The Wingham Advance, 1916-06-08, Page 4Page rem
Qihe btrnnt
Joel` JOvesT, Peoprietor
A, 0, Swan.:tI:unser
Tau RSDAY , Jt-NI4 ant final
Since Pr. Waite confessed that
be wrote poetry, it should be a
warning to poets %haat they are up
Mr. Carvell now denies that Mr.
Rate rnade "chargers". Whet he
did, the pnlrlie is infolrruc'ti wail to
make tlsttttements,"
Tho North Star complains that
the lockup at Paray Sound is ppl,.
sanitary, Then why doesn't the
North Star bebavt:?•--Qoderich Sig-
The first Canadian Parliament
to meet in Ottawa in the buildings
v; Melt were destroyed by the disaet-
rous fire of Feby 3rd was conven-
ed on June 8th, 1800.
A great many citizens in Wing -
ham would not know where to
find the tiro bell in case of a fire.
Would it not therefore be well if
it were in some way, distinctly
marked? While Wingbam has
been very lucky by not having any
Serious fires for some time, yet we
never know where a blaze is going
to get a good start, and a good way
to let it get a good wart would be
for the man who sends in the
alarm, to pull the town bell instead
of the fire bell, as bay been done
on a couple oecassions of late.
Sam Hughes Unscathed
The Ottawa Free Press (Liberal),
after General Hughes bad stepped
out of the stand at the Shell Con-
tract Investigation state((: ' So
General Hughes left the stand
without a dint in hili knightly ar-
mor; without having lost a trench
of. his d"fence works and without
ass inch off h's lacrosse nose,"
The opinion of the Ottawa Free
Press is the general opinion that
Hughes has emerged from the or-
deal With !lying colors, and that
the attempts of Messrs. Kyte and
Carvell to "get" the Minisiter have
absolutely failed. General Hughes
showed that he had no connection
with any commission or knew noth-
ing about any, that lie had from
the first salad to have all orders
let without the intervention cf
auiddlemen, that it was through bis
efforts that the prices of fuses were
reduced, that he bad aimed to have
all work possible done in Canada,
;and that he had acted only in the
Vest interests as be judged them,
of Canada and of tbe Empire.
Fast Wawanosh.
Council not on May 25th es a Court of
Revision on assessment roll with all the
members present. On applicationn Elmer
Taylor was added orr the roll as M.F.F,S.
parts lots 35 and 30, con. 0. There being
no appeals against assessments and no
further changes or alterations asked for,
it was moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by
Mr. Buchanan, that the assessment roll
as now, revised be adopted and the Court
of Revision closed —Carried.
Council resumed and ordinary business
proceeded with. Minutes c f last I egular
meeting and special meeting were read
and passed on motion of Currie and Me•
Communication from Geo. 1. Putman}
asking the council to appoint a represent.
stive on the Board of Agriceltnre received
and ordered filed.
J. Dingwall was present and asked for
some assistance on what is known as
Dingwall's .road, stating that the satire
was at present in a bad condition. A
promise was given 7dr. Dingwall that the
council as a body would go and view the
road mentioned in the near future.
Three applications were received for the
office of Collector when Mr. McGowt•n
'moved, seconded by Mr. Irwin, that the
appiication of Chas. Campbell for the
office be accepted —Carried,
The council not wishing' to ri gidly en•
force the Ry Law prohibiting the running
at large of certaiat animals, respectfully
call upon the ratepayers for their assist-
ance in keeping, that municipality
ing disfigured and made unsightly by the
rooting up of the highways by hogs
'!'lie following accounts were paid:
j. Stewart, hall rent, $30 00; W. Wight.
man, salary as assessor, $08.00; W.
