HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-05-11, Page 1TUE ADVANCE ern veil to do the stoutest and boot cont• atorclst printing, such as tenon hoed,, envelopes, Bilibrads, etetrneirnto, eatsiogurr, Bilis, oirslnl 10109,,, Job Printing' tthattre Single Copies - Three Cents WINWHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY lith. 1916 l Yee TNI: ADVANCI `40117141.1. 166 country piprra atwtl Iti lea le steadily itrcr+s„sin . are not acgusinted wltt «ad get uuiplr el, y, tole "dlhl tbel Mt "s" ws tt"4 R noting pusd i¢ Aw Subscriptions: $1.09 per year, DEATH ROLL Dar( T.rt nt.ow A highly respected resident of Winglunn died et hie bona. here on Sunday- afternoon in the portent + I Dor David Thurlow. Deceased was born is Colborne township over el years ago. He contracted a severe cold about two weeks ego which de- veloped into pneumonia and proved fatal, Mr, Thurlow was a menrber of the Presbyterian' Church and Rev Mr. Perris conducted the funeral ser. vices, Deceased is survived by a widow, fornaseey Miss Tena McDonald, and one daughter Mabel, fir 48 also survived by five brothers, Albert and \S'iFliant in North Dakota, Thomas en 1Yl initoba, Peter in Illinois and Hugh on the homestead in Colborne township, also one sister, Mre. Morris of Dunlop. The funeral was held to Wingharn cemetery on Friday afternoon and was largely attended. Friends and relatives from a dis. tance who attended the funeral were - aim W. Misner, Windsor; Mrs. A. Hopgood, Windsor; Mrs. Landes, Windsor; Miss Sadie IJairnes, Hamil- ton; Mr, John MacDonald, Godericb; Pte. Apert Mac Donald, Goderich; Mr, and Mre. H, Thurlow, Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs, Richardson, Port Al' bert, RoPu1I+T WEIR, Another ofthe pioneer residents of Turnberry passed to his reward on Wednesday morning, in the person of Mr. Robert Weir. Although in poor health for some time he was only sera ' ously ill since taking a paralytic stroke Omit three weeks ago. Mr. Weir was born in Ireland and came to Can- ada when quite young and resided on the farm on which he died, for about forty years, He was highly esteemed in the vicinity and was a member of St. Paul's church, W Ingham. Deceas: ed was 72 years of age and a member of the A.O,`U,W. for some time; in politics he was a staunch conservative. He is survived by his wife, four sons and three daughters, viz. William C., David J. and Marshall of Debuce, Sask. Robert C. at home, Mrs David Fraser of Parkbeg,Sask., Mrs. Jas. McGee of Morris and Miss Agnes at home. The funeral will be held from bis late residence, lot 11, con. p, Turn• berry. at 2M0 o'clock on Friday after- noon, interment will take place in Wingham cemetery. Mns. Josrrit RtUDY Much sympathyas extenbed to Mr, Joseph Rudy on account of the sud- den death of his beloved wife, Margar- et Brydges. who passed away Friday, May 5th. Mrs. Rudy enjoyed her usual health until Wednesday when she was seized with a paralyticstroke. She was in her 53rd year at the time of her death and was highly respected by all who knew her. Deceased was a member of St, Paitls church and Rev. Mr. Dymond conducted the funeral services. Besides her husband she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Thos. Brydges of Morris township, also by four brothers and five sisters viz. Thomas, Abraham, Jeremiah, Archie and Mrs,ra Morris, shy all of M rrrs, Mr s. Thos. Shoehottom of E rest Wawanosh Mrs:, Fleury Brandon, Belgrrave, Mrs. Tucker, Durham and Mrs. Wm. Bran- don of : Bayfield. The family all attended the fnneraI which was held to Brandon cemetery on Sunday after- noon. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN nTIIWANTED-With some aSeit.i C At u type -setting. Apyly to Tun ADVANCE, LOST -Nurse's Medal (awarded to graduate nurses) Finger kindly leave at THE Aln. ✓ ANCE OFFICE. 