HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-03-16, Page 6e
The Gibraltar iteetitutioe Ltt..
hasbeen ergetnerea in New Y.. a
Well, Gibraltar even ba• had for th •
The Immo le not much nee in trench.
warfare. But the Coteaelte find him "Is not thet littee severe?" aeked
handy in rounding up the fleeing Deezil. "Poor Jamee has an unfortu-
Date etty of nut getting' on wait pore
The woman who declares that eee iln but 1 rat thee down Mere to the
. . ..a. -
.e retchednets of his early training
:. .an to his natural dieposition, whieh
did not raise her boy to be a sokler .
has no right to the derence . of an s 1 tulle ve "to be geed, timugh a arega
other woman's boy, ' e d Injured by his peculiar eositiou
.. ..e.ii, ---- e een to boy. It was lucky for Lady
George Bernhard bellevee that h e; 1 t nstanee that the Countese adopted.
l a May I give vow Wm ot Wee?"
No, thank yeah Milerei answered,
ell right for Germany to starve Lee,- i -
Vein, but all wroug Lor Britain to . end then fell to wondering by what
aght title cotton merchant'e son call -
starve aerraallY, the Hun,
When the Germans sink an unarm-
ed vessel with ell on board they can
either ewthr that she was armed or
that the rammed e mine. ,
• 4I ..
. Now the. members of the Interne-
tIonal Bible Students' Association ers teasant man," .7 he sahib iteling culls
wing their membership as a rcesse It11111;oculf„xliltionrie Deueit
for being a slacker. Is • this Rae: it "It• est ladies do," hee, contea.lon
"1 shouldn't Mind in the least, if 110
caa tale plenty of nonsense, and look
as lie looked at dinner," Mabel re-
turned. "There is always something
so interesting about a sUperlatively
rich men, dela yott think?"
"Not when the rish man owns to
"Why not? Cotton is a nice, cleen
thing,. I should fancy; and money is
mcnese however procured. I am a
thoroughly unbiased person, thank
Heaven, and a warm admirer of hon.
est Industry."
"You had better marbr Younge,
for the Meet VIAWAWA ttliilnal that
could be offered me."
"Whatl" eirld Denzil, saw,* etoope
lag to carets the dog; "ie ft. possible
•that after 41 yea ()aid, to mo juin neW,
Misa WovenIon, you Cali actually ae-
knowledge Youreelf fond er auythieg
so 111 -bred?",
Mildred blushea erlinetna. Was he
Tfiii Wonderful Curative Lini. on. Not tempOrttry action, but per -
unmet t in it o f I
ment Has Almost Magical Not au acne or a pain anyWhere that
having his revenge? Well, if 80, ea it cannot reach. No soreness dr stMin.
was welcome to it. Powers.
Nerviline IS tbe only renledy in the
that it has not the power to relieve.
"You have the best Of it," she Said,
quietlY; "elthetigh intglit perhaps ar.
world sold under guarantee -1t it does
sue that I ()careen' ineltuled dogs lie
not relieve you, Yon get your money
My list. Ilowever, I will not, end I back. PrOof enotigh that Nerviline is
must confess that I count not love ray
a remedy that will fulfil absolutely
little pet better had he come ot the
every requirement at a pain -reliever,
Most ancient pedigree. Corne here,
Boski," both for internal and external use,
Backaehe it •cures nice magle, For
Whereupon the "little pet," "One
rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neur-
ing here," jumped up into her lap aue
algia, stiffuese, sprains or strains, It
lay eontentedly perdu tenongs the
is the only thing, Large bottle, GO
soft fates of lier drese, as well he
cents; trial size, 25 cents; at drug -
Might; while his beautiful Mistreat(
continued lier occupation over hie gists, or The Catarrhozoue CO., King -
or ill -smelling, bat pleasant -it rubs stole Canada,
dusky head, Peeimps she was aware
how Well the blackness ot *coat mmei'''Imemtleeewelee ensomenesesee....seesenseatearseeonannoeseseneeno
set off tile whiteness et her pretty
hones, Certainly Denzil did not , fail
to ramie the etriking contrast.
"Do you'sing?" he aseed, presently.
en Lord, Jaires Dingwall by hie ahrist- then, and you will be„able to admire "No -that is, not worth spealtine
ian name-"Jamee." She again recce. the fruits of it front ,this day until eh" elm said; "my voice is painfully
Vete.' that "this sell of pereon" gener- your death," Mildred ssitid, insignificant, j3ut a propos of private
ally boasted outrageously about eny "Not at all a bad tem," returned teepee, my stater Mabel has one of
intimacy with the arletocracy. eties "the queen." "Thanles for the bug- the !ingest voices I ever heard -not
drevattiones "-hearings" upon. this Latb• nestion. I shall certahtly think about powerful, Yoa know, but tender and
jete had been nunferotts allti,praountl. it. If I like him sufficiently well on eery touching,"
"I think Lord James a very un- e nearer acquaintance, and If be le $$1 shouid like tO hear iter," Dena
good enough to ask me, I will pose said, eagerly.
tively go and help him to squander "Well, so you sball, when she bag
finishea her game," Miss Trovanion
til'il'Othelttclanben111°""cYriled Miss 'rrevan- rest/ended; and they both ceased talk -
pro -German scheme? • : suered, coolly; "but thtn* I do not
You can eelnPare a Congestive pain
to a little fire. WIlen congestion,
emoniders, pain comes and goes:. Con.
