HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-03-23, Page 1lic Single Copies A Three Cents Church 'Sews BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Cameron, B,A., of Toron- to, .Assistant Supt. of Houle Miseionel Will preach in the Baptist Church next Sunday. ST, PAUL'S CHURCH Tho Sunday School will reopen next Sabbath at 2.30 p. to. and the Bible close a; 3 o'clock. METE4ODIST CHURCH Regular services will be bPld next Lord's Day at 11 a, m. and 7 p. at, The pastor, Ii•"v. J. W. Hibbert, will preach at both services. Evenings subject "Seep the Home Fires Burn- ing". Good music. You will be made welcome, A. G. Smith of the Advance gave a paper at the Epworth League on Mon- day evening. The annual election of Officers will take place next Monday evening. BIRTHS BENRY-In Grey, on March 0'h, 1916. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henry, a son --Steuart Charles. LAox1E--In Wroxeter, on March 12 h. 1016, to Mr. and Mve. George Leckie, a daughter. .PEARBO:T-Io Grey Township, on March 11'b. 1016, to Mr. and Mre. "ie Jas. T. Pearson, a daughter -Ella Margaret. MURRAT-1,7 Prince Rupert Ave., To- ronto. on March 15 h, to Mr. and Mre. J. S. Murray, a son (Alfred Lloyd), The latter is a daughter of Mre, Ceo. Walker, Turnberry. GinngsP1E-1n the Wingham Hospi- tat on March 20th, to Mr.' and Mre, Gibson Gillespie, a son. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN IATANTED-A good, 'general servant, good • wages.. Apply to MRs. Wm, FIELD. ANTED- Maid wanted at once for general u housework. Apply to Mn,sC. M. WALT- er, nI1tL WANTED to help in dining room, Ap- u ply at onoe to Tule 131ruriswieic. WANTED -An Appreutiee and an improver dt in toadies and Gents tailoring. - E. L0 f • WRITE, ' FOR SALE -Democrat wagon and good mare for Sale. Apply to THv tr c.4. •OORNt CORR.Nt - We havea car of imorican • yellow corn in stock, Howson & BRoorr 1 nAtsl.. to the VACANCIESI[ APPRENTICES PO 1Furniture and Uphel+toying business. Apply at once to WALKER 8c CLEGG WANTED -Cairns and women to candle eggs. Apply at once to A. II. WII;FORD, Whole- sale produce. FAREWELL AND G000•BYE Pringle'8 Employees Remember Two Valued Shopmates About fet'ty of the employees of Pringle's Glove Works met on Thurs. clay evening, the 15th inst., at the beautiful house of Bliss Dodd, in owlet to e,.g're••ss in a tengihie form their high appreciation of two Members of the firm who aro tevermg theitrbither• to pleasant relationship. Miss Lena G1ousher will in the very near fetare "tie it t ilken thread that no sharp blade eau sever". Her fr'IIo +- 'shuput:ates Wishing to shnw how hag h• •y Hbe was esteemed by thein, gave; her "A shower", which will indeed br- a bhower of blessing, in fact it was no shower but a veritable harrica;le, and f.r a time it seemed as, though the whole town would be inundated. Miss Gloushei who was taken completely by surprise, stated that she did not know what to say, and just simply thanked her warty friends for their great. kindness, Pie, T Lotion was then called to the front, Tom or rather "Irish" has always tae en a favorite among the boys. and here it is needless to enum- erate upon his many good qualities, as the following address will explain everything - Mr. Tom Lorton -oh no, that's not the way, but rather, Our Dear Old Irish: --There is glad- ness and there is sadness in our hearts to day. Our sorrow consists in the fact that you are leaving us, and we will rates you much, morning, noon and at even -time; a new•man will work at your block, whether he will have the sante genial Iiieh smile, remains to be proven. We are glad however, that you our comrade, having heard your .country'e call, are willing to respond, and to do your "hil" in stamping our forever, Prussianism, Get Externem, Kaiserism, and Imperialism, We know that you will not dishonour the "Old Flag" rherefore we sincerely trust "That. God will be with you tits we meet again," and may you he spared to corbe back again a hero with the hero's laurels and a coatqueror wear. ing the triumps of victory. And now &im,•ade we ask you to a^sept from your