HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-03-02, Page 1r
Button Button
Who Gets the
A Five Dollar Club Bag
will be given to the person
coming nearest to the correct
number of Shoe Buttons in
the Mottle shown in our win-
dow on Dollar Day.
One guess with every $1.00
worth of goods purchased in
Buttons will be counted=
at 7.30 p. m.
Some of our $
Day Bargains
30 pairs Women's Boots, reg.
$2.50 and $3 Sale price $1.00
24 pairs Misses Boots, reg.
$1.75 and $2.25, Sale price$1
Big Bargains in Men's and
Boys' Boots, also Trunks and
in4hatn AIittruitte
46Th YEAR NO 22
A pretty home wedding was solern-
nictd on Wednesday last at the haste
of Mr, and Mrs, George Steele of Cul -
rose township. when their daughter
Miss Donelda Steele was united in
Marriage to Mr. John. D. Mcienzie, a
prosperous young farmer of Culross
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. A. Bradley of Teeewater, after
which all sat down to partake of a
sumptuous wedding dejeuner. The
happy couple left on the 315 train
from Wingham for a short honey-
moon in Guelph, Toronto and Hamil-
ton amid the best wishes of a large
eitole of friends, On their return they
wi 1 take up residence on the groom's
farm on the 4th con,
Miss Margaret Steele of the Canada
Furniture Cote office, who is a sister,
attended the wedding.
Picture House Notes
"Liberty Hall" in four parte also
"Charlie Chaplin a gentleman of
Nerve," a two reel comedy at the
Picture House on Wedneeday . and
Thursday, March let and 2nd.
Matinee will be run on the afternoon
of Dollar Day for the benefit of he
visitors in town. Children admitted
for 5 cents.
FARM TO RENT—Apply to W. HAnt-
ILTON, Route 2, Gorrie.
WANTED — Good General Servant;
Apply to MRS. &MT, BEATTIE. tf
GIRL WANTED to help in dining
.room. Apply at once to THE BRuN-
PRIVATE SALE—Household Furni-
ture will be sold cheap for quick
sale 'as I have slid my residence.
MRS. ALDEnsON, John St.
the Township of Morris for sale.
For full particulars write to ED-
WARD BRue1, 51 Fairview Boul., To-
AUCTION SALE—Stock 'and Imple-
ments at Lot 7, Con, 2, Morris, on
Tuesday, March 7th.
. J. PrRvls, Auctioneer,
will hold an auction eale•of witch
cows and young cattle at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Blyth, on Saturday
afternoon, March 4th.
FOR SALE—A good 2od band piano
in fire$ class condition. Terms very
reasilnable. Apply to MR,. COwELL
FOR SALE OR RENT—A 2 storey, 8
room Brick House with .1 acre of
land. Apply to GEO. MoKENznn. tf
CORN 1 CORN ! We have a car of
Ametieen yellow corn in stock,
Howsore & BROCIiLE11ANE
APPLE BUTTER for sale—Get your
supply now as owing to the scarcity
of the apple crop this season the
supply is limited. Apply to E. MER-
E:LEY & Sox. Phone 84.
A.PPLICATIONS for position of Seers -
tai y-Treasurer
ecre-tary-Treasurer of Turnberry Agri-
cultural Society will be received by
the undersigned up to 12 o'clock on
March 14th 1916. Applicant to state
salary per year.
JAs. G. STp' -A1tT.
acres in Tutnbetty township one
mile from Bluevale and three from
Wingham en B line. New frame
barn with dement Stables. New
Brick dwelling, land well watered
Ralf seeded down in good condition,
Cheap for quick sale.—Apply to
eight roomed brick- house, ° quarter
acre of land, hard and soft water,
electric lights and furnace, good
barn with water in it. Also ynnng
orchard. Situated in Pleasant Vel.
ley. Apply for particulars to
The exeoutnre of the estate of the
late John Musgrove will sell by pub -
lie auction at lot 9, con. 4, Turn -
berry, on Monday. March 1311,
commencing at 1 o'clock, the large
stock of horses, cattle and hogs, also
a quantity alarm implements, hug.
goes, wagons, hay. oat°, barley, man-
golds,'etc.-JOHN PVRvIe Ancioneer.
executors of the estate of the late
john Musgrove offer for sale, Let 0,
Con, 4f, in the Township of Turn -
berry. This farm consists of 100
elms of good land in a high state of
cultivation, being well fenced, un-
derdrained and free from stones.
and noxioue weeder, There are on
the premiers' a modern brick home
with kitchen and woodshed, a geed
bank barn with stabling underneath
a straw and driving abed, hog per,
implement shed, a drilled well and
Windmill, This is a tshntce farm,
Immediate posseselon, The •adj
ing fifty acres owned by Mr. Rehr.