gestioa grows into inflanimation, but
Pain, netv intense, grows exeruclating,
and stays, tote There is an absolute
antidote of pain -it le Nerviline,
New to yeti, perhaps, is Nerviline,
but known well la ninny lands ag the
most penetrating and paimsubeuing
pale remedy ester discovered. Not ollY
ing, end looked across the room to
eundtr tellies $11,waset the beet And then Mabel laughed merrily ward, the distant table where "the
• • • dges They fora, their iheas from and Patted her hand, after which site Queen". was holding high diecussile
The Quebec Legielatere has deceie I went across the room, to hold sweet with her ancient opponent.
et;tward man generally, which in
• . • • • "Four queens make sixty!" Called
not to allow women to practice et the • , eonverso crse eith Rachel Younge,
litany eaSeel' prevents fairness. linleas
b triu hantl la in the four
bar. We' suppose their place te
the limed Some day mere man will
be told "wbere he gets off."
s Coincidentally with the inauguracion
`of (lermany's so-ca.11R1 new submarine
:racy, the British !leen:meat issue.)
a list of forty British and fourteen
routral vessele, Whiell carried no gang,
ere person on trial bi a lever or 9, r) CHAPTER III. royal 'ladies upon the teble . as ehe
halve, they seldom, ;11 hint the ittetice After Mabel had left her. Mildred spoke. -
to look within. You think Dingwett opened a dainty little work basket "No, ne-fogty!" Protested the old
tory obnoxious becausI1 he li li 1.1 1 that lay on the table,pear her, and, man, persuasively, .
I.eir road rough tnanners, nee yet 1 ting out her emboleory, started 4,Vorta!" repeated "the queen, with
hey() Itnown lem to de ;tete ot hind- a pretty pretense et industry. Work, witheriug (scorn. "And what, may I
ness which most men Would ha ve however frivolous, conducee to
:shrunk from performing. In tee sante
way you weied cemsider itZeilow
down rear us the gretitest-'heor yeti
ever not in your life, I (luro ay, be-
ellielt were destroyea lastayear hY (-twee ho has notelet; te recommend
German submarinee, 'They .41 1 ).e. I. m but los innate good:as:el et heart."
alike to Gernmay. -I dare say." reepontesi eltes te-
\ anion. • :
Mrs. Nellie Bet eecretary of no "Dut eould von not to civil to a
). An whom yJu'knew to be beyond ex• teat Denzil Younge should fall in -
• "A very fearsome fray," he said.
Women's Anti-Ccuscription Leagu . ... love with her pretty, laugeing sis
I ,e1Sion estimabie, if only for the ---- "What a charming face your sister
England, has been sent to jail is( *1 -he of hie gcodness, no matter how ter. that he dteaded anytheng ae-
carrying on a Propaganda to pre;c.i itetgh a diamond he might be9" asked , preaching reciprocity . of ruin.; on net
. a. ... - les, hasn't she?" Miss Trevanion
enlistment. She gloried in "keee- Denzil Yonnge, feellug eomewhate her
lovable in all her ways that she, Mil -
part, one gat was so sweet aim returnee, entliuslastically, forgetting
.ager in his argutnent, and turning at the moroeut who the admirer was,
Ing hundreds of lade from recruiting," elightly, so ns,mere to face his ;elver- dred, being very wise in her owa eon. but recollecting hersett immediately
and her enfence was that "the Lord
has told us not to kill." In this war
. we have either to kill or .be killed.
According to the Railway Gazette
1 910 eawethe •appelling number of 3,.. etinately, "but 1 would not be civil
383 fattalitie'e*among railway' emploia to. him; and I should think him a boor victim to her bea.uty, She had laugb- matter of choosing a husband, The
jest the eame, whether. he were a
ees in the Stares, but each year h .. ed it was true, reeking a joke. of it, darling waa so tender-ltearted, she sr-
1.atle sh'ep or a white." but to Mies Trevaatoa it appaaied gued with her inward self, that the
thought, and so presently Miss 'Ire.
vanion fell into a train of ideas that
laeted leer for some time. "If I like
him seeficiently well en a nearer
acquaintance," Mabel had said, "and
ask, do -you make the knaves? It is
sixty, and you know it as well as I
do; ana, if you make another attempt
to cheat me out at my lawful rights,
I will proolaim myselt victor, and
disgrace you publicly before the whole
if he is good enough to ask me, I room." After which appalling threat
will positively go and help him to the game went on again, enlivened by
squander that cotton money." It a hearty chuckle from the "Yorkshire
seemed to Mildred .so likely a thing farmer," Denzil laughed.
teary. "Surely you would any woman
-most women wculd, 1 fue.cy. -Un.e
toalci not fail to appreciate the man 1
speak of."
"I might apero31a`o hira-lt a ells --
tame," Mess ,Trevanion returned, ob-
eeit at, tais period of her life. SIM afterward, she went back to her orig-
endlese un,pleasaatness arising in the inal coldnees. .
future out of this Vitit, in all Which So he was falling in love with Ma -
unpleasantness "the queen" and Den- eel -that was evident; and, when the
ell 'Younge stood prominent, Mabel, . duke or the marquis came, what wee
too, in that lea thoughtless speech, she to say to hint? Somehow or °thee
had shown anything but dislike to the Mise Trevanion had small faith in
probability of Mr. Younge's falling a her sister's owe discrimination in the
seen_a eteady,dechne in numbers, b.- , e011!" exclaimed Ilensia ana as, though a joke on such a subject
ing 2,850 in 1914 and, 3,869 last ye,es : oared curiously at her beautiful, now was very like ,an encouragement of
The number of .paseengers . killed ...„. renter bated, feet., While stl'okinge h•le
3910 was 421; last year the 1 igd en .. . She looked across the room now to
Ian' tel taistaelie tiloughtfuite.