employer and fellow employees this wrist watch. Look at it tomer imei+ when at the battle's front and think of "Auld Lang Syne," Not only will you have your coun- try's honour to maintain but you will have a mother'e memory to cherish, and the great expectations of your many Mende to realize, especially that one little crtowd, in that one busy Ii, tle corner of t his Queer Old World, v:z. Pringzle's Glove Works of Wing - ham, and may you do your duty as faithfully for your King and Country a• you have done it for the firm that you are leaving. Signed on behalf ,of the boyo this 10•h day of March in the year of our L'rrd 1910 FOR SALE -First class organ, baby buggy and .utter. Apply for particulars to Mits. ^En. SaoTR, Francis Si,. FURSALE-Eggs for hatching from thorough. bred White w'yandotte bens, $1.00 for set- ting of 15 eggs. A few setons 'hens wanted. -5 ORS KERR, 21 'WATERTANIis F(01 SALT, -As these are 11 of no use to us in our business we are clearing them at riaiculous pricos.-A 1. W ILi ORD i*IPPLE BUTTER FOR SALLA) -Get Four stip- d ply now as owing to the scarcity of the apple crop this season the supply is limited. Apply to E. Mi aicLEY tC SON. Phone 81. flOrsD HUNDRED ACRID FAIIII-In the r,sale or full par • Township of Morris for a e 1 tieulars writ to EDW aiw BRUCE, 51 Fairview BoLi1., Toronto. -_ CQLY E 4 FOR SALE-I can supply)]Y your u r wants GradeHolstein calves either sex from 3 days to 1 w. ek old, ono or a car, load; nothing but good str -inbt calves shipped No. 1 Marked Heifers .16 00 each; No, 2 Marked Heifers 15.rr0 Orel ; bol s 31 each. Prices F 0, B.' Tillaonburg.'Ont Cash with order. Re- ference Royal Bank. -J, A. CADMAar, Tilton - burg, Ont., 11.H. 3. MENDERS WANTED -Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the building "of a garage on the corner of Josephine and Patrick Streets up to March 27th Lowest or any tender n 1 necessarily accepted. A mark- ed oheq.io bearing 10/ df the contract price to accompany tender Cheques retur ed to part- ies not receiving Lender, Plan- and speeiticar- ° ions May bo seen at CRAWFORD s GARAGE. 3r. Dissolution of Partnership ' As we have dissolved partnership all ac- counts owing to the firm of McCallum Bros , Hardware ,Merchants. Beigrave, must be pa d on or before April 15th, to Duncan McCallum at Belgravo, PTE. JAS. McCALnuM, in1yant halm WINOI-IAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 23r4, 1916 personals WAR AUXILIARY . MEETS Mr. Will Lepard is on a. business trip to Toronto. Mrs, T. S Brandon is visiting relatives in St. Marys • Mr S. Bennett spent a few days in To- ronto last week. Miss Reta Walker of To ionto is visiting' her parents in town Miss Clara Beemcr spent a tew days visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. (Dr ) Hambly is visiting at the home of he parents in Toronto. .Pte W Van\Vyck of Kincardi ne 'spent the week•end with fr#Duds in town Messrs S. H. Gidley and Bert Bainton of Blytlt, were ru town on Tuesday. Pte. Barry Heise ili'c of Stratford spent a few days at his home here this week. Dr. R. C Redmond is away for a few days on a business trip to Merrick ilk). Mr Thos Morgan of Ripley was the guest of his brother Jno Morgan in town this week. Mrs Robert Mowbray is spending a few days at the home of he i parents, in Whitechurch. Dr Parker was in Guelph Saturday at tending a patient during operation at St Joseph's Hospital. • ' Private White of the Wingham detach- ment of the 161st spent a few' days with friends in Owen Sound • Pte. 4Vi'lie Hinscliife spent the week end at the home of his grandfather, Mr Lewis }Iinscliffe. Stratford. Pte H. Chapman of the 169th Battalion, Toronto spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Runstedler and othes triends. Miss Bertha McKay spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Hector McKay Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Chuakey left town on Saturday to spend a few days with friends in Seaforth and Clinton. Mr and Mrs James Lockridge wish to thank thei' many friends for the kindness shown them in the sad bereavement of their daughter. Miss Ada Stackhouse of Blyth, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. E Lloyd, John St , and other friends in town Mr John E. Wright has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks through illness and is now suffering from a serious case of bronchitis Mru. Shirtcliffe of Indiana, is visiting her father Mr. Wm Marlin of the Blue• vale Road whom we are sorry to report. is at present very low. W. D Pullenen, ED, SMALL, ROUT, ' .1LOVES Aft Pr moving a ver•v h.