2 rr0 RENT- 7+',teetrio and hand Vacuum clean. ers,-u, E Trump & Co. WANTED --An Apprentice and an improver in Ladies and Monts tailoring. -E. C. W IIIr>ti, tf EGGS WANTED ---highest Prices. - W. J, Anatoeli, Wingham. POR SALE -The fatuous Singer aewi-g Ma chino on easy terms. A. J. WALKER. VOOMS TO LET --In the Motlonald 13loek. Ni•r c, •nils & COMM. Appl) to PDJ 1101.18E TO LET --With water, bath, toilet, • and oleetrto light; situated in tho centre .of town. Apply to 'tour. KNox. !l1O RET ---Three rooms over Tut: AIYV ANos, suitable for housekeeping, Apply to 0, N. GRIFFIN. G ID:WANTED— Good girt for general lionso- wnrk. NO washing. Apply to Mrs, J. W. McKin>loN'. OR SALE -Imperial Metor-cyclo in first. K. clava condition for sale atanap.—Apply to The Wiughani Machine' ShOp, W. A. Ccx- Inn, Prop. 3t UELP WANTED -.A number of good steady Men wanted immediately. --,Citi, Rom', 1luur.L ICNornn et• T, Co., LTD„ Scafortii, Ont, 0E11 FREE --Seven young Men's suits, • latest design Jor,tcvon Mak- fag applo,-MAUrSiNon rItL5 WANTED -To or>r *Upholstering u in Furniture et Wnglm and as i+iniehing. Apply to W intact ,C t,r.i?off, It WANTED IMribU1A 1 -Bo or l male M thread operators with machine to stork on leather gloves highest Wages paid. Il T, n & 13or'r-, Gcorgntor n, • Alil4lEli8 wishing to improve tjteir horses f this season would do Vreli to sec Ale;. An, ersan.lot 26 eppu. West \YAvt,rnosh. His por8Qil Ci dosdslo Stat.lon nrid ebanit m e se Strati t! f R et end 1s t s 1 s t g a q tri d o h t d o h 1 r T OST--•yox hound, art t' irm scrota, al medium s'2ed earn .,centro of lower lip projects A 'Witth;....p arouni d.,. C ,, Anyoneillegally holding 'this dog w b prosecuted, Reward.--Dit. W1itTtBC1r. Goy SUCTION BALE --•Mrs. John Ansley, i 1', tower 4 Wio harp west of power boast, will otter t`oi' 8416le {lie auction alt bor stookr inr p le• �y pu i C events, mid tnrniturc on Saturday May lath, at 4 o'ctock. As she has r+old her term every- . whirs$ trust be sold without t`e terve. Cburcb Stews METHODIST CHURCH Regular eervitte- welt be hrld In th• Methodist Chureh next "order Day a 11 a,n1. and 7 p.m, Mothers' day wtl be celebrated in the morning, the pastor's sehject will be "A tribute to father." Evening subject "The in flueneceof a gond woman," The con- gregation is asked to wear a flovicei eel), eign and tribute to mother, Retuember the S. S. Anniversary on May 21st. 11. O; Hocken, E q ex -Mayor of Termite, and M.iyt Wort shipfui Mteethy ° Orange Asstria- tion\of Western Ontario will platten both tumulus( and evening and arid.ren the S. 3. in the after•nnon. , The annual meet ing of the official board of the Methodist Church was held on Monday evening in the Board room, A review of the finances re- vealed a very prosperous condition. being an increase over previous years. The following gentlernen were elect- ed members of the Board of Stewards for the ensuing year : J. A. Morton, M E Zurhrigg, EI. T. Ieatd, D. Red- mond, S. Bennett, R J. Oantelon, A E. Lloyd and W, J. Howeou. Dr. Redmond was elected aa recording steward; R. 3, Cantelon, F. Buchanan. John Helm and John Cooper were ap- pointed class leaders, 3, A. Morton was elected to represent the church at theco m' to district t m seting which will be held in Brussels on May 190h, and F. R. Howson was elected alter- nate delegate. The church is starting upon another conference year in a splendid spirit of unity and hearty co- operation. BAPTIST CHURCH Mr, H. Sanders who is in town in the interest of the British and Foreign Bible Society will preach at both ser. vices in the -Baptist church next Sun- day: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH An illustrated lecture will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening, May 18th under the auspices of 'the Women's Missionary Society. This lecture will be very interesting and is entitled "India, its Wonders and Customs." An interesting and pleasant evening was spent on Monday of this week at St. Andrew's Church when