Was sbe really as worthless as she where Mabel was heeding a very ex -
totaled 2227 -almost 50 ,per cent, d'e declared herself to. be? . Cceild those • haastive convereation with Miss
create. Those decreaseh Ric attrL- handsome, cold blue eyes and faultlees Younge. The latter was looking its
uted to the safety first :movement'. * .teatures never soften into tenderness inane and pafisive as us.ual, but Mabel
---e--e-e-re-r---and womanly feeling?
had bent. glightly forward on the arm
' •
• ' lie quitefragct how earnestly, he et the Velvet ehalr, and appeared so
. The .U. S. Census .Bureau reports was gazing. tittle. Miss Trevanion rats- bright and animated in contrast with
that it. is estimated that the impala -
Coe sif the United States on Jen. 1
rcacited• the total of 101,2,0S,315,: and
that be July 1, 10113, it ..vill amount. to
ed her -eyes and 'meeting Me steady
:stare, blushed warmly -angrily, He
recollected himself then, and tee ate
intration his Wok must have cenvey-
ed, and colored almost as 'deeply os
her companion that Mildred could do
noth•ing but admire her ,
"I am sure.'I don't know," lisped
Mies Younge, languidly.
"Oh, but tttat 13 nonsense," . sad
$102,et,31 2. According to the 190 tele had. Mabel, eagerly- "one should always
cenaus,. the population of the Unetel "I beg your pardon," he said, quiet- have an opinion on every subject,
State's' Was 0 1,972,20e. Ti' testini es t ly; "do not think me rude, but. 1 am one way or the other. Now I will
4 traugelv forgetful at times and was make you see it in an instaat12-
population et New Yerk State, ace .4.e• . 1 ti *
test en wondering whether you real- „Mabel quite glowed under the
ing to the Masan, on .fuly .i, 1915, 'sae is meant all you said." eorse of her argument, and her sister
16;56,54; int • .an. 1, :IMO,' was tee "Do not wonder any longer. then," watching her calmly, dectded that
170,071, 'and ori July 3, 1910, will. bs the retorted, stilt. eesenting the, ex-
preseion et his eyes, " I -
12,27.'4'15. The populatioresof theaatace
e • . ly mean what I saasdid peefeet
id. I detest with al
.accotaing to ..„,the. lehlee.cheesus„ ,,ertie eny •heart boors; and ill-bred :people,
• to.
elee,13iels.erdike, el. In, of Montreal,
and parvenues, and want of birth gen.
• And then Lady Caroline made the
usual mysterious sign .end Ib 's., all
bee:published e pamphlet giving ten
rose to leave the room, and Miss Tree
'leo gone: why flio death De-nett:sr shonei
• \anion beeame conscious that she had
made a cruelly rude speech. She
would have -retracted it the next 1i -
stet -have glossed it over, and tura-
be abolished. They are:
1. It is murder. '•.
2. It 'Brutalizes the public.
very fact of having to cause et man
Pain in the refusing Would make her
in. all probability accept him; in all
which ergeine she did Miss Mabel
Trevanion de:tied wrong.
Mildred. had spokee enthusiastically
in her siGter's favor, and then regretted
it. 'Where was the use of encouraging
dreams in the breast of this young
man which could certainly only end
In sad awakening? But she did not
see her way to withdraw from her en-
thusiasm just then, and SO held her
tongue. She was vexed with herself,
however, and could not thread her
needle into the bargain -which two
thinge Put together were, of couree,
Quite enough to provoke a saint.
Mies Trevanion could net thread
her -needle, either because site was not
sufficiently intent upon the difficult
job, her mind being unpleasantly fixed
he was fit to wed with any duke or
upoe othersh
matters, or because e
marquis a the land. A prince would
was sitting' too far from the light, or
perhaps he the right person, but then because the second occupant et the
in these degenerate days prinees w•ere lounge wao watching her ain endeav-
few and far between, and diffteult
ors too closely; and at last she put
to wed, besides. But as for that cot-
thneedle. down in despair.
ton man—
"Shall I do it for you?" Denzil
Just then the father of the cotton': "ked'
man made his appearance, followed • He was smiling -appearing, indeed.
Very much amused at her defeat -
by tee others, and so pat an end to '
IVIiss Trevanion's withering reflec-
' Mabel immediately challenged the
old man -whom she seemed to have
J. It is not a deterrent. (a it into' a cempliment, ae most svo- in. a manner adopted -to play a game
4 All punishineht should be ler ie. men possess the art of doing -on ova: of besique with her. .
illative, not vindictive. .. stone like the present; but it was tco "With all the pleasure in life, Miss
5,7here1 are fewer murders, yere ette now,as everepody had risen and Mabel" returned he, "but you must
. .
capita in states and' . countriee e il)ne there evas a slight bustle ani eonfu- promise not to beat me, and to be
fhtimstbolithed capitalesurtishment, • ...Ida._ Iletizil.himgele also had seemed. kinder to me then you were at ein-
e:Life imprisonment is more isevere . is, desire .no further wprds from" her. nee:" -
and just. ere; he had moved to the door rind . "Oh,' there's an insinuation!" cried
-; 7. There is nothinetee the store af.. deened it stendirree there while they Menet. "I scorn ',to matte it. I will
•Cod to advise it.
g. It life is sacred, WO ' 11111e1. :net
tette la .
n. Cain wee not hanged.' Example lane, but he was not loelting in her th
is better than -precept. r-ction, being engaged in watnbing
' 10. The eommand, "Thou shalt not attentively "the queen's" departing'
;kill " es"still there and applies to the f igure, and Miss Trevanion saw that
ell passed thPotigh. 'Moving by him promise eou aothIng, and certainly
;e-rself aifew mements afterward, she I will beat' you if I can."
raist•d het eyes involuaterily to hie Atter whleh ne,hl passageht-erms
they went off to their 4garne, and seat.
ed themselves at a distant table in a
far -corner of the room.
