HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-04-27, Page 24041 sc470, L4SSUN 30, 1916. LOSS= V. Peter delivered from Prison. Arts 12 140. Coransentary.-I. Christina peree- euted (vs. 1,2). 1. Now ---;About the time Of the Mute recerded at the close of the preceding chapter. Tiered the kills -This was Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great He was the eon of Aristobulus. It was. his .grandfather who had the male -children of Bethlehem slain after Chriat was born, and it was his uncle, Tiered An- tipas, who had John. the Baptist be- headed. Thee Tiered Agrippa catue from a fatuity noted for cruelty, Ile bad been made ruler of Palestine by elautelest Caesar. He ruled for three Years. His death Is described in Acts •12. 21-23. Stretelied forth his hands - Made a beginning. To vete-To injure. Herod instituted a scheme of pereecu- tion against Christians. He was oulY Partially Jewish by descent, but he id- entified himeelf closely with the Jews in keeping the law and in matters ot worship, that he might thus gain their favor. 2 Jaraes-One of the three most prominent of Christ's apostles, the other two being Peter and John, With the sword -To slay with the sword was considered by the Jews as a disgraceful mode of execution. II, Peter in prison (vs. 3-6). 3. Sae it pleased the Jews -Herod saw that his plan for becoming popular with the Jews was woraing well. He watt not acting in the interests of the peo- ple under his sway, but solely for his personal advantage. The Jewish po- pulation greatly predominated in •alestine and Herod was desirous of 'leasing them so that Ms reign might long continued. Preceeded further -Continued his couree of persecution. Peter also -Peter was a strong and fearless defender of Christianity, and Itis work would be likely to build up the church wherever he might labor. Herod showed cruel cunning in mark- ing these two noble men, James and Peter, for martyrdom, The days of unleavened bread -One of the prin- cipal feasts of the Jews. It commem- orated the escape of the children o breed from Egyptian bondage. It it also known as the feast of the Peas over, 4. Apprehended him -Arrested him. Put him in prison -Herod reed his opportunity in procuring the ar- rest of Peter, but did not at ouce have. him executed. He put him in prison until a fitting time should come for putting him to death. Four quateria Ions of soldiers -Four eoldiers consti- tute a quaternion. As the day, as well as the night, was divided into four watches, each quaternion was on duty during a three-hour watela soldier was on either side of Peter, chatued to him, and the other two were on guard at the inner and outer doors of the prison. Herod believed that Peter could by no possiblity es- cape when such precautions had been taken. Easter -"The Passover." -R. V. The Passover feast continued for eight days, and Peter was to be held' until the feast was past before being led forth tb execution. To the people -.By bringing Peter before the people and putting him to death Herod, would show how much zeal he had for the ,Tewin system a religion. 5. Prayer was made -The Christian community believed in the efficacy ot Prayer and they exercised themselves m this service for the relief of the apos- tle. "The prayers of the church were offered by assemblies ot Christians meeting in various private houses (v. 12), for the persecution would now render public' Christian services dan- gerous, as we know eves- often •the case in the early days of Christianity." -Cam. Bib. Without ceasing -The praying was both eernest and contin- ued. 6. When Herod would have brought him forth -This was after the Passover. The Jews would have been - displeased if the execution had taken place during the feast. Sleeping be twen two soldiers -This expression and the two which follow indicate the care with which the prisoner waa guarded. Peter was bound by chains to a soldier on either side, hence it would be naturally impossible for him to attempt to escape witnottt arousing them. Keepers before the door -The means of escape seemed utterly cut off, III, Peter's release (ye, 7-10.) a. An- gel of the Lord -The Lord sent a hea- venly' being to bring deliverance to his' faithful servant. A light shined in the prison -The light was supernatur- al. The call in which Peter lay asleee , was Illumined as it probably never had been before and never was after that. By this light Peter could see all his surroundings. Smote Peter -To arouse hhn from his sleep. Raised hint up -"Awoke him." -R. V. His chains .fell off -The chains with which he. was bound to the eoldiers Were mirae ulously removed from bis hands. Thus far he was free only within his cell, but soon full liberty would be his. 8. Gird thyself -The angel's command was that Peter should gather bis loose garments into a belt or girdle that. he might Move rapidly and easily. San. dab covered only the bottoms of the feet. Cast thy garment about thee -- Reference is made to the outer gar- ment or cloak. FolloW me -The angel would conduet Peter out ot bendege into liberty. 