Musgrove ie also offered foe sale.
For ppartiettlars apply to
ROBERT Mt5Gtto ef, 131u.v,l',
A. 11. Mt'sttitovis, 'Wingham.
FAIR FOR SALE—Valuable farm
property being the north half, and
the north of south half of Lot num-
ber nineteen In the eleventh cdneee
pion of the bl owne o ' a•
h p f West 'Vit
wanoab in the County of Hilton, one
hundred and forty-eight acres, more
On the rend ee are situated
r lees. e a ed
a good. t wo.6 ore$brickck house
barn about 40,80; abont one
acre orchard, 12 acres of fall wheat
33 acres fall plowing and about eight
The poi
ofhardwood timber. Th
ores h w nI ,
a loa well watered
a cod c1 loam.
With gearingcreek and good well and
l fatedThis desirable tiro laity"
is situated at the village of St. Het
ane, and tri convenient to elnucb and
St hen!. Per further particulars
tanplytr Una W E. Bc,g1;tt.;, St
Selene. or Ju,LinAta.:x v, Lurk,
5 Personals
Mrs. John Coulter is visiting with friends
In Toronto.
Miss M. E, Adams is visiting in Tor-
onto this week.
Mrs. Clegg is visiting with friends in
Ingersoll this week,
Mr, Carter of Brussels,. was in town on
business on Tuesday.
Airs, 11. J. Marshall of Blyth spent the
week end with friends in town..
Mrs, A, J. Walker and children are visit-
ing at Seafurth for the past week,
Mr Char'es Slemmon of Rosetown,Sask,
is visiting his cousin, Mr, R J. Tindall,
Geo. Case of Wingham spent the week-
end with his parents here.—Dungannon
Miss Norma VanSton was the guest of
her friend Miss Jule Bertliff at Clinton
last week,
Misses Mable Reid and Ethel Casemore
left for Paris this week where they have
received situations.
Misses Marion Allen and May Robert•
son of Stratford spent the week end at
their homes in town,
Mrs. Campbell of Albany, Miss , widow
of the late Dr. Campbell is visiting her
silt' r, Mrs. H. Davis.
Mrs, Herb Campbe'l is spending a
couple of weeks in London with her hus
band Capt Campbell.
Miss McLean and Miss Deacon of
Wingham, were visitors in town last
week.—Clinton New Era.
Mrs. C. G. VanStone spent a day or so
with her husband, Capt. VanStone of the
161st at Clinton and attended the military
ball on Tuesday.
Miss Burdetta McCrackin went to To•
onto on Monday to take a position as
stenographer at the Parliament Buildings
during the session.
111/41•40 *NM
The Winghara High
School Literary
Society met in the Assembly Hall on
Thursday, Feb, 25>h, The meeting
was conducted by the Vice President,
Mies Josephine Johnston. The feature
of the meeting was a debate between,
the Second and Junior Third Forms.
The subject was, "Resolved that Con•
scription is preferable to Voluntary
Service." Mr. William Wallace and
Mies Nora Graney of Form 111: upheld
he Affirmative and Mr, Harold Rob-
inson and Mise Lena Coultes of Forte
II supported the Negative, The deci-
sion was given in favor of the Nega-
tive. A violin selection by Mr. Joseph
Stepan followed which was very pleas-
ing to the audience, The Journal was
read by Miss Florence Barber. The
Glee Club sang, 'iFlow Gently Sweet
Afton." We were all pleased to have
Pte. Henry of the Lucknow Company
of the 180.h Battalion 0, E. F. with us,
Miss Garrett criticised the meeting and
expressed her appreciation of the work
of the Literary Society. The meet
ing wee closed by singing the National
The society is pleased to acknowledge
the following donations with thanke.