Eddie, of course, as in daty bound,
fell into a seat near Rachel, and
stat' as as well as the fudividual. , wati not in the least dieconcerced
. deavored with all his, might to make
or intaeut by her rudeness.
We a.dmit that you cannot reform.
Site felt rather guilty, neeeeseteieese nimself agreeable to that uninterest-
'dead man. Then 4 the (teeth stellate,' end disinclinedL'or eonvereatio'n, ing member oE society. He was
was abolished fewer murderers wouLl when she had reached the drawing- Young and good-looking, so perhaps
he succeeded; but, as he confided to
eencape punishment. room; It' 81)0 gee down and tried Mildred next morning, "conversipg
46 • find excuses for her combust in the re- with' pale nonentitiee is horribly try-
ing work." He went through his work
very bravely that evening neverthe.-
less-so bravely that once Rachel was
seen to blush, an event heretofore, un-
heard of in theoannals of tbet young
Sir George stood on the hearth -rug
.between his wife and Mrs. Younge, di-
viding his attentions impartially,
while conversing fluently and very
Much to the purpoue about the reepec-
tive merits end demerits of his South -
downs. Sheep. were his hobby at pre-
sent and go he made it a point, When
be could nett secure a Man, to instruct
'even Women upon this- his favorite
AR the others being provided for,
nothing was left to Denzil but et air -
watched, your retretnng figure juSt nee of Mies Trevanionts sofa, where
now though he had never betere she sat embroidering busily, as
had seen a pretty girl or a white- though her very life depended on the
worked grenadine," • fittlehing of tbe task in hand,'
"He is awfully healscine," went cn a little black, glossy dog My croueh-
Mabel, wile always indulged in the * •
Ing 'at her 'feet.
strongest tonna of epeech, "Your dog?" asked Denein and then
"He is good looking," 'Mildred Item he had not taken very
. "More than that; he is 0.1 tech tte deep (Vence at her last speech.
Ctroesus, I ant tcld." "Yes," she said, gracioutilY Gnat/gin
"What a geed thing ter the ytung feeling, WOM1111-111te, that she owed
woman who gets hinthe Illiss Trevan- hina gomething. to make up for that
late unleinthiese in the dining -room -
"Mee little thing," Denzil remarkeet
raising the entreat to exatnineitt
points, which evidently baffled hites
"What .sort of deg is it? I don't think
I aver saw One like it before."
"I don't etnincse tott over did," Mtge
Trevaition answered, laughing in epiteS
of herself; "the fact lee he is a value
Able gift to tne from my youngest bro.
ther, who transplanted hint hero feint
a neighboring town, and Made Me pros
miee to eupport him Uhtil My dying
day, tio Of course 1 WAS obliged to
make a pot of the creature. I aur hor-
erallty vomit?, fer More in petite: Miss Trevanion, 'oet he is evidently rIbly afraid it Is nothing but the Om- kept aWako beeause they hieve eaten
that' eneneillY," skirted the pracecel greatly struek by your numerous mortest tur; end yet I' am so fond Of the tuft the Streeter bringe.-NeW
enitetrite" it now that 1 WOuld 110t exchange it York Evening Sue,
addressed iliCIllbranco of that last tmerarranta-
Lloyd George recently
et audience of two 'thottsand people 1‘41e glance he had bestowed upon her.
meet should beetaught mantras if
In Leaden when he said that the ie. . net peewees them; ana
the idea. of . nis tenting de-
liberately to store at her-,
Mildred Trevanian-publicly, was
move than any eeeman could endure.
So she argued, endeavoring to per-
lInt what all cf them failed to do be suade her _conscience -bet unsuccev-
every eendeivable• •devije in the pi -4 plly---4that her unecurteCus remark
had been justly .iirtivoked; and teen
the.. war was going to achieve and. ;n Mabel •e• ante over and sat down be-
en muhh greater measure. The; ea, side her.
"I ymir .dinlier very
set fleet not merely between the it. le tutt)titleh," filie said; • "14, •Idest what
'sigh army and the army .of the itat'ler. Id see, of nine"
'the Munitions Ministde continti seenned to' likd you very 'Much,
et was a fight between. tbe Brn at all events," lelltdred ekurned. "Ho
;workman and :the. workshops et Ger-
:evens'. In the old days, the 'hustler
'was regarded as an alien emtaye
nome over to steal the trade et tits
'easygoing Iiriten, but they bad tile-
Seovered that the hustler wae a Brit-
ish -born subjeet livine, amongst tit -nu.
hey tbotight 'Oat no one but Amor-
, dem and Germans eculd rush up
torkshops, but all over the catutry
..they were •seeing this done; and Indt •
ion remarked, and tovillea down it
fele etieel rang true wherever te
111W11 very happily, Indeed.-- •
amok hard at it.
nritish army luid neyer. been looktd
atter better, so ter tis ite material In-
tereete Were eoncerned. It took them
a long time, .make any ehangsg.