the St. Andrew's Circle put on the drama "The Merchant of Venice" in a most creditable manner, The scene was in the senate -house where the cause was being heard by the Duke. of Venice, namely, Harold Parker, and his clerk, George Fryfogle; Antonio, watt repre- sented by Hector Mutton; Bassanio, John Hutton; Gratiano, $. Geddes; Shylock, Chealey ,McLean. Portia, (Mies Cummings) disguised in counsel- lor's robes along with her clerk, (Mies Gilehrist, Portia's maid) arrives on the day of the trial and through a letter wbioh she presents from an ab- sent counsellor isopermitted to plead in his stead. As the case goes on Shylock is about to forfeit the pound of flesh from Antonio for which the bond calls for, when by a cunning de. vice of Portia, who diecovere the bond calls not for a drop of blood, and thus disappoints Shylock in his revenge, not even allowing him the money which he has already refused. A musical program was also very much appreciated by the audience; it consisted of a duet by Mies Jean Van - Norman and Mr. Weir Elliott; violin selection by Mr. George Fryfogle; solo "Mary of -Argyle" by Mrs. D. Rae; and a quartette byMessrs. Cowell ,Parker, Mutton and Elliott. Refreshments were served after which the singing of the national anthem brought the program to a close. • ST. PAUL'S CHURCH The adjourned Vestry meeting of St. Paul's church held on Monday even- ing was largely attended. E. Nash was appointed People's Warden, and the following Were elected members of the Select Vestry. Rector and Wardens, Messrs. John Grover, Wm. Moore, C. P. Smith, Dudley l olmes, David, Holmes, W. P. Vanetone, It was unanimously decided to sell the rectory. There will be a meeting of the select Vestry on Mondaytevening May 15th. The parente with children to be bap- tized are asked to bring them next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, The boye of St. Paul's church who have enlisted in the 161st and the re• turned soidiere will be entertained by the members of the A, '2, P. A. on 'Friday e'vening,'12th inst. in the base- ment of the ohurbh, Ail the young of the don re tto a u are also my people g f3 vited to come and spend an evening Our a r With of dt a boys before Chair de- partnro from town. A ro good program g p tg wilt be given and refreshments served; Plifrielle Ea61i Me. R obt, Bloomfield of Morrie town- ehlp has a very ambitious and patrio•- tlo hen. This bird le not content at laying eggs and time helping in the production oampetgn but ebe Is ap, parently trying tei form airships, Mr. Bloomfield brought luta TUE ADVANCE o>.lfioe on Saturday an egg Which nnea retiree 81, limbos from end to end and le the Pealed ebspe of a iepptin, Top row, left to right -Lieut. 0. S. Hall, Lieut. F, 13. Doty, Lieut. Stewart Scott, Lieut. 0, K. McPherson, Lieut. I.I'er noon 'out W B. R Li Wilson,L°cut. E. Torrance, Lieut. Mc • a Lte . II, 0. Lean Lieut, W. P. Grieve. Grie Second row, left to right: -Lieut. Hetheringto, Capt. H. Qttmpbell, ()apt, T. R. Rundle (signalling officer), Major Beaman, Major Sinclair,tCapt. Hodgins, Lieut. A. 3. Grigg. Third row, left to right -Capt. W. B. Allen (quartermaster), Major J. W: Shaw (medical officer), Major M. D, McTaggart (paymaster), Major R. S. Hays (junior major), Lt. -Col. H. B. Coombe, (Q. 0.), Major Osborne (divison headquarters staff, London), Major 0, McPhail (second in command), Capt, 0, G. Vanstone (adjutant). Fourth row, left to rlgbt-Lieut. A. Frank Scott, Lieut. Dalton L Reid. Lieut, F. N. Cluff, Lieut. F. N. Scott, Lieut. L. Porter, Lieut. W. E. O'Neil, Lieut. J. K. Mair, Lieut. Dudley Holmes, Lieut. Fred Sturdy, ENLISTMENT' OF THE 16IST' Battalion Band Visits Wingham on Monday The special recruiting campaign of the 161st is now in full swing through- out the county and Wingham men are taking a most active part. Nearly all the officers of the battalion are out in the rural districts, accompaniedby a