99 Wick not -Did not know, Thought he saw a vision -It did not seem real or possible to Peter that he was set free. 10. The that and • the second ward -Ward her means the num as guard. Peter, under the guiclance of an angel, had escaped the four soldiers that were placed to ,guard him. Tron gate -This was the outer gate. It was closed And Peter was still a prisoner, but the power that had IlItiminathd his cell had amused Mei and had directed him in detail what to do, would not leave him to the full power of his enemies. Opened to them -No human being was present to push back the lock, Passed ctt through one street -Peter was still under the guidance of the angel. When Peter reached a street With Which he was familiar, the angel lett him. He eould go to the place where his fellow Christians were praying. IV. -Peter's l'eatintony (vs. 1.1. Wheh Peter Was eolne to thnself -Everything he saw astonished him: he could scarcely credit bis tees,: he wag in a sort ef eeetacy and It Was onlir when the angel left hitn that he West fully eonvineed that all was real. -Clarke. (He had) reel:steered heat lits bewilderment, end had time to look be& upon all the steps that had followed one another in suck rapid eucco9sion.-.1. P. & li. This speedy Mean Woe a matter of aStontehment to Peter, lie had gone to sleep close- ly guarded and Was Suddenly await- ned by an thifatelliar personage, He wee' hunlan ellen thettgh tuPernatutal forces, Were working on his behalf, It took a Httle HMO for IHM to eOrn- ••• Preheat). the slatatiou. He saidesdie spoke to• hiniselt eine he was 0.1040. Now knew of a sitretY-Poter Wa NV' convinced Mel had Inad# Strong statement of hie belief. The aord bath sent his angel -His fellow ahristians had been eugaged In ear - Lest prayer in his behalf Mut be was :Let the answer Ima been given. "It is ens* of the profoundest beliefs in ma Own. life that there wa s. vttal eennaction between the Prayer -meet- ing and the prison."-aJowett. Deliv. 'soil. me out ot the hand of Herod - Though. Herod was i king, his pleeis were frustrated by supernatural pow- er. 1?,xpectation of the Jews - As Tiered had executed James, se it was the expectation of the desta that he would put Peter to death also. 12-19. Peter made his way to the home of Sohn Marit's mother, where a, prayeroneettug MIS hoillK held, and knotted for admittance. His arrival there was a Matter of so ereet surprise to the Chriatiens that they coula scarcely believe it was eters When lie canto into the house, declared that the Lord hada-de. ilvered hint ane told how it was one. He left Jerusalem at once. His es- cape from prison was the occasion of grog, excitement and the order was given that the guard should be exe- cutee. Questions. -----Who was Herod? Whom did he kill? Why? Why di4 he take Peter? Whet feast occurred at this time? 1,Vhy was Peter kept in prison? How many soldiers guarded him? Who prayed for him? How Was he delivered To whose house- did Peter go? Who responded when Peter k 3cked? Why were the people as 'mashed at Peter's coming? What aourse did Peter then take? PRACTICAL SURVEY, Tpic--Contending Forces. 1, Worldly policy, 11. Prevailtfig prayer. I. Worldly policy. The narrative of the lesson introduces a distinctly new method of persecution. The Sanhedrin had endeavored to crush the yoting church, In their exaspera,tiou they in- cited Herod against the Christians. He endeavored to destroy the church by aiming directly at its leaders. Every- thing with Herod depended upon his Pleasing the Jews. He presumed to strike a fatal blow at Christianity. Ms first act was direeted againstthe Apostle Runes, a faithful witness for ...twist, before the hard materialism f Roman power and the withered ermalism of Jewish bigotry and inmerisy. Obsorvirg that no divine Iona was put forth either to protoet lames or to avenge him, one finding eat one murder premed him favor, ,terod determined to perpetrate an. Alien "Because Ile saw it pleased the .Jews," more violence was to bo done, more wrong inflicted, more grief and lamentation called forth. Peter woe marked for martyrdom. The murder of the saintly Je.mos, the imprison- ment and execution ot the apostle Peter, were with Herod a means of purchasing or retaining the good pleas-. tire of the Jews, and perhaps Welty:lea a further design of streegthning bis influence with the cmporer, be show- ing hint how he could keep a turbulent roviuce in quiet subjectiou to Rome. •gait -will and self-seeging stood at the beginning and end of Herod's activi- ties. .11. Prevailing prayer, This lesson contrasts sharply the principles and practices of the world and the church. The death of James left Peter the re- cognized head of the church. With him in prison all his work seemed sus- pended and apparently all his influ- ence at an end. The church was thor- oughly overborne by the suddenness and vigor of the new persecution. They could not tell where the next blow might fall. The delay during which Neter was in prisegave opportunity for human intercession and divine in- ervention. God opened the door of .opportunity through Herod's desire to :leo all quiet until after the Passover. rile might of prayer was set against Lhe power of Herod. Peter's ease was jut Into God's hands. God's opportun- tor overtook man's extremity. It would have been as easy a matter for Herod to control the winds of Heaven as to make of no effect the prayers of those early disciples. Peter'S hour was not yet come. Until then Herod's power and the expectations of ,the people. were baffled and disappointed. A pur- pose was working mightier than all human force. Soldiers, chains and pri- son -keepers were significant tributes to Peter's charaeter, a Witness to the respect felt for his person and fear for bis influence a confession that even Herod was afraid of him. While Peter was used to accomplish great things for others, he was not permitted to perform a miracle in his own behalf. in the extremity of his distress he trusted God and rested. 