"Look here, Milderd, yen rray as
well Just begin by -being civil to him"
No Diorespeet. toeneeted Mabel, weeny, "bivattse,
as he is going 1.0 alliabit the seine
Friends -I Gee 100 have tamed yo
house as yourse4 .A the nod pixWife't; picture to the wall. /era that weeks eg Po; it well lei better fee
rather ellsrespectful? Witlorner in -Not 1 you to put up with IiiM quietly. You
were looking all throneh dinner ns
thougli yon Were bared to deg:1-
'11nd afte r all, whet mod can that
rather think time, you will have
'the doing of the civility," observed
came more netural. You gee, Most, of
nee titne at home I eilent la buttunine
'her tip tbe back.
."What L1ZiU colintry needs. is .a greet•
er understanding of political taste
einer," (odd the reformer. "Huh! Lib
and holding out his hand for the of-
fending needle, As he spoke Mist,
Trevanion 'looked up and iraW the
mile, which did not add to her good -
"No, thankyou," she said. I will
not work any more to -night. Besides
You could not do it, 'I never yet saw
a man that could; so why give you the
trouble of trying?"
"It is -unjust to condemn me, as in-
capable without giving me a chance of
proving myself otherwise," Denzil
protested, laughingly. "No? Yoe will
not let me show how superior4 am to
men in general --in this respect, at all
events? Well, then, I must conclude
that you are at heart tired of • your
work, and glad of the excuse to get rid
of it."
"Yes, I am tired of it," assented Miss
Trevanion, listlessly. 'There are
times when everything bores me, and
I get quite to dislike them."
"And yet, I dare sae*: there are a
feW things- you never dislike," said
,Denzil-"Boski, for instance, and -
being a aroman-talking."
elle general I detest conversation,"
returned Mise Trevanion, uncivilly.
"So I fear you must consider me very
unwomanly in that respects"
"What a pity you did not tell me
that before!" murmured Denzil, with
emit deep commiseration in his tomb
as savored very strongly og sarcasm.
"Now, I must have spoiled your even-
ing"; and as lie finished speaking, he
rose, stooped carelessly to pat the
little dog that still lay upon her knee,
and went over to Where Lady Caroline
was sitting on a green ottoman:
"I knew I ehould hate him," said
Mitered to herself, and fell to Wonder-
ing why it was she count not keep her
temper with him. llOsvever, if he
wetted come and sit next her whea she
had so pininly ehow11 him at dinner
that she woald none of hint, he des
served all he got Mid More, Still,
she would not let hitn see she Was
Inqued-Which she was by his sudden
departure from her side--- a seat of
honor that most mon of her stequaint-
ance would have gone any length to
procure; so vvhon the game of bezique
had eour) to a close, leaving "the
queen." tritimpliant, BIM elated her sis-
ter very distinctly and sweetly -
"Sing something for Us, dear, as Mr.
Younge ie MAIMS to hoar you."
Mabot said "Is .ho?" and ensiled
terOse the room at the young than Who
was so, anxious to hear her, after
which she sat down and (Sting Gel -
riot% l'Onty" very tenderly .and ex-
(To. be 0.0titintiede
A laWyer Is trying to halt° an all.
night Walter restreitted from keeping
hird awake SU11 Oleg :Of "Heal and!"
00 "WAN Onel" But bis grievance is
petty tempered With that of thOttliands.
The Time to marry.
IeePsey, the maid of color, had told
the mistress she 'was to be married.
"Well, Hepsey," said the mistress,
"len sorry to lose you, but I suppose
It is all fez' the best. Now long have
You known the man?"
"About two weeks, minion:"
"My! No longer than that? Don't
You think You ought to Wait and get
Lo know him better?"
. "No, Mll'uni," exclaimed HepseY.
"Elf 2 knowed him any better I sho'
never would marry him."
I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
Bay of Islands. j. M. CAMPBELL,
I was cured. of 'Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIEL.
I was cured et Chronic Rheumatism
Albert Co., N. 13., GEO, TINGLEY.
Pearls as Medicine.
Scotland still produces pearls, found
mainly in the fresh water onissel.
They could no doubt be found In Eng-
land if the industry were.prontable.
Cleopatra was not the only Person
who swallowed a dissolved pearl. Un-
til comparatively recently pearls Were
used medicinally in the west and still
appear in the materia medlea of China.
According to one Chinese authority, a
pearl, after being treated with pumice
stone and honeycomb, mixed with the
gall of a serpent, "might be drawn out
to the length of three or four feet.
Make it into pills and swallow them -
henceforth food wilt be unnecessary."
The suggestion le -not that the pa-
tient would be finished off, but that
he would live, foodless, forever. -New
• - •
Advancing, years are first realized by
the change that becomes noticeable in
the complexion. .If you pay attention
to the first, almost imperceptible, lines,
how easy it is to avoid the unsightly
wrinkles that surely follow. Wrinkles
are a confession to Father 'rime. The
skin must be kept firm and smooth by
Proper attention and treatment. '
"ITSIT" Is a skin food and wrinkle
chaser. It builds up firm, elastic tis-.
sues,' removes wrinkles, fills out depres-
sions, prevents dryness of skin caused
by excessive winds, and restores to
NirOetstrh 310s111s nal ea Oynoutitt fine....appearance of
,"I'SIT" is put up in handsome opal
bottles, and until the Drug Stores in
Canada aro completely stocked we are
filling mall orderm. Accept no substitute- .