A friend $2.00. Mrs. T. Rees $2 00,
Mrs. Wm. Field 10 yde cotton, Mrs.
Thos. Gregory 10 yds cotton, Mrs. E.
C White 5 yds. cotton. Mrs, I�aiab
Stewart 10 yds cotton, Mrs, W, J.
Boyce 15 ds cotton.
We also wish to express our, thanks
to the Junction School section and the
teacher, Mise Jeanette, Brock for their
very generous donation of $70 25, the.
proceeds of their box social.
All hospital supplies such es old cot-
ton for dressings and new cotton for
bandages, mouth wipes, face cloths to
be left with Mre. Jos. Pugh. Yarn for
cocks will be supplied by Mies Feesant
to any wlto will knit and we are al-
ways looking for volunteers both for
knitting and making shirts. Cut out
shirts may be obtained from Mrs, Jno.
Wilson, Mrs. Wm. Gray, or Mrs.
Robt Tyndall. Remember the month
ly meeting to be held on Friday.
March 3rd in the council chamber at,
The society thankfully acknowledges
the following contributions received
during the peat week. Mrs. W, F.
l'3urgman, proceeds of her patriotic tea
$2.50; Miss Hazel Brandon, proceeds
.of her sleighing patty $3.15; A friend
1$1.00; Mrs. Richmond $5 00; Airs, Alex.
Forsythe. 5 yds cotton.
Mise Iesetnt,
convenor of y
arn co
mittee twill to pleated to give yarn to
any who will knit. Will our knitters
continue their efforts and make our
next shipment as large as possible.
Hospital supplier, such as new cot-
ton for bandages and old -cotton for
dressings, mouth wiper, faee cloths,
anything in the line of hospital imp -
plies, to be left with Mrs. ,loo, Pugh,
The regular monthly tneeting of the
societywill be h. ld the O n
w 1 � ine 0 itncil
Chamber on %'rtday at 2.80 o'clock.
Ladies please bean this in mind.
Public Sc4o 1 1oee(1
At a ,taint meeting of the board of
health and the echool board it was
deemed advteable to close the publto
school fora couple of weeks and thus
prevent the spread of ,measles of
,flak h a few ohm ate repolted.
Promises To Be A Record Breaker
This Year.
Since Dollar Day has bean decided
upon the business men of the town
have made up their minds that they
will leave no stoke unturned to make
the day a success. Many special prizes
in cash are being given as inducements
to pimple to come to town. These
prizes are wt 11 worth reading, see
there in the large advertisement on
page 5 of this paper. One prize was
omitted from the list viz, a prize of
$5 00 from the Bueinees Men's Assoc-
iation for the best Clydesdale stallion,
under three y ears of age. The jewel'
ere are giving away $15 gold watches;
W. J. Greer e5 club bag; C. E Lepard
$10 in cash; Howson & Brocklebank 2
hags of flour; J, A. Mills $5 in goods;
A, 13, Wilford a 100 egg Prarie State
Incubator, value $20, also $5 in cash;
and possibly the prize that will create
the most interest will be $10 from THE
ADVANCE to the person who captures
the mysterious Dolly Dollar. See
futher particulars in another column.
The Business Men's Association are
offering the following prizes;
$5 to the farmer bringing the largest
load of people to town before 2 p.m,
and $2 for the second largest.
$5 for the person purchasing the
most goods in Wingham on Dollar
Day before 7 p.m.
$3 to the person driving the longest
distance to Wingham on Dollar Day,
Thursday, March 91.11.
The merchants are offering great
big bargains in their different lines
read their advertisement in this paper.
It will pay you to come to town early.
On Monday morning of last week
after an illness of only a few days,
Blyth's oldest resident, in the person
of Mr. Laughlan McQuarrie, passed to
the Great Beyond. He was a man full
of years and had always enjoyed ex-
cellent health, Deceased was born in
the township of Ramsay Co. of Lan-
ark on July 16th, 1823, and conse
quently would have been 93 years old
had he lived until July of this year.
