HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-11-15, Page 19^Vanted THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2000. PAGE 19. Classified Advertisements WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn WANTED TO RENT - GOOD cash crop land. Phone Hugill Farms at 233-7467. 43-4p CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS Apple Day raises $597.50 Continued from page 3 weather conditions, there was an excellent turnout for Scout Canada’s traditional fundraiser, Apple Day. A total of $597.50 was collected in donations. Apples were supplied by Blythe Brooke Orchards. Also, the Scouts Canada popcorn campaign has now finished with delivery of the popcorn to be in the first week of December. On behalf of the Scouting youths who will benefit from the money raised, the commit­ tee expressed its appreciation for the generosity of the community, and the Scouting sponsors. Twenty-two Beavers are now cur­ rently registered. On Nov. 14, 16 new Beavers were invested. On Nov. 21 the Leaders are planning to have a campfire at the home of Scouters Lisa and Ron deGans. At the follow­ ing weekly meeting plans will be finalized to participate in the Blyth Santa Claus Parade Dec. 1. Eighteen Cubs are now registered in Blyth. On Oct. 28 they enthusias­ tically participated in a day of activi­ ty and badgework in Scouter Alan Young’s bush. For the Green Star requirements they had a lesson in starting a controlled campfire in the outdoors, they put together a first aid/survival kit, and they practised orienteering on a hike. The Cubs also worked on the Trailcraft Badge. Five youths were invested as “Tenderpads” on Nov. 7 in a traditional Cub Pack investiture ceremony. Instead of participating this year in the District Sixer-Second Activity Day the Cub leaders have decided to establish a Sixer council at the local level. “Sixers” are usually third-year Cubs who take a senior position within a group of four or five other Cubs. These youths will meet regu­ larly with the leaders to share ideas on future Pack activities, evaluate programs, and deal with issues of Pack activities and discipline. In this way they will develop leadership skills, and provide youth input into the program. Following their participation in Apple Day the Scouts spent the rest of the weekend at the Huron District Camporee near Goderich. In the last two years there have been a lot of improvements at the Huron Marsh Scout Camp. The next step proposed is the development of the campsites, which could be undertaken by the Troops who use the camp. On Nov. 8, John Battye attended the meeting to talk to the 16 Scouts about Remembrance Day. For the Nov. 10-12 weekend the troop camped at Gary Nicholson’s bush. They biked into Blyth Saturday morning for the Remembrance Day service at Memorial Hall, then biked back to camp for a day of map and compass work. TORONTO TOY & DOLL COLLECTORS SHOW, Sunday. November 19, 10am- 4pm, International Centre, Hall 5, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga. Over 400 tables antique/collectible toys, dolls. Free toy/doll identification clinic, 12-2pm. Bring the whole family. AGRICULTURE Wanted - Veneer and Sawlogs. Will pay total harvested footage (usually exceeds estimated footage). Superior price for veneer logs. Certified cutters and operators. Pannill Veneer 519-742-5887. ANNOUNCEMENTSzz? zzz-zz z' EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW about Ontario communities is now at your fingertips! Check out the Web's pre-eminent, unique guide: InfoOntario - Your information gateway to community information, news, events, festivals, attractions and local business. www.lnfoOntario.com AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL TRUCKS. 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A-Z DRIVERS WANTED DRIVERS WANTED FOR ’R" MODEL MACKS. Start at 44 cents/mile to run 500 mile radius into US from Toronto. Home most weekends. CALL 905-683-7111 or FAX 905-683-9492. SALES HELP WANTED $$CHOCOLATES$$ Attention students. Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, fast delivery. Fund Raising available. Call now 1- 800-383-3589 PAY TELEPHONE SERV. www.predictions2000.com CALL ASTRO-CLUB NOW for your LIVE reading on love, money, future. Call now 1-900-451-5756 at only $2.85/min. 18+ OR pay $1,99/min by Visa/Mastercard 1-800-799-6395. EXPERT PSYCHICS ..Discover the Truth. Accurate and Detailed Readings by Canada's Most Popular Psychics - 24 hours. 