Send 50 cents to -day foe trial bottle,
sufficient for sbc weeks' use. We pay
postage to any address in Canada.
Dent, A, 476 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto..
Uoit Manufacturing Co., Limited,
Dept. A, 476 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto,
The Secret of Baldness.
The actual condition of the scalp and
of the hair has very much less to doi
with the health of the latter than
Poutarly supposed, The bulbs of the roots'
ot the hair go down completely throught
the skin and into the fatty layer which;
lies between it and the skull. and thsr
thing that to the expert eye is teatiri
significant of the prospect as to progrese
ur euro in a particular case of baldness;
la not the condition or color or cleanlinese
of the scalp, but the thickness of thin-)
nese of this fatty layer which underliene
it So long as this ts present and Om
scalp is freely movable over the skull:
there is hope of restoring a reasonable
greveth of hair, but .when this fat has'
been absorbed and the shiny scalp sticks'
as closely to the skull as the cover of a"
baseball the outlook is 'practically hope-
less. This, of course, shows at once the
futility of most of the local applications
to and tneniptilations of the scalp, front
which It suffers untold torments in those
who are or imagine themselves to be be-
coming bald.
MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralglal
Irish Language.
The "natural language" of the Irish-
man is the Gaelic, the old. Celtic
tongue which is still spoken, to a cer-
tain extent in Ireland, Wales, the
Highlands of Scotland and northern
Prance, where the remnants of the
Celts are Still dwelling,
MInardes Liniment for sate everywhere
"Got a good police department in this
"You bet we have."
"runny all these burglars that are
working seem to be able to get away
with it,"
"Well, that Is queer, but We've igot 11
good department just the mune."
"What makes you think so?"
"Bttrglars may be able to get wan
but le the tail light on my car halnretts
to blow out r_ get pinched before I've
gone two blocks."
Mice That Su.bsist on Scorpions.
Among the queer forms of aaimat
life that Inhabit Death Valley is a
meuse that has acquired such a taste
for Scorpions that they form its entire
bill of fare. The scorpion (.arriee its
formideble armament at the end ot
it) slender, elongated abdomen ie. the
sbape of all exceedingly venombus
hcoked sting: When disturbed it ele-
vates this in. the air and goes in
search of its disturber. But it is corn-
p.aratively slow in Its motion% while
mice are proverbial for their quick --
nese the world over. The mouse learn-
ed many generations ago where the
scorpion carries its weapon, and when
he meets It he leaps tit the uplifted
al,domen, takes the anal off at a
single bite and proceeds to make a
meal of his helpless prey. It is sup -
Dozed to be the only animal that
relishes scorpion.
62 King St. East
I nepeatIon and Correspondence
Snowball Showers.
More than one explorer in cold cli-
mates has noted the eurious phenome-
non or a "snowball shower." The balls,
it is true, are not very big, the aver-
age being about the size of a hen's
egg, but they are true snowballs for
a11 that -compressed globes of snow,
not little lumra of ice or hall, A fall
of the kind occurred in north London
in March, 1859, and at the time it Wm(
observed that the balls seemed five
times as dense and compressed as or-
atnary snow -and in no way to be
told from the usual handmade Missies.
They had fallen during the night and
were strewn many layers thick over
a. very large area. No cauee-except a
doubtful electrical one -can be as-
cribed for the strange phenomenon,
and mountaineers are apt to discredit
the stories of snowball showers told
them by the old guides till suddeniv
In the midat of an ordinary storm
they find themselves assailed
though by myriads of mischievous
schoolboys -London Standard.
Mothers!' Physicians agree that flavor
and the body building elements of grains
lio in the dark parts usually thrown
away. So ale° do the lime salts .which.
your child needs to harden bones- and
teeth. Children fed noon coarse dark
cereals develop greater resistance. 'Wit-
ness the Bulgars and Sib Roman sol.
01015 who conquered the world fed upon
two brands of entire grain feed a daY.
Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal Is a scienti-
fically balanced ration made from several
entire grains, It's- delicious, easily pre-
pared in a variety of ways and nourishes
better than meat, It's a natural laxa-
tive. Most grocers sell it.
Made by Roman Meal Co,, Toronto,
sok of s Lieltoinglash,
During a thlandersterm in Deal,
lenglantl, elinnie Roger() Seventeen
years old, wits. waleiteg along one of
the small back etreete Of the town
carrying a number of an -Oriente, etc.„
when a vivid Valet Of lightning, eve.
deutly attracted by tne teel frame of
one or the Innbrellatielie WAS bolding,
ripped open her own umbrella, etruck
hcr and deem her violently to the
ground. There was ,only.one man in
the street at the time, and be aseisted
her to rise. Strangely enough, when
elle had pee so she found that en
lier clothes, umbrella, and cap were
perrectlY dry, whereas, before .obe had
been drenched, for the rain pouted
down in torrent% Her description of
her f eeliege was: "I just felt as
though my head bad been stung by a
wasp there was a stinging note° in
my ears, and I seemee to see a briget
light, like the sun, shining through
my umbrella." With the exception of
her hair being slightly singed, she Hue -
Mined no iajuree-Strand Magazine.
Judge Hard to Please.
A. prisoner on his trial, in answer to
the tharge, pleaded "Not guilty." The
jury feline the charge proved, and in
passing sentence the judge said,
"Ye're not only guilty but ye come
here and tell lies, baying ye're not."