Robinson, re washoutrive:- vt.ebridge,
cern. 9$3.00;Corporation0rativr of Blyth, hall
rein f'er Division Court purposes, $7 50;
j. Deaftoln:, E tVawauesh, share of
Denholm drain, $8 00 and $1 for catch
basin $9.00; S. aliciinrney, rep. bridge on
side litre 80 and 31, con, 0 and eleaning
out ditch con 10, $2 O►,; P. Leaver, plank'
and rep, two bridges on side line 80 and
81, eon, 11, $30 30; J. Johnston, putting
an tWo culverts, con. 3, '$#'l5; R. Snell,
ratting hi culvert, come 3, $ l 00; W.
itowatt, repairing washout, $1.00; Wm
Ruddy,r,,moving stump, cut 2, $1 00;
R. Redmond, 00 yards of gravel $0;
J. Buehanan, drawing arid shoveling
gravel and roil. washout, $10; J. Snell, •
shovelling gravel $3 75; Walter Cool., 'w
days drawing gravel $7; 11 S. Frisby,
rep. culvert on F foundry $3
Next meeting of council will be held onnunday. Juane 101.11 cat out; o'clock
A I'tyl;.rratrr1J, Cpwtir
TIM M1! L J- W ITAI I AD Y A1.`!. OE"
c1l iltarnnari
The following is the report of Qiena,nn�
SUS School for the month of ;tfay. Names
In order of merit, Jr, 1V—Mary Eadie
(hon.), Annie Metcalfe. 8r. III- -•Jean
Wilton (lion ), Jos Campbell, Prank Mc-
Glynn, Mary Campbell. Jr, III Elrncr
Breen, Rdith Metcalfe, Barbara Weir,
9r. 11—John McGlynn Jr. It—Grace
Mitchell, (Jennie Campbell, Lorne Mc,,
Glynn,) Boyd Alarshal, Isaac Metcalfe,
George McGlynn. Pt. II—Robbie Breen,
Irene Mendell, Andrew Mitchell, Clarke
Elliott, Sr I—(Isabelle Metcalfe, Addie
Breckenridge,) Jimmie Marshal, Walt(r
McGlynn Jr. I --Mary Weir, Annie
Stokes, Dorothy Baird, Number on roll
27, average attendance for May 22.
M. T. MacDonald, Teacher.
Hee To.
"flow 1:, taie. •t••r.te : 1They tell me
your son iti Ill til,' Li. (Altos hitting ail
he 17, tie's u sleol,lejutt•"•
Junior—So }vol tlitlu't profuse to her.
after all? CYeed - `:o. and I'm not
„,.lin; to Whin; I got to her house 1
cnnod her chasing e:- anew* with a
•fl is impossible to he just 1f one Is
not generous.- Roux.
In every good town and district
in Ontario where we are not re-
Territory reserved for the
right matt. Highest commis-
sions paid, Attractive advertis-
ing matter,
Splendid List of New Specialties
for Season 1916.1917
Including the new EVERI3EAR•
Stone & Wellington
The Foothill Nurseries
(Established 1837)
ai000000000000000::oo: 000cit'yri
Notice !
mommanammesom 8
b -.
c' WE can save you mon
ey on• all the best
b makes of
8 Bicycles; Cycle Supplies 8
0 and Repairs
A good stock always
on hand
i We do not stock Seconds °
an any «grades of tires,
but can order them for a;
8 you at a very low price. r?
Baby carriage and go-cart
tires of the different makes
r.'placed in the original way$$
Prices reasonable
Goods delivered
.Phone 84
Store and Repair Shop in
the old Tamlyn Block. e
' 0,00000000000000001100000000
9 t •r v, ' qs) - ,•.�,a
max, -r. asst as rr -
E A._..D
For infor-r. atloa that will lead t,
the dis ovary or evitera;'vbOnts of tin
person or persons suffering from
Nervous Debility, Diseases of the
Mouth ind Throat, Blood Poison,
Skin Diseaaels, l,lac'.d r Troubles,
Special Ailments, old Chronic or
Complicated Complaints 'vixO can-
not be cured at The Ontario Medi-
cal Institute, '2,G3-205.-Yange St.,
Toronto. Corrosparfdnr.._� invited
.- mom.
----°- A BUSINESS ..,.........--:..
Wifllollt a proper
S3 steal of adverr. ,
# tiling is like a ,
0 motor without
0the power . .
HI -1
1-11.4 ti -1
Will I 1 supply iiia
rt~ tlil•ccicner +
rr Wo
RK U�� it7 UR� neatly
1 r
eoliett a -."'"«�e
�� wpdi
r r
eh a N t f. your Work, ur
eautples sell outwork, Prices
za the lowest,
°fMMet• 34 (it) Residener. 34 lb)
On Saturday last, June 31d, His AJajesty celebrated hie.
fifty-first birthday. In all parts or his mighty Empire the
prayer for his safety was offered up from his loyal -subjects
to the "King of Kings."