number of men from each of the platoons, and are making a systemaste canvass of all available then. Wing - hare will likely add a dozen or more men, and most of the centres will do likewise, . Among those who have enlisted in town during the past week are: A. L. Posliff, principal of the public school; L. Winch, principal of the Bltt'evale school; a ohn Hutton, high school stud- ent; John Reavie and D. L. Hastings. The battalion band of the 101st was in town on Monday en route to Ford- wich. While here they visited the ac o a 'ed bythe high school, c mp nh Wingham detachment, the members of the local war ausfliary and the high school board, The procession was formed in front of the hall and march- ed down Josephine street to John street, and was witnessed by a number of citizens, who followed the proces- sion to the high school, Addressee were delivered to the High School students by Revs, Perrie, Dymond and Hibbert, A. Et. Musgrove and Major Ndurse, a returned soldier. Several students have signified their intention of enlisting as soon As their exams are over. It is expected that the Huron Coun- ty Council will make an additional grant for recruiting expenses, and the several municipalities are dealing gen- erously with the battalion, in order to supply them with the necessary equip- ment such as extra soup kitchens i chens and mess tents, which are not supplied by the Government, Clinton has recent- ly voted $200 for this nurnose, Stanleye y and Bernet townships, $200 eacb, Bay- field village $50, and the others still to be heard from. POLL TAX RAISED From $1 -to $5 -Tender for Water Main Let A epecial meeting of the council was held on Monday morning, Hie Wore ship Mayor McKibbon in the chair. A petition was presented by Ileo. Wraith and others caking for an ex- tension of the water main on Victoria St, between Josephine St. and Edward St, Moyed by Counts, Jsbieter and Patterson that the petition of Geo. Wraith and others re water exten• slot} be leftwith the water works com- mittee With power to act, --Carried. The tender of Mr, T. J. McLean for laying the water extensions 'was ac- cepted; the liriee is 24 dente per foot, The poll talc levied in Wing- ham at $1 was raised to $5 on motion O n h o re S otton andi Of ou c it r B nkle py Card Thanks o of Me. Ilosepit "Rudy .wishes to thank his frier* and neighbora for their r kindness and sympathy extended to him in the time 'of his sad bereave- ment, and also Mr. W, H. Gurney and staff for the beautiful wreath of flow. era. W. C. T. U. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W. 0.T. U. will be held at the home of Mre, D. Dincley on Thursday, May lith, at the hour of three o'clock, A full attendance is requested as there Is eonis important business to be trans. tinted, /wbNV V V\ M/vW W.Mcy\ L Personals wv..rv..rww wJ Mr• L Kennedy is on a business trip to Toronto. Robert G. Elliott of Drayton, is at- tending the W,13,0, - Messrs. Robt, Ogram and Albert Small left this week for Preston. Mr. Sam. Wright of Kincardine, visited at the home of Mrs, Fleuty Itfst week. Pte, 011ie Stevenson of Brantford, spent the week -end with friends in town. Mre, Walmeley of Woodstock, is visiting at the home of her son, Mr, C. Walmeley. Miss Mary Patterson has accepted a position as saleslady in Mr. John Gal- braith's store. Miss Ethel Clark of Fergus, is in town attendinga Wingham Busi- ness th W g ness College. Pte. Willie Hinscliffe , has been transferred to the Bugle Band at Goderich, and left for there on Mon- day morning. Miss Margaret Forbes of Winnipeg, is visiting her father, Mr. Thos. Forbes Diagonal Road. Miss Jule Bartliff spent a couple of days last week with Wingham friends. -Clinton News -Record. Pte. Will. Hinsliffe spent over Sun- day with his grandfather, Mr. Lewis Hinscliffe, in Stratford. J. J. Ounningham, president of the Western Foundry left on Saturday on a business trip to