The prisoner who followed next for
teal was doubtless influenced by this,
and supposed it would be well Lor him
to take another conrse, so he pleaded
"Guilty," in an almost self-satisfied
"Oh, ye're guilty, are ye," said the
judge, "and come here to brag about
it, do ye?" -Tit Bits.
improve YoursOlf.
If a man cannot improve himself, how
can he improve others? When we 800
hoblo men we should think of (1000.11115
them. When we see evil characters
we 'Mould turn Our look Inward and ex-
Arnined ourselves. Only he who herr
the mOst complete sincerity under heaven
car transform ana Inspire others.
Cures the sick and acts as it preventative for others.
Liquid given Oil tho teftgtle. Safe for brood maree and all
°there. Best klatt ey remedy., Buy by the bottle or dozen.
Sold by all druggists and titre goods houses, or sent, ex-
press paid, by the Manufacturers. Booklet, "Distemper,
Catrile and, Cure," free.
dhernistsiandaatteriologista Goshen, Ind., U.S.A.'
'ere Meet efficieet and economIcel stove made.
Will,burn-coal, wood, coke, torn cObe
tft1 anythiegebureable
ritted With lettplere fl rate, net Ilast Tube
ite 'mad Pero* batInpero,
Will ii�1� tiro over night, Gook, boil and
.4P* bake Oqual to the largest range.
ag a fine oven of heavy eteel sheet8 elote.
ly ylVeted together. )3ody or polished
Ziidtt yostittedLealer hiti not a saMple for your ins
apeetion, 'gond direct to
$20,00suotioseorio to HAM a:1,cm ortr,
OEN CO. Canada's Oldast Stove Men
vows SOU TOliiit
Have a Good Complexion!
- The Flower of Good Health
The true secret of complexion -lies
in the bleed. Keep it rIele pure, nutri-
tious, and, 'above all, keep the Us -
tem regular, No aid to complexion
compares Witte Dr. Ilentilton's Pills.
They tone and -enrich the blood, clear
the system of waste products, pro-
mote good digestion, and, in short,
establish sound health, 'which, after
all, is the keynote to all happiness and
well-being. Don't delay; the charm
of a, levely complexien and all the
blessings of ltealth are yours, oeee
Yotl emPloY this old-thne family rem-
edy, All dealers sell IlaaniltonS Pills
in 25c boxes.
, - The Music of Thunder.
The bass of thunder is considerably
lower than the lowest sound produced
In an orchestra -below the zero of mu-
sic, we call it, at svhich all positive ap-
prehension of rausical sound ceases
and our senses are merely conscious) or
a roar. In observing the music of
thunder our attention, however, may
be most profitably directed to the ex-
pression rather than to the notes,. The
musical diminuendo is more perfectly
represented by thunder than by any
other form of sound in nature. Af-
ter the first clam) is ever the ear will
pursue with pleasure the rolling away
a,n.d gradual fainting of the peal until
et an immeasurable distance it sinks
into eiictice.
Bleeding by Bcwshot.
That all diseases can be cared by bleed-
ing is till firmly believed by ,several
savage tribes and eepecially by the Pa -
mien negroes, When' one of their .PhYe
eicians becomes convinced that it I
Lecessary to bleed :a patient he goes sev-
erel feet in front of him, and then, draw-
ing his bow he fits a Sharp pointed ar-
row to it and after careful aim, fires the
arrow into the vein withal he desires t,A
open, The arrow, it is said, invariable
goes straight to the mark. and the thole
er splinter of glass with which 11 18 tined
eees the work as successfully as a lance.
Moreover. the latiente never show the
slightest fear, since they are convincer
that from the moment the arrows plere
their V0II15 they will begin to recover.
G UtLS WItenteine TO WORK ON
Brttish Army Orders, knitted under-
wear. oeteeers. peen stithes and learn -
era :Bright, healthy employment. (tot(l
Wages, eimmerinan mfg. Co., Ltd.,
Aberdeen end Dane. streets, Mutation,
.- .. „ .. s.. .... .„... ._ - -
etase...........,........„....e.....„,, 0 .
or....... ....ow".
J41.2)) OR YOVINTO MAN TO comarr.
•4 In their leettlity. .Uornialon, Wori‘4,
Toronto, .,
s _ flying homers; prices resettle/Me. Le
J. golton, Ge Careen° street south, elaros
Ilton. Ont
. seeeeee,...esesse
WANTein-alllr,S OF 000P IMUCA-
Wm to train for nurses. exi•PlY.
Wellandra. Doeoital. St. catharines. Ont.
- .., e.,„......,...... „. .
Moral Suasion and a Strap.
"She seeme to limo auandonee ' her
Moral suasion ideas relative to the
training of children."
"She has,"
"I -low cild it happen?"
"Well, I was largely instrumentel
in bringing about the change. You
eee, elle hes no 01111(17011 of her ow)),
and I grow weary of her consteut
preaching and theorizing, tie I loamel
her on' Willie."
"Loanna belt your boy?"
"Precisely. She was to have hlat a
week on her molenin proratee to con-
fine herself entirely to moral 8011 -
"Did elle keep her promiv?"
"She did, but at the expiratem ot
the week she came to me with tears
in her oyes and pleaded for permle-
sion to whale him just once."
heteset see...Lea* .egiers .; e"rteet
If Yo' 47- .