1-900-561-2100 $2.95/min. 18+ PERSONALS SEXUAL ENHANCEMENT for men of all ages. Increase size, performance and potency. Free report. 70+ products. Dash Publishing, 8204 Rogers Road, Vernon, BC, V1B3M7.1-800-299-5407. REAL ESTATE GET OUT OF YOUR TIMESHARE!!!! GUARANTEED!!!! Buy ■ Sell - RENT Prop­ erties. 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Hidden Dunes Beach & Tennis Resort. 1 - 4 BR condos, cot­ tages, villas with various views. Tennis courts, heated-pool (winter), whirlpool spas. Golf discount. 1-850-837-3521. www.resortsrealty.com • It's Affordable • It’s Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136* All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! Brussels council briefs The issue of where Brussels will be taking its garbage in the new year is still not completely settled. At the Nov. 6 meeting of council, Clerk-Treasurer Donna White said that Brussels may not be removed from the certificate of approval this year. “It may come to taking our waste to Morris for a couple of months.” New tags will be needed for pick­ up to be taken to Exeter’s landfill. A special meeting may be called this month, White said, for further discussion. *** Following a complaint from a resi­ dent, Councillor Greg Wilson and road superintendent Hugh Nichol checked the sidewalk on Elizabeth Street just north of Huronlea. It was decided that no repair work would be done this year. *** A donation of $350 was made to this year’s Santa Claus parade, which takes place Saturday, Dec. 2 at 1 p.m. The theme is Celebrating our Community. Santa will visit with children in the basement of the Legion following the parade. *** The tender of Bauer Farms for snowplowing was the lone submis­ sion. The rate has increased from $56 per hour in 199 to $61.50 per hour this year. Standby remains at $30 per hour. The contract begins Nov. 27 and ends in Marc.t. *** The village dump will remain open on Saturdays until the tnd of November. *** Don Crawford resigned as deputy­ chief of the fire department because of employment conflicts. Mix Mclzellan has filled the position. *** Building permits have been issued to JR’s for a renovation and enlarge­ ment, Ted Huffman for an attached garage, Jean Davidson for a movable storage shed and the village for a sludge storage tank. *** Money has been transferred from a money market fund for the paving of James Street in the amount of $25,625.46. This was out of the ten­ nis court reserve fund. The cost of the work was approximately $10,000 higher. *** Permission was given to the Alzheimer Society of Huron County to decorate a tree in the village with forget-me-nots in conjunctions with a special awareness campaign. Project can increase specificity Continued from page 15 that the product has been produced according to stringent genetic and management controls. The project will provide the opportunity to increase the specifici­ ty of seedstock breeding programs to produce “target hogs” of certifiable and identifiable genetic origin that have been produced according to acceptable industry standards. Ultimately we expect to be able to provide meat processors with a “genetic-management” profile of each hog, therefore allowing produc­ ers to work in co-operation with their processor to fine-tune adjust­ ments to the consumer product allowing more rapid response and greater precision meeting and mar­ ket requirements than is currently available. Ontario Swine Improvement pro­ vides genetic improvement pro­ grams and services to a nucleus base of approximately 5,000 purebred sows and provides access (to all pro­ ducers in Ontario) to some of the country’s top genetics through its Al unit - OSI Genetics. As such, OSI can work directly with the provinces’ seedstock breeders in defining breeding and selection strategies to produce and multiply “target hogs” in large numbers. They can’t however, work alone on a project of this scope. For this reason, they have allied a number of industry partners who are enthusias­ tic about working together to ensure that we can “Raise Ontario’s Differentiation Capabilities for Global Pork Markets”. Enthusiasm alone, however, will not carry a research and develop­ ment project. Significant financial resources are required to develop and test new technologies and ideas to continue to move our industry for­ ward. Financial support has come from OMAFRA’s Healthy Futures program.