'While Herod in his palaee .must have been uneasy, while the eoldiers were wide-awake, While the people were anticipating his death, while the disciples were engaged at prayer, and while an angel was sent on an errand of relief, Peter slept, The angel did, not visit the king's palace He did not enter the tempte. God sent his messenger to Peter. The angel had no fear in the prison. He little heedetb the ingenua ties of Herod, Prison walla, gates or officers preaented no obstruction to him. The church, in an attitude of prayer of an imperilled brother, gives a view of the deep and tender sense of brotherhood which pervaded the early church. Peter's imprisonment afforded Opporttmity to prove the mighty power of prayer. The angel led Peter forth from the desolate pri- son and the society of soldiers, that he might joth. the company of praying brethren. They were thug assured that their dangers, sorrows, fears and prayers were all known to God, and that their lives were under his pro- tecting tare. Instead of being wasted and destroyed, the church was multi- plied. The protection of Providence did not supersede the exercise of cau- tion anti prudence. Mindful of divine protection, Peter avoided danger and hotoriety. The break of day brought a great disturbance among the dokliers. Peter's deliverance Was -a triumph of divine power, a a:Ward of apostolie fidelity, the answer to Intercessory prayer. It neeomplished the overthrow of proud tyrannical raga. Titus Ilor- od's eaten is seen in its pride and hu- militation, and in its short-lived atria ono arid defeat. • a 0 ' T. It. A, TO CELEBRATE ST. JULIEN. Montreal Report. --Teri thousand troops will attend services here to- morrow in celebration of the saving of Calais by the stand of the C'anad- hots at St. Julien, April a2, 101.S. The trebles will afterWardo be re - Viewed by tleneral Wilson, officer CoMmatiding thie dietrict. '"."..41•••••••••••••••••• efarriago ;Ind monot0117 illustrate Use feet that synonym:, are often atilt. crittive FRENCH BETTER THAN HUNS IN TROOPS, 6UNS, AIRMEN London Times' Expert Pays Highest Praise to Defenders of Verdun Oen. Petain's Use of the Artillery Marvel- lously Successful. Londoa Cabite--(New York Her- ald corresponaenee)-Col. Repington, the Times' military correspondent, who has Met made a trip to the Ver- dun front, Paye a very Meta tribute to the valor ot the French troops, and the military Judgmeut oftheir item - menders, in the following despatch: "We must render great Mintage to the stubborn defenders of Polvre Hill, the Mort Homme, Vaux fort, and the other French positions en the Verdun froot, In. their maguitiont fighting through the great Verdun battle. "The French aviatore also deserve the highest praitse. During my visit saw many avieters brave the ene- my's anti-aircraft guns with the greatest intrepidity, but I did not see a single German aviator cross our front. In a single day the French accounted for six German aeroplanes, without themselves *sustaining any .loss, "From my personal experience, I am of the opinion that the French anti-aircraft guns are euperior to those of the Germans, and it also ap- pears to me that our allies employ this artillery upon more scientific principles. "General Petahn realizedthe role which artillery was to play in this war after the second month of the conflagration. He rapidly learned to appreciate the value of curtain fire. This marvellous operation of modern artillery is particularly suited to the French genius, and to the terribly de- structive fire of the famous Soixanta- Quinze. "Nevertheless, it is in the employ- ment of heavy artillery that General Petain excels. He has rendered the use of this heavy artillery extraordi- narily supple, and the heavy guns have become a battle instrument of marvellous effictacy. General jeffre spoke to me with enthissiant of the method whereby the French medium ealiLre guns, sun as those of the 155 rum. and 210 in. are mule to domia- go out to tight and return from the cherge. I !save observed their fine discipline and their gayety, and I have admired the good feeling which exists between them and their of- ficers. I believe tire Morale at the French army bas ztover been. higher. The Feouch believe in their comman- ders and in themselves, They have confidence in victory, and they are conseerating themselves to its attain- ment," ate the Gorman gum', which are often heavier and of longer range, "The Germans have engaged. all their available troops in the* battle, and, after the arrival of a divtsion withdrawn froin the Russian front a few days ago, they now have thirty divisions in the Verdun theatre. "The estimate, according to which the- Germans lost 150,000 men during the first month ot the battle is a. moderate one. The enemy is given no breathing spaoe. The French have the superiority in artillerw. They fire night and day, keeping un- der their fire all possible routes, re- served positions, woods and canton- ment zones. When the Germans aban- don the main routes and take to paths the French aviators discover them and the paths are swept by artillery fire in their turn. "We meet admit the importance of the positions occupied by the German artillery, and also the number and range pf their. guns. General Petain is holding out solidly, however, and very interesting news may be expect- ed train Verdun in the near future. "What magnificent lads the French soldiers are! I have visited them .in their trenches, and I have seen -them AWFUL LOSSES BY THE TURKS In Attack On British On Tig- ris, 3,000 Were Killed. No Change at Kut -el -Amara, Latest Re_port. London Cable.