God save our graoious King,
Long live our noble King,
God save our King.
Send him victorious,
Happy and Ulorlous,
Long to reign over us,
God save our King.
Wheat and the War
One of the most comprehensive at, -
doles in the Agricultural War Book
of 1016 deals with the subject of
"Wheat and the War." It is written
by Mr, T. K. Doherty, L L.B., Conn
misaioner of the International Agri-
culture! Institute. The author traces
the course of events, as regard the
wheat marker, in the momentous
years of 1013, 1914 and 1915, the first -
named, sharing with the last two
years some of their importance—al
though preceding the war—by reason
of the decline of prices from those of
1012. Iu 1914 15 prices per bushel of
B'itisb wheat jumped from $1 05 to
$1,61. In this connection Mr. Doherty
aske readers to examine a table giving
quotations of prices slues the year
1800, In 7812 the figures reached their
z nith, Br'it'ain having ware with
Fe•ance and the United States on her
hands. Wheat was then $3 80 a bushel
or more than three times the standing
of to day. During the first quarter of
the nineteenth century the lowest
price was $1•,^,7, this was in 1822. In
the second quarter, the lowest figure
was reached in 1835, when wheat stood.
at $1 35: In tbo third quarter prices
ranged from $1 17 in 1451 to $Z 27 in
1855, fluctuating after that from $1.22
in l861 to $1 95 in 1807 and down to
$1.37 in 1875 In 1.877 the price was
$1.73. In 1878 tbe quotation was $1 40
A period of steadiness followed until
1833, when there was a drop to $1 25
Ole decline continued, the even dollar
being reached in the following year.
Then, for the first time in the period
covered in the table, or in 1A6fl, below
that figure was reached 0i cents being
the quotation. In 1801 the price was
$1,03, the lowest point, nearly OS cents
being touched in 1801. Four teen years
elapsed before a dollar was again e;t.
ceeded. In 1009 the highest qm t talon
stood at $1 13. Mr. Doherty briefly
outlines the cause for thee finctuat-
ions, and proceeds to deal with the
situation arising from the supply and
demand in the last ltbree yparp. He
also deals with the output of other
crops during those years, referring to
the best known authorities in support
of his details and deductions. He
goes largely into the requirements and
productions of the world in wheat,
giving tables showing the'ieJd in 32
countries of wheat and 22 of oats, jo
his conclusion, he also suggests that
every aspect of the wheat situation
appears to indicate the improbability
of a return to the low average prices
of 1010, 11 and 12, and that following
the declaration of peace there will be
a greatly irtureased demand.
His final words ate "Beonomic inter-
ests unite, therefore. with patriotic
duty in stimulating the agriculturists
of Canada to extraordinary product-
ive efforts during the forthcoming sea-
son." As an appendix, a description
is given of marketing operations in
Australia, The article deserves and
should attract wide attention, The
War Book can be had dy addressing
the i. blicationa Branch, D,epaptniont
of Agrical,ure, pttasr ,
Barbers' Price Liet,
Com e
inncing on Monday morning,
June 12 b, the followieg mien willto
cha ,
harmg by thebarbers ed all rb rs
rn Wing..
Neck 8Ihave.... . ..,••,••t
Bari' Cut Slern)
Hair (Jut (boys),.,.,.,..,.. 20
Ilan' Cut ((3i11al , r 25
Singeing (lair.. ....,, 35
of assage 2•r
tlhampeo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t 25
Beard Trir,'1 10
Hair Cut and Beard Trim.. 30
atoning Raza' ,,.... 25
I. W. li l.tv1':it
1', J. M(,Dci.tAt,Ir
t). SAANH(Jt
10 cents
G "
Going L'p.
nutter paper, wholesale, fry Ott
three tiwea the pace it was when tLe
war bloke nut,
Culross Council
Town .Ball, Teeewater, May 20. 101(1
Commit met on above date. Members
all present, The minittee of the previ-
oue ineoting were read and austalned
Moved by duo. S. Armstrong, seed.
by Wen. Clue --That the appoint Don.