Ile was born of Scotch parents who
came to Canada from. the Isle of Mull.
On the old homestead in' Lanark Co.
Mr. McQuarriee' younger days were
spent and where he married 59 years
ago to Mies Helen Smith and one year
later he came to town and bas resided
here ever since, When he first came
to Blyth there was little of the village
as it now stands. He enjoyed telling`
incidents of the early life and the im-
provements as it now etande. In April
1801 he was bereft of his life partner
by death. To Mr, and Mrs. McQuarrie
a family of five children were born,
namely, Mary at borne, Neil and Mre.
Hungerford of Iowa, James of Chic?
agc and William deceased. The funer-
al was held from his late residence on
Friday to Union cemetery. Rev. D
Purser, pastor of the deceased, con-
ducted the services. In politics de-
ceased. was a Liberal and in religion
on honourable member of Sb. An-
drew's Church.
There passed away on •Monday, Feb.
23%, Mrs. W. J. Parks of East Wa'
wanosh. Deceased had been ill for
some time and went to . London to
consult a specialist, returning on Sat.
urdaq. Owing to Boma relatives of
the family being in Montanna, the
funeral arrangements are not made,
Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, a
husband and one son, also 4 sisters,
Mrs. Blackbrough of Montana, Mrr,
Wes. Farrow of East Wawanosb, We.
Robert Brown, Mrs. Armstrong, Shel-
bourne; four brothers also survive.
Wm. Johnston, Nathaniel, Joseph and
Robert, all of East Wawanosh,
Read R, 8, McGle's list on page 8,
Playing Past Hockey
The St. Thomas Journal of Feb.
221d gives a lengthy account of the
recent hockey struggle between the
London Manhattans and the Journals
of St. !Thomas. A person reading this
account Would think that"Chalk"Mee
Lean and Milton White, two popular
boys from Whigham, played the
whole game, and we don't doubt it
either. Charlie persuaded Milton to
come over to St, Thomas from Tilson•
burg and help fill the ranks of the
J'ournele with the result that White
icor el. whenever he wanted to and Me -
Lean on theof
d encs
Was a stonewall.
A Pleasant Evening
The At Home given by the Odd -
fellows in their hall en Tuesday even-
ing was a great success. Cards and
other games were indulged in by
about eighty persons. Adainty lunch
teas served at 11.30, after which a
short program consisting of speeches
by George Spotton and the chairman,
3, T. grov B, solos by Miss Mary
Carle and Weir Elliott and a reading
by Kerb jobb brought the .pleasant
evening los All v I toclose. A pitted heartfl
g a
to ".Auld bang Syne" and "God Sarre
the Xing," before retiring. The printer
winners of the evening at progressive
euchre ware Mitt lona Stewart, Mrs
W. 3. Deyell, Mrs. Fry, Mr. Jae, Cutn-
Inge, Mr. A, M. AltetileOn and Mr, W.
3, .Beyeil,
CChuticb `Hews
Regular church services will be held
is St. Andrew's Presbyterian chnrcb
no Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The
quarterly communion will be observed
at the morning service.
Services preparatory tothe com-
munion will be held on Friday evening
at eight o'clock.
Regular services will be held next
Lord'e day in the Methodist church
at 11 a,w; and 7 p.m. The pastor will
preach at both services. In the morn-
ing the Wingham detachment of the.
101st will assemble with us for DIvine
worship. Pastor's subject in the even-
ing, "Is War Heaven or Hell?" Good
music, Come.
Rev. Thos. Alien of Kintore preach-
ed excellent sermons in the Methodist
church on Sunday last. Rev, J. W.Hib-
bert was at Lakeside last Sunday
preaching opening services in their
new Church.
A Former Winghamlte
One of the members of the graduat-
ing class in medicine from the Univer-
sity of Toronto who have volunteered
for medical work overseas is Mr, H. A.
Hessian a former Wingbamite. Mr.
Hessian was married to a daughter of
Mr, William Button formerly of the
chair factory here. His brother, John
Hessian is one of the most noted crack
shote serving his king and country.