Horse .. -
Could ...,
• Ho would tell ).ou that he
c lots more Wagon
syallilen iyionwNhveoerlks:
. are greased with
., „ ... -
t : „
AXLE tes
Pt A
t• Like Axle Grease fills the ce
pores a the axle. Makes a eil:
perfect bearing surface. Re-, re
duces Medan to a minimum. g.:
te, nealers Evcrutchera
The Imperial 011 Contpany
- Limited
ff .
.4..1-3-.A., -;i..-i5,7.4N-.: --,,,,,„§. ..,.. •,:.---
The cross fretful baby •1•,.( a sickly
baby -the well and is always happy
and Limiting.- Mothers if your baby
is cross and cries a groat deal some-
thing is Wrong. . little stomach
and bowels mite be out of border;
Ins teeth troubling him, or he may be
bothered with worms. The mother
should immediately give him Baby's
Own Tablets. "They never fait to re-
lieve the baby. Conceening them
Mrs. Ronald Hurley, Giles, N. 13.,
writes: "I know of nothing go good
for cross, fretful bitbios• as na.by's
Own Tablets and I am pleased to re-
commend them to other mothers."
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers. or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The,Dr, Wililanis Medieine'Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Too Bold.
There is a local legend concerning
Salisbury cathedral, in England. The
cathedral is celebrated for its loft);
spire, and the legend is that once up-
on a, time a prisoner found guilty of
game capital offence was sentenced
to death and had the option given him
of being executed in the usual way or
of throwing himself from off the ca-
thedral spire. He chose the latter, and,
wonderful to say; he escaped death.
Same time afterward he wagered he
would do it even. He did, but this
Cale het body was dashed to pleeee,
If you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
sides regularly dr irregularly, bloating
or unnatural enlargements, sense of fail-
ing or misplacement of internal organs,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flaShest dark rings under the dyes.
or a loss of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for my simple method of
home treatment with ten days' trial en-
tirely free and postpale, also references
to Canadian ladles who gladly tell how
they have regained health, strength,, and
happiness by this method. Write to -day,
Address: Mrs, M. Summers, 13ox 24, Wind-
fiOr )11t,
Soup Without a Spoon.
scul»VitiAont 11. epoon seems even
harder to negetette than meat without
a fork. and we can sympathize with
the complaint reeoraed in the -diary of
Felix Platter, it young Swies, who
sent to. Montpelier in 1552 in order to
study medicine. He lodged in the,
house of his professor, (*Melilla ono of
the greatest doetom or hie time and
Yet, writhe Platted, "we Were com-
pelled to eat our etter in the usual
Peen& fashion' --that is to say, pick-
ing the meat out with our fingere and
then drinking the broth. In vain we
begged our hostess to let us have
spoone,•but not a single ono was to be
fond in the house, the only Maple -
tient Mt the table beliirt o, large knife
feetened with ea iron chaba No one
here seems to have ever heard of
spoons, whieh we at home find $o
useful." Montaigne „wos astonished
when he vieited Switzerlahit in 1530
to find that "at all mettle tbeY put on
the table as many epoOrts tts there
aro people preseet."
• True to the Tole.
The tweale et the coMoo.ss does not
alwaY0 Point directly north. /t Is sub.
Viet to daily and yearly verhttions, ne
welt ae those whir% reqUire centuries to
eollinlete.. The needle is however, "tone
to the pole." although it sleftt thus every
hour in the dale. It does as only in
obedience to the le.we *which *control he
actiog.1 Variations which, are tenstant.
tete needle,
May Weddinga.
In ancient Remo there was held in
May a feetival called the Lemuria, or
feast of the Lemures, which was a
ceremony in honor of the tenths se
departed souls. It became with tho'
Romans what .we should call 'bad
form" to have matrimonial feasts at
the session cf a solemn ritual, being
no doubt thought to be au insult to
the dead to marry at such a time.
From this a number of stories grew
ef the revenge made by the outraged
ghosts upon those who dared to disre-
gard them, and it anything unfortu-
nate happened to a couple who had
been married in May it would, of
course, have been put down to retri-
bution. So the repugnance to May
weddings arose, and its influence has
lasted ever se-rie, even to our time. -
Minaret's: Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Smokeless Powder.
Smokeless .powder dates back some
fifty years, but it Wail not until about
1880 that it attained its real efficiency
and sprang into general use. It must
be understood that even the best of
this powder is not absolutely smelse-
less, it is not smoky enough, how-
ever, to "do any harm," and as com-
pared with the old powder may well
be called "sMokelesss."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
4 ---
Tho Nebular Hypothesis.
The nebular hypothesis assumes
that the matter. composing, our sun
and planets once existed as a vest
gaseous nebula, 87)11111 111 forne having
an Inconceivably bigh temperature
and slowly revolving ou an axis
passing through its centre of gravity.
As the mass cooled by radiating heat
into space a contraction of volunta
. with accelerated axial rotation would
ensue in accordance with well-known
dynamic .principles. The centrifugal
force thus rapidly increased would
cause the separation cf large masses
which would, by mutual attrection el
their own particles, gradually aesume
a:spherical form due become planet.;.
13y a repetition of this process, planet
after planet would be thrown off and
the central glowing sun would remain.
The man who marries a woman for
her money mutt expect to- have it
thrown ue to hinta
You Can't be Neutral
on the food question.
You have to decide between
rnere palate -foods that con-
tain no nutriment and foods
that repair the bodily waste,
Shredded Wheat Biscuit is
both a palate food and a
muscle' builder. You cart
keep in good health and at
the top-notch of physical
fitness by eating this deli-
cious, ready -cooked, whole
wheat cereal for breakfast,
luncheon or any meal.