•at 1 y store nt theuks to Mees and Wes Dodd for the dainty lunch, pleasant entertainment and use of their home, thisvery p 1 as - ant evening ended -with the linkingof hands singing -Auld Lsng Syne, arid the National Anthem, STANDING FIELD CROP COMPETITION The Turnberry Agricultural Society offere $75 divided as fntlnwr'-$20, $15 $12, $10. $8, $6 and $1 for the best field of Whoa- Oats. The Ontario Department of Agricul turewill furnish the judges. Nature of Competitdon-••Fields enter- tained for competition must, consist of not legs than five acres and not more than twenty. Competitors - Competition will be limited to rnemhers of the 'Turnberry Agricultural Srciery. Competitors tan only enter in ono Society nod but One entry caii he made by each com- petitor. Any individual can make entry for this coiiopetition by hecnnt• ing a member of this society and pay, ing an entrance fee of $1. All cnmpetitnre must, be within 15 [miles of Wfngzham, All application, tuust be in by r he let day of May. Entry forms and further particulate y to n way be had byapp1t applying A, G. V3111 11, S.'cretary, "Winghi ni. Office in Advance Offi^e 3t R. A, CURRIE II (rradteatti ofCanxdianImbalmere tiaeetretatidn We tarry a large and drat - Ielms Stank of PUNl;ttAtr ILI U/SIPi S A large etoek of .everythiut, found in a modern furniture store _ Store Phone 51 lllesidence 155 onommointginarsoisatorimia RECRUI TING THE 161st Col. Crrtnht•'steed tn dela for all men of the 101-t; to he r.Ieaeod during this week and aaah man heroine a recruit - it -1g t.ffarer• and make a canvass of the county, working in eonjnncli: n •with the recrulr#ng officers and local war anx)tiaret. 1 The boys at Wingham are leaving no stone unturned and no man who should he serving his country is not approached. We understand that in the fleet temple of Jaye Goderich has secured 40. Those enlisting with the Wiugham detachment are: Petition the Government to Bring About Conscription A meeting of the War Auxiliary of fiuron County was held here Thurs. day afternoon with a good attendance, present from Wingharn and the northern district of Huron (Monty. t ' 'ins (their was occupied by Mr.Pra't i W Scott, vice-president of the Huron County War Auxiliary, who in a few words explained the reason for calling the meeting, viz: To organtzs for the Nig recruiting drive which is now •on in Huron Cnunty. S•veral of the farmers present_ offered to give the noys e meal or keep' them overnight and if necessary to drive them about in the different divisions. Ool. Combe. 0,C., who was present, explained the new mnhilatinn orders, which allowed boys adapted for farm work to assist farmers who would make application for help during the nosy season. A copy of these orders appears an page 5 of this paper. Among those who were present and addressed the meeting were: R -v. Me Jewitt and Rev Mr. Hawkins, of Blyth; RAY. Mr. Hibbert, of Wing. ham; Mr. John. T. (rn'rie, ex -warden of Huron County; Mr, John Gillespie, ex•reeve of East Wawanosh; Mr. llc• Kercher, of Wroxeter, and Mr. Chas. Canlpnell, of East Wawannsh. The griestion of conscription was dealt with and the following motion unanimously carried and a copy of the resolution sent to the Dominion Gov- ernment by the S•earetary, A. G. 3mitb: Moyed by John F Groves, seconded by John P. Carrie, that this meeting reeler -at the Dominion G•av• ,,rnmt•nt to bring un Fiume foam of modified conscription. Mr. Peter W. Scott introduced the -mall blas war auxilbsry but.tous winch ate being sold for 10 cents These butrons will be sold by the lad Les of - h • Pablic S;houl staff and each otirrhauer