---s-The recent. at- tack of the Turks on the British forces along the Tigris, in Mesopotamia, was made by about 10,000 men, and cost them heavy lessee. An official account of the battle, supplementing the ear- lier reports front the British com- mander, was given out to -day as fol- lows: "The enemy made his attack on the 17th and 18th with some 10,000 men, comprising one whole division and portions of two others. They came on in dense formation and penetrated part of our front. Within 500 yards of the front of one ot our brigades alone 1,200 to 1,500 dead Turks were count- ed. It is reported that thoy are lying thick farther out before the fronton other portions of our line. Their killed alone on the night of April 17- 18 are estimated at mere than 11,000. In several instances attacks were led by Germane, some of whom were killed. "Apparently the enemy supposed that part of our troops were isolated by floods, and that they- had a chance of overwhelming them. As %matter of fact, supports were moving up at the time. "Our total penalties, killed, wound- ed and missing, ;were very considera- bly less than the Turkish killed. . "On the 18th stormy weather made aircraft reconnaissance very difficult. The floods are spreading, and the river is still very high," NO CHANGE AT THE KUT. The Turkish official deport says: "On the morning of the 17th the enemy attacked with more than a di- vision our advanced position on the right wing, our positions near eselahie, on the left bank of the Tigris, one kil- ometre from tlie Bendissa position, and against our main position. His at- tempts collapsed completely before our counter-attacks. Energetically pur- sued by our troops, the enemy wee obliged to abandon, with heavy lessee, the advanced position which he had occupied the _sante day, and withdrew to the tvestward. "At Kut -el -Amara there is no change." • *• • Where there's marriage without love there'll be love without marriage. - Benjamin , Franklin. Duxp FOR PEACE. Gov. -General Hopes for Bi- lingual Settlement. Montreal despatch: The Duke of Con- naught, Covernor-General, has communi- cated to Mgr. Brucheel, Archbishop of Montreal, his hope that peace will soon be established between the French and English tactions at issue In Ontario, over the bilingual question.' Mgr. Bruchesi made a, statement to thie effect to -day In the course of an explanation of the attitude of the Episcopacy on the school question, and the fact that His Grace and other prelates had not signed a peti- tion to the Governor-Generel, sanctioned and signed by Cardinal Begin. The Archbishop said : 'Micro can be no question as to the nerfeci solidarity of the French-Canadian Episcopacy touching the vindication of the rights of the French tongue In this country. Together with two of nty col- leagues, 1 adopted another formula in the interest of a cause which is dear to us. We addressed ourselves directly to His Excellency the Governor-General, pointing out the acute stege upon which the Ontario school question has unfor- tunately entered and respectfully asking His Excellency to use his influence and employ any means which he might judge appropriate to put an end to a situation which is becoming graver day by day. These are the facts in all their simplic, ity, and She reply whieh came to us with- out delay, written in beautiful French, contained these encouraging words: 'His Royal Highness fully appreciates the 42, • • GERMAN REPLY BY MID -WEEK Washington Report. -With official word that the American note had been presented to the Berlin. Foreign. Office, Administration °Weirdo to -day me - mentally expected definite advices from Ambassador Gerard as to how the communication was received, to- gether with some indications as to the nattlr.o of the German reply: In reporting the delivery of the note late Thansday afternoon, Anabassador Gerard advised the State Department that he had afterwards conferred briefly with Foreign. Minieter Von J,agow. The entente of another mes- sage from the Ambassador Were close- ly guarded. although it hi said that he informed the Department- that astir- ances lred been given him of limed!. ate consideration of tile' document. Some officials indicated that they look for a reply from Gertnany by the middleof next week. SAVED THE PASSENGERS. Stewnrdayille, Mo„ despatch; Fireitien Frank Cook was killed and Enghseer H. W. .Anderson was badly Injured when they jumped from a Chicago. Burlington ahd Quincy train, eaet-bound from St, Joeeph to Chicago, after the holier ex - plotted ono mile east of here last night. A.nderson