Odeon and McPbereon to investigate
the demands made by the ratepayers
at lots 20 and 20 on eideroad cun. 15
and have the same repaired if neceee-
Armstrong--McPherson--That we
appoint the Reeve and Donaldson to
investigate the laranch drain at lots 117
and 10, con, 15, on gravel road as com-
plaint has been made by those impli-
cated and to act as they think advis
The Court of Revision of the Assess
anent Roll was then opened,
Donaldson --McPherson — That tlw
Reeve be chairman of the Court of Re
Armstrong —• Donaldson — That as
>'1r. Anthony $chnur, of Formosa, has
appealed against his Assesernent on
account of the Ontario Temperance
Act that we reduce his assessment
three hundred dollars on real property
Donaldeon—Oase—That whereas this
court having tried and disposed of all
appeals, that the Clerk make the fol.
lowing changes and additions in .the
Assessment Roll, Joseph $illick al
owner of part of lot 10, can. 13 in
place of Robt. Smith,
Thaudius Cullison F. S. lot 25, con.
13, Andrew Opperman joint owner lot
5. St, John Ste Formosa, Peter Grant
F. S. lot 10, con, 1Q, Inc) Smythe F. S.
IA 14, con 12. And whereas the re-
duction made and the changes named,
thieecauncil adopt the Roll and it shall
be the Masi) for all levies for the cur-
rent year, and that this court do now
Armstrong—Donaldson — That we
appoint Case and McPherson to have
the bridge at Iot 2Q, con. 6 repaired es
soon as possible—carried,
Case—Donaldson—That we appoint
Thos, B. A.itltensePtithwa;ter in place
of John Aitkene resigned•,-0arried.
Case—Donaldson—That this souneil
petition the County Council of the
County of Bruce to have the Culross
and CfreenpclfTown line surveyed ac-
cording to the Survey Act, and that
the Clerk forward a certified copy of
this resolution to the County Clerk
forthwith—Cat tied,
McPherson--Donaldson—That John
Armetrong have the road repaired
opposite lot ¢, con. 12 as it is unsafe --
Case—Donaldson—That the Engin-
eers Award on the Pennell Drain is
hereby adopted and that the Clerk
notify all parties interested according,
to law—Carried.
The following lines were written
fifty years ago by a man who saw act-
ive service in the Ridgeway fray and
who now lives in Wingham,
An outcry was heard on the Caned-
ian border,
A cry of a raid by a roughenly crew,
Who unmindful of right but replete
with disorder
Had invaded our shores with a plun-
dering view,
The news on the wind, borne aloft
on its pinions,
Assailed the hearts of the peop'o who
sprang to their arms,
Should the dastardly wretches in-
vade the Dominions
Of the Queen that we love, at whose
name each heart warms.
No sooner the news had to Toronto
came flying,
'Than loyalty struck up her soul stir-
ring drum,
The bugle note sounded the multi
tude crying,
"To arms, then to arms for the Fenians
have come"!
Briefly they gathered, their homes
left behind them,
L•rvery each hand, every anap-
sack to back,
Determined their country in duty
should find them,
Pledged to oorgner or die neatb the
proud J'nion Jack.
Not a moment was last ere the brave
boys departed, -
Mid tears, cheers and blessings,
The gallant Queen's Own
Left their parents, their sisters, their
sweethearts and started,
.Determined the foe, for his rail
shout) atone,
They charged with a will on the.
roughenly horde,
Each war cry was, many a Fenian
knell. '
They did their depair bgtb with,
musket and sword,
But Tempest, Dufries and McEichern
Mourn! ()abode, mourn! for the
dentia of your sons,
Their young lives srrrretldered in
battling for Ghee,
Mourn, parents god eFstet's and those
loved ones,
Mourn for our, heroes who died to be
Mourn fellow Soldiers, let tLe tear
stain your cheek,
On occasions like this it is manly to
Mourn fellow -citizens, both the
strong and the weak,
Mourn In anguish for those who now
sleep their last sleep.
Bang a laurel totaled wreath o'er
the patript'a grave;
Hymn a requiem song for the spiritg
• that's fled,
And breathe out a prayer for our
worthy young braves,
And murmur a blessing for those that
are dead.