New 8. C. Member Raised in Herod
Malcolm A. McDonald, who defeated
Hon, Chas. Tindall in the bye -election
in Vancouver City on Saturday, was
born and raised in the Township of
Ashfield, Huron County, and received
his early education in Goderich, He
also studied law in Goderich with Dar-
row and ,Proudfjot. The former, now
Judge J. T Garrow, of Toronto, and
the latter Wm. Proudfoot, K.C., M,P.
P,, for Goderich. During hie early
career there he won' for himself a
creditable name as a debater and poli-
The Hockey Match at Winaharn on
A very large cw
v rro d witnessed the
hockey match between Mildmay and
Wingham on Wednesday evening of
last week. The visitors defeated the
locale by a score of 5 to 4,
Mildmay Wingham
Deibel ....,.,,..goal Reid
Pietecb r defense ....Anderson
Berry 1, defense .... Fetterly
Wendt ..., rover. Telfer
Godfrey centre . ' Elliott
'Linn r wing McLean
Iiimkel 1 wing . ,•, Miller
Referee—T. Edmunds, Stratford,
Now is your chance to get a year's
accommodation free.
Notice our epeeist prizes for Dollar
Day. Simply gather up your friends
and compete for the $10.
All you have to do is get the now
member to give in your name when
he joins.
They are easy prizes to win as al'
most every one needs accommodation,
New members can join at Exchange
Hotel. -
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our thanks to
our friends and neighbors for their
kindest sympathy in our sad bereave-
ment through the loss of a husband
and father.
Mrs. Jno. Bloomfield and family
Monster Demonstration
A "monster demonstration to cele-
brate the marvellous success of the
petition signing campaign will be held
in Toronto, on Tuesday and Wednes-
day, March 7th and 8%. It is expect-
ed that there will be over 25000 in the
parade and each county will• have
their own delegation, All citizens
interested may secure tickets which
will be sold at single fare plus 253 on
March 7th and 8th, good to return up
to March 10th, Two or three hundred
are wanted from Huron county; let all
go who ran.
$10.00 REWARD.
THE ADVANCE offers a reward of $10.00 to the person '
who captures the Mysterious Miss Dollar in Wingham on March
the 9th. Miss Dollar will come to town to shop with the rest of
the crowd about 11 o'clock. she will snake eonie purchases and
have luncheon, after which she will again mingle with the crowds
and continue to do so until caught. A picture of Miss Dollar
will appear in our window and in the next issue of the paper. This
photo is positively the latest one Miss Dollar had taken and
should aid greatly in her capture. We will also keep a large bul-
letin posted in our window giving an idea of her whereabouts from
time to time. The person capturing her must touch her gently on
the left shoulder and say "You are the MysteriousMiss Dollar of '
the Wingham Advance" and at the same time hold in their left
hand, so that she may read the heading, a copy of the AD-
VANCE dated March 9th. Copies of this paper may be had at ,ey
TJII ADVANCE office, but we would advise you to secure 1
them early as our supply is limited. The above rules will be
strictly adhered to and Miss Dollar will admit her identity only
when they are.
Subscribers will oblige us by telling their friends ofthis offer. 1
***************. ********. ***I ***.**** #'rl*i
Where Does George Stand ?
Speaking at the Presbyterian ban-
quet to the „soldiers in Walkerton a
few weeks ago, Reeve George Ander-
son of Lucknow stated that he loved
the ladies so much that he was glad
hie wife wasp's here to hear him, and
who after sighing because the women
didn't have the ballott to run affairs,
sat down while the girls blushed at the
Lave he bore them. Nor was it a case
of Beauty and the Beast, for George's
looks are not the worst part of him.
However, Walkerton ladies are soon
to see how George will treat their
Lueknow sisters, for over in that burg
the question of licensing a pool room ie
now up, and as it is a well known fact
that in local option towns a pool room'..
is sorer to the women than a blind
boil, the Reeve's attitude on this mat-
ter will show whether his love for the
sisterhood is at strong as he said it
was in Walkerton, Not only did he
round up the Grit vote at the last'
municipal election, but he is also said
to have _ed at the sports who
w in is p
wanted a little snore scope in town.