Winnipeg. Mr. John Hewer returned home on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks at his home in Tilsonburg. - Dire, Niagara t a a P Herdsman f N'a r alis is spending a few days in town at the home of Mrs. Dinsley,,;Petrick et. Mr. Johny and A msbur ' Spy For- eythe left on Monday fin Stratford where they have secured situations. Misses Irlma and Gretta Kennedy spent a few days this week at the home of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ken- nedy, - Messrs. Jas. Leslie and Elmer Cart Wright left on Monday morning for Presion,where they havo'secured situa Mons., Mr,, and Mrs. Johu Pattison of Port Elgin. spent Sunday it the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Porter. Mr, Ab. Sanderson left on Saturday for Orangeville to attend the funeral of his brother which took place there on Sunday. Itir, Walter Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Haines, was in town from Seaforth last 'week. We understand he hats enlisted with the 1614. Barry Dye has "returned from the London Military School where he has qualified es Sergt. and will now spend his time in trying to bring the 161,9t to sttengt>ai. Ilt;r, and Mrs,n Xing of Ropier, are moving heir househat fisc s to v g t d e t town this week. ate. King has secur- ed a situation with the Western Folio. dry Co, Ltd, Mrs. Dr. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Jessie Button, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. IL Smith of ..noknow, *hilted with friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Button has purchased a new Chevrolet ear, Mrs, S. Guest of Kenlptville, sown. panted by het daughter, Mise Lyla, of Victoria College, Toronto, are spend. ing a week at the home of Dr. and Mre, R, (i, Itedwoud, l'atrtok 81, Miss Irene Davis, B. A., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. H. Davis, who has been engaged on the High School staff at Carleton Place, has accepted a posi- tion as_teacher of Art in the Collegiate Institute at Stratford. Mr. A. H. Wilford received a wire from hie brother, Dr. E: 0. Wilford, who has been working in the mission fields of China, stating that he and his wife and child had landed safely in Vancouver. Lir, Wilford and family are coming home fo'r a wellearned rest. Mr, and Mrs. Newton Black moved their household effects to Berlin this week, Mr. Black-. has been working in that town for the past few Weeks. Although Mr. and Mrs( Black are both deaf ani dumb they have made many warm friends during their resi- dence in Wingham. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Principal Posliff Granted Leave of Absence The Public School Board met in the town hall on Tuesday evening. Chair- man r - man .43isbee presiding. Inspector Dr. Fields was present and addressed the Board briefly. Principal Posliff'e re- port was read and adopted. This re- port shows a total attendance of. 172 boys and 188 girls and an average at- tendance for the month of 330 or 90 per cent. Moved by Trustee Allen, seconded by Trustee Rintoul that the following accounts be paid: R, A. Currie. $30.- 20; H, B. Elliott, $12; J. W. Dodd, supplies 40 cents, -Carried, The following resolution was moved by D. Holmes and R. Allen and car- ried: "That having heard that our principal, Mr. A. L. Posliff, has volun- teered his services tot for King and Country that we do grant him leave of absence until his return from the front and that we as a school board desire to place on record our ap. preciation of the loyal and patriotic spirit displayed by Mr. Posliff in his enlistment." MAI 101101.1M ' PATRIOTIC NOTES The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Patriotic Society wap held � in the council chamber -on Friday afternoon, May 5th, Mrs. McKibbon presiding, Mtss Peasant reported haying shipp- ed 70 pair of socks valued at $50.26. rhe society wishes to acknowledge with thanks the following donations of cotton, lire. . 