Tempest, MacErchern, Dufries and
the rest;
''our deeds are inscribed on the re"
f fame
eofid,s d ,
Your names are ppredled in the Bete
of the Watt
Proudty and brightly in letters of
a. �V,
New Trai'tService
Torot,te,London, Windsor, Detro't, Ohieago
Canadian 1 aclllo Itailway
Effective sundae, dune 4th, the Canadian
Pacific Ruiiway will inaugg,,rats three how
trains, namely, "rico Michigan Smola)" be.
tween Toronto Detroit. Vhinago, "The Queen
t`iry" jtettvn"n I.ondett and Toronto, nuri, the
' •undue _Passenger" between Detroit and
Lone n",
'1 iio il1iclrigan greener will leave Toronto
ll u0}, daily','
,(Inp,' 210 a. , Woodstock
, Chatham 701 nn.
wily 111 U. It. emelt 20
Detre elation 7;f A. n, Uertrai Tine
and idp 340 p coo ra1
'finis. mote the convenient hour or 1'eparture
enabltnaeaq more to the entire even.
ing In Toronto refuting )i Gott ata most de,
! t
Waldo hourlthe rnInr
moment win
be rotten in every ctotatl, inattlntYrtrit oleelrlo•
light cl stn, (lard steeping carer TnrolrtO:Dt1•
tr••ir, raga Toronto•(`blee, o,
"The Queen City" will leave London 2 00 rt.
nt rtaily', Wooasiock 0.:10 a.m.• Balt enee
arriving _'f'orontn 1'' 1:1,
The Loudon 1'xs.erger" w.11 leave i)etrait,
Vert Street:-ltntree at 7 11, ni. daily. Windsor
0, 1-'. P. Stolen 7.40 P 01., Chatham 0 03 p, m,,
arriving Morden 10 lie pp in. PtirtlotrlAra Croat
Canadian Pacific Ticket, Atleuti or W. B.
tan lira Maria e'aosssaaer 4seut, TarnutO
Alex Campbell, fees as fence -
viewers $ 210
Alex. McDonald rep. three cul•
vents and washout 6.00
Joe, Murray, time days operat-
ing Prader 0 75
Nixon Melvin, roving grader „ b0
Anth. MoDonald, assessor, bal.
salary ,,,. 10.00
Anth. McDonald. assessor, post-
age 1, 0
F. Rettinger, rep. hill atlot 4and
5, con. 10 12 00
Electric Light Formosa quarter
term, ...•..•„ . 1172
Dan. Thompson, rep. sinkhole,
•lot'21, con. 12. 10,50
Wm, Bannerman, rep. culvert,
-. lot 21, con, 14, 2.00
"A.'Casliok, pt, eatery ae oollector
Armstrong—McPherson-- That the
f)ral}ep;'eport as just read be adopted
Gene( gr"dert; 4s(/ea for payment of ac-
connts and that the ponnell dp now
adjourn to meet again an Monday,
June 26th or at the call of the Reeve—
- Ca.1s BUTTON, Clerk.
lased to Lather.
"Your meringues,- says tl►e11liStreSS,
"are so delightfully frothy and l#gUt.
[Ioiv 111 the world 4o ypu gel OPO
that way?"
"It's the new butler, mum," explain-
ed the cook. "Ile used to be a bar-
:T. .y. AI�gt,an, he (-, :uIinn rupture ;tii,1A1.
n ceA�p1enta11st,Will vIsit 3owes'lnt!tthearllre.
v. y 81 �'. ).gi,all'( l:ite8t nventtop7, the Tone
.and.' (114 , ,,nrat y ., `forinq, •retain t'nf-
erftt tl and 't' nt .ted o aid • alit((
t r
a Gist
1 , f%
1 �,.fi
o y'( t' r n• �•
t 1 s hd ern t t �h rt:.s �.� fk41
F r0
P, ,
�. 1
tt ,
.t rti I tt i � a •� ...1 eq t•\t.
I w oral r t ti t,
n 1 rap jn �' ,
i l anoes entirety It Brent' 'font • an l ire'•
t ftp.! Y t� t r. yt l
else in the (entirety
Itavn reeelycil the.liislip'1
awards wherever rtltlbit'al, !1(5(1intontttl
(rota men. women nod parents, Results antnncoulpolshed without inticonvenience or lags of
time. Why continue to experiment' with so-
eatie,1 mall order Sures wheat you scut obtain
better service t•ll;bt hereat swan cost? Never
mind past failures --as there- is it reason for
sil•li. There are many wrong 54)s --but only
one right way, It costs yon nothing to investi-
gate my way. belays new be dangerous, einty
is the time to snake yourself physically fit for
lour seasen'Swork. Tear oft comae now.