remained with the engine long enough to set the brakes, probably saving the llyes of many of the passenger". The cause of the explosion was not known. FRENCHMAN F -LIES -400 MILES TO RAID BULGARIA'S CAPITAL Airman From Saloniki Drops Bombs On Sofia - Artillery Busy On Mace- donian Front, Paris Cable, ----The artillery duel along the Macedonian front eontined yesterday, the Havas Correspondent at Salettiki telegraphs. There was no activity on the part tsf infantry, ex - Opt usual ellehtte hetitten petrels no !vomit* Orps Is Very Witte. phe French aerlfttie Whlah flew over Sofia returned unscathed from its 400. mile trip. It dropped four bombs of large calibre on a Zeppelin shed at Sofia., TWo Frond% aeroplane squad- rons bombarded the German camp at Petriteli yesterday, and another squad- ron dropped bombs on German troops coneenttating in the region of Dairen. German filers attacked Grassouli, but ma no damage, Anisterdain, Vie London, April 2..._ Ari aereplane of the Entente allieS has dropped two boiths uponemelt houses In the stilmirbe of Sena, according to a despatch received here. There was no candities. EASING XT How Turks Break New of Fall of Trebizond. Constantinople, Cable. Tito 201 - lowing official statement was issued to -day by the War Office: "Caucasus front: Our aotachments entrusted with the oupervision of the 0002it in the Lazietau sector since .a.pril 11 offered extraordinary resistance to repeated attacke by nunterically Sup- erior hostile military and naval forces, and defended step by etep every inch of the attend it wes poseible to 4,9 fend. Our armies worthily attained their proposed aim, Finally on the 18th after having forced the enemy to feght a battle which had bloody re- sults for him near Kowata, seven kilo- meters east of Trebizond, they with, - drew in accordance with instructions LO a sector where they will have a new Mete to fulfill. Since, in accordance with concluolon drawn from the situ- ation of the war, Um result or this op- eration in the coast sector could be foreseen, the town of Trebizond had already been evacuated by us. Six 13 - centimetre guns of old pattern, which recently had been stationed in the en- virons of the town, were left behin after being completely destroyed," • • ITALIANS WIN DEADLY FIGHT Strong Austrian Positions On"Carso Plateau Storpled Furious 0.ounter-Attacks Fail to Drive Them Out, Rome, April 23.-A violent infantry battle, in which the Italians remain victorious, capturing 350 metres of Austrian treische.s on the Carso pla- teau, east of Seitz Is reported by the 'Italian War Office to -night, The bat- tle took plate yesterday, when. Italian infantry stormed the Austrian trench- es, breaking down stubborn resistance. The Austriane at once drew up rein- forcements and then launched two furious counter-attacka, wresting part of the lost positions back from the Italians. Yesterday in a third attack during the night they retook another section, but the Italians, themselves reinforced by this time, Ought bitter- ly to regain full Control- 0! the posi- tions originally won, turbo hand-to- hand fighting ensued, listing several hours, and the Italians finelly achiev- ed their aim, electing the Austrians 'and taking 133 prisoners; including six officers, and much booty. The Austrians throughout the day concentrated heavy artillery fire on the summit of the Col di Lana, but according to the War Office, without result. Three successive Austrian at- tacks against the Toole Pass were re- pulsed with heavy lo.s.ees to the at- tackers, according to the statement. SEDITIONIST AT ST. KITTS St.•Catharines, Ont., Report -W. Ramsay, employed as Dominion Gov- ernment Inspector of shells at St. Catharines munitions factory, was held by the magistrate to -day on a charge of sedition. Tht censors at Niagara Falls, Out., yesterday, intercepted a let- ter written by Ramsay to a man work- ing in an ammunition factory in an Indiana town in which Rapine used the expression that he supposed the other man "was still making shells for the allies, for believe me they still need them, for they have not got to Berlin yet, and the mad fools are very lucky to keep even with the Germans." Crown Attorney Brennan was hand - 'ed the letter, and at once ordered Ramsay's arrest. When questioned by the police at headquarters, and asked it he had written the letter' Ramsay said: "Yee, I -certainly didwrite it. King George has no business on the throne, and he ought to be dethroned," 4 • • FATHER KILLED BABY, Cornwall, Ont., report: Mike Evanick, a Russian Pole, who wont to Massone recently to work in the aluminum works, has been lodged In jail to await the ao- tion of the grand jury on' a charge of extreine cruelty to his foul' -months -old son. The story told by the other oteu- pants of the house, ,also Russians, was that EvanIck became angered at the ehild distrubing his slumbers by cry - Mg, after shaking the infe.nt violently, threw It ow the bed, its head striking the wooden side rail of the bed, width was a rought affair made In bunk style. The baby died soon afterwards. Its skull wab broken. VERDUN HAS BLED GERMANS • A Paris .Cable says -French resistance in the region of Verdun is compelling the German general staff to withdraw large forces from the Teuton front in 'Macedonia and Ser- bia and