The sports are said to be putting it up
to him until be le probably now going
after this pool room question, mush
like the,hnnter who didn't know whe-
ther he was chasing tho bear or the
beer was cbaetng hits around the tree.
At the Lncknow Sentinel, which may
bo taken as the mouthpiece of Aud-
erson, has veered around from oppoe•
in thepool room as i former years,
ing o n y y
to giving it a meet favorable raw: -
tion now, It is probably merely grecs.
ing the way for George to slide down
easy on thle question, and to do with
grace what certainly meat jar the
ladiee whom he soya he loves.—Bruce
Herald and Times,
Local setas will be found on page 7.
Read the whole paper we often have tilt+
Met irtterestt g vans on the Wide,
Property Changes
Mr. Archie Kennedy a former real.
dent of Wingham is moving to town
this week after epending a few years
in„Hespler where he was employed in
the munition factory which was blown
up recently. Mr. Kennedy has accep-
ted a position in the Western Foun-
dry, Mr. William Tomkine of Elora,
has secured a position in the Western
Foundry and is moving his family
into the houee lately ocoupted by Mrs,
Darnell in Lower Wingham. Mrs,
Darnell has purchased the house on
Shuter St, formerly occupied by Mr.
Fred Stricker who moves to Windsor,
Annual Meeting Of Shareholders
The annual meeting of the share•
holders of The Western Foundry Co,,
Limited, was held at the head office*
Wingham, en the 23rd inst. Two
vacancies having occurred on the
Board of Directors, through the ab.
Bence of Major N. T. Sinclair, and the
illness of Mr. W. D. Vatrey, the, fol
Board was .e e eOm.
lowinga 1 of d J, 3.C
ningham, President and: Manager; J,
A. McLean. Vico President; R, Van.
stone, 8eeretary.Treaeurer; Miss May
Williamson was appointed to take full
charge of the office. The company re.
port a good year's beakless and bright
prospects. °
Gold Eish given away at McKibben's
1.)rug.Stcre on $ day, March Otte with
Resell goods,
Grand Masquerade Carnival
A grand masquerade carnival will
be held in the Wingham rink on Fri.
day, Mach 3.1 A number ofprizes
are being offered a grand march will
end up the evening petformanee, the
ak.ttera will have a eocial promenade
which will he alone worth the price of
admission. The Citizens' Band will be
s. aanee+
Its ttetll .
local Items J
Have you had the measles? If not, wiry
Mr. W. J. Armour has a contract to
ship ice to London,
Dollar Day bargains, Read our ad, on
last page.—W. H. WILLIw.
See J, A. Willoughby's Farm )getter in
another column of this paper.
Miss Cornish is spending a few days
with friends in Wingham.--Ripley Ex.
Pte, Harry Browne of the 71st battalion
spent a few days recently in town with
his wife and family,
Mr, Milne, formerly operator at the G.
'1'. R. here has been appointed ticket and
freight agent at Newton,
The Women's Institute intend holding a
Basket social on the evening of March
lith. (St. Patrick's Day.)
A. H. Musgrove, M. L. A., left on Men.
day afternoon to be present at the open-
ing of the Ontario Legislature.
The Listowel Banner celebrated its
fiftieth anniversary this month. Here's
wishing it success for the next fifty.
The Wingham detachment of the 181st
will parade to Divine Service in the
Methodist Church next Sunday morning.
An epidemic of measles has been raging
in several of our neighboring towns and
villages, Several schools have been
Heaver's Imperial Orchestra will 'play
at a ball in Borrie on Wednesday even-
ing and in Grand Valley next Tuesday
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospi-
tal will be held at 4 o'clock next Monday
If you are not a subscriber of THE An -
vexes you are missing the biggest news.
paper snap of the season. Only $1,00 a
year if you pay in advance.
At a recruiting meeting held in Wroxet-
er on Monday evening, Mr. William
Mitchell 82 7 aged a i
g ars, offered his ser-
er-vices for Icing and country.
The men who have the contract of
snowplowing in town appear to be mak.
ing a good job of it. They keep most of
the sidewalks in good condition.