becomes a member of rhe Huron filar Auxiliary. Every loyal eidz'•n of Huron -man, woman and r•httd--hnuld have their name on the auxiliary R ill; The proceeds from this sale will be spent to buy hunt u• meats for a band for the 101st. Mr and Mrs Jas. Boyle of Moosejaw, Sask.. accompanied by Mrs. Boyle of Lucknow. spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs John S Mor- gan Mr: John McPherson of Lucky Lake, Sask . who has been spending a couple of months with his brother W E. blc Pherson and other friends in the vicinity of St Helens expects to leave next week for his home in the West Mr and Mrs C M Walker returned to their home in town after spending some time in the West Mr. Walker did con- siderable travelling while there and re ors the Dr p. o a • of last fall are greater ter t • s E' P than w• in the east can n realize. Oranges from Palm Beach • Mr. James Mitchell of B zeman, Montana, who ip ppending the winter. '9r Pelee Beat+, pent a email souvenir from there to his Pieter, Mre. A. 3, Nie.holls, in the form of a small box of orenges. not much larger than birds erigr. -Mr. Mitchell visited his sister here last summer and made many warm friends during hie stay in town, Divehi Johnston G L. Day L Griedale C. Anger J. R. Chisholm Ben, Holiand Haroid Robinson J. A. Allen Mr. Johnston has been inSaskatehe- wan for some time and Mr. Allan bap been with the Dominion Batik in Sea - forth, but came home to joie the 161st, Ile is the eldest sun of Mr. and Mre. Robt, Allen. Arrangements are being 'made for all the nleti of the 1614 to assemble in Clinton on April 6 b, the day of the ClintonSilting Fair, when maneuvers will be put on in the morning of that day, mics the ladies of the town churches have promised to entertain the visiting[ wafflers. aseseessiesniesesseessisoest Women's lttstrtutC Notes The autograph quilt was drawn for on Saturday evening acid the lucky ticket was 207. The holder of thee ricket will be presented erlth'the quilt Te.-. day evening at the glint Seek). - Tito pnarpotted B•'X, S+iciat will be held on the evening tit' Tuesday, ttfrtveb 23rb ta'bee are eek -•d to being boxes• and the gentloinen to purchase them for 25 ettr, each, A stones programIs teeing pupated. Come end enjoy yourrAtr WEDDING BELLS WiNGN4M FALL FMR A Bigger And Better Fair is the Motto for 1916 The officers and directors of the Turnberry Agricultural Society are, Putting forth an effort this year to mak • rhe miming fall fair one of the most sueceesful in the hltsory of the aoeicety, and also place the society en a Netter financial position, A good meeting of the Directors was held on February 29th, when the Mat- ter of securing a new secretary was discussed, and it was decided to adver- tise for applreatinns for the position A committee was also appointed to arraogefrec rin o e u the old ds g grounds a for this year's fair. The financial position of the society was fully dip. cussed, and it was shown that the society had been pladed at extra heavy expense during the past few years• Some years ago, the society bad the misfortune to be visi ed with wet SA 0 taller on the last day of the fair. The gate receipts [bar, year were a very -mall ernouni, but the society plaid some $000 in prizes, as well as the expenses of management for the year. That same year one other society in the county did not pay any prize money, and another one settled with their exhibitors, at fifty cents on the dollar. The local society paid ail' claims in full, and was leftwith a debt of some $009 Following the wet year, came the building of two foot bridges, at a cost of nearly $850 Last year there wawa considerable drop in gate receipts, and a loss on the ,con- cert- In the face of these losses, the society is now some $1,200 in debt. With a view to paying off the debt, the officers and directors at the meet. ing on the 20 h of February, made donations of $10 each Those sub• scribing were, John J. Moffat, W. J. Currie, W. J. Greer, H. T. Perdue, ar.k I{"nry. I J. Weight, Geo, T• R•.hert.son, J, G. Pyfe, P. Gibbons, W. J. IF-ndersou, Gen. Cruickshank, A. H. Wilford, T. O. King, J. G. Stewart. and