in-ltussia, aceording to infor- mation obtained to -lay front the highest military authorities here, • FEAR CARRANZA. He is Moving Ilia Troops Near U. S. Forces. Mat.epia.p. San Antonio, Texas, deepaich: General Moulton has received reports showing movements of Carrel= troops In the (1 b. trlet penetrated by (leneral Pershing, and °Mere lutve been sent to Perishing authorizing him to prepere for any age gression, Carrangit officials have given plausible reason for moving the forces of General Arnulfo Gomez eastward from ;Senora, the troops of General Lean Ilerrera south from unmans, to Parra!, and a contact- orable feree towards Oases Grandes, hut should the War Office at Mexico City &dile later to use those forces to phg• vent further Amorletth tullitary opera. ;Ions, General Perishing will be nrelutred Overnight ueepatchee • from the front Indicated no renewers Omissive activity. The purattlt of tho batidit ehlertahr ve‘ militia Drastically at n. the impreseion gaining etreloolt at de- partmental headnuartere that the troops will Ise withdrawn. • • TORONTO MARKETS. FAIMIERS' Apples, bbl. .. 3 90 5 00 Potatece. bag ,. 1 00 3 to Jana new -laid,. dos.0 25 9 28 Butter, good te choice 0 33 0 33 Chickens. brollera 940 I) 50 year-old it 23 0 23 Fowl, armed, lb. .... 0 20 0 21 Ducks, lb. .. 0 26 030 Tarkeye. lb. „. 0 30 033 MI:IATS-WHOLESALII. Heef, forequarters, cwt. $10 000 $11 50 Do., hindquarters, cwt. .. 13 00 15 00 Do., choice sides, cwt. 11 50 12 00 /Jo., comInon, cwt. 9 00 10 00 'Veal% common, cwt. .. ., 8 00 10 00 Do., prime 14 00 16 60 Shop bore •.. 14 00 15 00 Do., heavy ... .........1300 14 00 Spring' lambs ... .. 19 50 21 00 Mutton, Malt ..... 14 00 10 00 SUGAR MAIiKET. Sugar is quoted as follows: Lantic, granulated, 100 /be. .; ..... 5 7 81 Iledpath'e, granulated, 100 lbs. 7 81 131, Lawrence, granulated, 100 lbs. 7 81 Dominion, granulated, 1007 71 Acadia, granulated, 100 lbs. .. 7 71 St. Lawrence, brilliant, yellow 7 31 Blue Star, 100 The. ...... 7 07 Itedpath's yellow, 10() lbs. „ 7 41 10 -lb. bags, leo aver granulated bags. 02 -lb. bag; 15e over granulated bags. 2 and 5-1b. packages, 30e over granulated bags. LIVE STOCK, There were no changes In prices. Export cattle, choice „ 8 50 Butcher' cattle, choice 8 00 do. do. medium . ..„ 7 75 00. 40. corronon' • WS Butcher cows, choice „ „ „ 6 76 do, do, medium ... 6 50 de, do. cannere 3 do. bulls5 Feeding steerit .„ • 7 50 Stockers, choice -7 25 do. light ... 0 50 Milkers, choice, each 60_00 SprinSpringer . gers .. ••• • • • GO uu Sheep, ewes' „ ..., 9 00. Bucks and culls ••• •• •••• 7 00 Lambs .., . . . , 11 00 Hogs. fed and watered 11 25 Calves „ .• • . 7 00 •••I. 8 75 8 35 8 00 7 50 7 25 6 75 4 25 e, 760 7 75 • 700 7 00 100 oo 1000 00 10 00 800 13 00 11 00 • OTHER MARKETS Wheat -NNIPEG GRAIN OPTIONS. Wh Open. High. Low. Clsoe. May „. „ „„ 1 14% 1 141/2 1 13% 1 131k July ,.. 1 15% 1 15% 1,13% 1 FM Ont. . ..... 1 1014, 1 101/$ 1 0941 1 0044. Oats - May • ... 0 45% 0 451/2 0 45 0 4511 July., I) 45 04541 44% 04441 Oats Flax- .. . . . 0 3941 May • 1 90 1 90 1 8841 1 881/2 July . 1 911/2 1 911/2 1 904lj 1 91)1/2 MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. Minnoarolls-Mily wheat, $1.17 7-8; July, $1.17 1-8; No. 1 hard. 31.22 5-8; No. 1 North- ern, $1.18 1-8 to 31.19 1-8. Corn -No. 3 yue91.10o07, 77 to 78c. Oats -No. 3 white, 43 to 43 1-4e; flour unchanged. 13ran, 518.75 to DULT7TH GRAIN MARKET. Duluth. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, $1.17 5-8; No. 1 Nekthern, 51.15 5-8 to $1.17 5-8; No, 2 Northern. $L12 5-8 to $1.14 5-8. Linseed, cash, 10$2.12 te f2.13; May, 52.12; July. $2.31 1-4. , CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. • Cattle. receipts 3.000. Market ,steady. Native beef steers ... ... 7 85 9 90 Stockers and feeders .5 85 8 50 Cows and heifers .... .. 4 00 . 9 20 Calves... • 7 00 10 00 Hogs, reeel.pes 24,000. Market slow. Light............930 935 Mixed 940 985 9 30 985 Rough ,„ 930 900 'Plgs••. ..•. 725 1)00 Bulk of sales . . 9 70 980 Sheep, receipts 14;000. Market steady. Wethers . . 85 9 10 Lambs, native ... 60 11 65 BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. East Buffalo, Report -Cattle, receipts receipt& 100; steady. Veals, receipts 250; slow, 34.50 t8 310.25. Hogs, recelpte 1,600; slow; heavy and mixed 310.25 to $1e35; yorkers $9.75 to 310.35; pigs $9.50; roughs $9,15 to 39.26; stags $6.50 to $7.75. Sheep and lambs, receipts 2,400; slow and priceunchanged, LIVERPOOL PRO,DUCE. Wheat, spot steady - No. 1 Manitoba -13s, 40. No. 2 5Lanitoba-13s. No, 1 northern spring -12s, Gd.' No. 2 red western winter -11s, 60. ' Corn, spot steady. American mixed, new -10e, 90. Flour, winter patents -475 Eons In London (Pacitlo Coast) -14, 158; 25, 15s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs. -89s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs. - Ws, 60. Short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs. -71s. Clear bellies; 14 to 16 lbs. -92s. Long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs. - 868. Long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs. -845. Short clear becks, 16 to 20 lbs. -84s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs. -710. Lard, prime western, in tierces, new - 72,e; old -73s. Ampricanr refined -77s, 90. Butter, finest IT. S. in boxes -768. Cheese, Canaaian, finest