc.
Ladies are especially invited, and all
are advised to bring bee Vials so they
can come right out into the apiary
with comfort.
ARMSTRONG—In Morris township, On
May 28, Richard S. Armstrong, aged
70 years and 3 months,
BoNn--In Langdon, North Dakota, on
slay 4, 1916, Ray, youngest son •of
Mr. and Mre, C. J, Bone, in his 18:h
year. «
svu'r'r--A.t reeewater, on : ,5urtday,
May .8thr 1910
r Arebtbald.
Stott, ,ag-
ed 70 years.
r +
f .
rivrrsnl,u,trx'—In Londettlbot b, onMay.
26th, to Mr. and Mrs J`ohn'O. Lothns-;
berry, a son.
ANrrkmtsoN---In hast 14cw;attxli) t
May 28.h, to Mr. and $s.; : Andreiw•
M. Anderson, a ebb.
)Ott vsmr)N--On June 2nd, .fn 'rl`ttlu. `•
berry, to Mr, and hire. fiorshctu
Johnston, a sop, :' , .
Nteitiar,--417ian.,tt---At the home taf
the bridets parents, by the .ey. W.
11. Roberts, on ' Wednesday, •„,May
31st, 1010, Mary J., daughter or Mr.
and liars, Thor. Weiler, nhith cote,., to
Mr.• Robt. R. Nfchel, of,13eltfitfre,
,IArtirt•;tt Srwn ci •A't tite home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. L. .1;.
Strong, con. 10, t•Iowie.k, by amt. 111.
Jacques of Eastwood on 'Wednes-
day, May 31st, Laura ?h. Stroh to
Mr, &Isar W. J Lcquea, all of Holy
Thursday, June $, 190
High Gut Shoes for ornew
The very latest style
This cut shows one of
these new shoes made with
fine kid or Patent fronts.
City, prices are from $7.00
to $3.00 per pair for a shoe
like this but our price is
$5.50 per pair
Atict they are as good as the
best --bar none.
We shall be glad to 'show these
lines and you are under no obligation
to buy.
Sole Agent '
For The
00.4: -:“:44.04.: -.:.:.:•4 -x. -:-.:44.4.+44.:4•:-x444.:44.-;. jO.:4414,:.:-: .. N M N 4-,• 4.
. 3.
:s; twI
s :i
Fertile Eggs do not keep as well as if they were not fer-. '
:_: tile. , If you will shut up or sell your rooster we will pay
_: you from one to three cents per dozen more for infertile =;
._. eggs..•
;t: +s;.
S 47 47 47 Ary 47 w 4U 471 4r. ;.
.. ►i.►..►. egtea..►.o,.►..►..
.i. A I► I► I► I► I► I► I► I► •:
_: When you deliver your eggs to your merchant ask . him 41.*
;% if he has any arrangement with us for handling eggs of ;
4: this class. If he hasn't it will pay you to get in touch
:_: with us. We can take. care of your trade. ;
A. 41? 4!) 4!) 41). l.et,4Ifr !)►ice .••
• iti Ip I►i I►' la IA Ip t'A AES ._•
• We ask you to assist in this proposition. If you will 2_: co-operate with us you will help save a • tremendous .%
'• waste which Canada; has sustained during the warm
:: seasons. •-
.:, r.
4b.4 !' 4#r 4r) 4V 41P 4d1 4!i 471
'Z+ ►..► si”' 1►..►...35.61.►.. ..
Market Y..
our Roosters
._: TH IS WEEK. 4..„V.?....
.: 47i 47 4j 4v 4ri ai 4Y► vi 4v 4ry q 4r vi Ori w w Ori 4+i 4► 4v •+
•• 'rls'1C..t.:* 13..* .eiee tilnige.i i7i s'iii"i 81$ •s•
; A 4 t. ► ► 1 1 1► 2► l► t► :
,s, A.
.s. .:.
A.He Wilford _:
Wingharn :_;
_. . PHONES: --Office 174, Residence 168.
._ ::
II Ailllllfllllhflflfllfilllll IllmliMITlllimMlilifllMliMlinl
Open on
Saturday NightsigrIgigtx
OR the past two weeks we have
kept our shop open on Saturday
nights. This has proven a decid-
ed sun s d •1
es ata wll be continued 1~ntll
further notice.
Get our prices and compare them with
The Wm. Davies
111f11 ,1`rt,''l' ,'l,Winhani, ' Ont.
1Il<U U it/L111AAl1 111JIfAl.11u114111At1111aYLAIIi
EGGSWAN1EDYL J. Armaur,Wingham