H. B. Elliott. At the meeting on March 171b,' the committee reported that satisfactory arrangements had been made for the use of the grounds for the holbog this year's fair. Contmirtees were appointed to in. terview the different municipal coup- . nils, and ask for liberal grants to the society. The ettanding Field Crop Competi- tion will this year aeain be a popular feature of the society, This is branch of the society's work has been of much benefit to the farmers of this section. This year it has been decided to charge an entrance fee of one dollar to this competition, in addition to the regular membership fee. Particulars of this year's competition can be seen in our advertising columns. ' A. G. Stni'rh was appointed as Sec.. Trete... and hay entered upon bis duties, Thi- 5 ererary was instructed to send a letter of apology and explanation rr' the Baste Srag Fertilizer Company, and i heir local agent, Mr. O. G. And- er..on, covering the misunderstanding tri donnec'ion with the special prize,. off •red last year. It was decided that the officers and directors be supplied With pass books In h Ch to enter P t donations the to w i r fair and the offirprs and directors de- cided to make every effort to have the dept cleared aft at as early date°as poseihle. We have many times said that Winehatn is one of the best centres in tFTpiitern Ontario for a successful •fall fair The people of the town and dis• triet have not been as loyal as neigh'. Wring places to their- fall fairs, and We hope to see a marked improvement this year. Give the director who in- terviews you a good subscription, and Thee as•ist in: irringing the society into a good financial position. We heartily congratulate the officers and directors in their endeavor to improve the con- dition. of the society, and we trruet their efforts will be Drowned with r•L10Cess. CHAMPION -HAVENS . At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Champion, March 15 a very pretty .event was solemnized, the occasion tieing the marriage of their eldest daughter Mary Ellen to Mathew Alex- ander Havens both of West Wawa• nosh. Ceremony' was performed by the Rev. Mr. Little of St. Helens, as- sisted by the Rev. Mt'. Penrose of Whitechurch in pretence of a few rel- atives and Mende of the contracting parties. The t ride wee given away by her father and stood under an arch of evergreens looking charming in a dress of white messaline silk trimmed with shadow lace ribbon and rbin ,t.one with veil carrying a b. clues of hridal roses. Th., groomsman was Mr. Win- John Champion brother of the bride The bridesmaid Miss Winnifred E. Haines dressed in fiHHs coloredbrocaded talk tehomed with oriental lace. carrying a hoquet of Primroses. Miss Aanylia J. Leaver cousin of the bride played l4eodelsohn's Wedding March. Tb • p etients were costly and many show• we the esteem in which they were held. Tnen all sat down to a sump tuous dnpper, after which the evening was spent in music and singing. The happy couple left on the 3:15 'rain for Arthur and other points. After returning they will settle on the groom's farm in West Watvannsh. We alt wish Mr. and Mrs Havens many years of happy wedded life - Bell Telephone Enlarge System The Bell Telephone Co. h-tve gangs working in Listowel and Windham to 'oke care of increasing husinese A branch line is being built from Wing - ham to Ripley and one from Brussels to Lisetowel. This will mean a Netter service from Kincardine and Winit- ham, in fact all along the lines. Hats off to Mr. Binkley the manager for this district, through whose efforts this bcitter service is due. A S uccessfel Wingham Boy H, H Wightman one of the young men Wingham is proud to claim as "an old boy",has organized it furniture company at Fort Wiliinm which will be known as the Wightman Verniture Co. Ltd, Mr. W i g h t ut a ti's m my friends here will he pleased to hoar of his enterprise, The filet a#eine that he is president and general manager is a 'guarantee of emcees. He wee vice•nreeidnut and general manager of rhe W, Ii. Whalen Co. Ltd. for a number