A meeting of St. Paul's A, Y. P. A. will
be held on Monday evening, March 6th,
when the members of the Blyth branch
will be the guests of the evening:
Miss Emily Burgmau, a sister of G.T.R.
station agent, Mr. W. F. Burgman, was
united in marriage at Toronto on Wed-
nesday of last week to Lieut. Cameron
Doughty of Simcoe, 4
The many friends of Geo, Moffatt, who
has been doing faithful' service at the
front for his king and country, will be
pleased to learn that he has been pro.
meted to the rank of corporal.
Mr. A. H. Wilford, of Wingham's best
boosters was in ---town. on Saturday at-
tending the farmer's meeting. Clinton
has room for a couple of men like Mr.
Wilford to keep things hunting.—Clinton
New Era.
Kincardine detachment of the 180th
battalion came down to Wingham on
Saturday afternoon and trimmed the local
boys at a friendly game of basket ball in
the Armories.
The following have joined the 161st
Battalion at Wroxeter recently, Wm.
Carter, A. Shrepshatl, `Alex. Casemore,
Gordon Simmons, Gordon Underwood,
Thos, Mugrove, Alfred Mehan.
Capt. Spooner, the territorial organizer
of the lifesavisg scouts, will visit Wing -
on Monday, March 6th. Capt.
Spooner is a survivor of the Empress of
Ireland. He will speak in the Salvation
Army Ball at 8 p.m.
J. G. Stewart, Real Estate Agent, re•
ports the sale of Mrs. Alderson's cottage
on John St. to Mr. John J. Casemore of
Morris Tp., who takes possession 1st of
April. TEs ADVANCE welcomes Mr.
Casemore and fancily to town,
Sergt. Forbes, Sergt. Schaefer, Corp.
Cantelon., Corp. Galbraith, Corp Holmes,
Corp Cameron, Private McDonald and
Sergt. Huffman, Private F. Guest and
Private L, Drummond will train at an
officers' courec in Clinton, instead of go.
ing to London. Capt. C G. VanStone is
in charge of the school.
The latest volunteers to join the Wing -
ham ranks are S. I?, Feruson ho has
been for some time principal attic Wing -
harp Business College; St, Clair Craw.
ford, sou of Mr. A. M, Crawford; Robert
J Fallfs; C. 13eckish and Tfiost W. Pen.
rose. The latterejs the second sen of
Rev. J. W. Penrose of Whitechurch to
dorc aki
The Women's institute of Wingham
have this past week shipped act pairs of
socks and two pain's of wristlets to the
tranches. They also sent two pairs each
tt► Geo. Moffatt, Ross Maxwell and Er-
inhie Copeland. Twenty five pairs of
these socks tante from the proceeds of
tire uoueen given by the children north of
the Grand Trunk tracks,
.`11t sorts of battalions and rvarttrcnts
are being orgahized—students, clerks,
civil servants, to. Now, from what
class of men could a finer body of men
be recanted than the lmptwtnurt Agents
Association? They aro almost all of
gitent Stature, can talk any language, are
of high intelligence and for any Hun they
would net kill in fair combat, they would
simply capture him and talk him to death,
resete'r 'tw"ew ,
Subscriptions; $1.00 per year.
One Cent !Ic r
;4034400;44.7 '~4400
THE PLAN—Pay us the regular price for any article mentioned in this ad.
vertisement and we will sell you another of the same kind for "One Cent."
WHY?—The Wilson Chemical Ce, to introduce their Remedies to the
people of Wingham and Vicinity are giving you these goods at less than
regular cost to us, On $ Day Only.
$1 Wilson's Beef Iron and
Wine 2 for $1.01
25c Wilson's Talcum 2 for 28e
25c " Tooth Paste, 2 tor 28c
25c •' Syrup of Figs, -2 for 26c
25c Linseed Liquorice and
Chlorodyne 2 for 26c
$ISyrup of Hypophosphiite2for$1.01,
25c Witch Hazel Cream, .2 for 20u
25c Wilson's White Litri-
meat ... ........ 2for 20c
25c Wilsons Stomach and
Liver Pills 2 for 28e
25c Carnation Talcum2 for 20c
RE'1EMBER Every article is guaranteed by us' to give satisfaction
or we will refund your money.