0. White r; yds, Mrs. Carrick 5 yds, Miss li , Pearson 5 yds. The ladies ave almost completed their canvass of the town for systema. tic giving to the Society, the result has been satisfactory, almost every one being willing to do his bit to. wards supplying sock and shirts for the on at the fr. m t. oil The total areotint promised up to slate amounts to around $120 a month end When the ladies have finished their work it is hoped that the total will be somewhat increased. The society wishes to thank those whO have 80 cheerfully contributed to- ward this fund, Collectors will Call some time towards the end of May. Tire appeal for white material for dreeeinge and new cotton for bandages ie still before the public, any old White cotton Or linen Material thoroughly' cteanaed and pressed with all Willa re. moved wilt be euitabte, all such to be left with Mrd. W. 11. Wlllio, Shgtelt St. local Items 3 If you have a house or lot for sale or to rent.-Phod 34. Mr,Gilbert Stevenson has moved into the house which he recently purchased from Der. Ezra Merkley, We are sorry to report that Pte. Wm. 5, Lane, nephew of R, A. Hutch- ison, has been killed at the front. Garden Fertilizer for sale in small Iota. It pays to use it on lawns, flow - ere or vegetables. -A. H. Weevoitn, Liggect's Chocolates, pure and deli• oboes, are received fresh almost every day as all Rexall Drug Stores, the ex- clusive Agents, 3. W. MoKibbon, Mr. L. Kargue and family of Guelph, have moved to town this week. Mr. Kargus has aocepted a position with Mr, 1' hos. Fells, butcher, Mr. John Anderson who has been living at the corner of Patrick St. and Carling Terrace, has moved out near the Western Foundry, Mr. 0. R. Finola of London, has accepted the local agency for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Oo., and will move to town in the near future, Mise Jessie L. Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gavin Wilson, of East Wawanosh, has offered her services and has been accepted as a Red Cross nurse. Lt - .Oat '. . Mulls knownas the Blind y land Trooper, will address a meeting in the town hall , on Sunday evening at 9 o'clock, The hall will be packed so come early. At a special meeting of the Howick Council which was held in Fordwich on Monday the 161st Huron Battalion was granted $200 to assist in purchas. ing field kitchens and mess tents. R. Beattie has installed a gasoline altering tank and pump in front of his livery stable and garage on Diagonal Road. He also reports the sale of a couple of Chevrolet cars this week, Captain VanStone has purchased a new Overland car from the Wing. ham Overland Sales Company. It is hiepersonal car, but he is using it in recruiting .work, --- Clinton News -Re- cord. Mrs, Jas. McKie is a patient in the Wingham Hospital having undergone a critical operation on Saturday last. Her many friends trust to hear soon of her being on the way to recovery of health and strength. John Mason, a pioneer resident of the 3rd line of Morris township, dien suddenly on Wednesday night in the 85th year of his age. Funeral was held on Saturday morning, interment being made in Burns' cemetery, Hul-- lett township. p• Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blackhall an nounee the engagement of their eldest daughter, Iva Jean, to Mr. Arthur 0. Riley, B. A., of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Riley, London, England, The marriage to take place quietly the third week in May, The bells ring and the whistles blow for five minutes each morning at 9 o'clock throughout Huron county. This is one of the plans being carried out up to May 15th to bring to the minds of everyone within their reach that men are wanted for overseas service. Word was received here last week of the death in Detroit of Rose Fitz- patrick, beloved wife of Mr. Chas,. Leach. Mrs. Leach's childhood was spent in East Wawanosh, Her broth- ers, George and