of years. Subscriptions; $LOO per year, ll'OOCal items V W t/T/vYVW,/V�MI.I W V�+'�M V V Wim' Mrs, John Ansley is, we regret to say, seriously 111 with pneumonia. - Look out for the Sacred Cantata to ire given by St, Andrew's choir, farther par- ticulars next week We are sorry to say that. Mr Gordon Underwood is under the doctor's care but we hepe soon to bear of his complete re- t;overy, On page 4w' l e fouud asketchcl fromm Buffalo b'instncial Saturday Night regard- ing the financial standing of the Chevor- let Motor Co. RexSyrup 1Cherry Bark Cou:ivi ll stop a cough. Buy a bottle and get two Gold Fish free, March 24th at McKibbon's [rug Store. - Spring Millinery Announcements of A'Iiss Rush and Mrs Runstsdler wiP be found of page 4 and Miss Reynolds on page 7 of this issue. .Ontario will go "dry" about Sept. let, by act of Parliament. Voters will then decide after the war whether prohibition will continue or not. • Mr Homer of the Kandy Kitchen was in Kincardine on Monday. We under- stand he will open up a branch restaurant there in the near future Mrs. G H Wheeler of Beigrave, was the lucky holder of the ticket No. 185, which"entitled her to the handsome Leath, er club bag at W. -H Willis' shoe store. ''Mr. John Galbraith who advertised his farm near Bluevate for saleor ta rent in THE ADVANCE for the past couple of weeks has rented it to Mr Alex Finley. Died in Winnipeg Mr. Garrett Maxwell of the 3rd line of Morris, et-oeived-the sad ,news last week of the sudden death of his d+lighter, Mre, W. 3 Walkey, at her home in Winnipeg. An ohi'uery notice Will appear iu 11M ADVANCE next week. YY s t s Merchant Young Merh r Eh Un On St. Pat•rick'e Day an internnt#ng episode took place in Lower Wingham. when Biajnr Sinelaair and hie company arrived there, i3pnn rrrtntaintr Lral#e Grisdale's grocery store, the major and the store into i men marched he bought ail hie- taurine, most of his fruit and tobarra. Then the nurj"r tnnk tt vete on the spot whether Mr. Griedtgle should aign up at Orref'i or net. 1'tvr`ry hand was for "yen." Ale. (1 i�dnta, etellingiy•on the spot, signed up. The 1014 has secured a. model young man, and a sIs•footer,•.-r r(.e Press, Miss Carson is now fully settled in her sew quarters next to Bondi's fruit store. A gent's furnishing store will be opened up in the store vacated by Miss Carson. Mr. R. M. Williams has received his first consignment of Studebaker cars and has a four and a six on exhibition Read Mr. Williams' ed on page 4 of this issue. Rev F. E. Powell rector of St Barn - alias' Church Toronto, and son of Reeve Powell of Turnberry, recently gave a pint of blood to save a woman in his congre- gation. • ' - Anyone who has any cast off clothing will do a charitable act to tet Capt Flub. band of the Salvation Army know of same and he will distribute them among the poor of the town, While snow showing with some of. his friends (neo Allen, son of R. Allen, fell, breaking his arm Medical aid was 'Nur• riedly summoned and the young man is doing as well as can be expected. A former resident of these parts passed away at Mapleton, Ont. in the person of Mrs, Geo Moon, whose early life was sp'snton the Bluevate Road, the daugh- terof the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hen. derson. Lieut. Jas. Windsor who is with the 51th Div of Royal Field Artillery, has been transferred from the Western front to Egypt. Lieut Windsor is a brother of Seret Windsor of town; he has four. brothers at the front. One of the coldest days of last week while R S. McGee was delivering grocer. les in Pleasant Valley a robin alighted on a verandah a tew feet from hint. 11e says it looked as hearty as if the weather was hot and flowers blod'tning. . a The funeral of the late. Miss Catherine h 1 a Campbell who died in Lucknow on Thurs- da'ylast was held from the residence of her nephew, Mr .Neil campr•ell 12th con. of West Wawanosh to the Lucknow c mE etery on Saturday afternoon. , We are here to serve you in job print- ing such as Letterheads, Billheads, En. vclopes, Statements, Notcheads, every- thing from a full sheet colored