IRIS' r R Ea , a.ltITaln pouPQN
. t� t` n
7J 11a.1�Yt�t .Y. Ts
41,A, .ono' titFt Toronto;-Witerwi(1 tit
l onto' b ei 'i l i n
' of nd t 1 t• tt • tat o
PP v 1t 4w t Wiwi.) .r iAf .n( r
f a t• Snot
t! . r
'�r tl tt •in, ain tuhoE
s a e r xa i i.a i Fc,[milleg. Ask
Dole 1 tel 0if1C0 i0 o i Gln 1)e .
M of dates.
ft11.4 ., . tor . 8 C S' tl
Kincardine, Royal Hotel June
10 h and 11th.
Wingham, Q.'teena 'Betel, on
Monday((all day and night) 1
a r only ,lone 12 b.
Clinton,tatt.en- bur Hotel
.luno 13e;1i. ((.lade ib (Canada.
¶hu day June 8, ;916
sol Wanted!
We want large quantities of wool
and can pay
Highest Price, either cash or trade.
Special Values in Exchange
For Wool, In
Men's Wear- Men's and Boy's Clothing, Raincoats,
Odd Pants, Vests, Overalls, Shirts,
Underwear; Socks, Etc. •
Ladies' Wear -Dress Goods, Silks, Skirts, Waists,
Spring Coats, Raincoats, ITosiery,
Gloves and' Underwear.
Tapestry and Wilton
House Furnishnigs=
Wool. p y
Pugs all sizes, Printed and LI-
E laid Linoleums, Oilcloths,
Window Shades, Curtain; Rods
Sues- Factory Yarns, Fingering Tarns, Wool Blank-
kets and Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and
Sheets, Military Flannels and Blanket Cloths.
Put in your supply for Fall and Winter at the old prices,
r4 3y
X ``` _ >.• PI1ON1r 71 X
4 r
Chicago" has bad a trial of pro-
hibition of the liq+tor traffic every
Sunday beginning Ootober the 10:h
and the result as reported would saris.
fy any one but a drunkard or an idiot
that the sooner the whole world goes
dry the better for everybody, When
the saloons were open there was an
average of three murders every,Sunday
and a Large number of accidents on
Monday. Since the saloons are clos•
ed on Sunday there has not been a
murder on that day and Monday ac-
cidents have been greatly reduced.
The editor of the Templar has been
in Chicago investigating and has elven
come interesting facts bearing on Sun•
day closing. Ten thousand bar tend-
ers will now have a day of rest and it
has been estimated that the citizen sof
Chicago will save about twenty >t
million. dollars n year by Sunday clor-
A chorus of approval comes from
the heads of tbe big manufacturing
and mercantile industries. Tho re
ports show that there are fewer Mon•
day accidents, merchants report sell•
ing more goods on monday, and that
Sunday r•ffieiency has greatly increas•
ed in the factories.
The foreman of Swift & Co. Packing
Plant, Morris Cudahy and S. S. Plant
all agree with the foreman at Ar -
lemurs, who said, "Cur workmen name
to the plant Mondays with clear heads
and rested bodies. 11 was the com-
plaint of all packers before the eteioons
Were closed that maneither men the' did
not show up or were very little use on
Monday. Last Monday all ttie tnsn
were yromptly en band with steady
muscles, rested bodies and minds tit
for tbv'r tasks."
The manager of tho Illinois Steel
Plant issued a statement to this Effect.
i on hand last
Ark a
w m n were all
Monday the first time
When we asked them what cnused the
nhange they said they hath nothinlr to
do Sturdily hqt reef, for Mondlay, Mata
shall Field & Co. and other big State
Street Department Stores report the
biggest Monday sa'es In years.