Albert Fitzpatrick were in Detroit oft laste wok attending the funeral. Mr. 3. P. Walker has purchased a Ford car from Ali;. F. A, Webber, local dealer, which he purposes converting into a truck and using for collecting produce in the country, He will also carry a line of groceries and dry goods and commence the trips as soon as road conditions permit. -Listowel Banner. An enjoyable and social evening was spent at the home of R, T. Irwin at Lueknow recently when about one hundred of St. Clairqr' in's friendb gathered and presented hire with a whet watch and Bible as a remem branee and a token of appreciation of the noble stand that he has token in i enlisting as a private in the 160th battalion, The evening was spent in musiu and games. Pte, Irwin ie e. nephew of Mre. A. Fleming of Wing. ham, The members of L. 0. L. Pio. 701. held a very pieaeant evening in their lodge room on Friday of last week. The lodge room had undergone a corn. pieta renovation by Mr, U. Sherk, both by way of paper paint er dud ai nt and the re -opening was celebrated with a saolal evening. n,ev, Me. Ilibbort. D. M., gave a vary interesting accoltnt of the Grand, Lodge ort coedinge which he attended in Ilamitten. Short ad- dresses were also given by A. B. Mus- grove, M.L.A,, Rev. Thompson of Bluevale, Past County Master "Lids, Stewart and others. Refreshments were served and tnittatiett Was confer. red on Mr. Wm.'driaath, Prep. Salter, 1#loomfiela, Aeard and button. Sever. al aeleetions were played on the phot nograph by 4. W. Dadd, and John , Wright fettered the boys with an irlell tong,*blob bs sang in "rale Qtr Ish stone," CAMP LIFE IN ENGLAND Art Interesting Letter front Pte. Leonard Brock Rants, Bramehott Oamp, Mrs. E. A, Brock, April 12th,914. Wingham, Ont. Dear Mother; -- As we are now settled in camp, I thought I would write immediately and let you know what it le like, We left the boat (Olympic) yester- day afternoon and boarded the funniest looking train I -have ever seen, having low narrow coaches which can only be entered from each side and only accomodates eight persons, but pecu- liar looking as these cars are, they can certainly travel, and brought us to our destination at three o'clock this morn- ing. We got out of the train at some village, three, miles from here and walked the rest of the journey with full kit on our backs, The trip by train from Liverpool was the most interesting part of our journey. We passed through numer- ous towns and cities intervened by fields of green grass, surrounded by green hedges, with fresh, spring flow- ers to be seen on every hand.. Our camp accomodatione certainly excel any we have yet had and are certainly beyond my expectations. We sleep in frame huts which are built the same as small houses with plenty of ventilation, light, heat and room. There is adouble floor in each hut, and the huts are raised high enough from the ground to be dry. Each house aceomodates one platoon and is partitioned into two rooms. So there are two sections to each hut, There are plenty of hooks and shelves for our equipment and clothes and a table in each room, so we have a regu- lar house of our own. A short distance from our hut there is a Iarge building in which the whole battalion dines, and there is also a large wash room a little distance away. We are a regular town of ourselves with two but churches. a S. A. rest- eurant. a picture show, a swimming pool, also a post office, bank and photograph gallery. All these build- ings are quite handy and can be reach ed in five minutes time. There is a large Y.M.C.A, hut a short distance sway which will be a great convenience. • We are only twenty-seven miles from London and can get. there and back for one ebilling and three pence (30c) so you see that travelling is cheaper here than in Canada. Pete Greer is stationed here some place with one of the batteries. I am going to took him up after dinner, and