bill to a visiting card Satisfaction our motto, and prices the Lowest. -Tris ADVANCE. If you are in need of any w;:dding stat. lottery. we can supply your wants. A full line of the newest panel and plain station• ery also wedding cake boxes with printed name card enclosed. We guarantee sat isfaction. Call and examine our stock bee fore you buy. ' • The Biyttr detachment of the 101st, under the leadership of Lieut Scott, mar- ched from Blyth to Wingham on Thursday Cif last week taking the afternoon train for home. They had dinner at Beigrave and are loud in their praise of the way the ladies of that village treated them. East w<Fowariash Pte. Woodley wits a vi:aitor at Jahn Scott's aver Sunday. Tile boys in khaki are out in force this week on a "Patch my pal" effort to recruit tb,e 101st up to full strength. Come on boys, don't wait for•conscrip- tion. - Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Cook, jr, have rhoyed on to `fr, R. Iiatrison'r' farts where they will reside in future. J. W. Mason hits been visiting; with his father near Jamestown who hast been tjr rte tensile'. John Wightman purchased the farm nt Jewett ofthe , e tnt.G Netl era and is now 1 J Neth ery in posueseiuu. Jno S. Mason had an old time wood l bee and 1101. one day and evening last week. Albert Nethet•y hart been on the sick list at his patents in Beigrave, also Mrs, Jas. MsGiil who has suffi ted a rolapse, Mise Oltve Welsh hap returned from the Tomato General hospital anti in looking forward to n, cointlete reeov' ery* �������t�ii��i�����c�tni��t�tsii�i�� t���►1��1j��4111�����1�11��t�1��1�1� t sir,» 114044 lr aw• p.., C eft MOM wM aft err ea.+. 1110044 N..e Orr. Craft. aro.• rr▪ •- w .▪ n• - 010errs. er-. Orr Orr 1111▪ .. aft Or. arn .rr afro Mn 11110. err. eft. err ear aw Orr Slay Orr aft 'r Orr awe▪ -. err COMING! rhe 500 Gold Fish FRIDAY„ TO Store •Y 1 s Irma Are rtee wr MARCH ..,.•• WrI .10.1111 ree a 24th Commencing March 24th we will give you FREIE a complete aquarium consisting of 2 Gold Fish, Glass Globes, Sea Weed% etc, with all purchases amount* ing to 50 cents or over of any of the following to wrian Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Kidney Pills Cold or Grippe Pills Little Liver Pills Emulsion Cod Liver Oil Talcum Powder Blood Tablets Tooth Paste Toilet Soap Beef Iron and Wine When making any of the above purchases be . sure and ask for Gold Fish if you wish them J. WALTON McK1BBON ?.die0144Afas' Sttike Agent C. P. R. Tickets -The best and most direct route to the West r~ 44041, 44.008 Aral,n▪ M. -.ria Aallb ~ NI 11. '" ttifflfffifttfftttfftfftfftfttfftfff ffttitlftitttffftttftffitflffftftfft% PATRIOTIC NOTES The Society gratefully acknowledges the'following hospital supplies: Mrs. Rees, Obio, U.S , 10 yds cotton. Mrs. Addison, 10 yds cotton rolled. Miss Nora Smith, 10 yd cotton rolled Mrs. Rush, 10 yards cotton A Friend, 5 yards cotton Class No. 0, Presbyterian S. yards cotton, rolled. • Miss Fessant, convener of the Yarn Committee, reports the following do. nations, for which the Society extends thanks. Mies Farquharson, 1 pair socks Mrs. W. M. Anderson, 2 pair socks Wingham Geri, Hospital. 1 pr socks Mrs. Munroe, er„ 2 pair socks .Mrs. Munroe, jr., 1 pair socks Mrs. W. F. Vanstone, 1 pair socks Mrs. Richard Porter, 1 pair socks Mies White, 1 pair socks Miss Eliza Weir, 1 pair socks Miss arJor£e [ she r, ls coif We are making an urgent appeal to rhe ladies of Wingham and vicinity for hospital supplies. There is great need for any kiud of old soft cotton, clean and all seams removed, for dregs• itoge. New cotton for bandages to #ore left at Mrs, Jos, Pugh's. The war is here and we have to win it 1 There is an abundance of good yarn on hand and socks ars much needed for our soldiers. Miss 1+'essant, corner of John and Minnie ets„ will be glad to supply yarn to anyone who will knit, Cut nut material for making, shirts may be, obtained from' any of the following ladies: Mrs. WM, Bone, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. W n. Gray, Mrs. Robt. Tindall. Make a note on your calendar for April 7th, the next meeting