white, new - 1045. Colored -1050. Australian In London -50s. Turpentine, spirits -47s, 90 . Resin, common -209. Petroleum, refined -11 1-40. Cototn Seed 011, hull refined, spot -1C9, 60. RUSS MOVE TO FRENCH FRONT LyonS, Frantee, Cable,--arhe Rus- sian trodps which arrived at Marseilles; on Thursday for service with the French on the western front, paned through here to-dny on their may northward. They were given an en- thusiastic welcome, Loth here and all along' their route. • ••• POPE BARS MOVIE MAN. :London Report,- (New Yrk Times cable.) --The Daily Chroniele's Rome correspondent says that Pope Benedict XV has exercised his su- preme authority to veto Cardinal Merry Del Val's introduction of a moving picturo operator at tho litde Week functions at St. Peter's. MYSTERY BOAT ON HUSH COAST New York Repert.---A London cable to the Sun Says: A telegram from Train says it eot- lapaible boat loaded whit arms and ammunition was sitieed by the pollee ot Curralialie Strand. A etranger oV unidentified uatinality was arrested lit the neigbborhood, It is not known maleness the boat crone or tor whom the cergo was in. tended. ALLY REPLY TO U. S. Washineton deepotehl According to (tile thehtle inferMation teaching Waslaugtom Great Britain anti Prattee, In (hair joint note replying to the American protest epeeist interference with, mistral trade. malres no attempt Id dispute the prinel- meg temteteted for the Malted Ittrites, but InsIst that thoah nrirfelnles havct Item Riven legal Ititerprelatten and 41on by the allies, In their hiockado flan:any and Matt:dia. • I FOR A MARINE ALL CANADIAN •••••••`...Y......•••••• Montreal Report.----eCol, Thomas tlantloY, PresIdent of the Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Company, delivered an eddrese before the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association hero last night, In weicli be urged the building of a Canadian mercliant marine in Caned - Ian yards, of Canadian steel, and to be manned by Canadian sailors. He declared that since the war broke out Canada had captured part at the heavy meting 'trade of the Clyde, which was tormerly bald by tlie Gars mans. Many of the big shipping Inen of the port were present, ;and expressed complete sympathy witlt the VieWa of Mr. Cantley, TOTAL EXPOSE OF HUN PLOTS Nei York Report. -Persons who have seen the papera seized viten Von Igel watt arrested say they do not be- lieve Count Von Bernstorff, the Ger- man Ambassador, will admtt that any are official records. The papere are described as constituting "the largest baul made by the Government Educe the activity of the agents of the Central Powers in this country were first die- coveied," As a result of the seizure of the papers, it was said today the complete operations of an alleged Teutonic spy system in Anterice will be revealed. LOYAL INDIA. Strength, Not Weakness, to Empire, Says Secretary. London, Monday, April 10.-(Corres.: pondence of the Associated Press) -- "India, instead of proving a source of weakness to the Empire, as Germany fondisa believed she would, has been a tower of strength," said Austen Cham- berlin, Secretary for India,, in discuss- ing witit a group of American corres- pondents the present state of the [n- ein Empire. The Secretary continued: "Instead of showing, under the en- couragement of a great leuropean war, any desire to revolt, tho people of In- dia have never been more loyal to the British Empire than to -day. In this conection 1 would like to say that loy- alty in India en its own special color, in the form ot a personal devotion to the Klug -Emperor which I do not thinleat possible to exaggerate. "Whatever agitation there may be In India for a greater share in the goveroment, there is certainly no lack of appreciation of the advantage of the British system of colonial glarern- ment over the Gorman. "As to the military assistance given by the Indians, I need mention only two facts, as their • efforts on all fronts are so well known. The first is the number of military honors won by Indians. Before this war the highest military honor, the Victoria Cross, was not open to the Indian army, but since this rule was abrogated five V. O's. and twenty-five Military Crosses have been woo by Indian soldiers. The second is just one instance of their gallantry in action. In Gallipoli the 14th Sikhs went into action with. fifteen British officers, fourteen In- dian officers, and 514 rank* and file The next clay there were three British officers, three Indian officers, .and 184 rank and file. a do not think you could ask any more ot any nriny than that it should face and make sacrifices of this kind." . RECOVERED. British Win Back Trenches Lost Near Langemarck. London, April 23. -The British forces stave won back the trench lost oa April 19 and re-established the line on the Ypres-Langerniarek road. Tre trench, Sir Douglas Haig reports, was captured by the King's Shrola shire Light Infantry. The German of- ficial report, in admitting the British victory, says: "We were 'compelled to evacuate our newly -won trenches on the Langemarcis-Ypres road on ac- count of high floods, which made their 'consolidation impossible." • Saturday night a successful raid was made against the German trench_ es south-west of Thiepval. Several prisoners were captured, and it