Extra Special in Stationery
50c Box Cascade Linen
(48 sheets, 48 Env.) ....2 for 51c
35c Box Initial Paper, :..2 for 36c
Bargains in Every Line
25e Box Strarford Linen
(24 Env„ 24 Sheets) 3 for 26c
10e Package Envelopes, .2 for 31c
War Tax Extra
J. W. McKIBBON, Agent
nr c Tickets
. V .V S . s , V r . {:. Y , V . . .
W. C Adams who,enlisted in the C.A.
S.C. in Toronto left for England last
Complete Aquariums of Gold Fish giv-
en away with Roxall purchases on $ day
at McKlbbon's Drug Store.
Arthur Adams returned from Toronto
Monday evening where he had gone to
see his brother before leaving for the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross and family
moved to their new horse on the 2nd of
Morris which they purchased from Mrs,
Swarts. They will ever hold dear in
their memories the kind neighbors they
left on the Oth con, of Turnberry,
A Pleasant Evening Spent
A very enjoyable evening was spent
'tt the new residence of Mr, James
Messer, Morris Boundry, on Friday
evening, Feb. 25th, About 40 invited
guests assembledfoc a 0 o'clock tea and
all enjoyed themselves to the full ex-
tent. After tea was served the enter-
tainers presented themselves viz,:—
Robt, Black on the violin, and Mre,
Alex Moffatt and Mrs. Cloin Higgins
on the piano. This aroused the fair
sex to action and they assumed a live-
ly turn in honor of the event. The
rest of the evening was spent in games
and social oonversation.
After all had enjoyed themselves to
the extreme the company all joined in
singing the National Anthem and oth-
er patriotic songs, atter which all dis-
persed to their homes thanking Mr.
and Mre, Messer for the pleasant even-
ing and wishing the host and hostess
many years of comfort in their new
Wm. Clegg of the let line who has
been seriously ill, is improving we as e
pleased to state.
Some of our Morrisites surprised Mr.
and Mre. A. Moffatt with a party last
Thursday evening. All report a good
Mr. Ross and family of Belmore are
moving to their farm on the 2nd line,
and Alex. Moffatt is moving to his
farm on the boundary east of Bluevale, I
Mre, Maxwell Abram has returned'
from her home at Monorleff, actom-
panted by sister, Viola Schnook.
Mr, and Mrs. John Rintoul and son
visited at Jas. Golfey's, 2nd line for a
few days last week.
Rey, Mr. Moorehead of Trowbridge
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
Church on Sunday morning and even.
ing. Rev. Mr. Rivera taking the ser
vices at Trowbrige.
The Patriotic tea given at Jno,'
tyndmane on Thursday evening was
very successful. About $21 Were she
The Patrlode hewing Circle met in
Town Hall on ,
Me. Campbell, organizer for the 0.
0.13'., le working in the interest of
that society in and around town.
Mies G. White from I)ublttl spent
the week end with her parents, it. F.
and Mee. White.
Mr. A. Stewart of Dublin spent a
few days last week with Mr. and Mrd.
1'1, I White.
''Whitechurch Red Cross Soelety ac.
knowledge he folio _..in donationst w do t
Ctrs. j 13olnaee, patriotic tea $u; Mrs.
11 'rank Renry, patriotic tea, $3.25; Mrd.
:Ileo. J, Lire Stewart, patriotic tea
$4,30; Mre. peer Leaver, patriotic
party $21,50; Mrs. Wtn. Pardon, bal. Ins Amuck 'zooid like to Lear
Iota Collected $15'9, niaktng a total of a!1 its correspondents tsgularl;' if
411,,7‘. fwe or three item,
all wtm—ellen
Graduate ofCanadiaultmbalmers
We carry a large and first.
class stock of
A:large stock of everything
found in a modern furnitarestore
Store Phone 51 Residence 155
Delaware, Lackawan-
na, and Western Coal
We can supply the very
best Boal for any purpose. se
Highest cash prices paid for
all kinds of logs. Inquire
a e of
the office t t
Dealer is Lumber, Coal gild
Wee a
none ela.
t'eIIc o
food. • Qrf
Mill Phone 8#. Residence 1i5,