of the La- dies' Patriotic Society: • ---- . S„ 0 An Enjoyable Evening A large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. Moe. James, 10•.h con. of Turn• holy', on Thursday, March 10th the o'r•a,ion being to present their young friend Robt. Faille with a valuable safety razor in honour of his enlisting for overseas service to do• the right, .with all his might, to fight for King and country. Me. Adam Johnston read the address and Mr, Jas. Porter made the presentation. Mr. It'ellis mane a neat reply. The program for the evening wale a debate as to which the horse or Oz had done the most for mankind. Mr Thos. Jamos and Mr, Jahn Porter were captains, while Mrs. t a• J.a.mee and Miss Hazel Llttl© ae ed jedg;ee with Mr. Charlie James as chairman. The casting vote Was giv.1 en for the Ox side. Some very able pninte were brought out on both sides. Teen nthero was mu c and singing ng Mre, Adam Solin6ton, Mre Jas. Porter and Moe. Jcttnes being the chief muss• Clans While the others et.j.syed cards and ahem! chat. Mrs.James pre ared q. tasty oyster supper in her nsnal good style after whleh the poets went to Choir home much pleated with their evening's env ertainment. John S. Scott la tre.vhe4 Into eta, honey nn hie Teem tippet ire the t•c'bor't last page. -.-W Il, Weems. hou>,e on the Oth cone Neiv Spring Shoes. Read our all on . w 00000003£9 f3p© 00 1 Q A lady alighted from the noon G. T. 17. train one day recently carrying a heavy suit As A young gentleman in civilian clothes promptly stepped up and asked if ho might carry tier scut• case, whereupon she accosted him thus. "You would be serving your country better if you wore the khaki and carried a gun." Aquariums with two Gold i'islt given away at Mciiibbon's Drug Store March 24th with Rexall purchases This Fatuity Doing Their Bit We find an article in the Hamilton Spectator dated March Otb which re• Mr. and Mre fere to a eon 61 1\I , A. Rut - tory of Wingham The paper prints a picture of Mr Buttery and Stays: "Mr, H erfiretre Albert Buttery [.van the Cruit to go into the 173•`d Highland 13 tttattun an Saturday nor1#niHewas born in a"ngland, is 32 years of age and stands G foot, 7 inrhe GIG left with the flint rnntingent and was re• Wetted wounded last i3."pteniber. A brother, Horace le with the 714 Bat - ration and Wilt leave soon for evercette. A. brother-in-law is With the Army Service Corps, Mr. Buttery has been lu (broads ablaut nix years, At the Picture House. On Wednesday and Thursday, March 22 and 23, "The Incomparable Mistress Belliars" will be put on, This is a four-part drama featuring two lovely and brilliant stars; Edna Inn gartb and Mercy Hatton,' The pro- duction is by Harold Shaw, which is a proof of its quality. Man's Inhutbanity to Man. 8 The Winghtrin honour roll se straight, gives to Wingham one liund- red rind forty-eight, and oue young men now in their prime, will edou be in the lighting lige, and while cue preach gAod.will to man, we'll slay rand kill just all we can; before sharp• ened blede and pointed spear, men's heart's quail for very. fear; five have fallen in the fight, victims to a des- polealight, ' y et our witio [nett of the Herons, once waved before the world* flag; nnivernal pears they cried, yet tnillionttuinee have bravely died, This bloddy strife when will it endi' Attain we ask: when, when, when, o19 'when Or like wild beasts. will we always claw, till thin world d11aIl he no more. T•t rae ,l`nl-it, 'Sti'infill>a1n,1<tatte:h 28111, 1:1141. 1' BARGAIN WOMEN'S BOOTS We have about Thirty Pairs of Women's Button and Lace Boots in Patent and., Vici Kiel leathers - every pair first quality. Regular price $1 and $4 50 Sale Price on Friday and Saturday Next $2.25 and $2.50 Big Value, Come! W. J. GREER THE SHOE MAN 000000000000001200000000000 it<SRwfl � w Delaware, T,aekawan' na, and Western Goal. Company's • Seranton AL Vie can otipply the vary best coal for any putpul?. 1'li;;l:Cst cash t;; i:.::g paid fz ell kinds df legs, inquire at the office i;f J. A. McLean titer ill Lumber. Coal aid outs. Office Pjfel+ne 11itl 1'iione 61, Itesiklence Ga, t