num- ber ef casualties inflieted oi the enemy in their dement* by bombers. BRIBING SPAIN, SAYS GERMANY. Berlin, April 23. -"According to re- ports from Geneva," says the Over- seas News 'Agency. "Great Britain has Uttered to Spain possession of Ta•ngler if Spain will seize German ships in Spanish ports and will con- sent to the Moshe; of the Straits of Gibraltar to all neutral ships except those flying the Spanish flag." • DIAZ PLOT IN MEXICO, Washittgton Repert-Reports of an alleged move on the part of Felix Diaz, nephew of the former Mexican dictator, for a new revolution against the tie factor Government, twit causing considerable lilleaSilleSS at the State Department. The movement is said to be backed by wealthy atexicaus, both In Mexieo and the United States. CHINESE TROOPS MUTINY, Shanghai, AprIl 24.-4tutineere In the Kiang Yin forts, forestallima the piens of the Governmentforces,. at. tacked the troops atatIoned at Wusik Iitangsit. The fighting tontinueta n11 night, Trains are ibeing operated only between •Shaughai and Sooehow and between Chang Chow and Nanking. Trouble b Momentarily expeeted at &whew. ••••••• :gent to be rather busy." "Yea, I'm writing it love letter, I've 'Wen working an it Tor mere than Re hour." "Why take Neil pales?" -1,'Svant to feel sure that if this letteiteale eve. read in •rourt it Won't make me look like it foci." - llirMingbom Atte perald. • .0 Wellington Mutual 1 • Fire Ins. Co. wails/loll ISA . Head Otto, OtilaRta, ONT.'„ •taken On ail cJams of ob proportr on tun nuh o*PT.0440, spook OW, Eti1010X0I, Ditmos0N1. rrnoont, • Porotorr • RITMO* 0, ;MONS, Agenteo Winoham* QntJ I. - Dudley Holmes sAFiniaktiORI 8004101701t, *TO, Mai Moyer Meek, WinghiLm• R Yanstone SARItili;TMR ANO *OLAMTOoli genet t� toll at 14witn4 Ptak WOHAm. 1.................„..........-........„-,...„4 Arthur J. Irwin DAM, L.D.S. Nestor et Deittel StUlerY ed tlio Poniq *Arm% Gouego and Idoositiote a !Nat'l litingery of OnteriO. . in Macdonald Sleek •**flee . . , G. H. Ross D.D.S., 1....D.8.# tOpOr Chao:Wats of the Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. Faculty of Dentistry. Offlee Over H. E. Isard & Co.'s Store' W. R. Hamby . B.So., M.D., O.M. Special attention paid ts diseases : of Women and Ohildren. having - taken postgraduate work in Stir. gery, Bacteriology and. Scientific Medicine. Office) in the Kerr resident°, be . tween the Queen's Hotel and the 1 SePtist Church, Ali business given careful attention. Phone 54, P. 0. Box 1,18 Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.S. (Fug.) L.R.C.P. (Lend.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. • (Dr, Chisholm's old stand), General Hospital (Under Government InspectIoe), Pleasantly situated, (beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians, Rates for patients (which. ,inolude board and Aursing)-$4.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of 'room. For further information - Address MISS L. MATHEWS, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. , 1 SELL Town and Farm propertlea Call and • see my list and get my prices. I have some excellent values. J G. STEWART WINDHAM. Phone 184. Office In Town Hall. - AUCTIONEERS MeCONNELL & YAN,DR1CK, Are prepared to take all kinds of sale% Having had a wide (awl' leaos In this line, we are certain we can please anyone trusting their sales to us, You can have either one to conduct your sale or can ha/. both without extra charge Charge, Moderate. t T. R. Bennett, .I• P. ' . I AUCTIONEER. Dates Arranged at the Advance Office' Pure -Brad Stock Sales a Specialty Saleconducted anywhere In Ontario, PHONE at. WINDHAM; ONT. - . _. " W. Elmore Mahood ! . CONTRACT -OR AND BUILDER. ' Estimates and plans furnished on request. Satisfaction guaranteed, WINOHAM, ONT. • BOX 335. , • John F. Grovcs t., Issuer Of 1VIARRIAGE 'LICENSES TOWN HALL . ' WINGHAM Phones -Office 24; Reeldence 168. 1 OSTEOPATHIC PtlYS/CIAN DR. F. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builds vitality and ettength...A.djustraent of the spine and Other tisanes is gently secured, there- by, removing the predisposing causes of disease. Mood presenre and other eXamina- UOIxe made. Trusses scientifically fit- ted. OFFICE( OVER CHRISTIE'S STORE. 1101111-allesdays and Fridays, A a.m. tO I) p.m.: Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a.= Other day* by appobitment. • - k nub . Rim wE wANT cREAm 'C'c: wird Cre0.1n, and Neat ray the • ikle est, prices for good cream. Why !thin your cream away, along distance When you can receive as goodprices near horna, end in sending yoUr cream to us will heir, a horns Industry. 'W¢ TurniSh tit* tans to each shinPer 4,na DaY all e,tpress charges and assure von an honest business. Cheese fae- y patrons having Cream during the txus. w Ater would do well_ to ship to , \ ite for further particulars to THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY BEAPORTH -,,- ,--. ONTARIO .6.,..........d...................0................i....4.,........d... • CHIROPRACTiC airOpractic removes the tante of forgotioaltIr alt tliseates. /t attatterctot. What'part of the body la affeeted, it Ottu he reaehed through the terve Oehtrts in the apInal tolutnu, lustre:mit 02 subluxated Itertebtite. MnattltatIOn free, DR, dta. t icim1 ,06.0x,..., or Drugless Phystolattel Aloe pn DI Consdo, •