don't think I should have any trouble as there are not many soldiers station- ed here at present. I do not know when we will get our pass; but think it will be pretty soon. We get six days and will be paid before we get it. I do not know where I will go, but intend to go to London and call on Miss Reynolds' milliner's sister. When we get over here we have to soldier in proper style. If a man is absent without leave for ten minutes he gets fourteen days' detention and pay stopped for an indefinite time. We have to drill about ten hours a day and will be starting at squad drill from the very bottom so our picnic days are over. We had no drill as yet and may not have this week, however, I have been kept fairly busy to -day as it was my turn at mess orderly Some of the boys have a great time figuring out the English system of money and quite e a nu mbar have been imposed on, but I have had no trouble whatever as yet, and think I shall be ableo t manage what money I have. T cannot post this till tc-morrow ae mail is collected only on Mondays and Thursdays, so I ern writing a line or two more. It seems funny to think that while it is almost dark here now, it is only noon in Ontario and while you are eat- ing your supper, I shall be in bed sleeping. I am quite taken with our camp grounds and will enjoy our stay in England very much, as it is becoming very warm, and we shall be meeting with new experiences every day. I went ip search of Pete Greer, but did not succeed in finding him but will later. H. Brown and I are going to the village and 1 believe 1 will take this lettereeith me so I will close for this time. Will write again soon, your loving soln, L. R. >t3rook, New Business Paces Mr. l3, J..Thompson ie now doing bueine s s in the waver *Web he r g y'pv Ih . e Gently purchased front Mrs. Linklater on the eorzer of Maple and Josephine streets;, Mrs, L:tsv ha opened a the 8 p p Lower Wingham grocery, until recent• ly in charge of Pte. L. tlrisdalo. Mr. Hey Mandy has moved into the store recently occupied b N X. McLeod, Y N. and expects to be onen for bnstness i the caurso of a couple of woeke with a full line of groceries, Mr, Billiard will open Up The Winghann Bazaar on Saturday of this week in the eters otte door north of Patteraan's jewetryetore, He will have a eomptete line of 5, JO, 15 and 2a cent wares, and invites everyone to visit his store on Satur- day of this week. Read his ad, oil page i of TUI. Air :l:i(:l , l�J i 1,1 rj u Y/rt, KCii i'taie•s .'.AI..,•.., \\.,{:, II 111+1)., 4,I,;.• I ..• Leaders In Stationery Lord Baltimore Linen Our Ilia 60c Value I Pound (90 ',,beets) Paper 1 Box (50) Envelopee. EXTRA SPECIAL (10 Days Only) To introduce our epecial new lines we are offering you a 60c Box of Stationery ` I`ANGARA FABRIC (Tinted Borders) For 39c. And our big standard 50c Box of. Stationery Cascade Linen '48 Sheets -48 Envelopes, For 35c- 1•. . t WFM1 J.. McK16 BDN DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Agents for C.1'. It. Tickets, PHONE 35 UNIZSENZZEOMMIZOND 1 When Yon Buy "Invictus" you get "The e Best Good Shoe" Because: the leathers are the bes,t ob• tainable-ensuring quality;.. it is made to fit -ensuring comfort; the lasts are right up -to -date -ensuring style.. T ii E BEST cTuGAOL) SHOE r. II .1 I i WI JGREER . THE SHOE MAN e44/4444•40••NNANNN♦44o 1 C. A, CURRIE Graduate of0anadian]mbalmers Association We clarge and rst arr y a rg iI class stock of FUNERAL 'REQUISITES .Alarge stock of everything found in a modern furnittrestore • Store Phone 51 Residence 155 ihmatemmemmeausimeimimilistitsil IIVNIANWWWW1164/4 Delaware, Xiackawan* na, and Western Coal Company's Scranton or. •e COALE C 0 A \V`e can supply Ville very beat coal for any purpose. Higlues Ca911 prices paid for } t gill kiieti�' of logs, Inquire ems, at the ()nice of ricLJ. A. nJt Dealer in Lumhber. Coal and Wood. Office Phone 84a. Milt Phone 04. Residence 55,