That the Temperance force's shnu'd
win studs a vletor3r in a city that :has
lung beers known as the heart of the
1'rruor interests Is intlol'd good beaus.
o le air, doing a lot
erI an )n
The tr) l
l n A
1 p g
of thir,k;ng these days,
There i Solo What
o- s a great awakening, ,.
was winked at in the past will not 1'e -
tolerated mach longer. The only way
to Mend the salmon is to end it, They
have been railed drunkard factories,
hutare they not murder factories as
H► A1tiho'r'r,1`l,13,,
.,e....•.R,,,•- s .. ;..vv,;,.. >;a r... o -d+ t " ' .i'•, iw..yf l'i G:#ar' t•. «+"e: -.:a
You can feed the fire with utmost ease owing to the
generous double feed doors—no scattering of fuel and
room to insert big chunks of wood.
If you have five or ten minutes to spare come in and I'll ib
show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by R, R. MOOIIEY, Wingbarn, Ont. SUB
itgderick Mat±icenzie, Who is Oyer Sryen
1*fet High, Now on His Way Heine
It is not often there is as mach not;
oriety conies to a man as tb;lt secur=-
ed by Roderick Bain McKr we're, 11 niy
lye of Boron County. Writing to hip
bro(hnr, Dor.atd Neil McKenzie, o1
Goderich, last month, he ndvisr d him
that be had just returned ftcm a trip
to New Zealand and, after epinding
the summer in California, he (x )ecce,
to ruake a visit to Ashfield some time
before Christmas,,
He was born 111 Aehtleld Township,
and op leaving home as a young map
he joined the police force of Duluth,
Minn , and stayed there for a purnt ey
of years. Being of a musical dlapesi.•
tion and table to play almost ai.y rens•
ical instrument, he took up bend work
and joined the Kitties Band, of Belle.
Ville, a Ont, and with this baud he
made a tour of the world, playing be•
fore royalty in most of the countries
of the world, While in England King
dtvard offered him apositionin
L hie
ereonei bo guard, b t this was tt va nt`st
p 1, dyfi 1 ?�
acieepted on account of the desire'VI
see Ghe eyelid,
Re :100 as drum ruttier~ for the ,
13elleville Band, a position ho wao Weil'
qualified to fill, from the fact that ho
was at that lime seven feet oho and
one-half inches tall and weighed about
100 pounds.
His father is a man uf 03 Fears cif
age and iIves ill his1
with t ton `b Gude' t
r (e a tel,
Juhn Maeli;enzie, ex -reeve of Asbtlthl,
Thomas ,mother brothe' r1 and T ha ae
m Mack,.
pnzie of photon, is a ccasin. .it ie
aleyen yearlp since ho yisited Huai'
(J.lunty and, judging from a plc+l} e,
he hays developett a great Beal dtrritig
that time, ae aecording to the pieture.
he measures about nine feet, to the top
Of his busby when (treated in hie I1iltie
;lodge Klein of Bruce county apace
the suggestion teethe few wet•ks ago to
organise a county league to (assist in
meeting the condition Created by the
war, with the result that on June eat
a strong committee consisting of the
best men from all over Bruce county
was appointed to frame a constitution,
The constitution reads as follower
"That a league of the trice and wo"
men of the county of Bruce be, and is
hereby, formed eo be known as the
Bruce Preparedness League, the ob-
jects of which are!
1. "Prepare to aid further recruit.
2. "Prepare to seek employment
for returned soldiers.
3, 'Prepare to care for and do hon.
or to wounded and disabled soldiers.
4, "Prepare to aid farmers in secur-
ing help ween sons enlist for the War.
5, "Prepare for the end of the war
a oa ai
m n of rigid id
r Seen
p am i
f; n
public t d private life (,1) by organiz•
ing for immigration in `co-operation
with an immigration ilepartwentq, "F')
by irr(Xing preferential f}ppointtpeots
fo returned soldiers and narrses.
0 "Prepare for co-operation with
federal, provineial and county commit.
tees organized to deal with present
and aftet•the. var problems.
7. "Prepare Canadian youth fol
now soci and ar d c 'or
t, (Soli lr
(n) by promoting the spitit of patriot.
tsw and eacri e
fi efar
Canticle, b h .
Y in
ouleeatitig high idt(t1s of citizeeship,
.r. l'teltare rttaid rope COUuty ?1.y
adopting methods for inerei}dipg nra
tional t ("rloteney,''+
Would net a slmUet' preparedness
league be a good mate for Huron